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      • KCI등재

        작물육종연구 데이터분석에서 표준편차, 표준오차 및 신뢰구간의 선택과 해석

        소윤섭(Yoon-Sup So) 한국육종학회 2016 한국육종학회지 Vol.48 No.2

        Among agronomists, there appears to be a confusion in selecting among standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE) and confidence interval (CI) in reporting their results as figures and graphs. If there is a confusion in selection among them, there should also be difficulties in interpreting results published in peer-reviewed journals. This review paper aims to help researchers better suited for reporting their results as well as interpreting others by revisiting the definition of SD, SE and CI and explaining in plain words the concepts behind the formula. A variation among observation obtained from an experiment can be explained by the use of SD, a descriptive statistic. If one wants to draw an attention to a variation observed among plant germplasm collected from different regions or countries, SD can be reported along with the mean so that readers can get an idea how much variation exists in the particular set of germplasm. When the purpose of reporting experiment results is about inferring true mean of the population, it is advised to use SE or CI, both inferential statistics. For example, a certain chemical compound is to be quantified from plant materials, estimated mean with SD does not tell the range where the true mean content of the chemical compound would lie. It merely indicates how variable the measured values were from replications. In this case, it would be better to report the mean with SE or CI. The author recommends the use of CI over SE since CI is a sort of adjusted SE. The adjustment comes from t value that considers not only the probability but also n size.

      • KCI등재

        도입 초당옥수수 교잡종의 지역 적응성 및 농업 형질의 유전력 평가

        이신영,강종원,왕승현,박태춘,정종욱,소윤섭,Lee, Shin-Young,Kang, Jong-won,Wang, Seung-hyun,Park, Tai-choon,Chung, Jong-Wook,So, Yoon-Sup 한국작물학회 2021 한국작물학회지 Vol.66 No.2

        본 실험은 지역 적응성 시험을 통한 도입 초당옥수수 자원의 농업 형질을 조사하고 혼합 선형 모형을 이용하여 조사 형질의 분산 구성요소를 추정하고 이를 통해 형질들의 유전력을 추정함으로써 신규 자원이 가진 육종재료로서의 가치를 평가하고, 이를 이용한 초당 옥수수 품종 육종 과정에서 선택할 수 있는 육종 및 선발 방법을 도모하고자 하였다. 1. 출웅기와 출사기를 제외한 모든 형질의 유전력은 낮게 추정되었는데 이러한 형질은 분산구성요소 중 유전분산이 낮게 추정되었다. 착수고율의 경우 품종과 지역 간의 유의한 상호작용효과로 인해 낮은 유전분산이 추정된 것으로 보인다. 2. 측정 형질의 낮은 유전력 추정치는 시험 재료가 모두 최신 상업용 품종이기 때문일 것으로 사료된다. 따라서 육종재료로서의 낮은 잠재력을 의미하는 것은 아니다. 3. 낮은 유전분산과 유의미한 상호작용 효과를 극복하고 선발 효율을 극대화 하기 위하여 교잡종의 직접적인 자가 수정을 통한 자식 계통 개발을 진행하기 보다 intermating을 통한 유전자 재조합을 먼저 유기하는 것이 바람직 할 것으로 보인다. This study evaluated newly introduced, commercial super sweet corn hybrids (Zea mays L.) for their potential as breeding materials. Agronomic traits were measured and variance components were obtained using a linear mixed model to estimate the heritability. The trials were carried out in 2018 at two locations (Haenam and Oksan in South Korea). All traits had low heritability, except for mid tasseling and silking days. These traits with low heritability mostly had low genetic variance component estimate. In case of ear height ratio, significant genotype by location appeared to be responsible for low genetic variance, which in turn led to low heritability. Low heritability estimates from the trials with commercial hybrids were perhaps because those hybrids were highly improved for commercial success. Hence, this does not necessarily point to them having poor potential as breeding materials. To overcome low heritability, significant genotype by environment interaction, and achieve high selection efficiency, intermating among hybrids is recommended to create new recombinants before inbred line development.

      • KCI등재

        등숙 시기 및 이삭 내 위치에 따른 찰옥수수 과피 두께 및 립중의 변화

        한성진 ( Seong Jin Han ),오태영 ( Tae Yeung Oh ),강민정 ( Min Jeong Kang ),소윤섭 ( Yoon Sup So ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2015 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.27 No.1

        Pericarp thickness is thought to influence the palatability of waxy corn hybrids. In order to determine pericarp thickness and kernel weight, the present investigation was carried out at different grain filling stage and kernel set position in two waxy corn hybrids. The results showed that pericarp thickness did not have a substantial change as kernel weight increased until around 35 days after pollination and stayed constant thereafter. The correlation analysis indicated there is no relationship between the two traits at different grain filling stages. When kernel set position was considered, the average pericarp thickness and kernel weight had a tendency to decline from the bottom toward the ear tip. The standard deviation of the two traits at different kernel set position also tended to decline toward the ear tip but fluctuated at the bottom and ear tip. The correlation between the pericarp thickness and kernel weight at different kernel set position was significant in two waxy corn hybrids. This study suggests that pericarp thickness of fresh waxy corn ears harvested at around 24 days after pollination can be determined at any time after 18 days after pollination. We recommend collecting kernel samples for pericarp thickness from the middle part of an ear.

      • KCI등재

        재래종 유래 찰옥수수 교잡종의 주요 농업 및 식미 관련 형질에 대한 이면교잡 분석

        왕승현(Seung Hyun Wang),정종욱(Jong Wook Chung),강민정(Min jeong Kang),심완석(Wan Seok Shim),소윤섭(Yoon Sup So) 한국육종학회 2018 한국육종학회지 Vol.50 No.1

        본 연구는 국내 수집 재래종 찰옥수수로부터 개발된 얇은 과피를 가진 찰옥수수 원종을 이용하여 원종간 반이면교배조합의 평가를 통해 주요 농업 및 식미 관련 형질에 대한 이면교잡분석을 실시하여 찰옥수수 품종 개발 시 중요한 관심 형질들의 일반 및 특수조합능력을 파악하여 앞으로의 품종개발 과정에서 tester로써 사용할 원종들을 선발할 목적으로 실시되었으며 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 대비품종을 포함하는 모든 14개 공시 교잡종의 2개 지역통합 분산분석 결과 지역과 교잡종간의 상호작용이 유의한 형질은 간장, 착수고, 주당 분얼수, 이삭당 무게, 끝달림 정도, 상품성 그리고 당도로 나타났다. 2. 대비품종을 제외한 반이면교배조합 10개 교잡종만을 가지고 실시한 이면교잡분석에서 일반조합능력과 지역간 상호작용 효과의 유의성이 인정된 형질은 착수고, 주당 분얼수, 이삭당 무게, 이삭 길이, 당도 였으며 특수조합능력과 지역간 상호작용 효과의 유의성은 이삭폭, 상품성 및 당도에서만 인정되었으며 당도는 모든 조합능력에서 지역간 상호작용이 나타났다. 3. 일반조합능력의 추정값은 첫 번째 원종과 네 번째 원종에서 선발에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 형질에서 유의성이 인정된 것이 많았다. 4. 첫 번째 원종은 출사기, ASI, 출사기의 누적적산온도, ASI의 누적적산온도, 이삭폭, 이삭둘레 그리고 당도에서 품종의 특성을 향상시키는 일반조합능력을 장점이 있었으며 포엽감쌈정도에서는 단점으로 작용하였다. 5. 네 번째 원종의 일반조합능력을 살펴보면 이 원종과의 교배조합에서는 출웅기, 출사기, 출웅기의 누적적산온도, 출사기의 누적적산온도, 간장, 착수고, 이삭당 무게, 이삭길이를 향상시킬 것으로 기대되나 질김성은 다소 높게 나타날 것으로 기대된다. 6. 조사 형질 21개 중 19개의 형질에서 일반조합능력 분산이 특수조합능력 분산에 비해 높게 나타났으며 특히 포엽의 감쌈정도는 그 비율이 12.1로 매우 높게 나타났다. 이에 반하여 간장과 주당 분얼수는 특수조합능력 분산이 더 높게 나타났는데 이 중 간장은 그 비가 0.2로 특수조합능력의 분산이 매우 높은 형질로 조사되었다. This study was carried out to select waxy corn inbreds with good general combining ability through a diallel analysis of 10 half diallel crosses among five inbreds developed from Korean maize landraces. Total of 21 agronomic and palatability traits were investigated over two locations in 2016. There was a significant hybrid by location interaction found in plant height, ear height, number of tillers/plant, per ear weight, ear tip filling, ear commercial value and sweetness when four additional check cultivars were included in the analyses. A significant general combining ability by location interaction was found in ear height, number of tillers/plant, per ear weight, ear length and sweetness while ear width, ear commercial value and sweetness were significant for specific combining ability by location interaction. Sweetness was found significant for both interactions. The first and fourth inbred lines had the most number of traits with good estimate of general combining ability. The first inbred is expected to improve days to tasseling, anthesis silking interval, ear width, ear circumference and sweetness while decreasing husk cover in a hybrid combination. The fourth inbred line would improve days to tasseling, days to silking, plant height, ear height, per ear weight and ear length but ears would be a bit tougher than the average. A total of 19 traits had higher variance of general combining ability than that of specific combining ability. Husk cover was 12.1 times higher. Plant height and number of tillers/plant had higher variance of specific combining ability.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Sucrose 첨가량에 따른 초당옥수수(Zea mays saccharate Sturt.) 잼의 품질 특성

        박상범(Sang-Beom Park),박우현(Woo-Hyeon Park),차승현(Seung-Hyeon Cha),한인범(In-Beom Han),박세림(Se-Lim Bak),소윤섭(Yoon-Sup So),현태경(Tae Kyung Hyun),이신영(Shin-Young Lee),장금일(Keum-Il Jang) 한국식품영양과학회 2022 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.51 No.4

        초당옥수수의 활용 및 부가가치 향상을 위하여 본 연구에서는 초당옥수수 추출액에 30, 40, 50%(w/w) sucrose, 펙틴, 레몬즙을 이용한 SCJS와 동일한 조건에서 버터를 첨가한 SCJSB를 제조하여 일반성분과 품질 및 관능 특성을 비교분석하였다. 먼저 sucrose 첨가량이 증가할수록 SCJS와 SCJSB 제조를 위한 가열시간이 감소하면서 수분함량은 증가했지만, 조단백질, 조지방, 탄수화물은 감소하였으며, SCJS와 SCJSB 간 수분함량과 탄수화물은 유사하였고 조단백질과 조지방은 SCJSB가 높지만, 조회분 함량은 SCJS가 높게 측정되었다. 그리고 품질 특성으로 pH, 수율, L값 및 퍼짐성은 증가했지만, 총산도, 점도, a값, b값 및 조직감은 감소하는 경향을 나타내었으며, SCJS와 SCJSB 간에는 대부분의 품질 특성이 유사하였으나, 조직감은 SCJS가 SCJSB보다 높게 측정되었다. 관능 특성에서는 SCJSB가 SCJS보다 높은 기호도를 나타내었는데, 특히 SCJSB40이 가장 높은 기호도를 나타내었다. 결론적으로 초당옥수수를 이용한 잼의 제조가 가능함을 확인할 수 있었으며, 이와 같은 결과를 이용하여 초당옥수수의 부가가치 향상을 위한 정보와 잼 가공산업에 활용 가치 향상을 위한 기초 자료를 제공하였다고 생각된다. Super sweet corn has a high sugar content as this is not converted to starch during storage due to the shrunken-2 gene, which inhibits the activation of ADP‐glucose pyrophosphorylase. However, the quality of super sweet corn deteriorates during long-term storage because of the hardening of the peels, damage due to pests, and the fact that disease organisms are attracted by the high sugar content. To avoid quality loss during storage, super sweet corn can be stored as jam. We prepared two types of super sweet corn jam, one with sucrose (SCJS) and the other one with sucrose and butter (SCJSB), and analyzed their proximate composition, quality, and sensory characteristics. With an increase in the amount of sucrose added during preparation, the required heating time, total acidity, viscosity, a-value, b-value, texture, and contents of protein, fat, and carbohydrate decreased, while the moisture content, pH, yield, L-value, and spreadability increased. The moisture and carbohydrate contents of SCJS and SCJSB were similar. However, the protein and fat contents were higher in SCJSB, and ash content was higher in SCJS. Most quality characteristics of the two types of jam were similar, but the texture was observed to be better in SCJS. In terms of sensory characteristics, SCJSB was preferred over SCJS, and in particular, SCJSB40 prepared with 40% (w/w) sucrose based on super sweet corn extracts received the highest preference. In conclusion, we confirmed that super sweet corn can be processed into jam, thus improving its storage characteristics, and the present results could be used as a basis for the industrial production of super sweet corn jam.

      • KCI등재

        국내 육성 벼 243 품종의 형태적 특성에 따른 품종 분류

        김미선(Me-Sun Kim),이혜정(Hye-Jung Lee),유달아(Dal-A Yu),송재영(Jae-Young Song),Marjohn Nino,Franz Nogoy,김준기(Joonki Kim),소윤섭(Yoon-Sup So),조용구(Yong-Gu Cho) 한국육종학회 2016 한국육종학회지 Vol.48 No.3

        The International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) promotes an effective system of plant variety protection and encourages the development of new varieties of plants. This international convention was initiated to standardize the system efforts and strengthen policy. The establishment of cultivar discrimination system is very important to distinguish varieties between domestic and foreign agricultural products. It is necessary for the protection of breeders’rights. In addition, it will help for more efficient and quality management of plant breeding. This study was conducted to identify and group rice varieties based on agro-morphological characteristics such as plant height, panicle length, number of tillers, culm length, leaf length, leaf width, leaf pigments and flag leaf angles. Using these parameters, statistical analysis classified a total of 243 rice varieties bred in Korea into four groups. Most rice varieties did not exhibit anthocyanin pigments on the leaves particularly on the first leaf, leaf blade, leaf sheath and auricle, except for varieties classified as black rice. Results of phylogenetic and principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that these varieties formed three largely distinct clusters according to their ecotype and morphological differentiation. This result would be useful in rice varietal identification for the protection of breeders’variety rights.

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