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      • POLICY & ISSUES 환경정책 - 2013년 환경부 주요 정책 추진 방향

        김승희,Kim, Seung-Hui 환경보전협회 2013 환경정보 Vol.406 No.-

        환경부에서는 최근들어 환경오염 사고가 지주 발생함으로 인해 환경오염 피해에 대한 실효적 구제제도의 도입을 위해 "환경오염피해 구제에 관한 법률"(안)을 마련하여 하반기 입법을 추진할 계획이다. 또한 환경오염시설에 대한 허가제도를 선진화하여 최신 기술에 기반한 통합 환경관리 체계로 전환할 계획으로 있다. 환경부에서는 쾌적하고 지속가능한 환경의 조성 및 국민행복을 완성하는 '고품위 환경복지' 실현을 향후 환경정책의 목표로 삼았다.

      • 환경정책 - 2015년 하반기 환경정책 주요 추진 방항

        김승희,Kim, Seung-Hui 환경보전협회 2015 환경정보 Vol.418 No.-

        대한민국이 선진국으로의 도약을 앞두고 있는 상황에서 기초적인 '안전'문제가 대두되고 있는 것은 역설적이나 어찌 보면 지금이라도 이러한 위기상황에 대처할 수 있는 사회를 구축할 수 있는 기회일 것이다. 환경부 또한 환경안전망을 구축하고 지속가능한 사회를 만들기 위해 노력하고 있다. 특히 2015년 하반기는 박근혜 정부 임기의 후반기가 시작되는 시기로서, 초심이 흐트러지지 않도록 더욱더 박차를 가하고 있다.

      • 환경정책 - 2014년 하반기 환경정책 주요 추진 방향

        김승희,Kim, Seung-Hui 환경보전협회 2014 환경정보 Vol.413 No.-

        환경정책을 제대로 추진하기 위해 그 기반이 되는 규제 합리화와 제도 선진화를 지속적으로 하반기에도 추진할 계획이다. 규제합리화와 관련해서는 국민생활 안전과 직결되는 환경규제는 충실히 이행하지만 경제활동을 제약하는 경직적인 환경규제는 합리적인 개선을 추진한다는 원칙을 가지고 재활용 네거티브제 도입, 규제일몰제 확대, 규제비용총량제 시범적용 등이 추진될 예정이다.

      • KCI등재

        시의 혁명과 시적 혁명 : 심미적 아방가르드와 ‘온몸의 시’로서의 아방가르드

        김승희(Kim Seung-Hui) 한국시학회 2007 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.20

        Avant-garde art brought the energy of a full transformation to Korean poetry, which was bogged down in traditional lyrical conventions. The impulse provided by the avant-garde, violating the standard artistic norms, produced many experimental texts in a quest for constant renewal. Studies of the avant-garde in Korean poetry have so far mainly been conducted in terms of Modernism. Taking the tendency toward Dadaism found in the early poems of Im Hwa or Jeong Ji-Yong in the 1920s, the influence of Futurism and Cubism in the concrete or visual and numerical poems by Yi Sang in the 1930s, surrealist texts expressing in prose the flow of the unconscious by free association and the absence of spacing between words, or the surrealist poetry of Jo Hyang in the 1950s, etc. the specific avant-garde artistic quality is defined. However, although the texts and poetic theories of the poet Kim Su-Yeong in the 1960s are clearly avant-garde, they present slight differences from the previous forms of avant-garde poetry. In his 'full-bodied poetics' or his 'anti-poetics,' Kim Su-Yeong rejected the forms of literature that were Modernist only in technique, advocating at the same time a text into which physicality had been integrated and a revolution of society. Kim Su-Yeong's antipoetics is very similar to the poetics of negation of Julia Kristeva. She linked the conflict between the symbolic and the semiotic and the physical to the production of text as she explicated the nature of avant-garde poetry. She stipulated that avant-garde texts do not simply violate the standards of previous aesthetics, they rather express a challenge to the symbolic structures governing society as a whole, as a revolutionary dream. Invoking the theoretical positions of Julia Kristeva, it is proposed to express this distinction by terming the avant-garde poetry that simply violates aesthetic norms 'a revolution in poetry' and the poetry that calls for a radical transformation of society as a whole, as Kim Su-Yeong's 'full-bodied poetry' does, 'a poetic revolution.' In his "Full-bodied Poetics," Kim Su-Yeong wrote "Poetry is not written with the head, nor with the heart, but with the whole body." He went on the say, "Modernity in poetry should not be pursued by poetic techniques but with the whole body." That is to say that the advanced poetry dreamed of by Kim Su-Yeong demands the integration into the text of the physicality that had been eliminated by the symbolic. That (the physicality of the pre-oedipal conflict) endows the text with a vigorous conflictual rhythm or libidinal energy and, although paradox and irony produce a confusion of meaning, at the same time they also introduce the dream of a revolution attacking and rejecting previous systems. A subject that disturbs and threatens a subject that has been secure in the order of previous systems, producing a divided subject, gives rise to dreams of a new world, one that does not as yet exist. Therefore Kim Su-Yeong came to assert that: "all advanced poetry is subversive poetry." It is also possible to affirm that this is very close to a practice of what Kristeva called 'poetic revolution.' Seen in this way, it becomes possible to include the ballads of Kim Ji-Ha, such as Ojeok (Five Thieves), or the calls for anti-capitalistic detachment or bohemian freedom of a Kim Jong-Sam or Cheon Sang-Byeong, and the feminist confessional poems of the 1980s, among earlier examples of avant-garde poetry.

      • KCI등재후보

        폐광지역 개발사업 성과분석과 지역개발 방향에 관한 연구

        김승희(Kim, Seung Hui),문영기(Moon, Yeong Gi) 강원대학교 사회과학연구원 2013 사회과학연구 Vol.52 No.1

        강원도 남부지역인 태백, 삼척, 영월, 정선은 폐광지역이 되면서, 지역개발을 위해 지난 13년 간 4조 847억 원의 공공 및 민간자본이 투자되었다. 현재까지 329개의 단위사업이 완료되었거나 추진 중에 있으며, 사업별로는 기반시설조성사업에 22%, 도시정비 및 복지사업에 49%, 지역특화사업에 13%, 관광휴양시설조성 사업에 12%가 투입되었다. 이러한 막대한 재원의 투입으로 기반시설의 확충과 정주여건의 개선 등에 상당한 진척을 이루었으나, 대체산업 육성 측면은 미흡했다는 평가가 주를 이루고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 현재까지 진행되어온 폐광지역에의 공공분야 관련사업의 성과를 평가해보고, 향후 지역개발에의 과제를 점검하는 것을 주요 내용으로 하였다. 이에 따라 탄광지역의 발전을 위한 상위개념을 재정립하고, 아울러 지역주민의 소득창출을 위한 단기과제와, 장래 지역발전의 핵심이 될 지역 산업육성세의 중장기과제를 동시 해결하는 투 트랙 업무추진을 주요 시사점으로 도출해보고자 한다. Regional Development, abandoned mine areas as was 4.0847 trillion won of public and private capital investment over the past 13 years. Current up to 329 business units are completed or now underway. Business By Infrastructure Development Project (22%), city maintenance and welfare projects of 49%, 13%, and region-specific business and tourist recreation facility development project by 12% has been committed. Of these vast resources committed to the improvement of the living environment and expansion of infrastructure have made considerable progress, but replace industry nurturing side of the evaluation was insufficient to achieve. The purpose of this study has been going on until now in the abandoned mine area try to evaluate the performance of the public sector-related projects, and future assignments in the development of the region to check the contents. accordingly is redefining the high-level concepts for the development of mining areas, and the long-term assignments of fostering local industry simultaneously be at the core of generating income for local residents and short-term assignments for future regional development work to resolve a 2-track promotion major implicationswill be defined.

      • KCI등재

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