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        최신판례분석 : 지방자치단체(地方自治團體)에 대한 감독수단(監督手段)으로서 직권취소(職權取消)의 대상(對象) 및 위법성(違法性) 판단기준(判斷基準) - 대법원 2017. 3. 30. 선고 2016추5087 판결 -

        정남철1 ( Nam-chul Chung ) 법조협회 2017 法曹 Vol.66 No.4

        지방자치법 제169조 제1항의 해석에 의할 경우 시정명령 또는 직권취소의 대상은 `명령` 또는 `처분`이다. 대상판결에서 문제된 채용공고 그 자체만으로는 이러한 `명령` 또는 `처분`에 해당한다고 보기 어렵다. 또한 대법원은 명확한 논거를 제시하지 않고 지방자치법 제169조 제1항의 `처분` 개념을 행정소송법상 행정처분 개념보다 넓게 해석하는 오류를 범하고 있다. 이 사안에서 채용공고가 인사위원회의 의결을 통해 이루어졌다는 점에서 그 의결을 `처분`으로 판단하는 것이 해석상 바람직하다. 지방의원의 유급보좌관제 도입은 오랫동안 논란이 되었던 사안이다. 대상판결은 서울특별시의회 의원에 대해 유급보좌인력을 둘 수 있는 법적 근거가 논란이 되었다. 이 판결에서 대법원은 해당 채용공고가 지방자치법 제169조 제1항에 근거한 감독청의 직권취소 대상이 되는지를 판단하면서, 여기에 규정된 `처분`의 개념을 행정소송법상 처분개념과 구별하고 있다. 즉 채용공고를 항고소송의 대상인 처분으로 볼 수 없어 지방자치법 제169조 제1항에 규정된 `처분`의 개념을 확대해서 해석한 것이다. 그러한 이러한 해석은 근거가 충분하지 않으며, 지방자치법 제169조 제1항과 행정쟁송법상 처분 개념을 달리 해석할 아무런 이유가 없다. 지방의원의 유급보좌관제에 대해서는 견해대립이 있다. 지방의원의 전문성 제고를 위해 긍정적으로 평가하는 견해도 있으나, 지방의원의 비전문성을 확대하는 결과를 가져오고 재정적 부담을 줄 수 있다는 비판적 견해도 있다. 대상판결에서 적절히 지적하고 있는 바와 같이 지방의원의 유급보좌관제에 관한 법적 근거는 찾기 어렵다. 이에 대한 가장 바람직한 해법은 법률에서 이에 관한 근거 규정을 마련하는 것이고, 또한 그 위임을 통해 조례로 정하는 것이 정도(正道)이다. In the interpretation of Article 169, Paragraph 1 of the Local Autonomy Law of Korea, the object of correction order or cancellation is `order` or `adjudication`. It is difficult to say that the recruitment bulletin of the local government itself, which is the subject of the judgment, is equivalent to this `order` or `adjudication`. In addition, the Supreme Court of Korea does not present a clear argument and makes the mistake of broadly interpreting the concept of "adjudication" in Article 169, Paragraph 1 of the Local Autonomy Law, on the "administrative adjudication" concept under the Administrative Procedure Act. It is desirable to interpret this as "adjudication" because it was done through the resolution of the personnel committee. The introduction of a paid assistant to a local councilor has long been controversial. The court ruled that the legitimate grounds for appointing a resident assistant to a member of the Seoul Metropolitan Assembly were controversial. In this judgment, the Supreme Court distinguishes the concept of "adjudication" defined here from the concept of adjudication in the administrative litigation law, judging whether the job announce- ment is subject to the cancellation by the Authority under Article 169, Paragraph 1 of the Local Autonomy Act. In other words, the employment announcement cannot be regarded as a adjudication to be sued for an appeal, so the concept of `adjudication` prescribed in Article 169, Paragraph 1 of the Local Autonomy Act is enlarged and interpreted. Such interpretation is not sufficient and there is no reason to interpret the concept of disposition in Article 169 (1) of the Local Autonomy Act differently from the concept of adjudication in the Administrative Litigation Act. There is a lot of controversy about whether paid assistants for local councilors are allowed. There is also a critical opinion that the opinions of the local councilors can be positively evaluated to improve the professionalism of the local councilors, but it may result in the expansion of the non-professionalism of the local councilors and the financial burden. As pointed out in the ruling, it is difficult to find legal grounds for the provision of paid assistants for local councilors. The most desirable solution to this is to establish a provision on the basis of the law, and it is also desirable to which the ordinance is set by the mandate.

      • KCI등재

        이온선택(選擇) 전극법(電極法)과 염광광도법(炎光光度法)에서의 혈청내(血淸內) Na+K+ 농도(濃度)에 대(對)한 정상참고치설정(正常參考値設定)을 위(爲)한 시도(試圖)

        정혜인 ( Hae In Jeong ),성일영 ( Il Young Sung ),이현숙 ( Hean Suk Lee ),김영희 ( Young Hee Kim ),유순임 ( Soon 1m Yu ),정악승 ( Nak Seung Chung ) 대한임상검사과학회 1984 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.16 No.1

        Using Corning 405 flame photometer and Corning 902 Na/K analyzer, we have studied on the normal range of Na+ and K+ level in serum by flame photometry and ion selective electrode analyzing method (1) Among the 265 healthy male and female employees, we measured mean, S.D. and obtained recalculated results with excluding those outside::t 3 S.D. The results are as follows; Na+(mEq/L), 405-Flame. 902-I.S.E. Normal range. (X±2 S.D.) 140.66+7.02 142.13+8.02 *N.R. : Normal Range. K+ (mEq/L), 405-Flame. 902-I.S.E. 4.06±0.74 4.12±0.80 Borderline (N.R.*~3 S.D.) N.R.~ ±10.53 N.R.~±12.03 N.R.~±1.11 N.R.~±12.03 (2) Also we tried to calculate the normal range applying Hoffmann`` s method based on the laboratory records of Seoul Paik Hospital during the period of Jan. 1982-Dec. 1982 by flame photometer and Jan. 1983-Dec. 1983 by ion selective electrode analyzer. It was 1, 970 cases (M: F=1. 25 : 1) for flame photometry and 2, 919 cases (M: F=1. 27 : 1) for ion selective electrode analyzing method. The range of 95% on the probability paper are as follows; Na+(mEq/L), 405-Flame. 902-I.S.E. 140.3±7.2 141.2±8.8 K+(mEq/L), 405-Flame, 902-I.S.E. 4.0+0.77 4.1+0.85 (3) After grouping of sex and age on the laboratory records, we measured mean, S.D. with exception of the groups that showed severely irregular pattern and recalculated same above (1) Na (mEq/L) (X±t2 S.D.) 405-Flame, 130.5-148.0 902-I.S.E 127.4-153.3 K (mEq/L) 405-Flame 3.5-5.5 902-I.S.E 2.6-5.4 These ranges are scattered broadly in comparison with above the results of (1), (2). Even though out-ranged groups were excluded from the statistical analysis, it is not suggested as proper method to calculate the mean value under applicated by normal distribution. The result, however, appeared significant for reference value for normal range in or out.patients.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        유두상 갑상선암 발생에 대한 내인성 스테로이드의 영향

        정웅윤,서진학,정봉철<SUP>1<.SUP>,박정수,Woung Youn Chung,Jin Hak Suh,Bong Chul Chung<SUP>1 <.SUP>and Cheong Soo Park 대한갑상선-내분비외과학회 2001 The Koreran journal of Endocrine Surgery Vol.1 No.2

        목적: 스테로이드 호르몬은 다양한 종양의 성장에 기여하는 것은 잘 알려져 있다. 여러 보고에서 외인성 안드로겐이 갑상선 호르몬과 갑상선 세포의 성장에 기여한다는 사실이 증명되었으나, 갑상선 암에서의 안드로겐의 역할은 아직 분명히 밝혀지지 않았으며, 최근의 연구에서는 갑상선 조직에서 에스트로겐 수용체의 존재에 관하여, 갑상선암의 에스트로겐 의존성의 가능성을 제안해왔으나, 에스트로겐 수용체 양성율과 종양의 생물학적 양상과의 관계에 대한 명확한 결론을 얻지는 못하였다. 이에 연구자들은 갑상선 암에서의 안드로겐과 에스트로겐의 역할을 규명하고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 대상 및 방법: 유두상 갑상선암 환자의 수술전과 수술후의 소변 견본과 정상여성의 소변 견본에서 안드로겐, 코티코이드(corticoid), 에스트로겐 호르몬 프로파일의 변화를 gas chromatography/mass spectrometry/selected ion-monitoring (GC/ MS/SIM) system를 통해 분석하였다. 또한, 호르몬의 불균형 이나 산화대사가 갑상선 암과의 연관성이 있는지 간접적으로 측정하기 위하여 관계 있는 호르몬 농도비를 측정하였다. 결과: 수술전 측정된 11-DOKS/17-OHCS비가 17-OHCS 양의 감소로 인하여 의미 있게 증가하였다. Catechol 과 2-OH E1을 포함한 에스트로젠의 측정량이 다른 에스트로겐의 대사산물에 큰 변화 없이 수술전 유두상 갑상선암 환자에서 유의하게 증가하였다. 수술전 16-OH E1/2-OH E1 비는 수술후 측정치에 비해 통계적으로 유의하게 낮은 결과를 보였다. 결론: 이상의 결과로 부신피질 홀몬 결핍에 의한 안드로겐의 체내 변화는 유두상 갑상선암의 발생에 영향을 줄 것으로 생각되며, 또한 에스트로겐 대사과정 중에 2-hydroxylation 과정의 증가는 유두상 갑상선암과 연관성이 있을 것으로 사료된다. (Korean J Endocrine Surg 2001;1:259-266)

      • KCI등재후보

        The Utility of Clinical Findings Including Serum TSH and Neck Ultrasonography for Predicting Thyroid Malignancy in Atypia of Undetermined Significance/Follicular Lesions of Undeter-mined Significance

        Eun Mee Oh<SUP>1<,SUP>,Yoo Seung Chung<SUP>1<,SUP>,Won Jong Song<SUP>1<,SUP>,Yeun Sun Kim<SUP>2<,SUP>,Young Don Lee<SUP>1<,SUP> 대한갑상선-내분비외과학회 2013 The Koreran journal of Endocrine Surgery Vol.13 No.3

        Purpose: Neck ultrasonography (NUS) is one of the most commonly used methods for evaluating thyroid nodules and preoperative higher TSH levels are known to be associated with differentiated thyroid cancers. This study was conducted to assess whether serum TSH levels and neck ultrasonography are of value in predicting malignancy in patients with atypia of undetermined significance/follicular lesions of undetermined significance (AUS). Methods: A total of 62 patients (7 men, 55 women; mean age 48.4±11.9 years) who had indeterminate cytologic results indicating AUS underwent thyroidectomy. Preoperative clinical data including serum TSH and the findings of NUS were analyzed retrospectively between malignant and non-malignant groups. Results: The final pathologic results of malignancy were reported in 53 of 62 (85.5%) patients with AUS. There was no significant difference in the mean value of preoperative serum TSH between malignant and non-malignant groups (1.5±1.3 vs. 1.9±1.2, P=NS). In NUS, the patients diagnosed with malignancy in histology showed a higher proportion of calcification, taller-than-wide shape, hypoechoic texture and irregular margin (58.5% vs. 22.2%, P=0.044; 34% vs. 0%, P=0.038; 98.1% vs. 44.4%, P<0.01; 47.2% vs. 0%, P= 0.008). Conclusion: Serum TSH was not related to malignancy in thyroid nodules showing AUS. However, ultrasonographic features including calcifications, taller-than-wide shape, hypoechoic pattern and irregular margin could be used to predict malignancy. Ultra-sonography should be the first useful methods when making decisions regarding mana-gement of thyroid nodules showing indeterminate cytologic results as AUS.

      • 히야신스(Hyacinthus orientalis L.)의 화경에서 자구와 유식물체의 재생과 생장

        서진경,이경순,정용모,남재성,이영병 동아대학교 농업생명과학연구소 2001 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.10 No.1

        The study was carried out in order to investigate the effects of various factor on regeneration and growth of inflorescence stalk of Hyacinthus orientalis cvs. Carnegie, Delft Blue, Jan Bos, Pink Pearl. Ability of bulblet regeneration of inflorescence stalk tissue was good in 1 mg/L NAA+1 mg/L BA, The ability of bulblets regeneration from inflorescence stalk tissue with inflorescence was better than that without inflorescence and the bulblet regeneration ability and growth according to the physiological age of explant were promoted more in young tissue before anthesis than in the mid-mature tissue during anthesis. Bulblet regenrration and root fomation of inflorescence stalk tissue were effective Murashige and Skoog's medium. The growth of regenerated bulblet was promoted on medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/L NAA, 0.1mg/L NAA+0.1mg/L BA, 0.1mg/L NAA+BA or 1mg/L IBA in inflorescence stalk Culture.

      • RE-4 : Corifollitropin alfa versus daily recombinant fsh treatment for controlled ovarian stimulation in poor responders

        ( Chung Hoon Kim ),( Jei Won Moon ),( Jin Young Min ),( Jun Woo Ahn ),( Sung Hoon Kim ),( Hee Dong Chae ),( Byung Moon Kang1 ) 대한산부인과학회 2014 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.100 No.-

        목적: To compare the effect of long-acting recombinant FSH (rFSH), corifollitropin alfa with daily rFSH administered during 1st 7days of controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) using GnRH antagonist multiple dose protocol (MDP) in poor responders undergoing IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). 방법: In this prospective randomized study total of 90 poor responders who were scheduled for IVF/ICSI were enrolled and divided into the corifollitropin alfa group (study group) or the daily rFSH group (control group). The diagnosis of poor responder was based on the Bologna criteria of the 2011 ESHRE consensus. In all subjects, GnRH antagonist MDP was used for COS. 결과: There were no differences in patients` characteristics between the two groups. Duration of COS was comparable between the study and control groups. The numbers of oocytes retrieved and grade I or II embryos were also similar in the two groups. However, the number of mature oocytes was higher in the study group with a borderline significance (p< .07) and the ratio of mature oocytes among total oocytes retrieved was significantly higher in the study group of 78.6 ± 13.0%, compared with 61.2 ± 16.0% in control group (p< .001). There were no differences in the clinical pregnancy rate per cycle initiated, embryo implantation rate and miscarriage rate between the two groups. 결론: Corifollitropin alfa is at least as effective as daily rFSH treatment for COS using GnRH antagonist MDP, and may improve the synchrony of follicular development in poor responders undergoing IVF/ICSI. Therefore, corifollitropin alfa may be a feasible, patient-friendly alternative for poor responders.

      • KCI등재후보

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