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      • KCI등재

        『디마프』에 나타난 여성 노인의 정체성 연구

        조춘희 ( Jo Chun-hee ) 배달말학회 2016 배달말 Vol.59 No.-

        고령화는 이미 전지구적 테제로 부상했다. 우리 사회가 추구해온 발전적 프레임과 길항하는 기형적 인구분포는 각종 문제들을 쏟아내고 있다. `낯선 재앙`에 직면한 우리가 할 일은 새롭게 노년 세대의 정체성을 규정하고 그 연대의 가능성을 마련하는 데 있다. 이에 본고는 노희경의 『디어 마이 프렌즈1,2』를 중심으로 우리 사회 여성 노인으로 살아내기 위한 분투에 대해 고찰하고자 한다. 이 시대 드라마는 담론을 생산하는 가장 대중적인 매체이다. 이를 통해 여성노인의 정체성을 구성하는 요건으로 첫째 노화와 질병, 둘째 죽음과 고독, 셋째 가족부양과 노부부로 살아내기 마지막으로 사랑과 새로운 공동체의 지향을 꼽았다. 곧 본고는 이들 여성 시니어들의 삶을 구성하는 다양한 요건에 대해 고찰함으로써 고령사회에 응전하는 한 모색을 마련할 수 있으리라 기대한다. Already aging has emerged as a global thesis. Abnormal population distribution antagonistic to our society and pursue a progressive frame has pours a wide variety of issues. What can we do, faced with a strange plague has in defining the identity of the old age, and raise the possibility of solidarity. This paper is Noh Hee-kyung 『Dear My Friends』 as the center for the study and to strive for our society to bet live on elderly women. The period drama is the most popular medium to produce discourse. This allows a requirement that constitute the identity of the first elderly woman, living in aging and disease, second death and loneliness, third family support and life of the old couple, chose the last of love and community-oriented. By considering the elements that make up the lives of these women and seniors expected to be seeking to be a response to the aging society.

      • KCI등재

        카이토산을 이용한 방사성스트론튬 오염의 치료

        김지열,송호천,양광희,최근희,채기문,범희승,김광윤 대한방사선 방어학회 1994 방사선방어학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        본 연구에서는 마우스에 이미 오염된 방사성스트론튬(Sr-85)을 제거하는데 수용성카이토산이 어느정도 효과가 있는지 알아보고자 하였다. Sr-85를 정맥주사한 경우 주사후 1일째의 체내 잔류량은 72.9 ±5.7%, 5일째는 57.7 ±1.9%, 7일째는 54.2 ±1.4%로 서서히 감소하였으며, Sr-85를 복강내 주사한 경우는 주사후 5일째 54.4 ±1.2%, 15일째 50.6 ±0.8%로 정맥주사에 비해 낮은 잔류량을 보였다(5일째 잔류량의 비교, P<0.05), 0.3% 수용성카이토산을 1회 정맥주사해준 제21군 및 10% 수용성카이토산을 식이중에 섞어 먹인 제5군은 각각의 대조군에 비해 체내 잔류방사능의 차이가 없었으나 (P>0.05), 0.3% 수용성카이토산을 3일간 정맥주사한 제3군과 3% 수용성카이토산을 이틀 간격으로 15일간 복강내 주사한 제6군에서는 각각의 대조군에 비해 낮은 잔류방사능을 보였다. (P<0.01). 결론적으로 수용성카이토산을 연속적으로 정맥투여하거나 복강내 투여하는 경우에는 스트론튬의 골대사촉진 또는 골중의 스트론튬과의 반응등을 통해 그 배출을 촉진시킬 것으로 사료되었다. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the effect of the water soluble chitosans on the removal of contaminated radiostrontium(Sr-85) from the bone of mice. The remaining radioactivities in intravenously injected controls(group 1) were higher than in intraperitoneally injected controls (group 4, P<0.01). The % retention at day 5 were 57.7 ±1.9%, 54.4 ±1.2%, respectively. Single intravenous injection of 0.3% water soluble chitosan and continuous oral ingestion of 10% water soluble chitosan for 15 days were ineffective on the removal of contaminated radiostrontiums. Multiple intravenous or intraperitoneal injections of water soluble chitosan effectively removed contaminated radiostrontiums (P<0.01 vs controls). In conclusion, water soluble chitosan might remove once incorporated radiostrontium from bones of mice. further studies were needed to elucidate the mechanism of the removal.

      • KCI등재후보

        가정 호흡재활 프로그램 관련 연구 논문 분석

        오의금,김소희,김순희,박희옥,이춘화 성인간호학회 2002 성인간호학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the trend of research on the use of home-based pulmonary rehabilitation. Method: Using Medline and CINAHL search engine, experiemental research, titled as 'home-based pulmonary rehabilitation' and 'chronic lung disease', statistics were collected. The total 29 experimental studies published between 1981 to 2000 were selected and analyzed according to the ATS guidelines. Result: 1) The study samples in research were mostly of men, whose lung function was moderate to severe. 2) The total period of the intervention program varied from 5 to 12 week. The program included excercise intervention and educational intervention. Psychosocial intervention was minimal. 3) The outcome of the home-based pulmonary rehabilitation had been measured mostly by physical aspects. Quality of life and cost were less frequently measured. 4) In terms of effectiveness of the home based pulmonary rehabilitation program, physiologic outcome, such as lung function and hematologic markers, there was more 'no effect' than 'positive effect', whereas there was more 'positive effect' in decreasing dyspnea, improving excercise capacity, and improving quality of life. Conclusion: Based on these findings, future research on home-based pulmonary rehabilitation should be emphasized and provide standardized protocol, including psychosocial intervention, and analyses on cost and quality of life.

      • 전류 비유 모델에 의한 초등학생의 전류 개념 변화 분석

        유병길,강인석,김병철,남만희,박선희,소하연,윤희정,이영아,이하룡,전병문,정승호 부산교육대학교 과학교육연구소 2000 科學敎育硏究 Vol.25 No.-

        There exists a major impediment to learning electricity which may illuminate why direct presentation of scientists' ideas is too aggressive a strategy. This impediment lies in thinking that electricity is used up and in envisaging the light bulb as a consumer. This view is based on a powerful idea which summarises much of our experience; it declares that 'things get used up', 'you cannot get something for nothing', and 'intuitive thinking'. To replace this view with scientific view, we made the analogy model. It is suggested that the analogy model is more effective in teaching electricity circuits than conventional teaching method.

      • 저염도 음식물 쓰레기를 이용한 퇴비시여가 배추의 생육에 미치는 영향

        전윤태,박길환,조경철,김희경,지연태,정순주 全南大學校 農業科學技術硏究所 2001 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.36 No.-

        This study was conducted to investigate the changes of physico-chemical properties of soil applied with compost made by food wastes and its effect on the growth and yield of Chinese cabbage. Chinese cabbage was grown in the soil treated with food waste compst(FWC) of 0, 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 5 and 10㎏/3.3㎡. As the amount of FWC increased, number of leaves, leaf area and fresh weight increased where application of 5㎏ and 10㎏/3.3㎡ showed vigorous plant growth in the late growing period. The pH of soil by application of FWC was not raised, which was similar to the soil before treatment. Organic matter increased in soil by increasing the amount of FWC. However, concentration of Cu and Pb in the soil reduced. The concentration of available phosphate(P) was lower in the soil treated with FWC than in the soil before treatment, which means that a large amount of P may be uptaken by plant. This study suggested that FWC should be an alternative to chemical fertilizer for vegetable production.

      • 브랜드 자산 모델을 통한 브랜드 경쟁력 지수 평가

        全永鎬,李彬娜,林凞燮 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 2005 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        Brand asset management to build powerful brand asset is needed to have more powerful comparative advantage. In this study, critical factors of the structure of brand asset are considered. For this purpose, the relationships between the brand asset and the structure of brand asset are evaluated. And measurement of the competitive power of the specific brand at the point of clients by describing the systematic measuring methodology of the brand asset and its applications is studied. And then, the model that can be used to solve and improve the general realities and level of brand management is proposed. For this, we recognized the strategic importance of brand asset and the brand asset management with previous studies. And we improved the model that showed that the increasing of brand competitive power makes purchasing intention and the brand loyalty increase at the point of clients by pointing out the limit of previous studies. With this improved model, we investigated the brand competitive power on digital electric home appliances about images, sounds, and communications. To test this model statistically, the structural equation model that is most popular in the latest is used. By using the result of this study, companies will be able to measure of their own and the other's brand competitive power and understand the method of benchmarking and the improvements. Moreover, the government will be able to draw up the plan and the system that support to secure the brand competitive power and bring up the global brand that have international competitive power.

      • 행정경영화의 현황과 문제점 : 전라북도를 중심으로 With Focus on the Cases of Chollabukdo Province

        전희재 全北行政學會 2000 全北行政學報 Vol.14 No.1

        1920년대 경제공황을 극복하고 복지국가를 실현한다는 행정국가의 출현은 궁극적으로 행정의 능률이 저하되고 민간부문의 위축을 가져왔다. 1980년대 들어 OECD선진국을 중심으로 행정에 경영화 마인드를 도입하고 행정개혁을 추진하였으며 성공을 거두었다. 우리나라에서도 최근 행정에 대한 새로운 패러다임을 정립해야 한다는 논의가 활발하게 논의되고 있으며 특히 IMF이후 국가위기극복과정에서 행정에 대한 경영화 마인드 도입 논의가 활발하게 일고 있으며 중앙정부나 지방자치단체에서도 적극적으로 행정경영화 시책을 도입하고 있다. 전라북도 및 일선 시군에서도 행정경영화 시책이 활발하게 도입 추진되고 있으며 주요 추진시책은 목표관리제, 행정규제개혁, 구조조정, 성과급적 연봉제, 행정서비스헌장, 주민감사청구제, 성과공시제도, 사용료 및 수수료현실화, 시민평가제 등이다. 그러나 이러한 시책들이 대부분 외국 선진국에서 성공한 사례들이나 과연 우리나라 지방자치단체에도 여과없이 성공할 것인가는 의문이 든다. 지방자치단체에서 행정경영화시책이 성공을 거두기 위해서는 여러가지 여건이 성숙되어야 하고 앞으로 관련제도나 주변환경, 행정인등의 변화가 뒤따라야 성공을 거둘 수 있다고 본다.

      • 기업의 배당정책 결정요인에 대한 실증연구 : -중국 상해증권거래소의 상장기업을 대상으로-

        김천희, 최창훈, 우춘식 숭실대학교 2009 숭실경영연구 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구에서는 1998년부터 2007년까지의 기간에서 중국 상해증권거래소의 상장기업 중에서 표본의 선정방법에 따라 A주 기업 208개를 선정하여 어떤 재무요인이 배당정책의 결정에 영향을 미치는가를 분석하는데 연구의 목적을 두었다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 수익성을 대변하는 변수인 주당순이익의 회귀계수가 배당의 유형과 관계없이 유의한 양(+)의 값을 보임으로써 수익성이 배당정책에 양(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 기업의 투자기회와 성장기회를 대변하는 변수인 M/B비율과 총자산증가율이 A주의 주식배당과 혼합배당정책에 유의한 양(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 투자기회가 많고 성장성이 높은 기업에서 많은 배당을 지급한다는 가설을 지지하는 증거를 발견할 수 있었다. 셋째, 전기배당률의 회귀계수가 A주의 현금배당과 혼합배당에서 유의한 양(+)의 값을 보임 으로써 배당의 안정성이 배당정책에 의미 있는 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 배당의 잔여이론을 대변하는 부채비율과 가처분현금흐름 비율이 부분적으로 배당정책에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 소유구조를 대변하는 국유주 비율, 법인주 비율과 유통주 비율에서는 일관된 결론을 얻을 수 없었다. 따라서 소유권구조가 배당정책에 의미 있는 영향을 미친다고 보는 데는 한계가 있는 것으로 판단된다. The purpose of this study was to analyze which financial factors had an affect on deciding divided policy. According to some sampling criteria, in the purpose of this study 208 firms from A shares are selected and the dividend and financial data from the Shanghai Stock Exchange were used. A multiple regression analysis were adopted to empirically test the major purpose of this study with cash dividend ratio, stock dividend ratio and mixed dividend ratio as dependent variables and with the identified some determinant variables as explanatory variables. The results are summarized as follows. First, the empirical tests showed that the earning per share had significantly positive relationship with dividend policy. The regression coefficient of the earning per share had positive value in all type of dividend group. According to this results, the companies with more profit tend to distribute more dividend. Second, M/B ratio and growth rate of total assets, representing firm's investment and growth opportunities significantly affected stock dividend policy from A shares firm. It was supported the residual theory of dividend policy was supported. Company had more investments and growth opportunities, the more dividend was paid. Third, the former dividend ratio has significantly positive relationship with cash dividend policy and mixed dividend policy in sample firms of A shares. It indicates that the stability of dividend has significant influence on dividend policy. Keywords: cash dividend, stock dividend, mixed dividend, residual theory of dividend stability of dividend

      • 토당귀 종자의 형태적 특성과 발아와 입모율에 대한 저장방법,생장조절제 및 프라이밍 처리 효과

        안희정,안복주,·김도현,·안영섭,·김영국,박춘근,이상원,·박충범·차선우,·송범헌, 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2015 農業科學硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        This study was conducted to have basic and applied informations to establish the cultivation method and to improve the cultivation techniques of Angelica gigas Nakai through investigating the rates of germination and seedling establishment with treatment of plant growth regulator and seed priming. The germination rates of round shape seed were about 0.3~12% higher than those of parallel shape. The germination rates with different storage durations were increased at the level of 25oC and 4oC with the storage days, while they were clearly higher at -20oC compared to those at 4oC and 25oC without the storage durations. With the results of germination rates with treating of plant growth regulator and seed priming, their rates with the round shape seeds were comparatively higher about 6% than those with parallel shape seed and they were increased with increasing of the storage durations. The germination rates were generally appeared higher with GA3 than did those with seed priming. The highest germination rate was appeared at 50 ppm GA3 of plant growth regulator and at -0.5 MPa PEG6000 of seed priming. The germination rates?ㅤ ?ㅤ of Angelica gigas were different with different temperature, storage durations and the treatments of plant growth regulator and seed priming. These results could be used according to different cultivating conditions.

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