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      • KCI등재

        과학의 윤리적 특성에 대한 교수-학습의 모형과 전략

        최경희(Kyunghee Choi),조희형(Hee-hyung Cho) 한국생명윤리학회 2000 생명윤리 Vol.1 No.1

        Ethics is one component of science. However, science teachers have ignored the ethical aspect as one integral part of science. The purposes of this study were fourfold: to describe the characteristics of the ethical aspect of science; to analyze the need of teaching/learning of ethical aspect of science; to investigate teaching/learning principles of ethical aspect of science; and to develop a teaching/learning model and teaching/learning strategies of ethical aspect of science. The present study used literature survey method and the results showed that the ethical aspects of science should be included in teaching/learning materials for secondary school science. Other results and conclusions were described in the paper. Also described were teaching/learning model and a few teaching/learning strategies.

      • KCI등재

        구성주의 특성에 따른 과학교육

        최경희(Choi Kyunghee),조희형(Cho Hee-hyung) 한국과학기술학회 2002 과학기술학연구 Vol.2 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 구성주의의 특성과 그것을 적용한 방법에 관한 문헌을 조사ㆍ분석하고, 이에 따른 과학교육의 여러 측면 또는 우리나라 과학교육이 나아갈 방향의 시사점을 모색하는데 있다. 먼저, 구성주의의 특성에 대하여 그 의미와 주장, 이론적 배경과 종류, 그에 관한 비판으로 나누어 기술하였으며, 그 다음 과학교육의 측면 또는 나아갈 방향은 목적, 과학 학습이론과 모형, 과학 교수-학습 방법, 과학 교육과정과 평가로 나누어 논의하였다. 과학철학으로서의 구성주의에 따르면, 과학과 그 지식은 사회적 특성을 지니며 그 성과에는 반드시 가치관이나 집단 이익이 관련되어 있다. 그러므로 과학교육의 궁극적인 목적은 의사결정력의 함양에 두어야 하며, 이런 목적을 달성할 수 있는 교육과정은 학습경험과 주제가 통합된 과제 중심으로 개발하는 것이 바람직하다. 심리학으로서의 구성주의에 따르면. 학습이 이루어지는 과정은 사회적 과정이다. 이런 학습의 전략으로는 협동학습과 역할놀이가 효과적이다. 또한 구성주의에 따른 과학교육 평가에서는 수행평가를 강조한다. Constructivism has had a great influence on science education over the last two decades. The purpose of this article is twofold: First, to describe the characteristics of constructivism and, second, to suggest an ideal forms of science education in Korea as implied in constructivism. A review of the literature in the first area shows that constructivism is the philosophical/ psychological view which believes in the social nature of the construction of scientific knowledge and its learning. And the analyses of a few schools of constructivism suggests decision-making as a goal of science education, learning as the active construction of meaning through interaction between learner and learning environments, and discussion and cooperation as appropriate teaching strategies. At the same time, the results necessitate teaching ethical aspects of science in the secondary schools, and also imply that performance assessment must be emphasized in evaluation of science education.

      • KCI등재

        근대초기 직업작가의 자의식적 글쓰기

        최경희(Kyunghee Choi) 한국셰익스피어학회 2014 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.50 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the writing strategy of Thomas Nashe, one of the first Elizabethan professional authors, and to define his own authorial identity within the literary culture of Early modern England. To do this, this study focuses on Pierce Penniless, a pamphlet written by Nashe who exploited a critical persona and tried to depict the precarious lives of the newly professionalized writers made possible by the development of the Elizabethan publishing industry and the growth of the reading public. In Pierce Penniless, where observation, self-display and social commentary are ingeniously balanced, Pierce bitterly complains of the world’s wickedness, and finally decides to make the devil his patron. Although Pierce writes cheerfully about his poverty, his social satire is witty and sarcastic enough to reveal the widespread materialism and the general neglect of the knowledge and scholars at the time. Nashe/Pierce’s appropriation of the fool’s license, together with his exaggerated delineation of specific social types and unconventional style allows him to be one of the wittiest and most astute critics of his age. Being situated between the declining patronage and the flourishing book market and printing industry, Nashe was aware of the ways in which print culture positions itself in relation to the conventions of manuscript world. However, he deliberately exploits his marginality to establish the authorial position in the changing literary environment. What makes Nash noteworthy is his stylistic self-consciousness, which does not conform to the traditional Elizabethan author-writer relationship and ultimately makes him the pioneer writer of the era.

      • KCI등재

        인간 유전체 ELSI 연구에 대한 외국의 전문가 교육 실태

        최경희(Kyunghee Choi),윤정로(Jeong-Ro Yoon) 한국생명윤리학회 2003 생명윤리 Vol.4 No.1

        There are increasing concerns over the ethical, legal, and social implications spawned from the Human Genome Project. This study is about analysis and a summary of foreign cases for experts on ethical, legal, and social implications(ELSI) of the human genome project. In ELSI professional education of other countries, there are teaching-learning material development, teaching-learning model construction, an online education information center, experts' network for human genome education, academic research and seminars. The U.S. is laying out the most various, detailed, and professional education activities. In the ELSI research of Human Genome Project(HGP) hosted by the National Institute of Health(NIH) and the Department of Energy(DOE), the U.S. government set the protection of genetic privacy as their primary goal and supported various experts education programs. In addition, there has been active participation by experts from medical and science groups such as National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics(NCHPEG), National Association of Genetic Counselors(NAGC), as well as American Society of Human Genetics(ASHG). In Europe, in line with the EU's inauguration, drawing an outline of ELSI has been actively pursued under the EU’s full support. European Initiatives for Biotechnology Education(EIBE), where 17 countries cooperated for 10 years since 1991, is a good example.

      • KCI등재

        생명공학의 윤리적 특성에 대한 교육적 고찰

        최경희(Kyunghee Choi),조희형(Hee-hyung Cho) 한국생명윤리학회 2001 생명윤리 Vol.2 No.2

        Ethical problems have become an urgent matter-of-fact problem of modern society as science and technology develop rapidly. In a more specific example, we have to recognize the urgent ethical problems that have arisen due to the rapid development of biotechnology. The need for education about ethical problems in the sciences at school is becoming more important than ever before. However, in actuality, ethical education has not kept pace with the rapid developments in science and technology. To date, ethical problems related to science and technology have been handled only in an academic manner, and not very importantly in the dimension of scientific education, in fact, direct lessons about ethical problems related to science and scientific technology or studies for this purpose have rarely been given at school. The traditional methods based on actual facts and logics are not appropriate for educating ethical aspects of biotechnology. STS approach and intentional teaching-learning strategies are necessary for it rather them. Therefore in this study, the sorts and resources of ethical problems regarding biotechnology, the meaning of STS and STS education, and STS approach for education ethical aspects of biotechnology were investgated.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        과학의 윤리적 특성 주제에 대한 중ㆍ고등학생들의 인식

        최경희(CHOI Kyunghee),조희형(CHO Hee-hyung) 한국생명윤리학회 2001 생명윤리 Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of secondary school students regarding. contemporary ethical themes in science. These ethical themes are slated for introduction in teaching-learning materials in science education sites. A survey methodology was used in the study. Two surveys were developed by the researchers: one for middle school students, and the other for high school students. The subjects consisted of 1131 students from eight middle and high schools located in the greater Seoul metropolitan area and in Kangwon Province. Descriptive statistics provided frequencies and normalized percentages of the results and provided quantitative indication about the students' interests and perceptions regarding ethical themes. Results from students' data indicated that students showed interests about ethical issues in science and technology, especially showing high interest and concern about such bio-ethics issues involving cloning, human gene treatment, gene modification, etc. As such, results of the study support the need for introduction of these ethical issues and themes in the teaching-learning materials slated for use in science education sites.

      • KCI등재후보

        탈식민적 자아 형성

        최경희(Kyunghee Choi) 한국셰익스피어학회 2002 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.38 No.1

        African response to Shakespeare's Othello during twentieth-century decolonization have radically resisted the image of Othello as a barbarian. And African revisions of the play have attempted to alter the European ideological and cultural codes that have discursively produced the black man as a violent 'other' while marking the white woman as his innocent, and often idealized, victim. From the traditional essentialist perspective, Shakespeare's play cannot forsee the violence and conflict of colonial history, and even in his dying moment, Othello perpetuates the dichotomy between 'civilized' Venetians and 'barbaric' non Europeans. The 'new' literatures of Africa have as their theme the divided subjectivity of the black man, defined by Frantz Fanon as the "Black Skin, White Masks" syndrome. African revisions historicize Othello's psychic conflicts within the violence of colonial/postcolonial history. Two African rewritings of Othello, the Sudanese author Tayeb Salih's novel, Season of Migration to the North(1969), and Murray Carlin's Not now, sweet Desdemona(1968), written in the wake of the African independence movements, clearly embody a need for cultural decolonization. In Salih's novel, Mustapha Sa'eed self-consciously mimics Shakespeare's Othello, but unlike Othello, he is conscious of the way in which he is being defined by the West and he resists and manipulates the positions assigned to him within colonialist ideology. Salih ultimately concentrates on the immediate problems and pressures of the post-independence period, but he does not suggest the way of escape from the 'betweenness' of the postcolonial condition. In Not now, sweet Desdemona race conflict is articulated by a black actor playing Othello who rejects the image of Shakespeare's hero, 'civilized' by the Europeans. Carlin's Othello not only articulates the isolation experienced by blacks through history, but he also attempts to revise the typical relationship in which the black man is invariably cast as a sexual predator on innocent, white woman. To conclude, both Not now, sweet Desdemona and Season of Migration to the North question whether Shakespeare's Othello can be read and appreciated without the interventions of its non-European revisions. Thus, to understand Othello's place in the postcolonial moment is to open the play to the competing ideologies of multiple interpretations. And 'decolonized' Shakespeare can be liberated from the Eurocentric ideology that has colonized his plays.

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