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      • KCI등재

        도시농업공원 조성에 대한 선호와 가치평가

        허주녕,김태곤,Heo, Joo-Nyung,Kim, Tae-Gon 한국유기농업학회 2013 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.21 No.2

        The Purpose of this paper is to estimates consumers' willingness to pay for Urban Agriculture Park attributes. we analysis the marginal WTP by choice experiment method. Choice experiment (CE) is designed to elicit the marginal WTP differences among urban agriculture park attributes (garden scales, learning and experience area, leisure and relaxation area and fund). The results of multinomial logit model are meaningful, the total marginal WTP on the urban agriculture park attributes is 18,852 won. gardens scales is 2,949 won, learning and experience area is 11,284 won, leisure and relaxation area is 4,619 won. In the current laws, the facilities related to urban agriculture park is not. Taking advantage of the new urban agriculture park, Amendments of the law is required.

      • KCI등재

        비모수적 방법을 이용한 도시농업의 다원적 기능 가치평가

        허주녕 ( Heo Joo-nyung ),김태곤 ( Kim Tae-gon ) 한국유기농업학회 2012 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.20 No.4

        In this regard, urban agriculture is developing into a variety of shapes. Urban agriculture includes various types, such as industrial agriculture, experience agriculture, educational agriculture, exchange agriculture and cyclic agriculture. The result of evaluation on citizens’ values about multi-functions provided by urban agriculture can be used for policy making to overcome crisis of urban agriculture due to urban development and industrialization and to vitalize urban agriculture. The willingness-to-pay for the maintenance fund was categorized into vegetable garden users, general consumers, and all respondents, for analysis. The estimation results for the valuation of multi-functionality were KRW 20,367 per household for general consumers; KRW 22,174 for urban agriculture users; and KRW 21,467 for all respondents.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • 논농업 활성화를 위한 쌀 사료화 방안

        김태곤(Kim, Tae-Gon),허주녕(Heo, Joo-Nyung) 한국농촌경제연구원 2011 한국농촌경제연구원 정책연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        Rice has played an important part in the stable supplying of staple food, in displaying the plural function of rice agriculture, and in securing the profits for the producers. However, the recent excess of rice is acting as the key to the price drop, increasing management anxiety and restricting the sound development of rice agriculture. The main causes of the excess rice is because of the stability of produce, the ease of farm work, the decrease of consumption per person, and the concentration of support on rice due to the advance of technology. Thinking about these causes, the supply and demand discord will increase even more in the future. Therefore, one of the alternative solutions to solve the problem of the excess rice is the plan to make rice into animal feed, and research on this is required. Including examinations and research studies done with the main research methods for advanced research, we propose research by understanding the actuality and policy of the animal feed in China and Japan, and carrying out fact-revealing analysis on site. The goal of this research is to suggest the significance and possibility of the production of rice for animal feed in a situation where rice used as a staple food is in excess. From the result of this research we are aiming to: 1. plan the balance of demand and supply of rice used as a staple food by making it into animal feed and guarantee the stability of management for the rice agriculture, 2. replace the feed grain that is based on corn that is imported and improve the domestic self-sufficiency of feed grain, and 3. preserve a stable and highly productive rice agriculture base production and plan a sound and continuous development.

      • KCI우수등재

        학교 텃밭의 지속적인 운영방안에 관한 연구 - 서울특별시 초등학교의 학교 텃밭 실태조사를 바탕으로 -

        최이진,이재정,조상태,장윤아,허주녕,Choi, I-Jin,Lee, Jae Jung,Cho, Sang Tae,Jang, Yoon Ah,Heo, Joo Nyung 한국조경학회 2018 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.46 No.4

        본 연구는 학교 텃밭의 양적인 확대뿐만 아니라, 지속적인 운영 방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 서울시내 599개 초등학교를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시한 결과, 설문조사에 응답한 161개 학교 모두가 학교 텃밭을 조성 운영하고 있었다. 서울시 초 중 고 포함 학교 텃밭 면적은 $166,901m^2$, 평균 $131.2m^2$이고, 설문조사에 응답한 161개교의 학교 텃밭 면적은 $65,493m^2$, 평균 $363m^2$, 학생 1인당 $1.15m^2$로 조사되었다. 학교 자체적으로 조성 운영하는 경우는 11.8%, 학교 자체적으로 조성하여 운영하다가 기관 지원 사업을 통해 재조성 혹은 환경개선을 하여 운영하는 경우가 50.3%로 조사되었다. 학교 텃밭은 조성위치에 따라 혼합형(교내 텃밭과 상자텃밭 조합)이 34.8%로 많았고, 교내 텃밭형이 32.9%, 상자 텃밭형이 29.2%, 교외 근린텃밭을 활용하는 교외 텃밭형 학교도 3.1%였다. 텃밭 운영 담당자는 담당교사가 51.6%로 가장 높았으며, 텃밭 조성 시에 함께 조성된 시설물은 소형 온실 농기구 보관함이 26.1%로 가장 많았으나, 별도의 기반시설이 함께 조성되지 않은 경우도 21.7%였다. 텃밭 운영에 있어서 어려운 점은 텃밭 관리가 34.2%로 가장 높았고, 텃밭의 지속적 운영을 위해 가장 필요한 요소로 물리적 환경 개선과 유급관리인 고용이 필요하다는 의견이 각 32%로 높게 조사되었다. 학교 텃밭 조성목적은 교육환경 조성(81.6%)이 가장 높았으며, 텃밭관리에 필요한 정보는 주로 주변 자문(67.8%)을 통해서 얻고 있었다. 텃밭에서 발생하는 식물쓰레기를 친환경적으로 퇴비화하는 학교는 45.8%였다. 학교 텃밭의 교육적 활용이 학생들에게 미치는 영향에 대해서는 매우 효과적이라는 응답이 63.2%, 효과적이라는 응답이 36.8%로 조사대상 학교 전체가 긍정적인 응답을 하였다. 본 연구는 서울지역 초등학교를 대상으로 텃밭 운영 실태를 파악하고, 지속적인 운영방안으로 학교 실정에 맞는 텃밭조성 지원, 양질의 교육프로그램적용 및 교구개발, 담당교사 직무연수 확대, 전문 강사 지원방법 모색, 텃밭관리조직 운영의 필요성을 제안하는데 의의가 있다고 생각된다. This study surveyed 599 elementary schools in Seoul to provide measures for the quantitative expansion and sustainable operation of environmentally-friendly school garden. Of all schools, 161 schools had formed and were operating school gardens. The total area of school gardens was $166,901m^2$ and the mean area was $131.2m^2$ in elementary, junior high and high schools in Seoul. Meanwhile, the total area of school gardens was $65,493m^2$ and the mean area was $363m^2$ in 161 schools that participated in the survey, indicating $1.15m^2$ per student. Of these schools, 11.8% were operating gardens themselves, while 50.3% were operating gardens that had been newly renovated or environmentally improved by institutional support projects after initially managing gardens themselves. According to the locations of school gardens, mixed-type gardening (a combination of school gardening and container vegetable gardening) accounted for 34.8%, followed by school gardening at 32.9%, container vegetable gardening at 29.2%, and suburb community gardening at 3.1%. Those in charge of garden operations were teachers at 51.6%, comprising the largest percentage. Facilities built when forming the garden included storage facilities for small-scale greenhouses and farming equipment at 26.1%, accounting for the largest percentage. No additional facilities constructed accounted for 21.7%. The greatest difficulty in operating gardens was garden management at 34.2%. The most needed elements for the sustainable operation of gardens were improvement in physical environment and the need for hiring a paid garden, each accounting for 32%. The most important purpose for school gardening was creating educational environments (81.6%). The major source for gaining information on garden management was consultation from acquaintances (67.8%). Schools that utilize plant waste from gardens as natural fertilizers accounted for 45.8% of all schools. Responses to the impact of operating school gardens for educational purpose were positive in all schools as 'very effective' in 63.2% and 'effective' in 36.8%. This study was meaningful in that it intended to identify the current status of the operation of school gardens in elementary schools in Seoul, support the formation of school gardens appropriate for each school with sustainable operation measures, implement a high-quality education program, develop teaching materials, expand job training opportunities for teachers in charge, devise measures to support specialized instructors, and propose the need for a garden management organization.

      • 커뮤니터 비즈니스 중장기 육성방안(1/3차연도) : 농업의 6차산업화와 부가가치 창출방안

        김태곤(Tae-Gon Kim),허주녕(Joo-Nyung Heo) 한국농촌경제연구원 2011 한국농촌경제연구원 기본연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        농업의 6차산업화란 농업생산이라는 1차산업을 중심으로 하여, 농산물 가공이나 특산품 개발 등 2차산업과 직판장이나 음식업?숙박업?관광업 등 3차산업을 ‘농촌지역’에서 담당하는 것을 말한다. 6차산업화는 농업의 생산, 가공, 서비스의 단순한 집합(1차+2차+3차산업=6차산업)으로 그치는 것은 아니다. 이들 산업의 유기적이고 종합적인 융합(1차×2차×3차산업=6차산업)을 의미한다. 지역단위에서 이들 3자가 유기적인 관계를 맺어야만 효과를 발휘할 수 있다. 즉 농업이나 농촌이 쇠퇴한다면, 다시 말하면 지역에서 1차산업이 소멸한다고 하면 0×2차×3차=0이 되어, 6차산업은 성립할 수 없게 된다. 지역에서 농업이 활력을 가지고 건전하게 존재해야만 6차산업이 성립한다는 것을 의미한다. 1990년대부터 중국과 일본에서 활발하게 진행되고 있는 농촌활성화 전략이다. 농업의 6차산업화가 등장하는 배경에는 시장개방의 압박 속에서 동아시아적인 영세하고 분산된 농업구조가 배경에 있다. 동아시아에서 한국을 비롯하여, 일본이나 중국의 농가 1호당 경영규모는 미국이나 유럽의 농가에 비해 영세하다. 6차산업화의 발전유형은 살펴보면, 1차산업에서 출발하여 2차산업과 3 차산업으로 발전하는 것이 가장 기본적인 발전유형이다. 또한 농산물 가공의 2차산업에서 출발하여 그 원료를 공급하는 1차산업과 도농교류 등의 3차산업으로 발전하는 유형, 그리고 지역자원을 활용한 도농교류나 체험 등의 3차산업에서 출발하여 1차산업과 2차산업으로 발전하는 유형 등 다양한 유형이 나타나고 있다. 중요한 것은 1차산업부문, 즉 농업생산의 조직화이다. 농업을 기본으로 하지 않는 6차산업화란 지역농업이나 지역사회에 파급영향이 적은 것은 물론이고 지속적인 발전도 불가능하다. 지역을 단위로 생산부문의 조직화가 반드시 이루어져야 한다. 6차산업화에 의해 지역농업이 지속적으로 발전하고 농촌지역이 활성화하기 위해서는 몇 가지 필요조건이 있다. 첫째 주체 또는 리더 육성이다. 리더는 중?장기적인 시점에서 지역농업이 안고 있는 문제를 인식하고, 이를 해결하기 위한 활용가능한 지역 자원을 조사하여 주민 합의를 전제로 프로그램을 입안한 후 실행해나가는 능력을 갖추어야 한다. 둘째 지역자원의 발굴과 활용이다. 6차산업의 지속적인 발전을 위해서는 지역고유의 자원을 발굴하여 비즈니스에 활용하는 것이 기본이다. 지역자원이란 그 지역 특유의 자연자원, 농림수산물, 인적자원, 문화와 전통 등 다양하게 존재한다. 이러한 자원을 발굴하고 증식하는 것이 중요하다. 셋째 조직경영의 장점은 농지의 효율적인 이용과 유휴농지의 발생을 방지하는 농지관리가 필요하다. 이를 위해 마을단위 농지이용계획을 수립하고 이를 실행하는 ‘농지이용조정’을 실시해야 한다. 넷째 경영상의 채산성을 확보하는 것이 무엇보다도 중요한 과제이다. 조직경영이 건전하게 존속하기 위해서는 농산물 가격이 하락하는 단계에서 생산비 절감과 새로운 고용기회 확보가 중요하다. 이상과 같은 요건이나 과제가 해결되면 농업자원 활용에 의한 지역농업진흥을 가져올 수 있다. 이를 바탕으로 가공품이나 특산품 개발, 그리고 직 거래와 교류, 관광 등으로 비즈니스 영역을 확대하여 고용기회와 고부가가치를 창출하고 농촌활성화를 실현할 수 있다. Amid the progress of aging of rural population under the petty agriculture structure and expansion of market opening, the income gap between social classes while the reduction of farmhouse income is appearing as a critical issue in agricultural administration. As one of the solutions to tackle such problems, the sixth industry of agriculture, which boosts additional value and creates jobs by utilizing various resources of agriculture is spreading; it also demonstrates an active and political response. The sixth industry of agriculture basis on the primary industry, agriculture production, rather than the route of the existing and improved simple agriculture structure, which expands areas of farmland or capital scale; it enlarges its business areas to the secondary industry, such as processing of agriculture products and development of specialty and distribution of agriculture products or direct trading to the third industry, urban- rural exchange in order to solve employment and income issues of regions. Thus, this research aims for exploring trends of Japan and China with respect to the sixth industry and suggesting effects as well as development directions through domestic cases in early stage and further offering development probability and conditions as CB. In the research result, Korea expects propagation probability of the business that materializes a higher value-added business in addition to creating employment by expanding into processing and direct dealing on the basis of agriculture production by leading the sixth industry of agriculture, namely individual management or farm corporations. First, however, there seems to be problems in lack of spontaneity of regional residents when combining challenges demonstrated in case surveys. Second, activities and project compositions that concentrated on discovery and characteristics of natural resources of regions. Third, regional leaders who play a critical role in the sixth industry. The system could be an alternative for disadvantageous areas or small stratum through farmhouse unitization where an income gap between social classes is prevalent or decline in earnings is expected due to expansion of market opening. The foundation of the sixth industry requires unionization by village according to residents" accord. With this, reduction in production costs is possible in the price falling stage of agricultural products. Next, expand employment opportunity by introducing agricultural items, such as vegetable and flowering plant that require simple labor and expands business areas through development of specialty, direct trading, mutual exchange, and tourism, including processed goods using agriculture resources and further create higher value-added businesses.

      • 도시농업의 비전과 과제

        김태곤(Kim, Tae-Gon),박문호(Park, Moon-Ho),허주녕(Heo, Joo-Nyung) 한국농촌경제연구원 2010 한국농촌경제연구원 기본연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        The participation of urban residents in agricultural activities is spreading. Some of those activities are exemplified by growing vegetables or flowers in kitchen gardens or homes along with experiencing agriculture in the form of tourism agriculture or working on an educational farm. The joy of farming obtained from repeating such activities increases the understanding on agriculture. Furthermore, the number of cases of such activities develop into direct transactions or exchanges is increasing. However, urban agriculture has a chronic problem of securing farming land, resulting from the increase of land price. The insecurity in management resulting from the diversion of farmland or farmland lease also remains an universal problem of urban agriculture. The increase of the production cost due to environmental regulations is also a problem of urban agriculture, which restricts the range of agricultural management. For such reason, it is necessary to promote a sound development of urban agriculture to cope with the increasing agricultural demand of urban residents. The purpose of this study is to propose solutions capable of shaping favorable urban environments by virtue of providing urban residents with various chances of urban activities in consonant with promoting urban agriculture as an industry after identifying the current status of urban agriculture, the expected role of urban residents on agriculture, etc. The main contents of this study comprise the followings: The first is to define the overall concept of urban agriculture from the spatial and a participating party’s point of views in consideration of the current situations, roles, urban residents’ expectations on agriculture, value evaluation, overseas cases, etc. The second is to propose a solution against the problems and characteristics which may arise from identifying the current status of kitchen gardens and agriculture, as an industry existing in urban area. The third is an application to the establishment of a vision by means of analyzing the amount that consumers are willing to pay for various functions of urban agriculture along with their intention with respect to urban residents’ agriculture as the ground for establishing the vision and identifying the problems in urban agriculture. The required elements, as the tasks for revitalizing urban agriculture, are as follows: As there are clear constraints in terms of expanding farmland ownership due to the insecurity of management related to farmland and high land price, it is necessary to review the idea of establishing ‘agricultural areas’ in the urban planning system as areas to be preserved in the long-term basis by securing farmland in urban areas. In general, consumers may be able to establish a system called ‘the agriculture supported by citizens’ by means of financial supports including volunteering for agricultural works. The stable transactions of fresh and safe agricultural products via the expansion of direct transactions and exchanges between consumers and producers may become an important means that will make cities and agriculture prosperous at the same time. In order for urban agriculture to provide urban residents with sufficient services, new roles for the government and urban residents are required. In other words, active participation of consumers on the ground of the perception that ‘agricultural facilities are necessary for cities’ is perforce. To promote urban agriculture in a more systematic way so as to achieve such goals, it is required for the government to establish ‘the Fundamental Law of Urban Agriculture’ for the purpose of laying the foundation of supporting urban agriculture or regulations, and the local authorities have to prepare for issuing necessary ordinances to meet the demand of consumers or local circumstances.

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