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        경영권방어제도 현황과 신주인수선택권제도 도입에 관한 연구

        최진이(Jin-Yi Choi) 한국기업법학회 2010 企業法硏究 Vol.24 No.4

        Since the crisis of foreign exchange in the late 1997. Government pushed on with a various luring foreign investment policy into Korea for getting over financial crisis. As a result of those policy. lots of foreign investment funds were invited and Korea successfully tided over financial difficulties. But Korea successfully tided over financial difficulties. in the portion of foreign investment funds. so we called hedge funds made some troubles. Some hedge funds tryout hostile M&A. the domestic blue chip companies were targeted of attack. A sudden surge of hedge funds threat management right of domestic companies. Therefore the protection of management right against hostile M&A became a important issue among the academic. the business. government and so on. Finally, Government prepared a reform bill(commercial law) against hostile M&A on the basis of discussion. So this paper studies on the present systems which are concerned with the protection of management right against hostile M&A and studies on the main contents of the reform bill(commercial law) under discussion. And then. this paper studies on the controversy and problems awaiting solution.

      • KCI등재

        컨테이너 터미널 하역요금 인가제가 항만운송시장에 미치는 영향 연구

        최진이(Choi Jin Yi) 한국지방정부학회 2016 지방정부연구 Vol.19 No.4

        국가간 교역에 있어 주된 운송수단은 선박이며, 세계 교역량의 약90%이상은 선박을 이용한 해상운송으로 이루어지고 있다. 그 결과 항만은 국민 경제에 큰 영향을 미치는 중요한 공공재(public goods)로서의 성질을 가지며 이러한 항만의 특성상 해운업, 항만운송, 항만하역업 등의 항만관련 산업은 대체로 공익성을 갖는 산업분야에 해당한다. 이러한 공익산업분야는 자원의 효율성에 거의 모든 초점이 맞춰져 있는 일반산업분야와는 달리, 자원의 효율성도 중요하지만 공공의 이익이 특히 강조되는 산업분야라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 한정된 항만물동량과 항만하역 화물수요에 비하여 국내 항만시설(특히 컨테이너 터미널)은 포화상태에 있다. 그 결과 해운선사는 하역시장에서 우월적 지위를 점하게 되었고, 선사들은 이러한 시장지위를 이용하여 하역요금 요율쇼핑(rate shopping)을 하거나, 하역요금의 인하를 요구함으로써 항만운영사간에 하역료 덤핑이라는 심각한 불공정 영업관행을 초래하였다. 항만운영사간의 과당경쟁과 하역요금 덤핑은 항만하역시장의 질서를 문란케 하여 시장왜곡현상을 초래하였고, 항만운영사의 채산성을 악화시키는 것은 물론, 외국적 선사가 다수인 것과 맞물려 국부유출문제와 함께 국내 컨테이너 터미널의 국제경쟁력을 약화시키는 요인으로 지적되어 왔다. 이에 정부는 컨테이너 전용부두에서 취급하는 컨테이너 화물에 대하여는 신고제로 운영되고 있는 하역요금 결정방식을 인가제로 전환하는 것을 골자로 『항만운송사업법』을 개정하고(2014.3.24), 항만별 인가요금(표준요금)을 산정함으로써 그동안 선사와 항만하역사간 ‘뜨거운 감자’였던 컨테이너 하역요금 인가제가 7월 1일부터 본격적으로 시행되고 있다. 국내에서 처리되는 연간 컨테이너 물동량의 약76%가 처리되고 있는 부산항을 중심으로 컨테이너 터미널에서의 인가요금제가 국가 및 지방자치단체, 그리고 항만운영사(컨테이너 터미널 운영사) 및 선사(화주) 등 이해관계자에게 어떠한 영향을 미치게 될 것인지를 분석하고, 항만운송시장 개선방안을 제시하였다. Since on Feb. 1999, The stevedoring charges system of Container Terminal has changed over the reported price system from approval price system. After then, The reported price system was motivated terminal operator to compete. But that price system was caused excessive competition among the terminal operating companies. And also the competition was focused on rate-cutting. As it were, the terminal operators were competing in price reduction. Compared with the amount of freight, the Container Terminals have been an excessive supply. Therefore the circumstances of stevedoring market has been under the excessive competition among the operating companies. Today, the competition for hub-port among the countries is getting fierce. and the shipping liners have being strengthened bargaining power Compared to operators through the mergers & acquisitions (M&A) and strategic alliances. As a result It caused the competition among terminal operators to attract shipper and cargoes to their terminals. The main reason of fierce competition between terminal operators can be found follow; In demand side, whereas in cargo volume is limited, in supply side, due to the oversupply of port facilities. In particular, the terminal operating market of Busan port has been distorted because of the cargo competition between Busan North port and Busan-newport. The main purpose of this study is to suggest the stabilization measures of container terminal operating market in Busan port through analysis of the port transport market structures.

      • KCI등재

        BOLERO型 電子船荷證券의 구조와 海商法의 改善方案

        최진이(Jin-Yi Choi) 한국기업법학회 2007 企業法硏究 Vol.21 No.4

        International trade has traditionally been fraught with financial, logistic and time inefficiencies, and high business costs every year. But Bolero System is getting rid of these inefficiencies by moving world trade onto the Internet, allowing documents and data to be exchanged online between all parties in the trade chain. Under the bill of lading based on paper, the goods are delivered at the port of destination only against the presentation of the document. So the paper bill of lading has been the main document of the carriage of goods by sea. These days, there is discussion about electronic bill of lading according as Information Technology develops. It is bolero system that representative thing of electronic bill of lading is commercialized through “bolero.com”. This system has been practising for the realization of the electronic bill of Lading in Europe. The government debated several amendments to the bill which is introduction of electronic bill of lading and made a partial amendment of the Commercial Code(maritime law) on August 3th, in 2007. But there's room for improvement in the revision. So this paper examines curtly about history of electronic bill of lading, and then investigates operation structure and legal system of BOLERO bill of lading(BBL). Finally, this paper investigated Commercial Code that is amended this time and proposed my opinion to be improved.

      • KCI등재

        건강한 도시환경 거버넌스 구축을 위한 영향요인에 관한 연구

        최진도(Choi, Jin-Do),김영(Kim, Yeong),유시생(Ryu, Si-Saeng) 한국주거환경학회 2014 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.12 No.2

        Since 2000, interests in the Healthy Cities Environment projects has been growing fast in Korea. However, only a few studies focus on practitioners’ capacity for participation in and cooperation with various sectors in Healthy Cities Environment initiatives. Therefore, this research attempts to analyze affecting factors to form partnerships among Healthy Cities’ public officers, local residents and health-related communities in Jinju and Changwon City. First, to meet the research objectives, formation levels of Healthy Cities governance in Jinju and Changwon City was analyzed, then influential factors to form them in relation to geographical characteristics of local population was studied. The factors attributing to formation of Healthy City governance was categorized as personal, institutional and environmental. In addition, the participatory levels of Healthy Cities Environment governance was categorized as participation, cooperation, joint-decision which build the framework of Healthy City Environment governance. In conclusion, inevitable foundation to build collaborative governance is impartial relationship among network actors. The actors, thus, should strongly recognize their roles and capacity for collaborative participation. Local residents should build interests in local issues, will for participation, and capacity for local autonomy as well. Local NGOs should have legitimacy, morality, expertise and transparency. Accordingly, the actors need to become socially responsible in governance building, suggest rational policy options and share obligations. In particular, local governments should share related resources, power and information with other actors. It is imperative that they develop flexible and cooperative leadership which enables them to support situation-specific governance.

      • KCI등재

        도덕적 어지럼증과 윤리적 반성의 상관관계 고찰

        최진일(Choi, Jin Il) 광주가톨릭대학교 신학연구소 2015 神學展望 Vol.- No.190

        과학기술의 발전은 인간에게 많은 혜택을 주며, 미래에 대한 긍정적인 전망을 가능케 한다. 한편 과학기술이 인간 생명의 초기 단계에 개입되면서 많은 우려를 낳고 있는 것도 사실이다. 인간 배아의 헌법상의 지위로 보았을 때, 배아에 대한 과학기술의 개입이 배아의 기본권을 침해하지 않는 듯 보인다. 그럼에도 불구하고 우리는 과학기술에 의해 파괴되어 나가는 배아를 볼 때, 무언가 잘못되고 있는 것은 아닌지 의문을 품게 된다. 인간 배아는 그냥 하나의 세포덩어리에 불과한 과학재료가 아니라 누군가의 자녀이자, 인간의 고귀한 생명의 시작 단계이다. 법적인 테두리에서 배아에게 주어진 지위가 배아의 도덕적 그리고 인간학적 지위를 대변하지는 않는다. 사회적으로 승인된 행위를 무조건적으로 따를 것이 아니라 우리는 먼저 그 승인의 이유와 함께, 그 근거가 정당한지를 물어야 한다. 그렇지 않게 되면, 우리는 무언가 잘못되어 있다고 의문을 제기하면서도 무엇이 잘못되어 있는지를 논의하는데 한계에 부딪힐 것이며, 결국 문제 해결책을 찾는데도 어려움을 겪을 것이다. 그러한 과정에서 우리가 경험하게 되는 것이 도덕적 어지럼증이다. 따라서 이것을 극복하기 위해서는 의문이 제기된 표면적인 차원뿐만 아니라 그 의문과 관련된 가치체계의 근거에 대한 윤리적 반성이 필요하다. 이를 통해 인간 생명과 관련된 생명윤리 문제의 본질에 접근할 수 있을 것이다. 문제 해결의 근본적인 토대는 경험적 사실만이 아니라 그 너머에 있는 인간 본성을 파악할 때 확립할 수 있다. 그런 다음에야, 우리는 인간 생명의 존엄성, 그 존재 이유와 행위의 진리를 알아낼 수 있으며, 인간 인격의 존엄성에 부합한 행위가 무엇인지를 판단할 수 있다. The development of scientific technologies offers many benefits to humankind, thus showing us a blueprint of the future. It is true that some of these technologies intervene at the beginning of human life, bringing a considerable amount of concern. According to the constitutional status of the human embryo, technological intervention of the human embryo does not seem to violate any fundamental rights of the embryo. Nevertheless, we often call into question that something, indeed, is going wrong when we observe that human embryos are destroyed by these scientific technologies. The human embryo is not just a cell mass to use scientific research, but a child of someone, and is in the early stages of human life. This tells us that an individual human life has already begun. The status of human embryos defined in legal terms does not represent the moral and anthropological status of the human embryo. Therefore, before accepting any behavior or action that is considered socially recognized, we must first ask the reason for the justification of such a behavior or action. Otherwise, we come to the end of our tether to define what is going wrong, although continually raising the question that something, indeed, is wrong. Eventually, we have difficulties finding a way out of the problem. What we experience in such a process is called moral vertigo. To overcome this vertigo ethical reflection is required not only on the apparent aspects of the problem, but also on the foundation of the value system related to it. Thus, we are able to reach the heart of the problem in bioethics relevant to human life. Solving the problem requires grasping a deep understanding of human nature that goes well beyond empirical facts. Then, we will be able to identify the dignity of human life, the reason for being, and the truth of behaviors. We will be capable of judging what actions will be in conformity to the dignity of the human person.

      • KCI등재

        지배회사 주주의 종속회사 이사 등에 대한 이중대표소송 허용에 관한 연구

        최진이(Jin-Yi Choi) 한국기업법학회 2009 企業法硏究 Vol.23 No.3

        The double derivative suit is action by the shareholders of parent company. As it were, The shareholders of parent company bring a lawsuit on behalf of parent companies or shareholders of subsidiary against subsidiary's directors. even though the shareholders of parent company aren't possessed of subsidiary's stocks. In August 22, 2003, The High Court Seoul(an appellate court) gave a judgment on standing in shareholder derivative action. The Court found for the plaintiff who are the shareholder of parent company. This decision is the first winning case of the double derivative suit. But, In September 23, 2004, The Supreme Court dismissed the action and overturned a low court's verdict(High Court Seoul decision, in August 22, 2003). Taking this opportunity, the double derivative suit is being in a controversy in earnest whether permission the double derivative suit or not. This paper suggested how to permission of the double derivative suit and the necessity of legislation. The double derivative suit is very important to remedy of shareholder. But, most of executives and some scholars are worried that the government will introduce the double derivative suit. Also Even some of who agree with introduction of this suit don't agree to codify the prerequisites of this suit, because this suit is extraordinary and exceptional device to help the shareholders of parent company. This paper's contention is introduction of double derivative suit, and suggested legislation the method of the introduction the suit system. The double derivative suit can makes compensation for consequential damage of the parent company's shareholders, and also can makes compensation for parent company's consequential damage. As a result, recovery indirectly benefit both of parent company's shareholders and parent company.

      • KCI등재

        화물운송사업자의 직접운송의무 및 직접운송의무 비율제의 문제점과 개선방안 연구

        최진이(Choi, Jin-Yi),김상구(Kim, Sang-Goo) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2013 東亞法學 Vol.- No.61

        화물자동차운송은 항공·해상·철도운송 등 다른 운송수단에 비하여 중단거리 운송에 적합하며 무엇보다 문전수송이 가능하기 때문에 국내 육상화물의 약80%가 이에 의존하고 있음에도 불구하고, 국내 화물운송시장은 열악한 사업환경 뿐만 아니라, 화물운송거래구조에 심각한 문제점을 안고 있다. 이는 화물운송산업의 경쟁력을 약화시키는 것은 물론, 화물운송시장의 성장을 저해하는 요인으로 작용하고 있다. 이에 정부는 화물운송시장에서의 다단계 운송거래구조를 개선하기 위해 「화물자동차운수사업법」을 개정(2011.6.15) 하였다. 주요 개정내용은 화물운송사업자의 직접운송의무와 직접운송의무 비율, 위탁화물관리책임, 화물운송실적신고제, 화물운송사업자 및 운송주선인의 재위탁 제한 등을 담고 있는데, 이들 개정내용들의 시장효과여부는 가까운 장래에 나타날 것이다. 이 논문에서는 개정법의 핵심쟁점사항들 중에서 화물운송사업자에게 가장 직접적인 영향을 미치고 있는 화물운송사업자의 직접운송의무 및 직접운송비율제도의 취지와 이 제도가 갖는 문제점을 분석하고, 화물자동차관리회사제, 예외 축소 등과 같은 다단계 화물운송거래구조 해소를 위한 몇몇의 개선방안을 제시하였다. Domestic truck transport market doesn’t have only the poor business environment but also the serious defects on the transportation structure. It makes weaken the competitiveness of truck transport industry and hinders growth of truck transport industry. As a result, on June 15, 2011, the Government amended the TRUCK TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS ACT(Enforcement Date 1. January, 2013, Act No. 10804, 15. June, 2011) to improve the abnormal multi-level transportation structure. The main issues of the revision are the direct transportation duty of truck transportation business operator, the direct transportation duty rate of truck transportation business operator, the prohibition of the extended contracts and re-mediation agency of the motor freight transportation business operatior. The effective of these main contents of the amended Act will be clear in the near future. In this study, It is examined the issues and improvements to the direct transportation duty of truck transportation business operator and the direct transportation duty rate of truck transportation business operator among the main contents of the amended Act. These two contents of the amended Act have an ovject to improve the abnormal multi-level transportation structure. But the government need to remember that forcing the new rules are not best. If forcing the truck transportation business operator to amended strict rules can also have a few side effects. Therefore, this paper pointed out the controversial issues and also proposed several solutions like reduce of exceptions to the rule, truck management company to improve abnormal multi-level transportation structure in the truck transport market.

      • KCI등재

        「こと · の」の使い分けに関する再考察

        崔眞?(Choi, Jin-Hui) 한국일본문화학회 2018 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.76

        In this study, I investigated the perspective of "Style" and "Place Reality" situations where the words "KOTO" and “NO" are actually used. The revealed that both "Style" and "Place Reality" are important factors in using "KOTO" and "NO." Specifically, the "Place Reality" factor was more important than the "Style" factor. However, contrasting the use patterns revealed that "KOTO" was used more in the polite style than the plain style and in actions not on the place reality than concrete actions on the place reality. On the other hand, "NO" was used more in the plain style than the polite style and in concrete actions on the place reality than actions not on the place reality. I interpreted that "KOTO" is difficult to use in the context of concrete actions on the place reality. Moreover, I interpreted that "KOTO" was also constrained by concrete actions on the place reality when used as a functional form of the main text because of the restriction of the original meaning. However, "NO" is used without restriction when it is used as a complementizer, because the original word.

      • KCI등재

        船荷證券의 電子化에 關한 考察

        최진이(Jin-Yi Choi) 한국해사법학회 2003 해사법연구 Vol.15 No.1

        Under the bill of lading based on paper, the goods are delivered at the port of destination only against the presentation of the document. So the paper bill of lading has been the main document of the carriage of goods by sea. These days, there is discussion about electronic bill of lading according as Information Technology develops. It is bolero system that repesentative thing of electronic bill of lading is commercialized through "bolero .com". This system has been practising for the realization of the electronic bill to Lading in Europe. This paper examines curtIy about history of electronic bill of lading, and then investigates operation structure and legal system of BOLERO bill of lading(BBL). finally, this paper investigates how it does effect Korea's maritime law, in case that receive BBL.

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