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        Effects of Xylanase on Performance, Blood Parameters, Intestinal Morphology, Microflora and Digestive Enzyme Activities of Broilers Fed Wheat-based Diets

        Luo, Dingyuan,Yang, Fengxia,Yang, Xiaojun,Yao, Junhu,Shi, Baojun,Zhou, Zhenfeng Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2009 Animal Bioscience Vol.22 No.9

        The study was conducted to investigate the effects of different levels of xylanase on performance, blood parameters, intestinal morphology, microflora and digestive enzyme activities of broilers. The wheat-based diets were supplemented with 0, 500, 1,000, 5,000 U/kg xylanase. Xylanase supplementation significantly (p<0.05) improved the feed:gain ratio of broilers from 1 to 21 d and 1 to 42 d. Supplementing 500 U/kg and 1,000 U/kg xylanase improved (p<0.05) the villus height and the ratio of villus height to crypt depth in the small intestine. Excess supplementation of xylanase (5,000 U/kg) increased the villus height in the ileum (p<0.01) and the ratio of villus height to crypt depth in the duodenum and ileum (p<0.05). The microflora in the ileum and caecum, digestive enzyme activities in the small intestine and the concentrations of serum glucose, uric acid, insulin and IGF-I were not affected by the supplementation of xylanase. Excess level of xylanase (5,000 U/kg) had a tendency to induce the multiplication of E. coli and total aerobes. The results suggested that supplementing 500 U/kg and 1,000 U/kg xylanase was beneficial for broilers and excess xylanase supplementation resulted in no further improvement or negative effects.

      • Speed-raising of the Existing Railway and the High-speed Railway in the Future

        Xiang Dingyuan,Li Jia 대한교통학회 1998 대한교통학회 기타자료 Vol.1998 No.-

        The article expounds that the speed competition is the motive force of each transportation means. It also analyzes the current condition of the speed of Chinese railways. The developing strategy for Chinese railway is to raise the speed of the existing lines as a primary step and to construct the high-speed railway in selected sections concurrently. which proved that constructing high-speed railway in Beijing Shanghai area is the best choice.

      • KCI등재

        敦煌遺書所見新羅義寂 『菩薩戒本疏』寫本考述

        王招國(Dingyuan) 동국대학교 불교문화연구원 2018 佛敎學報 Vol.0 No.82

        돈황유서에 현존하는 신라 승려의 저작으로는 최소 네 가지가 있는데, 바로 혜초(惠超)의 『왕오천축국전』, 원효(元曉)의 『대승기신론소』, 원측(圓測)의 『심경략찬』, 의적(義寂)의 『보살계본소』이다. 본 논문은 S. 2500에 대한 기초적인 연구로서, S. 2500이 현존하는 의적의 『보살계본소』의 가장 이른 텍스트이며, S. 2500의 문자가 대정장본의 의적소와는 차이가 커서 다른 텍스트 계통을 형성하고 있었으며, 돈황본 계통의 성립 시기는 기원 후 702년보다 이르지 않을 것이라는 점을 보여주었다. 의적은 입당한 경력이 있고, 의상의 제자였을 뿐만 아니라 현장의 문인이기도 했다. 『보살계본소』, 『유식미상결』 등의 의적 저작은 모두 중국으로 전래되었는데, 『보살계본소 는 지의나 원효의 뒤를 잇는 동류의 저작이며, 『범망경』의 주석사에서 선대와 후대에 연결했던 중요한 문헌 가치를 지닌다. S. 2500의 발견은 의적소의 텍스트 정리와 연구에 새로운 자료를 제공할 뿐만 아니라, 중한 양국 불교의 우호적인 교류에 물증을 제공한다. 논문의 끝부분에서는 신라 원측의 『해심밀경소』가 돈황불교에 미친 영향을 논하였다. Four works of the monks from Silla have survived in the Dunhuang Manuscripts: Hyecho’s Records of the Five Regions of India, Wonhyo’s Commentary on the Treatise on Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna, and Uijeok’s Commentary on the Bodhisattva Precepts Manual. This paper deals preliminarily with the last of the four, which has been labeled S2500 in the British collection of the Dunhuang Manuscripts. It highlights that manuscript S2500 is the earliest text of Uijeok’s Commentary and is so different from that included in the Taisho Canon that it seems to have been a different version, which cannot date earlier than 702. Uijeok studied and lived in Tang China. He was a disciple of Uisang and a student of Xuanzang. Both the work under discussion and his Answers to the Unanswered Questions on the Mind-Only Teaching have found a way into China. The former is similar to a kind of work found in the writings of Zhiyi and Wonhyo and, therefore, connects the early and late in the commentarial history of the Fanwang jing, and has great value in the textual tradition. The discovery of the S2500 not only contributes to the study and collation of Uijeok’s Commentary but is also testament to friendly communication between Korean and Chinese Buddhists. The paper concludes with a discussion of the influence of Woncheuk’s Commentary on the Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra on Buddhism in Dunhuang.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁시기 중국의 대북한 철도지원 ― 전쟁지원에서 건설지원까지

        사정원 ( Xie Dingyuan ),최소령(번역) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2017 大東文化硏究 Vol.98 No.-

        한국전쟁 발발 이후, 중국은 자발적으로 북한에 원조를 제공하였는데, 중소 양국의 지원물자는 주로 중국 동북을 통해 북한으로 운송되었다. 중국지원군이 전쟁에 투입되자, 북한의 철도운송노선을 복구하여 군수물자 조달을 보장하는 것이 시급해졌다. 1950년 11월, 중국은 철도인원을 북한에 투입하기 시작했고 중국 철도부대의 대량 유입은 북한 철도운수를 둘러 싼 북중 간 갈등을 빚어내기도 하였다. 이후 소련이 개입하여 북중 양측이 中朝聯合鐵道司令部를 설립하고 북한 철도의 군사관리화를 협의함으로써 철도운수갈등도 점차 해소되었다. 전쟁이 대치단계로 진입하자 중국은 북한 경내에 철도를 건설하여 북한의 철도운수력을 강화하고자 하였는데 이 노력은 정전 이후까지 지속되었다. 1950년 10월 19일, 중국 지원군이 압록강을 건너 한국전쟁에 참여하면서 `유엔군`과의 전쟁의 서막을 열었다. 중국 철도부대도 군대를 따라 입북하여 북한철도의 복구를 도왔다. 중국은 전쟁 발발 즉시 북중 간 철도, 도로를 통해 군수물자를 운송하여 북한을 도왔으며 중국 철도사병들은 전후에도 북한에 남아 철도 복구와 건설을 도왔다. 중국의 대북지원에 대한 학술 연구는 문헌자료의 제한으로 인해 큰 성과를 거두지 못했다. 소련의 해체와 더불어 러시아 문건들이 해제되면서 중국의 대북원조연구도 상당한 성과를 거두었지만 대부분은 전후 대북경제지원에만 초점을 맞추고 있다.1) 예를 들면 沈志華 교수의 「尊重與援助:新中國對朝鮮外交方針的形成」이라는 논문에서 한국전쟁 발발 이후 중국의 대북지원방침의 형성과정을 잘 보여주고 있는데 본문 중에는, 마오쩌둥이 중북우의를 강화하고 전쟁 시기 중북 고위급간부 간의 긴장관계를 완화하기 위해 중국정부와 군대에 북한을 존중하고 평등하게 대할 것을 거듭 강조하고 경제, 군사방면에서는 모든 수단과 방법을 다해 북한을 돕고자 했다는 내용이 나온다. 션즈화 교수는 이런 과정을 통해 새 중국의 대북한 외교방침이 확립되었다고 보고 있다. 션즈화·董潔의 「朝鮮戰後重建與中國的經濟援助, 1954~1960」라는 논문은 당시 중국이 국내적으로 여러 가지 어려움이 첩첩산중이었음에도 힘을 다해 북한을 도왔으며, 초기 지원 자금이 소련과 동구 국가의 총합보다 많았다는 내용을 다루었다. 션즈화 교수는 러시아의 해제된 문건을 기반으로 전쟁으로 인한 철도시설 등 피해에 대해 설명하면서, 전후 중국의 대북 철도원조에 대한 내용도 다루고 있다. 션즈화 교수는 「試論朝鮮戰爭期間的中朝同盟關系」라는 논문에서, 중국 철도부대가 북한에 투입된 후 북한의 철도관리권을 둘러싸고 북중 양측간 갈등이 있었으며 소련이 개입하여 갈등을 해소하였다고 설명하면서 북중 철도관리권 갈등의 심층적 원인을 분석하였다. 한국전쟁시기 중국의 대북지원에 관한 중국의 공식사료도 일부 해제가 되었는데, 마오쩌둥, 저우언라이, 펑더화이 등 인물들의 연보, 원고, 문집, 중국해방군 병참부자료 및 민간 사료 등을 포함하고 있다. 본 논문은 劉居英2)의 개인소장 자료와 일부 공개된 사료를 기반으로, 한국전쟁시기 중국의 철도를 통한 전쟁지원에서 철도건설 지원까지의 역사과정을 살펴보고, 중국의 대북 철도지원의 배경, 전시 중국지원군의 철도지원 및 전후의 철도건설지원에 대해 설명하고자 한다. After the outbreak of Korean War, China offered to assist North Korean. The material assistances of China and the Soviet Union were delivered to North Korea by way of northeast China. After the Chinese People`s Volunteers had took part in the war, in order to repair the railway transportation and improve the supply conditions of Chinese and North Korean armies, in November 1950, China began to send railway personnel to Korea to support the war. After that, Chinese railway troops continuously entered North Korea, thus provoking the contradictions between China and NK on the issue of Korean railway transportation. Through the intervention of the Soviet Union, the two sides agreed upon the establishment of a Joint China-NK Command of Railway and exercised military control on the Korean railways. The conditions of Korean railway transportation were gradually improved. When the war came into the stage of stalemate, China began to build the railways inside NK and continued to do it in the postwar era.

      • KCI등재

        Photoresponse Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide/n-silicon Heterojunction Fabricated by the Vacuum Filtration and Transfer Method

        Yonggang Du,Liangxin Qiao,Dingyuan Xue,Yulei Jia 한국광학회 2022 Current Optics and Photonics Vol.6 No.4

        A photodetector based on a reduced graphene oxide (RGO)/n-Si heterojunction with high responsivity, detectivity and fast response speed is presented. Here, we put forward a simple vacuum filtration method to prepare RGO film and transfer it onto an n-Si substrate to form an RGO/n-Si heterojunction. The experimental results show that the heterojunction has good rectification characteristics, and the response and recovery time are less than 0.31 s and 0.25 s, respectively. Under 470 nm light conditions at −2 V applied voltage, the responsivity and detectivity of the device are 65 mA/W and 4.02 × 10 10cmHz 1/2 W −1 , respectively. The simple preparation process and good performance of the RGO/n-Si heterojunction make it a promising material for photoelectric detection, especially in the near-ultraviolet band.


        Molecular Cloning and mRNA Expression of the Porcine Insulin-responsive Glucose Transporter (GLUT4)

        Zuo, Jianjun,Dai, Fawen,Feng, Dingyuan,Cao, Qingyun,Ye, Hui,Dong, Zemin,Xia, Weiguang Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2010 Animal Bioscience Vol.23 No.5

        Insulin-responsive glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) is a member of the glucose transporter family and mainly presents in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. To clarify the molecular structure of porcine GLUT4, RACE was used to clone its cDNA. Several cDNA clones corresponding to different regions of GLUT4 were obtained by amplifying reverse-transcriptase products of total RNA extracted from Landrace porcine skeletal muscles. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the cDNA clones revealed that porcine GLUT4 cDNA was composed of 2,491 base pairs with a coding region of 509 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence was over 90% identical to human, rabbit and cattle GLUT4. The tissue distribution of GLUT4 was also examined by Real-time RT-PCR. The mRNA expression abundance of GLUT4 was heart>liver, skeletal muscle and brain>lung, kidney and intestine. The developmental expression of GLUT4 and insulin receptor (IR) was also examined by Real-time RT-PCR using total RNA extracted from longissimus dorsi (LM), semimembranosus (SM), and semitendinosus (SD) muscle of Landrace at the age of 1, 7, 30, 60 and 90 d. It was shown that there was significant difference in the mRNA expression level of GLUT4 in skeletal muscles of Landrace at different ages (p<0.05). The mRNA expression level of IR also showed significant difference at different ages (p<0.05). The developmental change in the mRNA expression abundance of GLUT4 was similar to that in IR, and both showed a higher level at birth and 30 d than at other ages. However, there was no significant tissue difference in the mRNA expression of GLUT4 or IR (p>0.05). These results showed that the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA clones was highly identical with human, rabbit and cattle GLUT4 and the developmental change of GLUT4 mRNA in skeletal muscles was similar to that of IR, suggesting that porcine GLUT4 might be an insulin-responsive glucose transporter. Moreover, the tissue distribution of GLUT4 mRNA showed that GLUT4 might be an important nutritional transporter in porcine skeletal muscles.

      • KCI등재

        High Power Continuous-Wave and Graphene Q-switched Operation of Er:YAG Ceramic Lasers at ~1.6 μm

        Yong Wang,Hao Chen,Deyuan Shen,Jian Zhang,Dingyuan Tang 한국광학회 2013 Current Optics and Photonics Vol.17 No.1

        We report on high-power continuous-wave operations of an Er:YAG ceramic laser in-band pumped by a cladding-pumped Er,Yb fiber laser at 1532 nm. With an output coupler of 10% transmission, the ceramic laser yielded 16.7 W of continuous-wave output at 1645 nm for 28.8 W of incident pump power,corresponding to a slope efficiency of 61.0% with respect to the incident pump power. The lasing wavelength switched to 1617 nm when output couplers of > 20% transmission were used. Up to 16.2W of 1617 nm output was generated for 33.0 W of incident pump power, corresponding to a slope efficiency of 51.8%. Graphene Q-switched operation of Er:YAG cermic laser at 1645 nm was also demonstrated with stable pulses of 30-74 kHz repetition rates and 1.5-6.4 μs pulse widths.


        Cloning and Distribution of Facilitative Glucose Transporter 2 (SLC2A2) in Pigs

        Zuo, Jianjun,Huang, Zhiyi,Zhi, Aimin,Zou, Shigeng,Zhou, Xiangyan,Dai, Fawen,Ye, Hui,Feng, Dingyuan Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2010 Animal Bioscience Vol.23 No.9

        Glucose is the main energy source for mammalian cells and its absorption is co-mediated by two different families of glucose transporters, sodium/glucose co-transporters (SGLTs) and facilitative glucose transporters (GLUTs). Here, we report the cloning and tissue distribution of porcine GLUT2. The GLUT2 was cloned by RACE and its cDNA was 2,051 bp long (GenBank accession no. EF140874). An AAATAA consensus sequence at nucleotide positions 1936-1941 was located upstream of the poly $(A)^+$ tail. Open reading frame analysis suggested that porcine GLUT2 contained 524 amino acids, with molecular weight of 57 kDa. The amino acid sequence of porcine GLUT2 was 87% and 79.4% identical with human and mouse GLUT2, respectively. GLUT2 mRNA was detected at highest level in porcine liver, at moderate levels in the small intestine and kidney, and at low levels in the brain, lung, muscle and heart. In the small intestine, the highest level was in the jejunum. In conclusion, the mRNA expression of GLUT2 was not only differentially regulated by age, but also differentially distributed along the small intestine of piglets, which may be related to availability of different intestinal luminal substrate concentrations resulting from different food sources and digestibility.

      • KCI등재

        Efficacy of combination of endo-xylanase and xylan-debranching enzymes in improving cereal bran utilization in piglet diet

        Wang Weiwei,Zheng Dawen,Zhang Zhenzhen,Ye Hui,Cao Qingyun,Zhang Changming,Dong Zemin,Feng Dingyuan,Zuo Jianjun 아세아·태평양축산학회 2022 Animal Bioscience Vol.35 No.11

        Objective: This study was aimed to explore the efficacy of combination of endo-xylanase (Xyn) and xylan-debranching enzymes (arabinofuranosidase, Afd and feruloyl esterase, FE) in improving utilization of bran in piglet diet. Methods: In vitro experiments were firstly conducted to examine the enzymological properties of Xyn, Afd, and FE, concurrent with their effect on degradation of arabinoxylan (Abx) in bran. In vivo experiment was then implemented by allocating two hundred and seventy 35-d-old postweaning piglets into 3 groups (6 replicates/group), which received bran-containing diet supplemented with Xyn (1,600 U/kg) or its combination with Afd (0.8 U/kg) and FE (4 U/kg) or without enzyme. Results: Both Xyn, Afd, and FE are relatively stable against the changes in temperature and pH value. Combining Xyn with Afd and FE had a superiority (p<0.05) over Xyn alone and its combination with Afd or FE in promoting (p<0.05) degradation of Abx in different brans. Combined treatment with Xyn, Afd, and FE was more beneficial than Xyn alone to induce increasing trends (p<0.10) of average daily gain, final body weight and feed efficiency of piglets fed bran-containing diet. Moreover, combination of Xyn, Afd, and FE showed advantages (p<0.05) over Xyn alone in causing reductions (p<0.05) in diarrhea rate and cecal pH value, concurrent with increases (p<0.05) in cecal and colonic acetic acid and total volatile fatty acid concentrations, as well as cecal butyric acid concentration of piglets fed brancontaining diet. Conclusion: Combining Xyn with Afd and FE was more beneficial than Xyn alone in promoting degradation of Abx in bran, along with growth performance and intestinal volatile fatty acid profile of piglets received bran-containing diet. Thereby, combination of Xyn, Afd, and FE had a superior efficacy relative to Xyn alone in improving application of cereal bran in piglet diet. Objective: This study was aimed to explore the efficacy of combination of endo-xylanase (Xyn) and xylan-debranching enzymes (arabinofuranosidase, Afd and feruloyl esterase, FE) in improving utilization of bran in piglet diet.Methods: <i>In vitro</i> experiments were firstly conducted to examine the enzymological properties of Xyn, Afd, and FE, concurrent with their effect on degradation of arabinoxylan (Abx) in bran. <i>In vivo</i> experiment was then implemented by allocating two hundred and seventy 35-d-old postweaning piglets into 3 groups (6 replicates/group), which received bran-containing diet supplemented with Xyn (1,600 U/kg) or its combination with Afd (0.8 U/kg) and FE (4 U/kg) or without enzyme.Results: Both Xyn, Afd, and FE are relatively stable against the changes in temperature and pH value. Combining Xyn with Afd and FE had a superiority (p<0.05) over Xyn alone and its combination with Afd or FE in promoting (p<0.05) degradation of Abx in different brans. Combined treatment with Xyn, Afd, and FE was more beneficial than Xyn alone to induce increasing trends (p<0.10) of average daily gain, final body weight and feed efficiency of piglets fed bran-containing diet. Moreover, combination of Xyn, Afd, and FE showed advantages (p<0.05) over Xyn alone in causing reductions (p<0.05) in diarrhea rate and cecal pH value, concurrent with increases (p<0.05) in cecal and colonic acetic acid and total volatile fatty acid concentrations, as well as cecal butyric acid concentration of piglets fed bran-containing diet.Conclusion: Combining Xyn with Afd and FE was more beneficial than Xyn alone in promoting degradation of Abx in bran, along with growth performance and intestinal volatile fatty acid profile of piglets received bran-containing diet. Thereby, combination of Xyn, Afd, and FE had a superior efficacy relative to Xyn alone in improving application of cereal bran in piglet diet.

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