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      • KCI우수등재

        도청입지의 합리적인 기준선정에 관한 연구

        김연기 ( Kim,Youn - Ki ) 한국행정학회 1993 韓國行政學報 Vol.27 No.3

        전라남도와 경상북도에서는 도청소재지(도시)를 道內의 자기구역으로 옮긴다는 전제아래. 도청이전 작업과 연구가 진행중이며, 충청남도에서는 본격적으로 거론되고 있으나, 이에 따른 이론적인 뒷받침이 매우 부족함을 느낀다. 본 논문은 도청입지와 관련된 각 학문분야의 이론들을 원용하여, 체계있게 정리하여 도청입지이론을 일반화 해보려는 의도에서 연구되었다. 도청입지선정의 연구는 미래지향적인 관점에서 도청소재지(도시) 의 입지 및 기능 등 이와 관련된 분야들의 환경여건의 변화전망과 국토개발계획 등 국가정책 흐름을 조망하여 접근하였으며, 도청소재지(도시)를 국토 및 道지역 균형개발의 차원에서 道의 중심이며, 성장거점도시로 개발하는 것을 목표로 국토 및 도지역의 도시정주체계상 적정한 지역을 도청입지장소로 보았다. 우선 도청이전의 필요성과 도청입지선정을 위한 기본방향을 제시하고, 입지결정에 요구되는 다양한 조건들을 제시하였다. 그리고 도청소재지인 도시의 기능과 성격에 따라 그 도시형태를 다양하게 제시하였으며, 도청입지선정의 기본적인 입지기준을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Origin of Massive Amphibolitic Rocks in Imgye Area, Korea

        소칠섭,김연기,지세정,박맹언,So, Chil-Sup,Kim, Youn-Ki,Chi, Se-Jung,Park, Maeng-Eon The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1981 자원환경지질 Vol.14 No.4

        옥천지향사내의 동북부에 위치한 임계(臨溪)지역의 각섬석질암(角閃石質岩)은 그 산출상태가 괴상(塊狀)이며 곳에 따라 주변암석과 비상합적(非相合的)으로 보이나 아직까지 이들 암석에 대한 성인구현(成因究現)은 전무한 상태이고, 부근에는 많은 은전상(銀錢床)이 부존되어 있어 이들 암석의 정확한 성인구명(成因究明)은 매우 중요할것으로 사료된다. 소칠섭(蘇七燮)(1975)에 의한 본지역 및 각섬석질암(角閃石質岩) 시료의 지화학적(地化學的)인 고찰은 화성기원(火成起源)으로 사료되었으나 그 대상시료가 소수여서 만족할만한 결과를 얻지 못한바, 본 연구에서는 많은 시료의 주성분(主成分)및 희유원소(稀有元素)들의 변화(變化)경향(variation trend), 절대적 함량을 야외산출상태 및 광물학적(鑛物學的)인 연구와 병행하여 이미 밝혀진 국내외의 여러 각섬석질암(角閃石質岩)과 비교 검토함으로써 그 성인(成因)을 밝혔다. Niggli 값을 사용한 각종 도면에서 본 암석(岩石)들은 염기성(鹽基性) 화성암류(火成岩類)의 중기분화물(中期分化物)인 특성을 암시하며, 희유성분(稀有成分)으로서 Ni (58~132ppm) 및 Cr (58~184 ppm)의 함량은 화성기원(火成起源)의 trend를 보여준다. 또한 모든 시료에서 나타난 oxidation ratio (<30)도 관입암(貫入岩)의 특징을 나타내 주고있다. 이들의 결과는 기히 연구된 외국(外國)의 정일각섬석질암(正一角閃石質岩)外國EJ 正一角閃石質岩(Evans and Leake, 1960. Leake, 1964) 및 국내 정일각섬석질암(正一角閃石質岩)의 연구(소칠섭(蘇七燮), 1974, 1975, 1976) 결과와도 일치한다. Major and trace elements analyses are presented for 13 amphibolites by wet chemical and emission spectroscopic methods. These chemical data were compared with limestone and quartzite closely associated with the amphibolites. The chemical similarity of the amphibolites studied to the basic igneous rock and low oxidation ratios (<30) are indicative of the igneous intrusive, especially middle stage differentiates. Petrographic and stratigraphic study of the rocks suggest the more igneous features rather than those of sedimentary progenitors.

      • KCI등재

        Groundwater Flow Model of Igsan Area

        함세영,김연기,Hamm, Se Yeong,Kim, Youn Ki The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1989 자원환경지질 Vol.22 No.4

        익산지역의 지하수 유동계를 평가하기 위한 수리지질학적 모델링이 수행되었다. 연구지역의 범위는 $790km^2$이다. 본 지역의 지질은 쥬라기의 대보화강암과 편마상화강암 그리고 선캠브리아기의 변성암으로 구성되어 있다. 채수량은 편마상화강암지역에서 가장 높으며 이는 10km내지 25m두께의 비교적 두껍게 발달된 풍화대 때문이다. 본 모델 시뮬레이션에는 콜로라도 주립대학의 유한차분법모델이 사용되었다. 본 모델은 불균일한 격자간격을 가지며, 28행과 31열로 이루어져 있다. 본 모델은 정류상태와 부정류상태에서 보정되었다.. 정류상태 시뮬레이션의 결과를1985년 9월의 수위등고선과 비교하여 투수율과 우기의 순충전률을 결정하였다. 부정류상태 시뮬레이션은 지하수 채수에 따른 대수층의 반응을 알기 위한 것이다. 부정류상태를 보정에서는 1986년5월의 수위등고선과 맞춤으로서 비산출율의 크기와 분포 그리고 건기의 채수량과 충전량을 결정하였다. 보정된 모델을 이용하여 1985년 10월부터 1995년 9월까지의 지하수채수 및 자연적인 충전에 의한 지하수위변동을 예측하여 보았다. 보정된 모델은 광역적인 지하수개발계획에 이용될 수 있다. 그러나 국부적인 지하수위변동을 예측하는데는 이용될 수 없다. Hydrogeological modelling was performed to evaluate groundwater flow system in Igsan Area. The study area extends over $790km^2$. The geology consists of Jurassic Daebo granite and gneissose granite and Precambrian metamorphic rocks. The capability of pumping yield is the highest in gneissose granite region among them due to comparatively thick weathered zone with thickness ranging from 10m to 25m. The Colorado State University Finite Difference Model was used for the model simulation. The model was divided into 28 rows and 31 columns with variable grid spacing. The model was calibrated under steady-state and unsteady-state conditions. In the steady-state simulation, the model results were compared with measured water table contours in September 1985 with determining hydraulic conductivities and net recharge rates during rainy season. Unsteady state simulation was done to know the aquifer response due to groundwater abstraction. The non- steady state calibration was conducted to determine the distribution and magnitudes of specific yields and discharge/recharge rates during dry season as matching water level altitudes in May 1986. The calibrated model was used to simulate water level vaiation caused by groundwater withdrawal and natural recharge from 1 October, 1985 until 30 September, 1995. The calibrated model can be used to groundwater development schemes on regional groundwater levels, but it cannot be used to simulate local groundwater level change at a specific site.

      • KCI등재

        Origin of massive amphibolitic rocks in Imgye area, Korea

        Chil sup So(蘇七燮),Youn ki Kim(金然基),Se jung Chi(池世定),Maeng eon Park(朴孟彦) 대한자원환경지질학회 1981 자원환경지질 Vol.14 No.4

        Major and trace elements analyses are presented for 13 amphibolites by wet chemical and emission spectroscopic methods. These chemical data were compared with limestone and quartzite closely associated with the amphibolites. The chemical similarity of the amphibolites studied to the basic igneous rock and low oxidation ratios (<30) are indicative of the igneous intrusive, especially middle stage differentiates. Petrographic and stratigraphic study of the rocks suggest the more igneous features rather than those of sedimentary progenitors. 沃川地向斜內의 동북부에 위치한 臨溪지역의 角閃石質岩은 그 産出狀態가 塊狀이며 곳에따라 주변암석과 非相合的으로 보이나 아직까지 이들 암석에 대한 成因究明은 전무한 상태이고, 부근에는 많은 銀鑛床이 부존되어 있어 이들 암석의 정확한 成因究明은 매우 중요할것으로 사료된다. 蘇 七燮(1975)에 의한 본지역 및 角閃石質岩 시료의 地化學的인 고찰은 火成起源으로 사료되었으나 그 대상시료가 소수여서 만족할만한 결과를 얻지 못한바, 본 연구에서는 많은 시료의 主成分및 稀有元素들의 變化경향(variation trend), 절대적 함량을 야외산출상태및 鑛物學的인 연구와 병행하여 이미 밝혀진 국내외의 여러 角閃石質岩들과 비교 검토함으로써 그 成因을 밝혔다. Niggli 값을 사용한 각종 도면에서 본 岩石들은 鹽基性 火成岩類의 中期分化物의 地化學的인 특성을 암시하며, 稀有成分으로서 Ni (58~132ppm) 및 Cr (58~184ppm)의 함량은 火成起源의 trend를 보여준다. 또한 모든 시료에서 나타난 oxidation ratio (<30)도 貫入岩의 특징을 나타내 주고있다. 이들의 결과는 旣히 연구된 外國의 正-角閃石質岩(Evans and Leake, 1960. Leake, 1964)및 국내 正-角閃石質岩의 연구(蘇 七燮, 1974, 1975, 1976) 결과와도 일치한다.

      • 한국지방재정의 현황과 재정확충에 관한 연구

        김연기,이용삼 大邱大學校 社會科學硏究所 1999 社會科學硏究 Vol.6 No.1

        한국의 재정은 중앙정부에 너무 편중되어 있기 때문에 대부분의 지방정부는 중앙정부에 의존적일 수 밖에 없는 상황이다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적인 지방자치단체의 지방재정의 확충방안은 성공적인 지방자치를 위하여 중요한 과제중의 하나이며 특히 지방화·세계화시대를 위한 지방자치단체의 역할을 고려할 때 한국지방재정의 확충과 더불어 지방재정자립도, 효율적인 지방재정의 운용 및 지방세의 제도개선은 한국 지방자치의 발전을 위하여 수행되어야 할 과제들이라고 할 수 있다.

      • 韓國經濟開發計劃과 財政의 經濟的役割(Ⅱ) : 1972~'81

        金蓮起,李龍三 大邱大學校 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.5 No.3

        韓國은 1960年 1人當 GNP가 $79에 불과한 빈곤한 國家였으며 그때의 輸出은 $3,290만인데 輸入은 그 10培인 $35,400만이었기 때문에 外國의 資本이 없으면 經濟 活動을 제대로 할 수 없었다. 이와 같이 美國을 비롯한 외국의 援助가 감소됨에 따라 政府는 外國의 資本을 도입하는 經濟開發5個年計劃을 세워 自立經濟의 確立을 목표로 하였으며 이러한 經濟開發計訓을 성공시키기 위해서는 무엇보다 財政運營의 役割이 중요하였다. 특히 經濟開發에 중점을 둔 貯政役融資의 活動은 경제성장에 지대한 영향을 미쳤다 고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 論文에서는 1972~'81년의 韓國經濟開發計刻에 있어서 중요한 기능을 한 財政의 經濟的 役割을 살펴보고자 하는 것이 목적이다.

      • 地方自治實施를 위한 與件 助成 方案에 관한 硏究

        김연기 대구대학교 법정연구소 1987 法政論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        The republic of Korea has adopted the democratic political system since 1948 and from 1952 to 1961 local councils were constructed by citizen and local governments were enfroced all over the country. After the 5.16 military revolution in 1961, the military regime disorganized the local councils and local government has been withheld up to now. But in 1984, the ins and the outs agreed to partially construct local councils and enforce local government from the first half of 1988. Central government set its prior goal in the econmic development since 1960 and operated the national policy by putting its efficiency before its democracy for ideology of administration, As the result of it the government accomplished ahigh degree of economic growth, but major fowers in political administrative were concentrated in the central government. The result this prefereatial policy about aconomic growth broght about unblance between its regions, classes and urbenrural. Korean people now claim entensive and variable political participation, their powers being delegated from Centrad government to local government. The purpose of this thesis is to present a geneal plan for the preparation of conditions for the constructiong of local councils and enforcement of local government asneeded. At first, the past 10 year's of local government experience (1952―1961) and present local government realities are analized and evaluated. Because the past experiences present good instructive examples for the enforcement of future rational local government. Durinng the 10 years local governments (1952―1961) were politically exploited by the party in power because of the low concern and participation of citizens about democracy and local govermments. That is local government and local councils were used for keeping the ruling part in power. Also, local government and local councils were politically influenced by central government that bringing about excessive conflict and many problems. That the realities of present local government and central government is that both have excessive powers in function and finance. Therfore local government is degraded by the local agent of central government. In addition, the local governments were unblanced in reltionship to the local population, size of area, financial independence ratio, and GDP, etc. In order to improve the present unreasonable situations for the enforcement of local autonomy system Central government has to reallocate power for their functions, reform the local financial system for financial independene abjust the service area between the governments, reform control partterns and mitigate control from the central government to local government, etc. Also, concern and participation of citizens are most important factors for the desirable local government. Government is only effective with the participation of the governecl citizens.

      • 행정PR이 사회에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김연기,정성범 大邱大學校 社會科學硏究所 1999 社會科學硏究 Vol.6 No.3

        본 논문은 여러 학자들이 주장했던 행정PR의 기능들이 실제로 주민들에게 어떻게 인식되고 있으며, 또한 사회에 어떤 영향을 미치고 있는지에 대해서 주민들로부터 설문을 통한 실증적 분석을 해 보고자 하였다. 즉, 행정PR이 주민에게 지식을 제공·증진시키며, 지식과 기술을 획득할 수 있는 방법을 제공하고 있는가, 또한 주민의 알 권리들을 잘 알려주고 있는가, 주민이 가지고 있는 행정에 대한 편견을 제거하고 적대감을 해소시켜 주는 역할을 하는지에 대하여 실증적으로 검증해 보고자 하였다. 그리고 지역사회에 효율적인 경쟁유발을 하게하고 사회변화에 대한 지역주민들의 적응력을 제고시키는데 실제적인 역할을 수행하고 있는지를 실증적으로 검증해 보고자 하였다.

      • 「面」制度의 變遷과 現行 「面」行政 實態에 關한 硏究

        김연기 대구대학교 새마을지역사회개발연구소 1981 지역사회개발논총(地域社會開發論叢) Vol.4 No.-

        The importance of the Myeon administration is stressed as it administers various national polioies ultimately and comprehensively and adjusts policies to each region's characteristics. While the improvement on the local administration system, as the terminal offices, is urgently needed, the purpose of this paper is to review our past local government system and develop it suited to our situation. Our Myeon system's history is as follows; 1. The Myeon system had developed as autonomous regional organization until the end of Lee dynasty and played a key role of government orders, public morals and maintenance of law and order. 2. In 1895 the Myeon meeting was adopted, in 1910 got the legal basis as the lowest office of local government, and in 1930 was recognized as the juridicial body. 3. After the independence of Japan, the self-government system of Myeon council was formed, but abolished by provisional orders pertaining to local government after the military revolution in 1961. It is now sustained just as a sub-administrative organization for County. Viewing the aforementioned facts, the Myeon system was under great change in the aspects of qualities and quantities. Among those changes are included as follows; 1. Development, production and welfare administration is necessarily demanded. Those contents are now much colorful. 2. The much authority of central government has been transferred to local government. 3. As the result of population increase and more demand from people, the function of public administration has been expanded. The problems of current Myeon system and the methods of improvement on those problems are as follows; 1. Compared with its over-burdened business, the Myeon office is lack of manpower and facilities. As a result, it gets stereotyped and its efficiency has lowered drastically. As soon as possible, proper reinforcement of manpower and modernized equipments are seriously needed. 2. Because of frequent supervision of the upper organization, the Myeon has low morale. It is desirable that the administrative area of province be sub-divided into smaller size. County be abolished Myeon system be readjusted and the function of the local administration be focused on it. For that readjustment, we should considere the economic area, community develoment area, population number and traffic network. 3. Introduction of computerized communication sostem is urgently required to exchange speedier message between the upper and the lower sides of public administration. 4. Even though Myeon system is established as an organ toward people, it is required that more residents participate in the activities of the system. The participation should be expanded for the realization of democracy and desirable public administration. In conclusion, for the activation of local government, local government should start from the self-sufficient areas such as larger cities and spread into another smaller cities and towns. I suggest that more attention be payed to local government, especially Myeon system for the normalization and activation of our local self-government system.

      • 地方自治團體區域의 再編에 관한 實證的 硏究

        김연기 대구대학교 법정연구소 1987 法政論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        Partial readjustment of the local administrative districts have been far below the desirable level of modification to meet the drastic developmental changes in the country's social, economic and cultural aspects, thus necessitating a comprehensive study on the ideal reorganization of the districts at the Kun or county level. The validity of the tentative adjustment in this study was based on the principle of balance between the existing districts and proposed demancation to attain the utmost efficiency and convenience for the administration. For these purposes, the following criteria were set up: First, a proper amount of administrative service must be secured by abjusting the population and area of a county. It was found that the desirable population ranges from 50,000 to 80,000, taking into consideration continuous decrease of the population in the rural areas in the next ten years. Second, a district should be preferalby overlapped with the life zone of the residents. The ideal life scope of the residents is assumed about 15km in radius from the county-site, usually located in a township or a city. When approximately 50% of the population is concentrated in the area, the administrative function is believed to reach its maximum. Furthermore, the existing amenities in the county-site and its vacinity can be made use of to the fullest extent by the populace because of their easier access. These assumptions were tested on the 23 counties in Kyongbuk Province and the results of the analytical assessment can be explicated as follows: (1) the menities, especially the medical facilities, are in great shortage with the limited number of existing clinics and hospitals concentrated in the county-sites; (2) five counties including Euisung-Kun have individual population of more than 80,000 and most of the populace were scattered widely, thus making the rendering of desirable administrative service ever harder. These districts are typical examples in which the readjustment is badly needed. Seven of the 23 counties in the Province have their county-sites in a township or a city which is usually a municipal administrative site. This prompts a the need of a closer cooperation between the two different level of the administrative system; (3) Five counties fail to meet the suggested criterion of 50% concentration with 15 km in radius. The comparatively wide areas and geographical characters are supposed to be the main cause of the phenomenon. In conclusion, the three counties of Euisung, Youngil and Wolsong should be redistricted into two, and Kyongsan, and Dalsung counties should move their present county-sites to appropriate locations. It is believed that the most important thing in the adjustment of the areas is the effiency as well as The convenience, for the solution to these problems is the prerequite for the ideal functional distribution among the social strata, timely implementation of the policies and the desirable restructure of geographical spaces. It is also believed that the population in the rural areas will decrease in the next decade and that there will be a great change in policy and management because of the improvement of transportation, communication and administrative service through specialization, automation and computerization. Then the hierarchical administrative system will surely be integrated; the efforts to retain the present Kun-level government as the primary administrative unit will bring about a vertical adjustment, absorbing the lower-level units of myon and twonship into it. It is strongly suggested that research institutes should be set up to expedite the development of theories and practical policies on a long-term basis, for without systematic approaches, the challanging problems would not be readily solved.

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