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      • Power system market implementation in a deregulated environment

        Silva, Carlos University of Minnesota 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231967

        The opening of the power system markets (also known as deregulation) gives rise to issues never seen before by this industry. One of the most important is the control of information about the cost of generation. Information that used to be <italic>common knowledge</italic> is now kept private by the new agents of the system (generator companies, distribution companies, etc.). Data such as the generator cost functions are now known only by the owning companies. The result is a new system consisting of a group of independent firms seeking the maximization of their own profit. There have been many proposals to organize the new market in an economically efficient manner. Nevertheless, the uniqueness of the electric power system has prevented the development of such a market. This thesis evaluates the most common proposals using simulations in an auction setting. In addition a new methodology is proposed based on mechanism design, a common technique in economics, that solves some of the practical problems of power system markets (such as the management of limited transmission capacity). In this methodology, when each company acts in its best interest, the outcome is efficient in spite of the information problem cited above. This new methodology, along with the existing methodologies, are tested using simulation and analyzed to create a clear comparison of benefits and disadvantages.

      • Three essays on regional economics

        Silva, Carlos Eduardo Lobo E University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231967

        This study presents three essays on regional economics. In the first work, the main purpose is to provide a link between the location decision and the internal organization of firms. In the model that focuses on the relationship among agents within the firms, the owner of the firm makes two decisions: who will have the formal authority (the owner or the controller) and where the manufacturing plant will be located (near or far from the owner). The results show that those two decisions are interdependent. More than that, for certain parameters, the corporation goes from the second best to the first best only if it changes the decision about both aspects; changing just either the delegation scheme or location may drive it to an inferior outcome. In these cases, a flexible managerial structure turns out to be a necessary condition for firms to benefit from locational advantages. The positive correlation between the decentralization of decision-making and geographic decentralization predicted by the model is supported by empirical research. Finally, at the end of the chapter, the recent headquarter location decision by the Boeing company is used to illustrate the results obtained. Extending the model of the first paper, the next study proposes a framework to deal with many firms in the presence of agglomeration forces in order to address issues related to the fragmentation of production. The results of the simulation also show that lower communication costs lead the regional economy to what has been observed by the literature: the metropolitan area becomes more specialized in business services, whereas manufacturing production is spread out over medium cities. Moreover, the role of the managerial structures for fragmentation of production is also confirmed. Finally, the third paper studies the investment in human capital in the development of clusters. The model aims to capture the tension between regional competition and scale economies presented in a region where many firms produce the same (or related) good(s). Opportunistic behavior can lead clustering firms to suboptimal investment in human capital and scale economies eventually (partially) neutralize those harmful effects of competition by attracting a third party that centralizes the bulk of investment.

      • Wayfinding Design for Seoul National University Gwanak Campus

        Carlos silva 서울대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 231967

        Gwanak Campus is part of Seoul National University; a national research university located in Seoul, the capital of Korea. As of April 1, 2013, the number of enrolled students in Seoul National University amounts to 28,011 among which more than 10% are foreign students. The number of international students increases every year, which has generated the need to improve the campus facilities adapting them to a more universal system. However, international communication problems are still evident. From foreign perspective there are innumerable language barriers starting from the simple recognition and orientation in space. SNU Gwanak Campus has a complex landscape system, buildings are settled among the mountains, some plains, streams and vegetation that accompany our ways. Curves, ups and downs disorient and confuse because it does not allow seeing clearly our destinations. Therefore, people get lost and they try to figure out in which direction to go. The lack of signs around the space makes not only the foreign students but also visitors and Korean students feel unsafe and frustrated to be unable to reach places on time. This study and research intends to solve the main problems related to way-findings through, a signage system design proposal for SNU Gwanak Campus. The design proposal will be developed by considering different methods to identify and compare the need of Korean and non-Korean SNU campus users. The new system will be devise based on the landscape features. The preliminary wayfinding design will be tested through an experiment and focus group in order to prove its usefulness and/or improve it. The developed guideline may be a suggestion to implement on campus and thus contribute to its design. 서울대학교 관악 캠퍼스는 한국의 수도인 서울에 위치한 국립 대학교인 서울대학교의 일부이다. 2013년 4월 1일, 서울대학교에 재학중인 총 학생 수는 28011명으로, 그 중 10% 이상은 외국인 학생들이다. 매년 외국인 학생수가 증가함에 따라, 이들이 보다 더 잘 적응할 수 있도록 관악캠퍼스를 보편적인 시스템으로 개선하여야 할 필요성이 발생하였다. 그러나 외국인 학생들이 겪는 소통 문제는 여전히 줄어들지 않고 있다. 외국인의 관점에서 볼 때, 단순한 식별 문제와 방향 인식 문제를 위시하여 수많은 언어 장벽이 존재한다. 서울대학교 관악캠퍼스는 복잡한 경관제도를 갖고 있는데, 산과 일부 평지, 개울, 초목 사이로 길이 나 있으며, 또한 이들 사이로 학교 건물이 위치해 있다. 경과은 곡선을 이루고 있으며, 기복 또한 상당하여, 방향을 잃거나, 목적지를 정확히 볼 수 없어 혼란을 야기한다. 그로 인해 길을 잃고, 가야 할 방향을 파악해야 하는 경우가 발생한다. 또한, 캠퍼스 내에 표지판이 부족하다는 점도 문제로 지적되는데, 이로 인해 목적지에 제 시각에 도착하지 못할 지도 모른다는 점을, 외국인 학생뿐 아니라 방문객 및 한국인 학생들까지도 우려한다. 이 연구 조사는 서울대학교 관악캠퍼스에 적합한 표지판 시스템 설계안을 제안함으로써 길 찾기와 관련된 주요 문제점을 해결하는 데 목적이 있다. 이 설계안은, 서울대학교 캠퍼스를 이용하는 한국인 학생과 외국인 학생들의 필요를 파악하고 비교하기 위하여 활용한 여러 방식을 토대로 수립되었다. 또한, 새로운 시스템은 지형에 근거하여 고안되었다. 길 찾기를 위한 예비 설계는 실험을 통하여 검증되었으며 유용성을 입증하고 미비점을 보완하기 위하여 집단에 초점을 맞추었다. 수립된 가이드라인은 캠퍼스 내에서 활용되어 캠퍼스 설계에 기여할 수 있을 것이다.


        Victor Carlos Leyva Silva The Graduate School Korea Aerospace University 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 215582

        Urban Air Mobility (UAM) is a new travel concept, which may greatly change the commonly understood urban travel mode and greatly affect the current mode of travel. 2030 is just around the corner, that is the year chosen to launch this revolution of new technologies and terms to the market, therefore, we need to have a solid foundation to support this revolution in air transport for people and cargo. Considering environmental issues and serious air pollution in cities, it is necessary to conduct an environmental assessment of new transportation solutions before launching them, it is also necessary to create local regulations and involve all local governments in the region in the development of this new economic activity. Keywords; Pollution enviromental, urban, Safety management system, work experience, family size, educational level, job satisfaction, Revolution.

      • Performative Prediction: Theory and Practice

        Perdomo Silva, Juan Carlos University of California, Berkeley ProQuest Disser 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 215582

        When algorithmic predictions inform social decision-making, these predictions don't just forecast the world around them: they actively shape it. Building models that influence the world is, in fact, often the primary goal of prediction. For example, in medicine, we predict the risk of a person developing a disease to hopefully minimize the likelihood that it occurs. In elections, we predict voting preferences with the goal of targeting information campaigns that are explicitly designed to influence people's political beliefs. If done properly, social predictions are performative. They directly interact with the world around them and change it.In this thesis, we will first introduce a learning-theoretic framework, performative prediction, that places these problems on formal mathematical grounds. We will illustrate how the framework can be used to analyze common social prediction dynamics, such as repeated retraining in response to strategic effects. Furthermore, we will discuss how it can be used to design decision rules that embrace the distinction between forecasting future outcomes accurately and steering them towards socially desirable targets.In the second part of the thesis, we will use these theoretical ideas as a guiding lens to study early warning systems, a popular class of risk prediction tools used in over half of US public high schools. We will present the results of a collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in which we performed the first large-scale evaluation of the long-term impacts of early warning systems on graduation rates. At the end, we will close with a discussion regarding the policy implications of our work.

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