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      • KCI등재

        안토니오 치테리오의 미니멀리즘적 실내공간 표현특성

        한미희(Han, Mi-Hee),김문덕(Kim, Moon-Duck) 한국실내디자인학회 2015 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.24 No.6

        Occupying the center of architecture, design, painting and culture, minimalism is aesthetics of essence that reflects modern age but transcends age at the same time. Pursuing minimalist trend like this and covering the range of furniture, interior and architecture, total designer Antonio Citterio is developing minimalist designs of his own. Called one of the 3 greatest furniture designers in the world today, he leads the trend and enjoys high reputation as a world-renowned interior designer and architect. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze and integrate minimalist descriptive characteristics which appeared in interior space of Citterio who pursues minimalist design. As a study method, this study reorganized minimalism from methodological perspective, drew out expressive characteristics of minimalist interior spaces unique to Citterio based on background and influence of Citterio`s design and, centering on this frame of analysis, analyzed and integrated interior spaces he designed. The results of this study are as follows; first, in order to overcome problems that can become monotonous in a minimalist space, Citterio provides spatial experiences to feel visual and spatial variations using the ramp and bridge. Second, he created various senses of space with visual and spatial expansion using transparency in the walls made of glass. Third, with linear expressions, he designed modern spaces with beauty of proportion and balance through contrast and emphasis. Fourth, he made constructive expression through exposure of structures or stairs in the space. Fifth, he created sophisticated atmosphere with contrast between natural and artificial materials and emphasis of material properties. Sixth, his design also shows the characteristic of using furniture as the role of adjusting overall atmosphere of interior space, not as separated parts from it. The author hopes that above results of this study will provide new implications for the development of domestic interior design.

      • KCI등재

        울산지역 여고생의 교복 이미지 및 선호도 -계열별, 학년별을 중심으로-

        한미희 ( Mi Hee Han ),이은숙 ( Eun Sook Lee ) 한국의류산업학회 2012 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        This research is aimed at analyzing the image and preference of the school uniform of a girls` high school located in Ulsan, The analysis of 396 data were measured by the frequency, the t-test through SPSS 12.0. The results show that first, in the image, they associated a cold color, short v zone, necktie with mannish image, a coordination between boxy jacket and flared skirt or silhouette mixture of mannish image and feminie image with unfashionable. Second, sensibility images that they prefers differed significantly in mature, soft, and practical images between different academic spheres, and in terms of refined image between different grades. Third, in preference of school uniform wearing, photo 9 showed the significance by groups and photo 6 showed it by grade. As a result of uniform design preference analysis, significant differences were by academic shown on photo 2 in total harmony and color combination, on photo 3 in details, on photo 7 in lower garment design, on photo 8 in upper garment design, on photo 9 in total harmony, upper garment design, lower garment design, color combination and details. Meanwhile, photo 1 showed the significance by grade in color combination, photo 4 in total harmony and upper garment design, photo 7 in upper garment design, respectively. Through this study, we could assume schoolgirls`` attitude toward school uniform currently worn by them and it is considered to be used for resolving diverse problems which have been raised when school uniform design is being planned to satisfy students`` desires.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 진로교육을 위한 웹기반 사이버강의 콘텐츠 개발 및 효과검증

        한미희(Mi-Hee Han) 한국데이타베이스학회 2016 Journal of information technology applications & m Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to develop cyber class contents on website and to verify the effectiveness of the program to reinforce a career education. The participants of the experiment in this study are from Namseoul University who took the cyber class ‘Self management and creation of vision.’ of the second semester in 2015. They took the class fifty-sixty minutes a week. The control group also includes the students who took the classes ‘Theory and practice of school violence prevention’ and ‘Youth Education theory.’ To verify the effectiveness of career education, the data processing in performing this study utilized t-test for homogeneity with the effective variable of career identity and career decision and the result was proved by using paired t-test. The result suggests that the experiment group significantly shows improvement compared with the control group in the view of career identity and career decision level. Therefore we recognize that the web based cyber course has its effect on content development and career education and we anticipate the continuous development and activation of effective cyber education on website for university students in future.

      • KCI등재

        바흐오펜의 『모권 Das Mutterrecht』에 나타난 여성지배의 본질과 역사 연구

        한미희 ( Mi Hi Han ) 한국독일언어문학회(구 독일언어문학연구회) 2011 독일언어문학 Vol.0 No.52

        Im Bachofens Hauptwerk "Das Mutterrecht. Eine Untersuchung uber die Gynaikokratie der alten Welt nach ihrer religiosen und rechtlichen Natutr" handelt es sich um das Mutterecht und die darauf ruhende Gynaikokratie.. Bachofen behauptet, dass die Gynaikokratie als eine Kulturstufe eine notwendige Ubergangsphase der geschichtlichen Entwicklung der Menschheit von Bedeutung ist. Dadurch erschuttert er zum ersten Male ernstlich die bisher als selbstverstandlich hingenommene Uberzeugung von der Naturgegebenheit der monogamen patriarchalischen Familie. Deshalb nennt Friedrich Enges Bachofens Werk "eine vollstandige Revolution". "Das Mutterrecht" hat Einfluss auf verschiedene Gebiete wie die Anthropologie, Gesellschaftstheorie, Psychoanlyse und Dichtung ausgeubt. In diesem Aufsatz will ich die Bachofensche Theorie vorstellen und dadurch Bachofens kritische Aufnahme in Korea ermoglichen und nach einem neuen Gesellschafts- und Geschlechterverhaltnismodell suchen helfen. Nach Bachofen ist Gynaikokratie eine Mittelstufe zwischen dem Haterismus und dem Vatersystem. Die irdischen Ereignisse knupfen an kosmische an. So stehen die Erde, der Mond und die Sonne fur den Haterismus, die Gynaikokratie und das Vatersystem. Die ideale Gynaikokratie ist die demeterische, in der man das Wanderleben aufgibt, Ackerbau treibt und in die Ehe tritt. Hier haben die Frauen, besonders die Mutter, Macht in der Familie und dem Staat. Man benennt die Kinder nach der Mutter, und nur die Tochter beerben die Eltern. Diese Erscheinungen ruhen auf der chthonisch-mutterlichen Religion, in der die Frau als die sterbliche Stellvertreterin und Priesterin der unsterblichen unwandelbaren Urmutter Erde angesehen wird. Dagegen gilt der Mann als sterblich und steht im Sohnesverhaltnis zur Frau. Aber die Menschheit geht zum Vaterrecht uber. Der Fortschritt von der mutterlichen zu der vaterlichen Auffassung des Menschen bildet den wichtigsten Wendepunkt in der Geschichte des Geschlechterverhaltnisses. Denn der Mensch befreit sich hier vollig vom Bande der Natur und schwingt sich mit eigener Kraft zur Gottheit empor. Nach Bachofen hat die Menschheit fur die dauernde Behauptung und Durchfuhrung des Vaterrechts dem romischen Staatsprinzip als dem geistigen Prinzip des Apollos zu verdanken. In Rom nennt man die Kinder nach dem Vater, die Sohne erben den Reichtum der Eltern und die Manner haben die Macht in der Familie und dem Staat. Wahrend das Mutterprinzip Friede, Harmonie und Einheit ist, bedeutet das Vaterprinzip Beschrankung und Individualismus. Aber Bachofen behauptet gegen Platon und Strabon, dass man wegen der Enttauschung von der Zivilisation nicht in der ersten Stufe der Menschheit den Trost suchen soll. Denn die Menschheit schreite von der Einheit zur Vielheit fort, nicht umgekehrt. Aber Bachofen behauptet nicht die Vernichtung des weiblichen Prinzips, sondern die Aufhebung desselben im Hegelschen Sinne und erwartet die neue Synthese vom weiblichen und mannlichen Prinzip. In diesem Punkt ist Bachofens Theorie noch heute von Bedeutung.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        실내 프로시니엄 공연무대의 구역 디자인 구역조명을 통한 무용 조명 활용방법에 관한 연구

        이장원(Lee, Jang-Weon),한미희(Han, Me-Hui) 한국실내디자인학회 2009 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.18 No.1

        This study is to investigate the utilization of Indoor Proscenium Stage Zone Lighting method in the dancing performance. In other words, it is about how we can utilize the principle of zone lighting in dancing performance, a kind of stage art. Stage lights give lights on the stage. Therefore they play big and important roles in dancing performances. Lightings make big influence on the overall atvosphere and situations of the dancing work but most of dancers do not perceive their importance and furthermore they don"t know about the lightings very well. To let them know about stage lightings better, we studied lightings form the perspective of the dancers who face the lightings without great knowledge throgh the articles and literature related general lightings and lighting design, books related to stage lightings and dancing lightings, previous studies and academic articles. The most important part of this study is to understand and utilize the principle of zone lightiing. Zone lighting is generally called as cross lighting, which means single light from the crossed two lights. When looking into the principle of the zone lighting of the Indoor Proscenium Stage, it means 45 degree lighting from both sides of the top form the point of the dancer. When more than two lights are used, the angle of the light should be 90°or 120. It is the principle of the lighting technology showing the face and body of the dancers ing three dimension. Applying for the principle of this zone lighting to the dancing performance of Indoor Proscenium Stage, the lighting methods and the usage of the lightings were studied. As shown above, the role of the lighting is very important in dancing configuration. We hope that the perception on the dancing lighting will be changed and studies on the dancing lightings. By understanding and applying more principles of lighting, we will make efforts to make better dancing performance and dancing conporsers and dancers shall make more efforts and studies on lighting for better works. Through such efforts, we can have more experts and professionals in dancing lighting field and they will help us to describe and express the intention of the dancing work better as dancing artists. We hope that there will be better quality performances through more and diversified studies in this field.

      • 잠재적인 당뇨병 생체지표로서의 일반타액단백질(CSP1)

        장림림 ( Linlin Zhang ),한미희 ( Mi Hee Han ),오상욱 ( Sang Wook Oh ) 전북대학교 과학교육연구소 2018 과학과 과학교육 논문지 Vol.43 No.1

        침은 주요 침샘과 많은 타액샘에서 분비되는 체액으로 여러 가지 구성성분들을 포함하고 있다. 일반타액단백질(CSP1)은 다양한 여러 성분들 중 하나로, 기능은 아직 잘 밝혀지지 않았다. 이번 연구에서는 당뇨환자의 침의 CSP1의 농도가 정상인보다 훨씬 높은 것으로 나타났다. 단일클론 항체는 인간 타액의 웨스턴 블롯팅과 다양한 인체조직의 면역조직화학법(immunohistochemistry)에 탐침자로 사용되었다. 17명의 당뇨 환자와 9명의 정상 성인의 침 CSP1 농도는 ELISA 시스템에 의해 정량화 하였다. 다양한 인체 조직 중, 침샘은 면역조직화학법에 의해 단일클론항체-CSP1로 염색되는 유일한 조직으로 나타났다. ELISA에 의한 CSP1의 농도는 당뇨환자와 정상성인에게서 각각 4.65(3.36-6.90)μg/ml과 3.74(2.86-5.02)μg/ml인 것으로 나타났다. T-test 결과 두 그룹 사이의 CSP1 농도 값의 유의한 차이가 나타나는 것으로 보아서, CSP1이 당뇨에 대한 잠재적인 생체지표인 것으로 나타났다. Saliva is a bodily fluid secreted by three pairs of major salivary glands and by many of minor salivary gland. The human common salivary protein 1(CSP1) is one of variety of molecules in saliva and its function remains to be determined. The saliva CSP1 levels of 17 DM patients and 9 normal adults were quantified by ELISA system. As a probe, the mAb-CSP1 was used for Western blotting of human saliva and immunohistochemistry of various human tissues. The study showed that the saliva CSP1 concentration of diabetes mellitus(DM) patients was much higher than of healthy controls. The salivary gland was the only tissue stained with mAb-CSP1 by immunohistochemistry among the various human tissues. Quantification of CSP1 concentration by ELISA showed that the median values of DM patients and healthy adults were 4.65(3.36-6.90)μg/ml and 3.74(2.86-5.02)μg/ml, respectively. Student t-test results indicated that there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups(p<0.026). Therefore, the significant difference of CSP1 levels between the two groups indicated that CSP1 is a potential biomarker for detection or screenig of DM patients.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        형제불화의 극에 나타난 자의식 : 『율리우스 폰 타렌트』 , 『쌍동이』 , 『군도』 를 중심으로 Unter besonderer Berucksichtigung von ' Julius von Tarent ' (J.A. Leisewitz) , ' Die Zwillinge ' (F.M.Klinger) und ' Die Rauber ' (F.Schiller) -

        한미희 한국독어독문학회 1995 獨逸文學 Vol.57 No.1

        Die Arbeit setzt sich mit Positionen von Fritz Martini auseinander. Martini setzt in den genannten Dramen von Leisewitz, Klinger und Schiller den Konflikt der feindlichen Bru¨der u¨ber den Konflikt innerhalb des engen Familienkreises. Er sieht es in Dynamik zu den gesellschaftlichen Zusta¨nden dargestellt. Nach Martini werden in diesen Dramen die Mißsta¨nde der feudalaristokratischen Gesellschaft in Deutschland im 18. Jahrhundert kritisiert. Solche sozialkritische Elemente rind besonders in den ,,Ra¨ubern$quot; deutlich erkennbar. Hier vertritt Martini die weit verbreitete Meinung in der Literaturgeschichte, daß Sturm und Drang Dramen scharfe Kritik an der damaligen feudalabsolutistischen Aber bei dieser Hervorhebung der sozialen und politischen Dimension kann leicht ein underes Bedeutungsfeld vernachla¨ssigt werden. In den oben erw¨ahnten drei Sturm und Drang Dramen stehen sich die Bru¨der feindlich gegenu¨ber. Aber nach meiner Meinung ist das Thema eher der Konflikt zwischen den So¨hnen und den Va¨tern als zwischen den feindlichen Bru¨dem. Die Bru¨der sind trotz aller Gegensa¨tzlichkeit einander sehr nahe. Sie lehnen sich gegen die Normen der va¨terlichen Welt auf. Obwohl die Va¨ter F¨ursten bzw. Adlige sind, richtet sich die Erbittecung der So¨hne nicht gegen die feudalaristokratische Gesellschaft. Das erscheint bekra¨ftigt durch den Umstand, daß die Va¨ter keine arbura¨ren Tyrannen in der Familie oder im F¨urstentum sind. Der Hauptgrund des Konflikts der So¨hne liegt eher in ihrer Sehnsucht nach dem ,ganzen` Menschen. In der zweiten Ha¨lfte des 18. Jahrhunderts beklagen viele Schriftsteller die Geteiltheit des Menschen innerhalb der komplizierter werdenden Gesellschaft. Wie die Ra¨der einer Maschine seien die Menschen in den Lauf eines Gesellschaftsbereiches integriert. Die So¨hne in den genannten drei Dramen begehren gegen these Einseitigkeit auf Sie mo¨chten ihr Selbst und ihre Eigensta¨ndigkeit fmden und durchsetzen, ohne auf u¨berlieferte Werte Ru¨cksicht zu nehmen. Ihre Bemu¨hungen schlagen jedoch fehl. Aber man kann die So¨hne nicht venuteilen. Denn sie initu¨eren die Frage, wie weft man rein Selbst in der Gesellschaft verwirklichen kann.

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