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      • Characterizing Cell State and Cell Fate by High-throughput Single Cell Genomics

        Cao, Junyue University of Washington ProQuest Dissertations & 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247663

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Animal development is one of the greatest sources of wonders in science. Development of multicellular organism is characterized by the differentiation of a fertilized egg into diverse cell types of the body in a programed temporal spatial order. The process of development includes fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation, organogenesis, metamorphosis, regeneration, and senescence. Characterizing cell differentiation in each step, by resolving the cell state diversity and cell fate dynamics, is the key to fully understanding developmental process. The expression levels of mRNA species are readily linked to cellular function, and therefore profiling the transcriptome of individual cells has emerged as a powerful strategy for resolving cell state heterogeneity. However, current methods for single cell RNA sequencing all rely on the isolation of individual cells within physical compartments and thus have problems such as low throughput, high cost, and information lost from other molecular layers. During the three and half years of my graduate study, I developed four novel high-throughput single cell genomic techniques to get over these limitations and applied them to profiling cell state heterogeneity and dynamics in development at single cell resolution.To resolve cellular state heterogeneity, I developed a combinatorial indexing strategy to profile the transcriptome across tens of thousands of single cells (sci-RNA-seq: Single cell Combinatorial Indexing RNA sequencing), and applied sci-RNA-seq to generate the first catalog of single cell transcriptomes at the scale of whole organism Caenorhabditis elegans (Cao. J., Jonathan. P., et al, Comprehensive single-cell transcriptional profiling of a multicellular organism, Science, 2017). I profiled over 50,000 cells from the nematode C. elegans at the L2 stage, which is over 50-fold "shotgun cellular coverage" of its somatic cell composition. This is the first study to show that single cell transcriptome alone is sufficient to separate all major cell types from whole animal. Cell type specific genes for 27 distinct cell types are identified, including for some fine-grained cell types that are present in only one or two cells per individual. Given that C.elegans is the only organism with a fully mapped cellular lineage, these data represent a rich resource for future research aimed at defining cell types and states. The dataset will advance our understanding of developmental biology, and constitute a major step towards a comprehensive, single-cell molecular atlas of a whole animal.To further characterize cellular state across multiple molecular layers, I developed sci-CAR, the first high throughput single cell genomic approach that can jointly profile epigenome (chromatin accessibility) and transcriptome in each of 1000s of single cells (Cao. J. et al, Joint profiling of chromatin accessibility and gene expression in thousands of single cells, Science, 2018). I applied sci-CAR to 11,233 cells from whole mouse kidney and linked cis-regulatory sites to their putative target genes based on the covariance of chromatin accessibility and transcription at the single-cell level. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first joint profiling of the epigenome and transcriptome in individual cells at the scale and complexity of a whole mammalian organ.One critical challenge in development is to characterize the cell differentiation path for all major cell types forming our body. During mammalian organogenesis, the cells of the three germ layers transform into an embryo that includes most major internal and external organs. The key regulators of developmental defects can be studied during this critical window, but conventional approaches lack the throughput and resolution to obtain a global view of the molecular states and trajectories of a rapidly diversifying and expanding number of cell types. To investigate cell state dynamics in this critical window, I developed another single cell transcriptome profiling technique (sci-RNA-seq3), the first single cell RNA-seq technique capable of profiling millions of single cells in a single experiment, with over one hundred times higher throughput and lower cost compared with conventional approaches. I applied sci-RNA-seq3 to profiling ~ 2 million cells derived from 61 mouse embryos staged between 9.5 and 13.5 days of gestation (Cao. J., Spielmann. M., et al, The single-cell transcriptional landscape of mammalian organogenesis, Nature, 2018). This is by far the most comprehensive cell atlas of mammalian development as well as the largest single cell RNA-seq data set in the world. By unsupervised clustering analysis, I characterized hundreds of expanding, contracting and transient cell types, many of which are only detected because of the depth of cellular coverage obtained here, and defined the corresponding sets of cell type-specific marker genes, several of which are validated by whole mount in situ hybridization. With a new single cell RNA-seq analysis package Monocle 3, I further delineated and annotated 56 single cell developmental trajectories of mouse organogenesis, spanning all major systems such as central nervous system and reproductive system. The dynamics of cell proliferation and key gene regulators within each cell lineage are further identified. These data comprise a foundational resource for single cell genomic field and mammalian developmental biology.To further characterizing the mechanism regulating cell state dynamics, I developed sci-fate, the first strategy to recover whole transcriptome temporal dynamics across thousands of single cells (Cao. J., et al, Characterizing single cell temporal dynamics with sci-fate, manuscript in preparation, 2019). I applied sci-fate to a model system of cortisol response and developed a computation strategy to identify key driving transcription factors regulating cell state changes. Based on the data, I built a cell state transition network for future cell state prediction, and illustrate key factors regulating cell state transition dynamics. This is the first study to quantitatively characterize cell state dynamics at whole transcriptome level and constitutes a major step to fully understanding mechanisms in cell fate determination.

      • Advanced Sensing Technologies: From Vanadium Dioxide MEMS Resonators to Polypropylene Ferroelectret Nanogenerators

        Cao, Yunqi Michigan State University ProQuest Dissertations & 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

      • Unipolar Diffusion Charging of Spherical and Agglomerated Nanoparticles and its Application toward Surface-area Measurement

        Cao, Nanying ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Minn 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247391

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This thesis consists of two parts: unipolar diffusion charging of nanoparticles and its application on the method development of surface-area measurements. The electrical capacitance of aerosol particles indicates their potential diffusion charging level, which is important for their classification by electrical mobility, precipitation (removal or collection) in electrical fields, and morphology characterization. A minimum potential energy method was used to calculate the electrical capacitance for agglomerates composed of equally sized spherical primary particles (PPs). By discretizing the particle surface using finite spherical elements, as net charge only resides on the surface of an isolated conductor, this method was extended to calculate the capacitance of arbitrarily shaped particles. Based on the capacitance, the charge of these particles was obtained by diffusion charging theory. In addition, the dynamics of capacitance and mean charge of agglomerate during sintering or coalescence (at constant particle volume) to aggregates and finally to compact structures was computed and found in agreement with sparse experimental data. Particle morphology strongly affects the capacitance and mean charge of fractal-like particles. For example, both decreased by 60% upon full coalescence or sintering of an agglomerate consisting initially of 128 PPs. Although geometric surface area (GSA) of nanoparticles has received much attention in many fields (drug delivery, catalysts, inhalation exposure, toxicity, etc.), no appropriate instruments and methods for online measurements of GSA are readily available. Therefore, this study intends to develop a Geometric Surface Area Monitor (GSAM) to measure the GSA of spherical as well as model agglomerate/aggregate nanoparticles in nearly real-time. The GSAM has two versions: 1. The GSAM (I) consists of several existing techniques in series, including inertial impaction, unipolar charging, electrostatic precipitation, and electrical current measurement. The GSAM (I) was first evaluated and calibrated by measuring the GSA of monodisperse nanoparticles. Spherical, aggregate, and agglomerate nanoparticles were tested in the calibration. It was found that the measured electrical current was proportional to the surface area concentration. The calibration curves obtained from the measurements of monodisperse particles was then applied for polydisperse spherical particles and compared the measured GSA with that determined by the well-known scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) where the GSAM (I) had less than 10% of deviation compared with SMPS. 2. In the GSAM (II), the commercialized nanoparticle surface area monitor was used and slightly modified. The instrument responses under two different conditions were combined in a weighted sum (WS) fashion to correlate with the aerosol GSA concentration. We present the GSA concentration results and comparisons with well-known SMPS data in both laboratory testing and field measurement. For the laboratory testing, the two methods have a good agreement with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.9961; for the field measurements including the indoor and outdoor samplings, both methods agree well with each other. In addition, the new WS method is more stable in the clean indoor air and suitable for outdoor environmental sampling with a slight overestimation (125% of SMPS). These three studies below comprise parts of the main body of this dissertation and have been published. Chapter 2: Cao, L. N. Y., Wang, J., Fissan, H., Pratsinis, S. E., Eggersdorfer, M. L., & Pui, D. Y. H. (2015). The capacitance and charge of agglomerated nanoparticles during sintering. Journal of Aerosol Science, 83(0), 1-11. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaerosci.2015.01.002. Chapter 3: Cao, L. N. Y., Chen, S.-C., Fissan, H., Asbach, C., & Pui, D. Y. H. (2017). Development of a geometric surface area monitor (GSAM) for aerosol nanoparticles. Journal of Aerosol Science, 114, 118-129. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaerosci.2017.09.013. Chapter 4: Cao, L. N. Y. & Pui, D. Y. H. A novel weighted sum method to measure particle geometric surface area in real-time, Journal of Aerosol Science, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaerosci.2017.12.007.


        Cao, Tan Ngoc Than 제주대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247375

        With the advances in the design and construction, various types of offshore structures are now commonly constructed with a composite configuration of several legs such as cylinders. Thus, the interaction between waves and multiple cylinders is becoming more and more important. The wave pressure and wave forces acting on the cylinders must be exactly estimate to evaluate the wave effects and the stability of structures. The interaction between waves and offshore structures causes problems such as diffracted waves, reflected waves, and wave forces. Consider N large vertical circular cylinders placed on the bottom. As the incident waves impinge on each cylinder, the reflected waves move outward. On the sheltered side of the cylinders there will be a “shadow” zone where the wave fronts are bent around the cylinders, the so-called diffracted waves. The reflected waves and diffracted waves, combined, are usually called the scattered waves. The scattered waves of each cylinder can affect other cylinders in the group. This process is generally termed diffraction. By the process of diffraction the pressure around the cylinders will be changed and therefore the forces on the cylinders will be influenced. The problems could be dealt with the boundary value with the velocity potential. There have been several studies dealing with the interaction of water waves and multiple cylinders. Twersky (1952) constructed a solution using an iterative procedure in which successive scattered waves by each of the cylinders were introduced at each other. This method was extended to the water wave case by Ohkusu (1974). The main drawback of the iterative procedure is that it rapidly becomes unmanageable as the number of the cylinders increases. Another approach is the direct matrix method, Spring and Monkmeyer (1974) proposed a solution for the interaction of water waves and the cylinders using eigenfunction expansion approach. They formulated the problem in terms of matrix equation and the solution is obtained by the inversion of the matrix. Chakrabarti (1978) extended the work of Spring and Monkmeyer (1974), and obtained the solution for the diffracted wave of multiple cylinders by carrying out the analysis in a complex domain. Subsequently, Linton and Evan (1990) made a major simplification to the theory proposed by Spring and Monkmeyer (1974). On the other hand, there are many studies to solve the diffraction problems of water waves by using boundary element method. Notably, Kim and Park (2007) studied a numerical analysis method to calculate the wave force on isolated vertical circular cylinder by boundary element method and the numerical results of their study are strong agreement with those of MacCamy and Fuchs (1954). Also, Kim and Cao (2008) studied wave forces acting on the two vertical cylinders and three vertical cylinders in water waves. The boundary element method is divided into direct boundary element method and indirect boundary element method. The direct boundary element method derives from the integral equation by Green’s or Cauchy’s theory. This deriving process is solved by the special application of weighted residual method and it has general integral formulation. Derived integral equation is divided into two parts: the unknown functions and the derivatives of normal direction. One side of them generally has unknown values. The indirect boundary element method is derived integral equation in boundary conditions and is made operation function by singular value of governing equation. The coefficient that is involved operation function is unknown value in direct boundary element. In this paper, a numerical analysis by boundary element method for calculating wave forces acting on multiple cylinders is presented. The numerical analysis method by Green function in direct boundary element method using velocity potential φ is developed. Attention has been concentrated on wave forces on N large vertical cylinders, having radius a and placed on the bottom. To verify this numerical method and to investigate the effect of the neighboring cylinders on the wave forces acting on a cylinder, two-cylinder configuration and three-cylinder configuration are used in this study. The wave forces acting on two vertical circular cylinders and three vertical cylinders obtained from this numerical method are compared with those of Ohkusu (1974) and Chakrabarti (1978). The comparisons show that the computed results of this study are strong agreement with their results. Also in this study, several numerical examples are given to illustrate the effects of various parameters on the wave forces acting on the cylinders such as the cylinder spacing, the wave number, and the incident wave angle. The run-up and free surface elevation around two vertical cylinders and three vertical cylinders are also calculated.

      • SNS 특성이 팝업스토어 제품의 소비자태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        CAO XIAOYU 경희대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247375

        Effect of SNS characteristics on consumer attitude and purchase intention of pop-up store products CAO XIAOYU Master of Science in Business Administration Graduate School of Kyung Hee University In today's digital business environment, social networking services (SNS) have formed consumer behavior and become an important factor affecting purchase decisions. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence mechanism of SNS characteristics on consumers' attitude and purchase intention of pop-up stores. Therefore, these functions are designed by studying the SNS characteristics such as interactivity, accessibility, information usefulness and information reliability in detail, so as to understand how consumers' attitudes towards flash store products are formed and influenced under the social media environment. The research period was from November 2023 to December 2023, and it was conducted by online questionnaire survey in China, with a total of 273 samples collected. After using the following SPSS23.0 statistical program, the population characteristics were analyzed by frequency analysis and Pearson regression analysis. Finally, the reliability is confirmed by verifying Cronbach's value.α The results show that the interactivity, access convenience, information usefulness and information reliability of SNS affect consumers' attitudes, and information reliability has the greatest influence on consumers' attitudes. This means that the information credibility of social media platforms may be an important issue for consumers. In other words, this may be related to false information, the spread of rumors, and the lack of authoritative sources. By leaving a negative impression on consumers, it will affect consumers' views on products, services or themes. At the same time, it also emphasizes that social media platforms must manage and protect information more effectively to maintain users' trust. Finally, on the basis of in-depth analysis of the results, it provides concrete and practical suggestions and strategies for optimizing the application of SNS in flash store product sales. These suggestions are aimed at providing differentiated digital marketing strategies for enterprises, including optimizing the user experience of SNS platform, improving the accuracy of information dissemination, encouraging users to generate content, and maximizing the positive impact of SNS on consumers' attitudes and purchase intentions of flash memory stores. Through this study, we can not only deeply understand the core role of SNS function in the consumer behavior of flash store products, but also hope to provide practical and targeted strategic guidance for enterprises to improve the competitiveness of mayors/markets. At the same time, it is not only of positive significance to deepen the understanding of digital marketing mechanism, but also provides a research foundation with innovative and practical application value for the actual mayor/market operation. Keywords :SNS Features, Social Networks, Pop-up Stores, Purchase Intentions, Consumer Attitudes 특성이 팝업스토어 제품의 소비자태도와 구매의도에 미치는 SNS 영향 조 효 우 경영학과 경희대학교 대학원 지도교수 박찬욱 오늘날 디지털 비즈니스 환경에서 소셜 네트워크 서비스 는 소비자 행동을 형성SNS( ) 하고 구매 결정에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요소가 되었다 본 연구는 특성이 팝업스. SNS 토어 제품의 소비자 태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향 메커니즘을 심도 있게 탐구하는 것 을 목적으로 한다 이를 위해 상호작용성 접근편의성 정보유용성 정보신뢰성 등 . , , , , SNS 특성을 상세히 연구함으로써 이러한 기능이 소셜 미디어 환경에서 플래시 스토어 제품 에 대한 소비자의 태도를 어떻게 형성하고 영향을 미치는지 알 수 있도록 설계하였다. 연구기간은 년 월부터 년 월까지로 중국에서 온라인 설문조사 방법을 통2023 11 2023 12 해 진행하였으며 총 부를 수집했다 다음 통계 절차를 사용하여 분석 후, 273 . SPSS23.0 , 인구 특성에 대한 빈도분석과 회귀분석을 진행하였다 마지막으로 Pearson . Cronbach's 값을 검증하여 신뢰도를 확인하였다. α 그 결과 특성의 상호작용성 접근편의성 정보유용성 및 정보신뢰성이 소비자 , SNS , , 태도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며 정보신뢰성이 소비자 태도에 가장 큰 영향을 , 미치는 것으로 나타났다 이는 소셜 미디어 플랫폼의 정보 신뢰도가 소비자에게 있어 . 중요한 문제가 될 수 있다는 점을 의미한다 즉 이는 허위 정보 소문의 전파 권위의 . , , , 원천 부족 등과 관련될 수 있으며 소비자에게 부정적인 인상을 심어줌으로써 제품 서, , 비스 또는 주제에 대한 소비자의 견해에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것이다 동시에 이는 . 소셜 미디어 플랫폼이 사용자의 신뢰를 유지하기 위해 정보를 보다 효율적으로 관리하 고 보장해야 한다는 점도 강조한다. 마지막으로 심층 분석 결과를 바탕으로 플래시 스토어 제품 판매에서 의 적용을 SNS 최적화하기 위한 구체적이고 실용적인 권장 사항 및 전략을 제공했다 이러한 권장 사. 항은 플랫폼 사용자 경험 최적화 정보 보급의 정확성 향상 사용자가 콘텐츠를 생SNS , , 성하도록 동기를 부여하는 등 기업에 차별화된 디지털 마케팅 전략을 제공하고 플래시 스토어 제품 소비자 태도와 구매의도에 대한 의 긍정적인 영향을 극대화하도록 설SNS 계되었다. 본 연구를 통해 플래시 스토어 제품의 소비자 행동에서 기능의 핵심 역할을 깊SNS 이 이해할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 시장 경쟁력 향상을 위한 실용적이고 표적화된 전략 , 지침을 기업에 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다 더불어 디지털 마케팅 메커니즘에 대. 한 인식을 심화시키는 데 긍정적인 의미를 지닐 뿐만 아니라 실제 시장 운영에 있어 혁 신적이고 실용적인 응용 가치를 지닌 연구 기반을 제공한다는 점에서 의의를 가진다. 핵심어 특성 소셜네트워크 팝업스토어 구매의도 소비자 태도: SNS , , , ,

      • Exergy Analysis on the Adsorption Cooling System

        Cao Ngoc Vi 세종대학교 대학원 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247375

        Due to the energy crisis, climate change and environmental degradation, it is required to find out new heating and cooling systems, which is more efficient and sustainable. Among them, the adsorption cooling system is one of the promised solutions. I can be driven by low-grade heat sources, from solar energy, exhaust heat from engines, or industrial waste heat. Besides, it can utilize natural substances, such as water, ethanol, methanol, etc., as the refrigerant. However, low thermal performance, large size, and high initial cost are the causes of its non-commercial applications. Thus, improving system performance is the key point for the development of this system. To do so, it is needed to specify the thermal loss associated with the imperfection of the processes of the system. In this work, the followings were conducted: (i) introducing a new transient model to estimate the exergy loss in each component and process, and exergy efficiency of an adsorption cooling system under the various working conditions; (ii) estimating the exergy loss occurred in the recovery phases and examing its relative contribution to the total exergy loss and the overall system performance under different adsorption cycles, heating temperature, and recovery duration; (iii) examining the effect of material of adsorber heat exchanger on the system performance and size. Firstly, the use of the CFD technique, the changes in time and space in the adsorption beds, leads to a more accurate result of exergy analysis than that of the lumped method. In the basic cycle, pre-heating (21.3%) and pre-cooling (28.48%) were found to be the dominant processes of exergy destruction, followed by adsorption (17.76), evaporation with 12.12%, condensation with 10%, desorption (9.49%), and less than 1% for the throttling. By applying the advanced adsorption cooling cycles, the exergy loss due to the switching times was smoothed out, which contributes to a significant enhancement of the system performance. In mass recovery cycle: The internal loss in the mass recovery phase relates to the recovered vapor, which leads to a slight decrease in both the external and total loss but the considerable increment of ηex. In the heat recovery cycle: the internal loss due to the heat recovery phase expenses as the elongation of the heat recovery time. The external and total loss is significantly reduced along with the expense of the internal loss. In the combined heat and mass recovery cycle: The internal loss of the heat recovery phase is much higher than that of the mass recovery phase because of the longer time. The external and then the total loss significantly decreased by applying the heat and mass recovery cycle. However, increasing the heating temperature leads to the increment of both the internal loss and external loss, and thus the total loss is dramatically increased. In all cases, the largest exergy destruction was found to be in adsorption beds with around 70% to 80% of the total loss of the system. This makes the adsorption bed become the most inefficient component. Improvement of the design of the adsorption bed for minimum exergy loss is the key point for developing this kind of refrigeration system. Moreover, applying the advanced cycles can smooth out the highest rate of the exergy loss at the beginning of switching periods, therefore the total loss is sharply decreased, subsequently, better system performance. Secondly, the effect of heating temperature, as well as the heat recovery time, was also closely examined by mean of internal loss and external loss parameters for the advanced cycles. In the mass recovery cycle, the internal loss that appeared in the mass recovery phase relates to the recovered vapor. The expense of the internal loss slightly decreases in both external and total loss. In the cold adsorber, it is approximately 6 times higher than in the internal loss that of the hot adsorber. Increase of the heating temperature reducing the internal loss. Finally, the effect of material on the system performance was conducted. The best performance was exhibited by the Al adHEX system. The SS adHEX showed a lower performance compared to Al or Cu adHEX. The Cu adHEX had lower COP due to its high density, even though the high thermal conductivity and low heat capacity of the Cu adHEX had a positive influence. But, below a threshold value of thermal conductivity, the most dominant factor was found to be the material’s thermal conductivity. 한때 온실 효과의 원인으로 여겨졌던 기존의 냉난방 시스템은 점차 더 친화적인 환경 수단으로 대체된다. 전기 에너지보다는 태양 에너지, 엔진의 배기열 또는 산업폐기열와 같은 저열로 구동할 수 있는 흡착식 냉각시스템이 선택가능하다. 그러나 현재는 시스템 성능이 낮고 규모가 크며 초기 비용이 높기 때문에 상용적 용도에 한계가 있다. 시스템 성능 향상은 흡착식 냉각 시스템 개발을 위한 주요점이다. 이를 위해서는 시스템의 과정의 불완전성과 관련된 손실을 명시할 필요성이 있다. 본 연구에서는 다음이 진행했다(i) 각 성분 및 공정의 엑서지 파괴를 추산하기 위한 새로운 과도 모델을 도입하며, 다양한 작업 조건 하에서 시스템의 성능을 엑서지 효율성으로 표현하여 검사하며, (ii) 회수 단계에서 발생한 엑서지 파괴를 결정한다. 다양한 고급 사일크, 가열온도 및 복구 사일클에 이는 전체 엑서지 파괴 및 전체 성능에 대한 기여를 검사한다. (iii) 흡착기 열교환기의 재료가 시스템 크기와 성능에 미치는 영향을 조사한다. 첫 번째, CFD 를 이용하여 시간과 공간의 반영적 변화를 고려할 수 있는 엑너지 분석은 집중용량법보다 더 정확한 결과가 나오게 된다. 기본 사일크 경우에는, 가열 (21.3%), 예냉 (28.48%)이 엑서지 파괴의 지배적인 인원을 조사되었으며, 흡착 (17.76%), 탈착 (9.49%)이 그 뒤를 이었으며, 증발기는 12.12% , 응축기는 10%, 교축밸브의 경우 1 % 미만으로 나타내었다. 두 번째, 고급 사이클에서 내부 내부와 외부 손실 인자 평균을 통해서 가열 온도와 회수 시간도 면밀하게 조사하였다. 질량 회수 단계에서 나타낸 내부손실은 회수 증기와 관련이 있다. 이는 외부와 총 손실에 약간 감소하다. 그리고 내부 손실은 냉 흡착기 경우는 더운 흡착기보다 약 6 배 높다. 가열 온도가 상승하면 내부 손실이 줄어든다. 열 회수 사일클에서 열회수 단계 중에 내부 손실이 발생한다. 이유는 열회수 시간이 연장하는 것이다. 더운 흡착 배드의 내부 손실은 냉각 흡착 배드의 내부 손실보다 3 배 더 높다. 열 및 질량 회수 사이클과 결합: 시간이 길어서 열 회수 단계의 내부 손실은 질량 회수 단계에 비해서 훨씬 더 높다. 열 및 질량 회수 사이클을 작용하여 외부 손실과 총 손실이 크게 감소하였다. 그러나 가열 온도 상승은 내부와 외부 손실을 증가하므로 총 손실이 크게 증가하였다. 마지막으로 , 재료가 시스템의 성능에 미치는 영향을 검사하였다. Al adHex는 최고 성능을 보여주었고, Cu adHEX는 열전도율이 높지만 높은 밀도로 인해 이의 COP 가 낮아지고, 낮은 열용량도 긍정적인 영향을 미친다. 그러나 그러나 열전도율의 임계겂 이하에서는 재료의 열전도율은 가장 지배적인 인자를 찾아내었다.

      • 중국 소수민족박물관 활성화 방안 연구 : 연변박물관 조선족전시관을 중심으로

        CAO, XIANG MEI 이화여자대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        본 연구의 목적은 연변박물관을 중심으로 소수민족박물관의 현황과 미래의 발전 가능한 방향에 대해 알아보는 것이다. 소수민족박물관의 현황을 데이터 수집과 분석을 통해 요약하고 현재 대부분의 소수민족박물관이 안고 있는 문제점과 해결책을 제시하였다. 중국 내 55개 소수민족들의 소수민족박물관의 내부적 문제점과 발전 방향을 단순히 수치로만 판단할 수 없다. 지역에 따라 소수민족박물관들의 차이가 크기 때문이다. 그래서 본 논문은 구체적으로 연변박물관의 기존 발전상을 근거로 하여 연변박물관의 문제점을 밝혀냈다. 이를 토대로 조선족역사민속전시관 건립이 연변박물관의 발전에 긍정적인 역할을 할 것이라는 주장을 전개하였다. 연변박물관에 조선족역사민속전시관을 건립하는 것은 실행 측면에서 실질적인 문제가 존재하지만, 본 논문에서는 연변조선족자치주의 정책, 연변박물관의 2019년 재개관 가능성 등을 참고해 연변박물관의 조선족역사민속전시관의 건립을 검토하였다. 본 논문은 총 4개의 장으로 나뉘며, II장부터 소수민족박물관의 현황과 연변박물관의 운영 실태를 서술하며 주제가 시작된다. 소수민박물관 일부의 내용은 주로 수집된 관련 데이터로 구성되어 있다. 소수민족박물관의 명칭, 설립 시기, 설립 장소, 건축 면적, 유물 수, 전시관 수 등 몇 가지 측면에서 오늘날 소수민족박물관의 현황에 대해 요약해 보았다. 소수민족박물관의 행정 등급, 박물관의 전시 내용, 박물관의 전시 형식에 따라 소수민족박물관의 다양한 분류 유형을 분류하였다. 소수민족박물관에 대한 데이터를 정리한 후, 데이터를 통해 연변박물관의 현황을 비교하였다. 연변박물관은 소수민족박물관의 각 방면에서 소수민족박물관의 평균 수치와 맞먹는 수치를 보여주고 있다. 즉, 연변박물관의 발전 상태를 보면 소수민족박물관의 발전 실태를 짐작할 수 있다는 얘기이다. 또한 본 논문에서는 연변박물관이 안고 있는 홍보 부족, 기초 서비스 부족, 유물과 전시를 분리하고 있다는 3가지 문제점에 대해 분석하였다. 현재 연변박물관의 발전 문제를 해결할 수 있는 여러 가지 방법이 있는데, 본 논문에서는 조선족역사민속전시관 건립을 통해 연변박물관이 보다 발전할 수 있도록 하는 해결책을 제시하였다. III장의 내용에서는 연변박물관 조선족역사민속전시관의 필요성과 필요한 지원에 대해 논의하였다. 조선족역사민속전시관의 건립 필요성은 연변박물관의 자체 발전 문제뿐만 아니라 조선족 역사교육 부족 문제 해결의 길이기도 하다. 연변박물관 조선족역사민속전시관은 이주, 저항, 정착이라는 세 가지 역사적인 주제로 구성되어 있다. 이 세 주제는 각각 중국 조선족 역사의 중요한 단계이며, 이러한 구분은 중국 학계의 기존 연구 성과를 기반으로 연변박물관의 기존 조선족 유물을 요약 및 정리한 것이다. 본 연구는 역사적 사건과 조선족역사민속 유물을 토대로 연변박물관 조선족역사민속전시관에서 이용할 수 있는 유물, 전시관의 전시 내용에 대한 개요로 구성되어 있다. 조선족역사민속전시관 건립 방안 외에도 박물관 활성화 방안에 따른 전시관 활용 방안을 제안하면서 연변박물관의 장기적인 발전 전망을 제시하였다. The purpose of the research is to learn about the current situation and future direction of Chinese minority museums and local museums in minority areas. Taking Yanbian Museum as the example, the paper investigates the development potentials of Chinese minority museums and local museums in minority areas. Based on data collection and analysis, the paper summarizes the current situation of Chinese minority museums and local museums in minority areas, and subsequently proposes solutions for problems existing in most Chinese minority museums and local museums in minority areas. The main body of the paper comprises Chapter Two and Chapter Three. Chapter Two observes the current situation and problems existing in Chinese minority museums and local museums in minority areas according to data analysis results. However, as China is a vast country with 55 national minorities and a great many minorities museums, it is impractical to judge the internal problems and development direction of Chinese minority museums and local museums in minority areas simply by figures. It comes down to the great discrepancy among Chinese minority museums and local museums in minority areas in different places. Therefore, the paper takes Yanbian Museum as the example, and excavates problems confronted by Yanbian Museum by reference to its current situation. On this basis, Chapter Three expounds the viewpoint that establishing Korean historical folk customs exhibition hall will push forward the development of Yanbian Museum. There indeed exist some substantial problems in the foundation of Korean historical folk customs exhibition hall, but the paper consults the policy in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture to explore the possibility of opening Yanbian Museum in 2019 and the possibility for Yanbian Museum to promote Korean culture. The final part of the paper advocates Yanbian Museum Korean historical folk customs exhibition hall to focus on the topic of migration, resistance and settlement. The three topics respectively indicate the important stages throughout the history of Chinese Korean nationality. Moreover, the suggestion is raised pursuant to research results in Chinese academic society about Korean nationality cultural relics in Yanbian Museum. After a review of historical events, historical, ethnic and cultural legacy of Chinese Korean nationality, the paper finally determines the cultural relics to be exhibited in Yanbian Museum Korean historical folk customs exhibition hall, and proposes feasible plans and long-term development prospects of the museum. The paper expects to offer data reference to subsequent scholars in Chinese minority museums, and inspire other scholars in Chinese minority museums by the proposal for Yanbian Museum Korean historical folk customs exhibition hall.

      • 중국의 긴급 공중위생사건에서 지방정부의 인터넷 여론 대응

        CAO YIFEI 충북대학교 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet and the advent of the Convergence Media Era, information dissemination has shown unprecedented convenience. After the occurrence of public emergencies, it has been widely concerned by the society, and has quickly become the focus of public opinion. As one of the important carriers of public opinion, network public opinion has an important influence on public mindset, social stability and the trend of public opinion in sudden crisis events. In the face of complex and changeable online public opinion, how to effectively respond and improve the governance capabilities of online public opinion is a major challenge and an important topic currently faced by local governments. Local governments do a good job of responding to public opinion on the Internet in public emergencies, which will help to strengthen the relationship between the government and the masses, change the image of the government in the past, enhance the government's credibility, and help maintain network security, to create a good public opinion environment for achieving the goal of struggle. This article starts from the current situation of local governments responding to online public opinion in public emergencies, discusses new ideas for local governments to respond to public opinion in public emergencies, and proposes targeted and forward-looking measures for the shortcomings and weaknesses of public opinion in response to public emergencies. First of all, it explains the background and significance of this research, traces the research history, understands the current research status at china and international, and outlines the main content, methods and innovations of the research. Secondly, this article sorts out the china local government's relevant literature on online public opinion, and defines the concepts of public emergencies and local government, which lays a theoretical foundation for this article's research.Then,the paper analyzes the current situation and hot cases of local government's response to public emergencies, points out the main problems and analyzes the causes. Finally, according to the experience and lessons of the local government network public opinion response in china, the countermeasures are summarized; according to the problems existing in the response of local government network public opinion, the countermeasures are deduced. Through the study, it provides the important theoretical basis and guidance for perfecting the local government network public opinion governance system and improving the government's comprehensive ability to respond to network public opinion on public emergencies. 긴급 공중보건사건는 사람들의 생명과 재산의 안전을 위협하고 다른 비상사 건에 비해 피해가 오래 걸리고 파괴력이 강하기 때문에긴급 공중보건사건를 둘러싼 핫 이슈가 더 많이 발생하고 인터넷 여론도 통제하기 어렵다.신종 코 로나바이러스 (COVID-19) 감염증은 발생 초기부터 많은 관심을 받았으며, 사 건 대응 과정에서 이슈가 빈번하게 발생하여 지방정부의 인터넷 여론 대응이 전례 없는 도전에 직면 했으며, 지방정부의 미흡한 여론 대응은 부정적인 인 터넷 여론의 폭발을 가속화하 여 전염병 예방 및 통제 작업의 효율적인 발전 에 도움이 되지 않은다.인터넷 매체를 통해 형성된 여론과 중국 정부정책과의 관계는 다양한 형태를 보여주고 있다. 구체적으로 인터넷 여론이 정책의 실질 적인 변화를 이끌어낸 경우도 있지만, 역으로 정부가 인터넷 여론을 정책방향 을 선전하고 정책집행에 유리한 조건을 만드는 데 활용하는 경우도 있다. 따라서 긴급 공중보건사건에서 인터넷 여론 진화의 각 단계에서 지방정부 는 존재하는 문제에 대응하고, 공중보건 비상사건에서 지방정부의 인터넷 여 론 대응 능력을 향상시키기 위한 핵심 조치를 제시하며, 지방정부의 공중보건비상사건 예방 및 통제 능력 및 인터넷 여론 대응 효과를 향상시킬 필요가 있다.

      • 중국 조선족무용의 역사적 변천과 작품 경향

        Cao, Ying 경희대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        From the time of the migration to the present, the ethnic Koreans of China fought for survival by overcoming all kinds of sorrows and hardships, pioneered barren land, developed the northeastern region, and engaged in anti-emperor and antifeudalism fighting with other Chinese ehtnic people. This study begins with a background of the times. Amid the historic revolution of reform and opening up, efforts to embrace new culture according to its own characteristics have been strongly shown in the late 80s and 90s, and to change the form of expression on creation based on this. As the life of the new history era of the Joseon people developed into a new dance culture, it created an artistic culture today. One of the characteristics of Chinese ethnic Korean dance is that it was formed through a long history, and it has constantly developed and changed while forming 55 ethnic minorities in China as one group. In particular, adapting to the specific social, political, economic and cultural environment of China, it has distinctly different characteristics from the Korean dance art in today's dance art. For the continued development of Chinese-Korean dance, it seems that the first step to find out what position the Korean-Chinese dance is currently based on its historical foundation, and then to accept the other culture after clearly understanding the root, or identity, of the Korean-Chinese dance will prevent the essence of dance from blurring, and will help show the spirit of ethnic Koreans in crafting their own work as a dancer. In addition, Chinese-Korean dance has many similar dances to those of South Korea and North Korea. It is believed that by examining the types of dances of the Chinese Joseon Dynasty that have been handed down from the past, one can learn about the characteristics and techniques of each dance, and compare similarities and differences between the dances of Korea and North Korea. In this study, we want to find out the identity of ethnic Korean dance by analyzing historical changes in the dance of ethnic Koreans and the representative dance pieces of each period.

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