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        모디정부 외교정책의 결정요인

        김찬완(Kim, Chanwahn) 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2018 남아시아연구 Vol.24 No.2

        2014년 모디정부 출범 이후 인도의 외교정책은 기본적인 정책기조는 신 비동맹을 그대로 유지하고 있지만 정책의 목표와 핵심 대상지역이 바뀌면서 만모한 싱정부 하에서 추진되었던 주요 정책들이 강화되거나 구체화되었다. 이 결과 조용한 외교에 초점이 맞추어졌던 만모한 싱정부의 외교정책은 모디정부 출범 이후 주도적이고 강한 외교에 방점을 둔 신속외교로 변화되었다. 특히, 정책의 목표가 중국의 급성장을 견제하는 글로벌 파워로 수정되면서 인도의 주요 외교정책은 적극적 친미, 적극적 동방정책, 적극적 서방정책, 주변국 우선정책 등으로 변화되었다. 이 글은 만모한 싱정부 이후 새롭게 출범한 모디정부 하에서 인도 외교정책의 지속과 변화에 대한 결정요인을 알아보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 이 글은 국내 정치구조의 변화, 외교 안보라인의 주요 정책 결정자, 경제발전, 국제정세 변화 등의 주요 결정요인들을 분석하였다. 분석결과 모디정부 이후 인도의 외교정책이 적극적으로 변화된 배경에는 무엇보다 ‘강한 인도’, ‘성장의 인도’를 건설하겠다는 힌두근본주의 정당으로의 중앙 권력의 변경이 중요하게 작용했다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 외부적인 요인으로는 미국과 일본이 ‘자유롭고 개방된 인도-태평양’ 개념을 도입하면서 중국을 본격적으로 견제하기 시작하는 국제정세변화도 중요하게 작용했다. 결론적으로 모디정부 하에서 인도 외교정책의 지속과 변화를 가져온 가장 중요한 결정요인은 내부적으로는 국내 정치구조의 변화가 외부적으로는 국제 정치안보 정세변화가 중요하게 작용했다고 할 수 있다. Since the Modi government in 2014, India"s foreign policy has maintained the neo-non-alignment as its basic policy, but as policy goal and core area have been changed, major policies of India"s foreign policy under the Manmohan Singh government have been strengthened or materialized. As a result, Indian foreign policy of Manmohan Singh government, which had been focused on quiet diplomacy, has changed to the fast-track diplomacy emphasizing strong diplomacy since the establishment of the Modi government. Especially, as the policy goal was revised to be a global power to check the rapid rise of China, the major foreign policies of India have been changed into active pro-America, act east, act west(link west) and neighbourhood first policy. The purpose of this article is to examine determinants of the continuity and change of Indian foreign policy under the new Modi government after the Manmohan Singh government. For that, this study analyzed the main determinants of domestic political structure, major policy makers of the foreign and security lines, economic development, and changes in international affairs. It is found that the reason behind the change of India"s foreign policy to be a more active-oriented is change of central power by the Hindu fundamental party which has tried to build "strong India" and "growth-oriented India". As for the external factors, the change of the international situation that the US and Japan have started to contain China in earnest by adopting the concept of "free and open Indo - Pacific" concept also played an important role. In conclusion, it is said that the most important determinants of India’s foreign policy under Modi government are internally domestic political structure and externally international political and security situation.

      • KCI등재

        인도 정치의 대전환: 2019년 총선을 중심으로

        김찬완(Kim, Chanwahn) 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2019 남아시아연구 Vol.25 No.2

        2019 인도 총선 결과 기존의 예상과는 달리 인도국민당(BJP) 주도 국민민주연합(NDA)이 압승하여 재집권에 성공했다. 힌두근본주의 정당이 재집권한 것은 인도 정치사의 대전환이라고 할 수 있다. 인도 정치의 대전환은 항상 총선을 기점으로 이루어져왔다. 1967년 국민회의 시스템(The Congress System)의 마감, 1977년 인도국민회의 최초로 인도 중앙 권력 획득 실패, 1996년 연합정치 풍토 조성 등과 같은 대전환이 총선 결과 나타났다. 총선을 기점으로 인도 정치의 대전환이 이루어져왔다는 것은 정당과 정치인들의 역할도 중요했지만 무엇보다 대의민주주의를 받아들인 유권자들의 힘이 컸다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 이 글은 2019년 총선을 중심으로 인도 유권자들이 왜 그리고 어떻게 인도 정치의 대전환을 가져오게 되었는지 제인 맨스브릿지(Jane Mansbridge, 2003, 2011)의 대의민주주의 이론을 접목하여 분석하고자 한다. 분석 결과 2019년 인도 총선에서 유권자들이 BJP를 선택한 투표 형태는 회고적 투표1)와 정체성을 중시하는 투표 행태가 복합적으로 나타났다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 모디 2기 내각과 BJP는 앞으로 예측에 입각한 대의와 자이로스코프적 대의를 지향할 것으로 보인다. 이러한 정치과정에서 모디가 이끄는 인도국민당은 “힌두의 인도”, “성장의 인도”, “강한 인도”, “모디의 인도” 건설을 지속적으로 추구해 나갈 것으로 보인다. As a result of the 2019 general election in India, the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had a landslide victory. The second term of Modi government of the Hindu fundamentalist party can be said to be a great transition of the political history of India. The great transition of Indian politics has always been based on the general election. After general elections in India, there were great transitions such as the ending of the Congress System in 1967, failure of INC for the first time in 1977 to acquire the central power in India, and the apparence of a coalition politics in 1996. Although the role of political parties and politicians was also important in the great transition of Indian politics after the general election, but most of all, the power of the voters who embraced representative democracy was strong. Therefore, this paper will analyze why and how the Indian voters brought about the great transition of Indian politics, focusing on 2019 general election in 2019, on the basis of Jane Mansbridge"s (2003, 2011) theory of representative democracy. As a result of the analysis, it can be said that voters who voted for the BJP in the 2019 general election in India had a combination of retrospective voting and voting which emphasized identity. In this regard, Modi’s second term will be oriented towards anticipatory representation and gyroscopic representation. In this kind of political process, the BJP led by Modi will continuously pursue to construct “Hindu’s India”, “Growth Oriented India“, ”Strong India“, and ”Modi’s India”

      • KCI등재

        인도와 태국 관계

        김찬완(ChanWahn KIm) 21세기정치학회 2013 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.23 No.2

        The relations between India and Thailand have drastically improved in recent years. This study has analyzed how far India's look-east policy, regarding the Northeast region, has contributed to the improved relations between India and Thailand and assessed the limitations of such policy about the relations between these two countries. This study has found that India's look-east policy, with special reference to the Northeast region, has certainly contributed to the closer relations between the two countries. Obviously, it was possible to have this kind of positive outcome because India's look-east policy has harmonized with the look-west policy of Thailand. This article has argued that the improved relations between India and Thailand focusing on the Northeast region will not be confined within the bilateral relations, but it will contribute to the development of multilateral relations such as BIMSTEC and MGC. In this regard, one could say that India can achieve the goals of its foreign policy that will ultimately establish a closer relationship with Southeast Asia, especially with the mainland Southeast Asian countries. To achieve that goal, what is most important is to establish a connection between India and Thailand. If India successfully creates a connection, such as the construction of a highway and railway from India to Thailand through Myanmar, according to New Delhi's plan, the look-east policy can be recognized as one of the most successful foreign policies of India.

      • KCI등재

        인도는 중견(간)국 인가?: 신비동맹정책을 중심으로

        김찬완(Kim, Chanwahn) 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2021 남아시아연구 Vol.27 No.2

        인도의 전통적인 비동맹정책은 미국의 주도권을 위협할 정도로 G2로서 급부상한 중국을 대처하기에는 역부족이다. 이런 상황에서 인도가 국제정치에서 전통적으로 추구해왔던 비동맹정책을 지속하고 있는지 아니면 어떤 변화가 있는지 살펴보는 것은 매우 중요하다. 또한, 미·중 주도권 싸움에서 인도는 어떤 관점을 취하고 있으며 그 위치는 중견국의 모습을 보이는지 아니면 대국으로서의 위치를 찾기 위한 전략인지 논의해볼 필요가 있다. “인도는 중견(간)국인가?”라는 답을 찾기 위해 중견국을 정의하는 데에 사용되는 대표적인 접근법인 국가 속성, 행태적, 정체성과 아이디어 접근법을 적용해보았다. 분석 결과 인도는 현실주의의 국가 속성과 자유주의의 행태적 접근 측면에서 중견국이라고 주장하기에는 무리가 있다. 또한, 강대국들 사이에 끼인 지정학적 중간국도 아닌 것을 확인했다. 하지만 중국을 견제하는 대국으로 성장하고자 하는 목적을 명확히 해나가면서 군사, 안보 분야에서 사안별 동맹을 맺어나가고 있는 신비동맹정책을 추진하고 있는 인도는 정체성과 아이디어 접근법 측면에서 중견국이라고 할 수 있다. India"s traditional non-alignment policy is insufficient to deal with China, which has emerged as a G2 rapidly to the extent that it threatens the hegemony of the United States. Under this circumstance, it is very important to examine whether India is continuing its non-alignment policy, which has been traditionally pursued in international politics, or whether there are any changes. In addition, it is necessary to discuss what perspective India is taking in the battle for dominance between the United States and China, and whether its position is a middle power or a great power. In order to find out an answer to “Is India a middle power country?”, this study applied the existing three approaches to middle power based on national attributes, behavioral traits, and identity and idea. As a result of the analysis, it is unreasonable to claim that India is a middle power in terms of national attributes of realism and behavioral approaches of liberalism. It also confirmed that India is not a geopolitical middle ground state sandwiched between great powers. However, one may say India is a middle power in terms of its identity and idea approach as it has clarified its purpose of growing into a great power that holds China in check

      • KCI등재

        방글라데시 중소·중견 기업 애로점과 공적개발원조 개선요구 분석

        신진영 ( Jinyoung Shin ),김찬완 ( Chanwahn Kim ) 한국질서경제학회 2016 질서경제저널 Vol.19 No.3

        이 글은 방글라데시의 중소·중견기업들의 애로점과 공적개발원조(Official Development Assistance) 개선요구를 파악한 후 한국의 대(對) 방글라데시 ODA 개선방안을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 최근 ODA는 공여국의 경제적 이해와 수원국의 필요를 고려하는 동시에 수원국의 지속 가능한 성장에 기여하여 공생 가능성을 높이는 방향으로 추진되고 있다. 이와 관련하여 원조 방법의 중요 고려 사항은 민간 부분과의 협력이다. 따라서 이 글은 방글라데시 중소·중견기업은 물론 현지 한국기업들의 애로점과 ODA 개선요구를 파악하였다. 구조화 된 설문지로 복수 응답을 허용하여 해당 업체의 CEO 또는 핵심 관리자를 대상으로 기업의 애로점과 ODA 개선요구를 조사하였다. 조사 결과 기업들이 가장 어려움을 느끼는 분야는 자금조달의 어려움(22.7%), 전력공급(22.7%), 법률규제(18.2%)순으로 나타났다. ODA 개선요구가 가장 높은 분야는 전력공급(22.7%)과 물류(20.9%)분야였다. 본 설문조사를 IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis) 모형으로 분석한 결과 대(對) 방글라데시 사업 환경에서 애로점과 개선요구가 중첩되는 전력공급과 기업들의 개선 요구가 높은 물류 부분을 중심으로 ODA를 개선·보완할 필요가 있어 보인다. The purpose of this study is to find out the sustainable and win-win ODA strategy based on analysis of difficulties and ODA improvement demands by the small and medium-sized enterprises in Bangladesh. Recently, ODA is pursuing in a way to accommodate not only recipient countries’ needs, especially economic growth, but also economic interest of the donors. In this context, an important consideration of assistance way is cooperation with private sectors. Therefore, this study analysed difficulties and ODA improvement demands of Bangladesh small and medium-sized enterprises including Korean enterprises in the country. Bangladesh is one of the top ten recipients of Korean ODA. This research surveyed 30 Korean companies in Bangladesh and 25 companies of Bangladesh located in Dhaka and Chittagong. Out of the 50 companies, 34 are manufacturing and construction companies and 26 are in service sector. A structured questionnaire, allowing multiple answers, is hired for this research. The responders were the company’s CEO or corporate key managers. According to the survey result, the most difficult areas of the enterprises were financial problem (22.7%), power supply (22.7%) and regulatory issues (18.2%). The highest demand for ODA support was a power supply (22.7%) followed by logistics (20.9%). The result of IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis) suggests that ODA to Bangladesh needs to improvement and supplement policies focusing on two important sectors, namely power supply and logistics. Because power supply sector is mentioned in both difficulties and ODA improvement demands, and logistics has the highest score among the improvement demands of the enterprises. One of the important findings of this study is that technology support is co- incided in difficulties as well as ODA improvement demands among Bangladesh small and medium-sized enterprises unlike the Korean companies in Bangladesh. Therefore, when Korea provides ODA to Bangladesh companies, technology support program needs to be considered as an important package. Even though this study has a critical point, due to the limited number of sample size, to comprehend difficulties and ODA improvement demands by Bangladesh small and medium-sized enterprises including Korean ones, it will certainly contribute towards win-win partnership of ODA between Korea and Bangladesh for sustainable cooperation.

      • KCI등재

        From The Hindu Growth Phase to The Moderate Growth Phase: The Role of the State in Economic Transition in India

        Rajiv Kumar(라지브 쿠마르),Chanwahn Kim(김찬완) 한국아시아학회 2019 아시아연구 Vol.22 No.2

        이 연구는 발전국가론의 관점에서 힌두저성장 시기(1950 ~ 1980)를 마감한 1980 년대 인도 경제성장전환단계를 설명하기 위해 국가의 중요성을 분석하고 있다. 경제자유화가 성장을 촉진한다는 기존의 연구와는 달리 본 연구는 1980 년대 인도가 저성장을 벗어나 경제성장를 이룩할 수 있었던 주요 요인으로 강한 국가의 출현을 들고 있다. 인도는 1980 년 인디라 간디와 1984 년 라지브 간디가 이끄는 인도국민회의 압도적 총선승리와 더불어 집권여당에 대한 좌파정당들의 정치적 간섭이 줄어들면서 강한 국가의 출현을 경험하게 되었다. 본 연구는 세가지 측면에서 분석이 이루어졌다. 첫째, 인도는 당시 내부적으로 재분배를 강조하는 사회주의 경제정책 대신에 성장을 강조하는 새로운 경제발전 전략으로 수정하는 경제정책을 받아들였다. 둘째, 인도는 또는 경제성장을 촉진하기 위해 기존에 추구하지 않았던 국제경제정책을 받아들였다. 셋째, 인도는 선출직 국회의원들보다는 서구교육을 받은 경제관료들에게 더 많은 권한을 주면서 경제정책 결정 팀을 운영해나갔다. 이 모든 것은 강한 국가가 있었기 때문에 가능했다. 따라서 1980 년대 인도의 경제성장을 설명함에 있어서 강한 국가의 역할은 매우 중요하다. 저성장의 힌두성장단계에서 중성장단계로의 경제전환에서의 국가의 역할을 보여주는 본 연구는 최근 인도 경제성장에 대한 연구를 재검토해야 될 학문적 필요성을 제시해주고 있다. Drawing from the perspective of developmental state theory, this study sheds a light on the significance of state in explaining India’s economic growth transition in the 1980s that marked the end of the slow Hindu growth phase (1950 ~ 1980). Contrary to existing studies which attribute the acceleration in growth to liberalization, this study suggests that the emergence of strong state in the 1980s was the major factor, which paved the way for the upward economic growth trajectory in that decade. As this article shows, India witnessed the rise of strong state, with the massive landslide victories of the Congress party led by Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi in 1980 and 1984 respectively, combined with the decline of political constraints imposed by left parties on the ruling party. This rise of strong state, as our arguments goes, provided an impetus to adopt development-oriented strategy. This paper demonstrates it at three levels: First, India adopted a new type of strategy at the domestic-level to prioritize economic growth, instead of emphasizing redistribution, which was a shift away from socialism to pro-growth strategy; second, it also changed its international economic approach to accelerate economic growth, which was not seen in the previous decades; third, a significant change was also made in economic policy-making team by giving more power to western-educated economists vis-à-vis elected lawmakers. All these was possible as strong state was in place; hence the role of strong state is key in explaining economic growth in the 1980s. After showing the role of state in economic transition from the slow Hindu growth phase to moderate growth phase, the findings of this article also raise important scholarly question of re-examining the ‘evolution’ of the India’s economic growth in recent years.

      • KCI등재

        한국에서의 남아시아지역연구의 동향과 과제

        김찬완 국제지역학회 2001 국제지역연구 Vol.5 No.1

        South Asian studies in South Korea during the Cold War period had been mainly concentrated on the humanities such as Indian language and literature studies, and Indian philosophy. There had been a lack of demand in South Korea for carrying out South Asian studies at the level of social science. One of the main reasons for this is South Korea considered that South Asian region was far from the mainstream of international activity, especially in the field of economy. Since the early 1990s, South Korea's interests in South Asia have increased in accordance with globalization and internationalization in the post-Cold War era. It is also enhanced by acknowledging India's huge market, great potential of IT industry, nuclear power and so on. As a result, the Korean Society for Indian Studies and Institute of South Asian Studies were established. Articles and monographs on South Asia were gradually increased by the social scientists in Korea. These positive developments have improved South Asian studies in South Korea in terms of its quantity as well as quality. However, compared with other area studies in South Korea, there are still much to do to enhance South Asian Studies in South Korea. Among the literatures on South Asia, most of them are on India. There has been not only the creation of serious gaps in the literature on South Asia as a region but, much more seriously a lack of interest in comparative studies per se. This trend has down-played the similarities of and the connections between, the differing states of South Asia. So, there must be an effort to diversify the study area into other countries of South Asia and take a comparative perspective which can lead to asking very useful and somethings new questions to understand a specific country or region. In terms of the researcher and the academician number, there have been a serious unbalance between the humanities and the social sciences on South Asian studies in South Korea. Most of the specialists on South Asia are in the humanities. The humanities studies are only a necessary condition, but not a sufficient condition to stimulate an area studies. Therefore, it is high time that there must be a balance between the social sciences and the humanities on South Asian studies. Only then can South Asian studies in South Korea improve in the future ensuring a better understanding of life for the people of the region.

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