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        팬데믹이 가져온 전체주의 사회에서의 여성 통제 양상과 그 함의 : 영화 < 팬데믹ONLY >(2020, 타카시 도셔 감독)을 중심으로

        이채원 ( Lee¸ Chae Won ) 국제비교한국학회 2021 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.29 No.1

        이 논문은 영화 < 팬데믹ONLY >(2020) 분석을 통해 전체주의 사회에서의 여성 통제 양상과 그 함의를 고찰한다. 영화 < 팬데믹ONLY >은 여성들에게 치명적인 HNV-21이라는 가상의 바이러스 팬데믹 상황을 형상화 한다. 이 영화의 스토리세계에서 바이러스에 의해 여성들이 희생되자 국가권력은 여성들의 난자를 채취하여 인공배아 실험을 한다. 여성을 인류존속을 위한 공공재로 인식하고 여성의 권리를 침탈하는데 이는 여성 개개인의 개별성을 인정하지 않고 여성을 일괄적으로 출산도구로 환원시킨 것이다. 국가권력이 여성을 통제해온 역사와 이에 저항했던 역사가 영화<팬데믹>에 담겨 있다. 이 영화에서 재현되는 저항의 양상으로서 상식적으로 보이는 남자주인공 윌의 행동과 일견 무모하게 보일 수 있는 에바의 행동은 또 다른 논점의 의미망을 파생시킨다. 이는 통제를 ‘보호’로 명명하는 수사(修辭)이다. 보호와 통제를 혼용하는 수사학은 젠더권력과 관련되어 있으며 가부장 사회 어디에서나 통용된다. 또한 ‘희생양’ 이데올로기 역시 교묘한 여성 억압의 수사이다. 입체적인 캐릭터이자 영화 속 주 인물인 에바를 비롯해서 생존자 채팅방에 있던 많은 여성들은 인류의 미래를 위한다는 명목으로 자신에게 가해지는 폭력에 저항한다. 따라서 영화 <팬데믹>은 가부장적 이데올로기를 재생산하는 영화가 아닐 수 있게 된다. 오히려 저항하는 생존자 여성들의 얼굴을 바라보게 한다. 에바가 자신과 채팅한 여성들의 사진들을 벽에 붙여놓은 것은 개별적인 존재인 여성들이 차이를 넘어서 자매애로 연대해왔던 여성운동사에 대한 시각적 진술로 볼 수 있다. 팬데믹 상황과 비상계엄사태 속에서도 주체적으로 자신의 삶을 선택한 에바에 대한 영화의 재현방식은 여성을 ‘희생자’로 일괄적으로 환원시키지 않는다. 팬데믹 상황에서 인류의 미래를 위한다는 선의로 포장된 국가권력의 폭력적인 통제에 대응하는 방식은 윌의 합리적으로 보이는 냉철함과 에바의 감성적 의지로 대별되는데, 영화<팬데믹>에서 사용된 카메라 워킹 등의 재현 방식은 에바의 감성적 의지 쪽에 (내포) 작가의 에토스가 기울어져 있음을 알게 한다. 이는 전체주의를 지탱해 온 합리성과 효율성에 대한 거부로 연결된다. 이는 또한 인간의 이성은 의심스러운 것이고 개별성을 무시하는 보편적 법칙에 윤리적 전망이 있지 않다는 레비나스의 통찰과도 일맥상통한다. 영화 <팬데믹>이 증언하는 것은 특정 바이러스 팬데믹이 초래한 전체주의 사회에서의 여성 통제 양상이 이미 익숙한 ‘오래된 미래’이며 이에 대한 저항 역시 지속된다는 사실이다. ‘여성혐오’라는 바이러스는 이미 익숙한 팬데믹이다. 영화 <팬데믹>이 묘사한 디스토피아는 여성에게 늘 익숙한 현실이며 여성들이 살고 있는 세상은 약간의 변형만 있었을 뿐 늘 같은 디스토피아였다. 가장 오래되고 광범위한 전체주의인 가부장제에 대항하는 저항 역시 오래되고 광범위하며 개별적이지만 연대의 네트워크를 이룬다. The movie ONLY shapes a virtual viral pandemic situation called HNV-21. When women are sacrificed by viruses in the story world of this film, the state power takes women’s eggs and conducts artificial embryo experiments. Women are recognized as public goods for human existence and women’s rights are violated. This is to return women to the birth tool in a lump, without recognizing individuality, ability, value and individuality of life. The fertility ability of women can lead individual women to make different choices with different meanings. The history of ignoring this and controlling women and the history that resisted it are contained in the movie ONLY. Eva’s behavior, which can seem at first glance reckless, and the behavior of the male protagonist Will, who seems common sense in this film, derives another semantic network of arguments. This is a doubt about the control, which is called protection, and the reason why they control those who can be victims and do not control those who can be perpetrators is related to gender power. The rhetoric of the combination of protection and control is commonplace in the patriarchal society. Women are infected with the virus, but the virus that kills only women can be read as a metaphor for gender violence that has led women to death throughout the East and West. When the group assumes a scapegoat for the peace and well-being of other members, the scapegoat is an easy being to be otherized among the members of the community. But Eva and many other women in the survivors’ chat room have no intention of justifying the violence that is committed to them in the name of the future of mankind. Therefore, the movie ONLY is not a film that reproduces patriarchal ideology. Rather, it makes you look at the faces of the survivors who resist. Eva’s photos of herself and the women she chatted with are attached to the wall as a visual statement about the history of women’s movement, which women, who are individual beings, have been solidarity with sisterhood beyond the difference. In the history of the old dystopia of patriarchy, women individually adapted, resisted, or struggled in their own way. The virus, ‘misogyny’ is a familiar pandemic. It can be confirmed that the control and violence against women, which were operated under war or colonialism, is changed while maintaining its attributes in the pandemic situation. The way to respond to the violent control of the state power packaged in good faith to serve the future of mankind in the pandemic situation is distinguished by Will’s rational coolness and Eva’s emotional will. The way of reproducing the camera working used in the movie ONLY reveals that Eva’s emotional will is tilted by the artist’s Etos. This leads to a rejection of rationality and efficiency that has supported totalitarianism. This is also in line with Levinas’ insight that human reason is questionable and there is no ethical prospect in universal laws that ignore individuality. It is the photographs of the faces of each woman that are foregrounded in a way that can reveal the uniqueness of individual personality in the movie ONLY. Just as language can create reality, photography and image also make reality. At this time, the photograph and image also function as testimonies. The movie ONLY testifies that the female control aspect in the totalitarian society caused by certain viral pandemics is an old future that is already familiar and resistance to it continues. The resistance against the patriarchal system, the oldest and most extensive totalitarianism, is also old, extensive, and individual, but forms a network of solidarity.

      • KCI등재

        Novel Alkylaminopyridazine Derivatives: Synthesis and Their Anti-proliferative Effects against MCF-7 Cells

        Chaewon Kim,Eun-Hee Park,박명숙 대한화학회 2013 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.34 No.11

        A series of new 3-alkylamino-6-allylthio-pyridazine derivatives was synthesized through allythiolation and amino-de-halogenation and were expected to have anti-proliferative activity. 6-Allylthio-3-chloropyridazine was prepared from the reaction of 3,6-dichloropyridazine with allylmercaptan and sodium hydroxide. The alkylamines such as methylamine and the dialkylamines such as dimethylamine were introduced into the 3- position of the pyridazine ring. These new compounds showed anti-proliferative activities against MCF-7 human breast cancer cells in CCK-8 assays. These compounds are thus promising candidates for chemotherapy of breast cancer. Two compounds, 14 and 15, showed higher potencies for inhibiting growth of breast cancer cells than did 5FU. This suggests the potential anti-proliferative activity of these compounds.

      • KCI등재

        A Recent Review of the Management of Postmenopausal Symptoms in Breast Cancer Survivors

        Chaewon Kim,Yoojin Na,Sanghee Lee,Jung Yoon Park,Youn-Jee Chung,Jaeyen Song,Mee-Ran Kim 대한폐경학회 2023 대한폐경학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        The treatment strategy for postmenopausal symptoms resulting from estrogen deficiency in breast cancer survivors receiving endocrine therapy should differ from that in normal women. Several nonhormonal pharmacological therapies can be used to treat vasomotor symptoms. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help alleviate psychophysiological symptoms, including depression and sleep disorders. Topical vaginal estrogen and moisturizers may aid in treating genitourinary symptoms. Additionally, chronic conditions must be individually managed. Prevention of osteoporosis should always be included in the management, and physicians should be alert to possible cardiovascular risk and cognitive function changes.

      • Effect of Dadeumijil processing to improve crease-resistance of raw silk fabrics

        ( Chaewon Jeon ),( Jungsoon Lee ) 한국감성과학회 2023 한국감성과학회 국제학술대회(ICES) Vol.2023 No.-

        Silk has a developed amorphous region and has the characteristic of easily forming wrinkles. Deposition and cross-linking treatments are available to improve these methods, but these affect the strength and soft feel of the silk. Therefore, in this study, we attempted to improve the crease resistance of silk through Dadeumijil processing. For silk, a plain weave with warp yarns of 120 and weft yarns of 65, 75, 85 and 95 was used, respectively. The crease resistance test was performed according to KS K 0550. Samples were compared before Dadeumijil processing, once after Dadeumijil processing, twice after Dadeumijil processing, and three times after Dadeumijil processing. When comparing before and after Dadeumijil processing, it can be seen that the crease resistance improved for the warp, weft, surface, and back after Dadeumijil processing. There was no significant change depending on the number of Dadeunmijil processing. However, as the number of Dadeumijil processing increased, the crease recovery deviation tended to decrease.

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