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      • KCI등재

        파종기와 재배방법에 따른 논 재배 콩의 품종별 생장분석

        조준형 ( Cho Joon-hyeong ) 한국유기농업학회 2006 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.14 No.2

        This study was conducted to identify the effect of planting date and cultivation method on soybean growth and yield in paddy field. The plant height of soybeans in single cropping(SC) was higher than those in cultivating after barley culture (CB). Considering planting date and cultivation method, plant height tend to be higher in SC with level row cultivation(LR) and in CB with high ridge cultivation(HR). In this SC method, nodule formation in LR was better than in HR, but number of nodules of cv. Hwangkeumkong was highest, regardless of planting date and cultivation method. In the progress of growth stage, leaf areas of all cultivars were distinctively increased in CB than in SC. However, dry weight of top plants and roots in SC was comparably higher than that in CB due to growing periods of the soybeans. In cultivation methods, general type of dry weight of top plants was higher in LR than in HR, however, root dry weight was via verses. Growth responses varied depending on cultivars, cultivation methods, and planting date and these factors affected to shoot root (T/R) ratio. The T/R ratios in LR and SC were higher than those in HR and CB. In R8 stage, number of pods and ripened seed varied depending on cultivars. cv. Hwaeomputkong, which showed early maturing trait, was lowest. However, both yield factors tended to be higher in HR and CB than in LR and SC. The ratios of ripened seeds percentage of cv. Hwangkeumkong and cv. Eunhakong were higher in CB than in SC. However, yields of cv. Daewonkon and cv. Taekwangkong were higher in CB than in SC.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 람동성의 농업현황 및 한-벳 ODA 농업협력사업 전략

        조준형 ( Joon Hyeong Cho ),장혜리 ( Hye Ri Jang ),임종민 ( Jong Min Lim ),이석영 ( Sok Young Lee ),김완석 ( Wan Seok Kim ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2011 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.23 No.5

        Agricultural environment of Lam Dong province, which is located in central highland area, is totally different from that of other lower areas in Vietnam. In Lam Dong province, abundant plant resources were naturally grown such as pine trees, taxus, and wild orchids, which can grow in high mountainous area. In Lam Dong, the field proportion of perennial crops was higher than that of annual crops. However, the field proportion and yields of vegetables were highest among the all cultivated crops, estimating 38% (36,552ha) and 72% (993,082MT), respectively. Especially in Da Lat, vegetables, flowers, orchids, and industrial crops were mainly produced because this area is geographically close to Ho Chi Minh city. And also in Da Lat, 64% (8,447ha) and 36% (4,777ha) of farm fields were used for producing annual and perennial crops, respectively, and the yields of fresh vegetables in this area was estimated to 213,478MT which was 21.5% of the whole yields in Lam Dong province. Thus Korea, Taiwan, Japan, France, and Holland have invested to agriculture in Da Lat for producing and exporting flowers, vegetables, and tea. In 2009, flower cultivation area of Da Lat was over 55% in Lam Dong province and average amount of values were 9,781 million USD, which was higher than that of al other crops. Thus following strategies could be suggested for the development of agriculture in Lam Dong province. The first, agricultural cooperation with Da Lat, Lam Dong, should be characterized to horticulture and floriculture, followed by supporting both appropriate R&D techniques and equipments. And then agricultural system should be made in relationship with the local companies. Finally, agricultural cooperation program should be conducted toward the direction for both donor and recipient countries.

      • KCI등재후보

        콩의 논 재배시 토성 및 재배 방법에 따른 콩의 생장분석

        조준형 ( Cho Joon-hyeong ) 한국유기농업학회 2006 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.14 No.4

        This study was conducted to establish the environment-friendly cropping system of soybean in paddy field with different soil textures. When the soybean was cultivated in paddy fields, growth responses of testing cultivars varied depending on soil texture and cultivation method. Growth responses of soybean in sandy loam tended to be better than those in clay, however the effect of high ridged cultivation was distinguished in clay loam. Especially, formation of rhizome nodule was significantly different depending on soils ; more numerous rhizome nodules were formed in sandy loam compared to that in clay. Plant heights of Taekwangkong and Eunhakong were highest in clay and sandy loam, respectively, while the number of pods and branches of Eunhakong were most in both soils. In clay paddy field, growth responses of Eunhakong were best among the testing cultivars, however high ridged cultivation was more appropriate to the cultivar compared to level row cultivation regardless of soils. Taekwangkong showed the highest leaf area indexes during whole growth stages. Leaf development of Daewonkong was suppressed in clay at early growth stage, while it significantly increased as growth stages progressed. Most retard leaf development was observed in early maturity cultivar, Hwaseongputkong, since it seemed to be seriously damaged by excessmoisture injury in both soils. Comparing the dry weight of top plants and roots, plant growth was more affected by soil texture than cultivation methods at early vegetative growth stage, via verses at R2 or R5 stages. In yield characters and yields at R8 maturity stage, pods number of Eunhakong was significantly higher than those of Daewonkong and Taekwangkong estimating to 107 and 124 in clay and sandy loam, respectively. The ratio of ripened seeds was highest in sandy loam in combination with high ridged cultivation, while the lowest in clay with level row. The yields of Deawonkong and Eunhakong were higher compared to other testing cultivars ranged from 182~286kg/ha depending on soils and cultivation methods. In results, growth responses and yields of testing cultivars tended to be higher in sandy loam in combination with high ridge compared to clay with level row.

      • KCI등재

        연구보문 : 베트남 농업환경 및 작물생산현황 조사

        조준형 ( Joon Hyeong Cho ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2011 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.23 No.3

        한-벳 양국의 농산업 발전과 미래 농업협력방안 수립을 위해 베트남의 농업환경 및 농업생산현황을 조사하였다. 1992년 한-벳 국교 수교 이후 베트남은 아시아 국가 중 중점 협력국으로서 가장 활발한 경제교류가 이루어지고 있는 나라로 1990 년대 이후 빠른 경제성장을 보이고 있으나 아직까지 도·농간의 사회적 발전 격차가 큰 빈곤 국가이다. 베트남은 풍부한 생물다양성을 보유하고 있어 해외 농업자원 개발에 유리하며, 우리나라의 식량자급을 위한 해외 농업기지로서의 활용가치가 매우 높다. 베트남은 농업이 전체산업에서 차지하는 비중이 높고, 벼 등 자급위주의 일년생 식량작물생산이 농업의 주를 이루는데, 지난 20년간 변화가 크지 않다. 베트남은 지형 및 기후조건에 따라 3개 지역에 8개 농업생태지역으로 구분하는데, 지역 간 농업환경이 매우 다를 뿐만 아니라, 농가의 소득수준 차이가 매우 크다. 또한 전반적인 농업 R&D 기반, 농민교육체계, 그리고 농가소득 창출을 위한 농산물 가공 및 유통체계가 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 한국과 베트남 양국의 농업발전을 위한 협력 방안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한국 측은 현지 지역의 농업환경 및 여건에 적합한 농업기술지원과 농업연구 및 생산에 필요한 R&D 시설을 함께 지원해야하며, 둘째, 대상지역에 기반을 둔 기업들과 연계한 농업생산체계를 만들어야 한다. 셋째, 또한 작물생산 이외의 농업 2차 소득을 창출할 수 있는 방안 마련과, 넷째, 한-벳 국제농업협력사업은 지원국과 수혜국 양국의 상생적 발전을 위한 방향으로 추진되어야 한다. Current status of agriculture in Vietnam were investigated, such as agro-environment and crop productions. And also we identified the agricultural problems and suggested the ways to solve these issues. Among the Asian countries, Vietnam has been considered an important economic partner to Korea, since 1992. Despite the rapid economic growth, Vietnam still be an underdeveloped country, which having many social difficulties, specifically imbalanced development between urban and rural areas. However, Vietnam has many advantages to develop agricultural resources and farm lands because of its abundant biological diversities. In Vietnam, agriculture has been a great proportion of whole industries and the production of annual crops have been most important during last 20 years. The land of vietnam was classified eight agro-environmental regions depending on the topography and the climate. Farm household incomes were greatly different among the regions. And moreover the agricultural R&D and extension system for farmers were insufficient and the processing system for farm products were not established. Thus the following strategies could be suggested to develop agriculture of vietnam. The first, both advanced techniques and appropriate R&D equipments should be supported for each farm regions depending on agricultural environment. Second, farm production related with the food companies should be made. Third, the crop processing system related with secondary industries should be established for increasing farmers income. And finally, Korea-Vietnam agricultural cooperation should be conducted toward the direction for both donor and recipient countries.

      • KCI등재

        친환경 논 밭 윤환 콩 재배법 확립을 위한 논 콩 재배시 품종별 생육반응 연구

        김용욱 ( Kim Yong-wook ),조준형 ( Cho Joon-hyeong ) 한국유기농업학회 2004 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.12 No.4

        This study was conducted with two objectives ; one was to select the suitable soybean cultivars for cultivation in paddy field and the other was to establish the environment-friendly rotational cropping system of soybean instead of rice in paddy field. In order to evaluate growth adaptation and yields, five soybean cultivars were cultivated in Yeoncheon, Keonggi province, with two cultivation methods such as level row and high ridge. Growth of the top plants, such as stem length, number of branches, diameter of stem, were higher in high ridge than in level row, however, the differences among the cultivars were bigger than those between the cultivation methods. Dry weight of top plant was significantly different among the cultivars during whole growth stages, however, it was higher in level row than in high ridge at V5 stage while it became higher in high ridge as growth progressed. Roots were more developed in high ridge than in level row during whole growth stages. T/R ratio in level row was higher than that in high ridge. During whole growth stages, significant differences were observed among the cultivars in growth and yields in each cultivation method and yields of Eunhakong was the highest. In results, number of nodules and T/R ratio at V5 stage, number of pods at R2 stage, and number of seeds and T/R ratio at R5 stage had highly correlated with yields, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        강화약쑥 수용성 추출물의 식물 타감효과 및 HPLC에 의한 타감물질 분석 연구

        이주화,변지희,김명수,박춘근,박충범,차선우,이정훈,조준형,Lee, Joo-Hwa,Byeon, Ji-Hui,Kim, Moung-Su,Park, Chun-Geon,Park, Chung-Berm,Cha, Sun-Woo,Lee, Jeong-Hoon,Cho, Joon-Hyeong 한국유기농업학회 2013 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.21 No.4

        This study was conducted to evaluate the allelopathic effect of aqueous extract of Ganghwa domestic mugwort (Artemisia spp.) on vegetables and its related allelo-chemicals. When the receptor vegetables, such as Chinese cabbage, lettuce, and red radish, were treated with aqueous extract obtained from Sajabalssuk (A. $sp^*I$), Ssajuarissuk (A. $sp^*II$) or Ssajarissuk (A. $sp^*III$), their germination rate, leaf number, plant height, and root length were restricted with increasing concentration of aqueous extract. Allelopathic effect was the highest in radish, than lettuce and Chinese cabbage in order. The growth of topplant were more inhibited then root growth observing in restriction of plant height, root length, and chlorophyll contents. The plant height, the root length of red radish were 53.3 and 61.2% and their fresh weights were 19.8 and 26.4% compared to those of controls, respectively. A. $sp^*III$ showed the highest allelopathic effect among the donor plants. In HPLC analysis, 7 phenol compounds were identified in A. $sp^*I$ and A. $sp^*II$, and, in A. $sp^*III$, and hydroxybenzoic acid and phenylacetic acid were further identified as allelochemicals. It is considered that their plant growths were variously inhibited by the amounts and types of allelochemicals in aqueous extracts. To increase the productivity of farm land after cultivation of mugwort, these results can be useful to select the following field crops.

      • KCI등재

        강화약쑥 추출물이 종자발아 및 유식물 생장에 미치는 알레로파시 효과

        이주화,변지희,이정훈,박춘근,박충범,조준형,Lee, Joo-Hwa,Byeon, Ji-Hui,Lee, Jeong-Hoon,Park, Chun-Geon,Park, Chung-Berm,Cho, Joon-Hyeong 한국유기농업학회 2012 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.20 No.4

        This study was conducted to identify allelopathic effect of Ganghwa domestic Artemisia spp., named Sajabalssuk and Ssajuarissuk, for various receptor plants including clover (Trifolium repens L.), alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), lawn grass (Zoysia japonica Steud.), dandelion (Taraxacum platycarpum Dahlst.), and dahurianpatrinia (Patrinia scabiosaefolia Fisch. ex Trevir). Receptor plants were treated with the aqueous and essential oil extract of Artemisia plants. In consequence, their allelopathic effects were evaluated by measuring seed germination rates, seedling growth, and dry weights of the receptor plants. The seed germination and seedling growth of the receptor plants were inhibited by all treatments of both aqueous and essential oil extracts of the Artemisia plants, and, in addition, the inhibitory effects were increased according to the higher concentration. Among the donor plants, A. $sp.^*III$ showed most effective allelopathic effect. Comparing the alleopathic effect among the receptor plants, seed germination was most inhibited in lawn grass while inhibitory effect of seedling growth was comparatively higher in dandelion. Although inhibitory effects were comparatively lower, the allelopathic effects of Artemisia plants were identified in clover and alfalfa since the seedling growth of these plants were inhibited more than 70%. Thus, in result, Ganghwa domestic Artemisia spp. could be possibly used for weed control since natural products of the plants showed inhibitory effects on seed germination and seedling growth of various receptor plants.

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