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        연령에 따른 한국인 손 피부색 차이 분석

        홍다검ㆍ이희경ㆍ이정현(Da Geom HongㆍHee kyung LeeㆍJeong Hyun Lee) 한국인체미용예술학회 2016 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        Recently, nail industry trends have been shifting from polish nail to gel nail. Because of the popularity of gel nail, the criteria for customers to choose colors have significantly changed. Therefore, there has been a rising demand for a nail color which goes well with skin color, not with the color of clothes, makes the hand more beautiful. Unlike a face, hand skin color isn’t corrected through makeup. Therefore, it is more difficult to find a color which is well matched with the skin tone. In this sense, the accurate analysis and classification of hand skin color which is the first step in the selection of nail color are required. However, it’s still very hard to find studies on hand skin color. To figure out the characteristics of Koreans’ hand skin color by age, this study analyzed differences in hand skin color by age after measuring the tone of the back of the hand and conducting quantitative analysis against 300 women living in Busan, Ulsan and Gyeongnam. The results revealed statistically significant difference (p.001). As the respondents were younger, a bright skin tone was observed. According to analysis on the distribution by the rank, ‘20s’ was the highest with 46% among those with a bright skin tone within top 100 ranks. In top 300 ranks, in contrast, ‘50s’ was the highest with 46% while ‘20s (8%)’ was the lowest. In terms of a skin tone, there was a considerable difference between ‘20s’ and ‘50s.’ Even though no big difference was found between ‘30s’ and ‘40s,’ a skin tone was brighter in the latter.

      • 브랜딩·스타일링·마케팅을 결합한 스페이스 디자인 프로세스 연구 - 작품‘Fill the Red, Feel the Red'를 중심으로 -

        은다솜,장효실,최해원,홍지현,이진민,장미정,이성애 숙명여자대학교 디자인연구소 2018 숙명디자인학 연구 Vol.25 No.-

        본 연구는 디자인 분야와 마케팅 분야의 전략을 종합하여 전략적 연결점을 찾아내 요소들 간 융합을 이루는 사례를 제시하여 브랜드·스페이스·마케팅에서 새로운 방향성과 아이디어를 제시하는데 목적을 둔다. 이에 본 연구는 2017년 9월~12월까지 ㈜애경과 산업 연계하여 진행된 숙명여대 환경디자인학과 ‘브 랜딩·스타일링·마케팅’ 교과목에서 도출된 ‘fill the red, feel the red’ 프로젝트를 마케팅 및 디자인 프로세스, 결과물을 도출하여 그 과정들을 밝힌다. 아울러 본 연구는 브랜드 스페이스 마케팅에 대한 이론적 고찰을 통해, 브랜드 스페이스(팝업스토어)를 개발 및 스타일링하며 ㈜애경의 화장품 브랜드 ‘LUNA’를 브 랜딩, 스타일, 마케팅적 측면에서 종합적으로 연계하여 도출되는 과정들을 제안함으로서 향후 브랜드 스페이스 디자인과 마케팅 분야에 체계적이고 창의적인 방법들로 결과물을 도출하는데 기초자료로 활용하는데 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        일부 고지혈증 폐경 여성의 Isoflavone 공급에 따른 혈중지질 변화에 관한 연구

        이다홍,승정자,이행신,김미현,서유리 대한지역사회영양학회 2001 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Intake of soy protein may decrease the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women. This study was designed to investigate the effects of isoflavone supplementation on serum lipids in 16 hyperlipidemic postmenopausal women. For this purpose, an intervention study was conducted for 12 weeks. Subjects were healthy, free-living women consuming habitual diets with 0.3 g/d of isoflavone. Food and nutrient intake was obtained by 24-hr recall method and anthropometric measurements were made. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total serum cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were determined before and after the isoflavone supplementation. The results were summarized as follows. The average age, height, weight and BMI of the subjects were 65.3 years, 151.4 cm, 62.2 kg and 27.1, respectively. The systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were not reduced significantly with isoflavone supplementation. Total cholesterol (p < 0.001), HDL-C (p < 0.05), and LDL-C (p < 0.01) were significantly increased after isoflavone concentration. In conclusion, isoflavone supplementation was not effective to modify risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

      • 여성의 유방자가검진의 지식 정도

        구한나,박인경,박하영,성초아,장다엘,홍은민 이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 2012 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.46

        Purpose: This study was to grasp women’s knowledge about Breast Self-examination. Methods: We collected data from 317 women who lives in certain city, Korea using structured questionnaire from 5th, August to 20th, September. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS 19.0. Results: The average score of women’ Breast Self-examination knowledge was 6.79±3.68 (of 17). There are three categories in knowledge about Breast Self-examination. Average score of category is 2.31 ± 0.71(of 4) for knowledge of breast cancer, 2.11 ± 0.57(of 5) for knowledge of breast cancer symptom, 2.37 ± 0.45(of 8) for knowledge of Breast Self-examination. Knowledge about Breast Self-examination according to general characteristics varied significantly for different age, marital status, education, and history of breast disease. Knowledge about Breast Self-examination according to characteristics related Breast examination was higher for women who received Breast Self-examination education, received Breast Self-examination education by lecture, performed Breast Self-examination, and who received Clinical Breast Examination Conclusion: People who are teenager and over sixties, their knowledge of Breast Self-examination was low. Therefore, effective Breast Self-examination education program should be provided for women who are teenager and over sixties to promote their Breast Self-examination practice regularly.

      • 중국거주 조선족 여성의 영적 안녕정도가 정신건강에 미치는 영향

        정성덕,이종범,김진성,서완석,배대석,박순재,주열,염형욱,김승원,김구묘,안영록,황대홍,표미자,조창열,정태길 영남대학교 의과대학 2004 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.21 No.2

        자아초월 정신의학이 체계화되면서 영성(spirituality)은 인성의 한 부분이라는 이론이 대두되었는데 이 영성은 정신건강에 큰 영향을 미친다고 했다. 인간의 성향 중 영적 안녕 정도를 파악하여 그 정도가 정신건강 중 허위성 경향, 정신병적 경향 및 불안과 우울 경향 등에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 조사하고저 본 연구를 실시하였다. 대상은 중국의 연변 조선족 자치구에 거주하는 여성 400명을 대상으로 하여 한국판 영적 안녕척도를 사용하여 영적 안녕정도를 파악하였다. 영적 안녕척도의 총점과 이 척도의 2개 하위 척도인 종교적 안녕과 실존적 안녕 척도 양자로 평가한 성적이 불안-우울통합척도와 정신분열증 척도 및 허위성 척도로 평가한 성적에 미치는 영향을 검증하기 위하여 상관관계분석 및 회기분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 영적 안녕척도로 평가한 조선족 여성의 총점은 68.29로 한국의 기독교 여성이 평가한 100.65보다 훨씬 낮은 점수였다. 2) 불안·우울통합척도로 평가한 총점은 44.88로 연변노인이 평가한 점수와 일개지역의 한국농촌주민이 평가한 점수와 비슷한 결과였다. 3) 허위성 척도로 평가한 성적은 평균 74.57로 70점 이상이 86%(344명)이었으나 영적 안녕 성적과 허위성 성적 간에는 유의한 상관이 없었다. 4) 영적 안녕총점은 정신분열증 척도로 평가한 정신병적 경향에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았으나 종교적 안녕하위척도의 성적은 정신병적 경향을 높여준데 비하여 실존적 안녕하위척도의 성적은 정신병적 경향을 낮게 해주었다. 5) 영적 안녕척도의 총점 및 두 하위척도인종교적 안녕과 실존적 안녕은 불안과 우울에유의한 상관을 보였는데 영적 안녕총점이 높을수록 불안·우울 총점이 다소 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 6) 종교적 안녕 하위척도와 불안과 우울과의 관계는 종교적 안녕점수가 높을수록 불안과 우울을 각각 다소 유의하게 높여주었으며 이에 비하여 실존적 안녕하위척도와 불안과 우울과의 관계는 실존적 안녕정도가 높을수록 불안 및 우울점수는 유의하게 낮아졌다. 이와 같은 성적을 미루어볼 때 연변에 거주하는 조선족 여성이 평가한 영적 안녕정도는 정신병적 경향과 불안 및 우울에 유의한 상관을 보였으면 이 척도의 하위 척도인 종교적 안녕정도는 정신건강에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 반면 실존적 안녕정도는 정신건강에 긍정적 영향을 미친 결과로 평가되었다. 이러한 결과는 공산주의 사회에서 실존적 안녕은 긍정적인 가치관으로 평가되는 반면 종교적 안녕은 정신건강에 부정적으로 작용한 것을 입증해 주었다고 하겠다. Background: Spirituality has been an important part of Transpersonal Psychology and is believed to have a large effect on the mental health because it has been systematized. The aim of this study was to determine the level of spiritual disposition on human beings along with its effects on one's mental health. Materials and Methods: The study targeted 400 women residing in Youn-Gil city of JiLin Prov., which is a district of the Cho-Sun tribe in China. Their spiritual well-being was studied using the Spiritual Well-being Scale-Korean Version. The spiritual well-being scale consists of 2 sub-scales of religious well-being and existential well-being. The study was evaluated using a lie scale, psychotic trend, and a combined anxiety-depression scale. The results were considered to be factors of one's mental health. The correlation between the spiritual well-being and each tendency was analyzed by regression analysis. Results: The total score of the Cho-Sun tribal women according to the spiritual well-being scale was 68.29 which was much less than the 100.65 of Korean Christian women. There was no significant correlation between the spiritual well-being and the Lie trend. However, it was found that 86%(344) of Cho-Sun tribal women scored above 70 in the Lie trend with a mean score of 74.57 which is higher than normal populations. Regarding the correlation between the spiritual well-being and psychotic trend, the psychotic trend became significantly higher when the religious well-being was at a high level. On the other hand, the psychotic trend became significantly lower when the existential well-being was at a high level. Regarding the correlation between the spiritual well-being and anxiety, the anxiety was significantly higher when the religious well-being was at a high level. However, the anxiety level was significantly low when the existential well-being was at a high level. Regarding the correlation between the spiritual well-being and depression, the depression level was somewhat significantly high when the religious well-being was at a high level. However, the depression level was significantly low when the existential well-being was at a high level. Conclusion: This study evaluated the effects of spiritual well-being on a person's mental health among Cho-Sun tribal women in Youn-Gil city of JiLIn Prov., P.R. of China. The results found that the religious well-being, which is a sub-scale of spiritual well-being, had negative effects while the existential well-being had positive effects on the mental health. These results proved that a person's religious disposition had negative effects on their mental health in a communitarian society.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Fatal Hypermagnesemia in Patients Taking Magnesium Hydroxide

        ( Da Hye Jou ),( Su In Kim ),( In Hong Choi ),( Su Hyun Song ),( Tae Ryom Oh ),( Sang Heon Suh ),( Hong Sang Choi ),( Chang Seong Kim ),( Soo Wan Kim ),( Eun Hui Bae ),( Seong Kwon Ma ) 대한전해질학회 2023 Electrolytes & Blood Pressure Vol.21 No.2

        Hypermagnesemia is a rare but potentially fatal electrolyte disorder often overlooked because of its unfamiliarity. Magnesium is regulated through a balance of bone, intestinal absorption, and renal excretion. Hypermagnesemia typically arises from excessive magnesium intake or reduced renal excretion; however, it also occurs in patients with normal kidney function. Herein, we report two cases of hypermagnesemia in patients taking magnesium hydroxide for constipation. The first case involved an 82-year-old woman with end-stage renal disease who developed metabolic encephalopathy due to hypermagnesemia, after taking 3,000mg of magnesium hydroxide daily for constipation. Her magnesium level was 9.9mg/dL. Her treatment involved discontinuing magnesium hydroxide and continuing hemodialysis, which led to her recovery. In the second case, a 50-year-old woman with a history of cerebral hemorrhage and mental retardation developed hypermagnesemia despite having normal renal function. She was also taking magnesium hydroxide for constipation, and her magnesium level was 11.0mg/dL. She experienced cardiac arrest while preparing for continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). After achieving return of spontaneous circulation, CRRT was initiated, and her magnesium level showed a decreasing trend. However, vital signs and lactate levels did not recover, leading to death. These cases highlight the importance of prompt diagnosis and intervention for hypermagnesemia and the need to regularly monitor magnesium levels in individuals receiving magnesium-containing preparations, especially those with impaired kidney function.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of chemical compounds and toxicological evaluation of Forsythia suspensa leaves tea

        Da-Hong Wang,Meng-Yang Wang,Wen-Hao Shen,Jiang-Feng Yuan 한국식품과학회 2021 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.30 No.2

        To determine the compositions of Forsythia suspensa leaves tea (FSLT) and its safety, the chemical compounds were analysed with some methods, and the toxicity was evaluated in Kunming mice and Wistar rats. The results showed that FSLT contained rich flavonoid, lignans, triperpene acids, amino acids, and mineral elements. In the acute toxicity study, none of the mice died, and no obvious poisoning symptoms were observed after 14 days in mice at the dose of 15 mg/g·body weight (bw) FSLT; in the sub-chronic toxicity, no abnormal or dead rat was found at the dose of 1, 3, and 10 mg/g·bw during 90 days feeding administration; there was no significant difference in bw and food consumption; no significant differences were found in each hematology and serum biochemistry parameter and organ/body weight ratio comparing with the control experimental group. The results revealed that the FSLT has low or no toxicity via oral administration. Therefore, FSLT is very suitable and safe to be used as a new resource food.

      • Impact of Sufficient Sleep and Its Change During Pregnancy on Reducing Postpartum Depression

        ( Da Kyung Hong ),( Bo Seong Yun ),( So Hyun Shim ),( Hee Young Cho ),( You Jung Han ),( Dong Wook Kwak ),( Min Hyoung Kim ),( Hee Jin Park ),( Jin Hoon Jung ),( Dong Hyun Cha ),( Moon Young Kim ),( S 대한산부인과학회 2019 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.105 No.-

        Objective: This study aimed to elucidate whether sufficient sleep in each stage of pregnancy impacted on reducing PPD, and whether changes in sleep pattern during the prenatal period was associated with PPD, using a longitudinal and large cohort. Methods: The study participants were recruited at two special hospitals from Mar 2013 to Nov 2017, and included Korean pregnant women around 12 gestational weeks (GW); women with pregnancy of triplets or quadruplets were excluded. They completed a sleep questionnaire regarding whether or not they had sufficient sleep at 12 GW, 24 GW, and 36 GW. Participants were divided into Group0 (sustained sufficient sleep), Group1 (change from sufficient to insufficient sleep), Group2 (change from insufficient to sufficient sleep), and Group3 (sustained insufficient sleep). Depressive symptoms were assessed by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) at postpartum 4 weeks and cutoff score for PPD was ≥10. Results: Out of 2512 participants, 410 (16.3%) women were diagnosed with PPD. Only sufficient sleep at 36 GW was significantly associated with lowering PPD, after adjusting for confounding factors in multivariate regression analysis (odds ratio, 0.560; 95% confidence interval, 0.440-0.714; P < .001). When the sleep change between three time points (pre-pregnancy, 12 GW, or 24 GW) and 36 GW was assessed, both Group1 (worsening sleep) and Group3 (sustained insufficient sleep) were significantly associated with developing PPD at all starting time points in the multivariate analysis, while there was no significant association between Group2 (improving sleep) and PPD. Conclusion: Sufficient sleep in late pregnancy (at 36 GW) had the impact of lowering PPD. Whether or not participants had sufficient sleep at the pre-pregnancy or prenatal periods until 36 GW, having insufficient sleep at 36 GW was highly associated with developing PPD.

      • Synergistic Effects between Gold Nanoparticles and Nanostructured Platinum Film in Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

        Hong, Da-Young,Kim, Seong Kyu,Kwon, Young-Uk American Chemical Society 2015 The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C Vol.119 No.39

        <P>We studied the effects of reflective supports on the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) by Au nanoparticles (NPs) placed on top of them. When Au NPs are placed on a flat Au or Pt thin film, the SERS intensity of 4-aminobenzenethiol is doubled from that of Au NPs on a Si wafer. This phenomenon can be explained, through finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations, with a strongly enhanced electromagnetic (EM) field at the gap space between the Au NP and the metallic surface originating from the coupling of the localized surface plasmon of Au NPs with the reflected beam from the surface. When a nanostructured Pt thin film is used as the support, the SERS intensity is further enhanced. Interestingly, the SERS intensity in this case is higher than the sum of the intensities on Au NPs and the nanostructured Pt thin film, suggesting a synergistic effect between them. However, such enhancement cannot be explained by EM field strengths obtained by simulations. In this case, the explanation needs considerations on the distribution of analyte molecules on the available surfaces of SERS active regions.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/jpccck/2015/jpccck.2015.119.issue-39/acs.jpcc.5b05204/production/images/medium/jp-2015-05204r_0008.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/jp5b05204'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

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