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      • KCI등재후보

        상업공간 실내벽면녹화용 식물 선정에 관한 연구

        최인애 ( In Ae Choi ),이재근 ( Jae Keun Lee ) 한국화예디자인학회 2013 한국화예디자인학 연구 Vol.28 No.-

        This study has attempted to figure out the suitable plant species for indoor green walls in the circumstance of shopping malls, monitoring several pre-existing green walls, on the ground floor and in the second basement of Lotte Mall at Gimpo airport, and analyzing the survival rates of each plant specie over 6 months. Optical plant species have been selected based on a analysis of the survival rates, status of the damage and growing conditions such as the presence or absence of sunlight, illumination, temperature, and humidity wetness, investigating those area every 3 month since the installation. According to the analysis, Tillandsia cyanea was detected as the most seriously damaged specie of all, which had been planted for opening events, and needed replacements. And Blechnum gibbum ``Silver Lady``, Epipremnum pinnatum ``Lime``, Aglaonema spp., Aglaonema ``Siam Aurora``, Aglaonema ``Rhapsody in Green`` came to the next. Due to the existence of fill light, there was no huge difference between the presence and absence of sunlight, but the fact that plants in the sunlight were superior in the growth and development to the others have been come out from the research. Consequently, out of 16 plant species, Peperomia clusiifolia, Chamaedorea elegans, Schefflera arboricola Hayata, Rhoeo discolor, Chlorophytum comosum, Aglaonema ``Silver King``, Spathiphyllum were determined as the most optimal plants for the green walls in the large sized-shopping malls. And also Ardisia pusilla, Ardisia pusilla ``Variegata``, Calathea insignis can be recommended which survived in a good condition with about 90 percent of survival rate.

      • KCI등재후보

        재즈댄스 초보자와 상급자의 Pique Out Side Double Turn시 신체중심에 관한 운동학적 분석

        최인애(Choi In-Ae),인희교(In Hee-Gyou),이경미(Lee Gyoung-Mi) 한국체육과학회 2006 한국체육과학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        This study is purposed to analyze the motions of pique out side double turn in comparison and figure out the differences in the amount of movements. To do that, executed the measurements on 3 experts with more than 6 years career of jazz dance instructor and 3 unskilled dancers using 2 of high speed camera and processed the data using Simi Motion 7.2. The research is conduced through the 'Independene-Samples t-test' according to 'SPSS Statistics Package(12.0 version)'. As the result we obtained conclusions as follows. 1) As for the movement of bodily center along left-right axis (X-axis), the movements of the experts were less than the unskilled indicating that they executed more stable turning motions. 2) As for the movement of bodily center along up-down axis (Y-axis), in event 2, the experts had the bodily center higher the unskilled and kept the bodily center highest in the turning motion but there were no differences in other events than the event 2. 3) As for the movement of bodily center along front-back axis (Z-axis), the movements of the experts were less than the unskilled indicating that they executed more stable and accurate turning motions. Based on the conclusions of this study, it is considered to be desirable that, for efficient turning, the bodily center should be low at the stage of preparation to turn and then should be maintained high from the beginning of the turn and the shoulder and arms should be parallel to the ground. Also enhancement of turning speed and strengthening of the ability to react instantly and the sense of balance are considered to be important factors. To grasp exact variations in motions, it is necessary to grasp the action of power and the movement of the center of pressure etc using ground bounding power guage.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        장애령 단편소설 연구 ( 1 ) - 제재내용분석 -

        최인애 ( In Ae Choi ) 영남중국어문학회 1986 중국어문학 Vol.12 No.1

        一九六一年, 夏志淸先生曾在他的《近代中國小說史》裡, 把張愛玲在中國文學史的地位加以相當的肯定, 從此之後, 中西的學者對張愛玲小說的硏究日益增多, 而且已有相當可觀的硏究成果. 可是在韓國的中國文學界, 至今對張愛玲的名字仍然흔陌生. 筆者三年前在臺灣初見張愛玲小說集之後, 甚爲喜愛, 繼續讀下來, 對張愛玲小說略有所瞭解, 因此想藉此機會對張愛玲和其小說加以介紹. 爲了使讀者容易瞭解張愛玲和其作品起見, 本篇將先簡述其生平與諸位學者對저的評言, 然後再分析 短篇小說的題材內容. 張愛玲短篇小說的題材內容, 同歸納成三類, 第一是新舊的對立與矛盾. 這是指人與環境的矛盾. 因爲人的關心從社會轉到個人, 而人的新自覺却與舊的社會傳統不合諧, 産生一連的騷動. 在張氏的小說中, 一般還是下一代因上一代犧牲的多. 第二是男女與婚姻的世界. 張愛玲的全部短篇小說都取材於男女的關係, 這個使저的特長和對人性敏銳的分析, 發揮得淋리盡致. 其小說中的男女與婚姻世界中的最大特色是沒有愛情的存在, 只有物欲, 情欲·妬忌·沈默. 女人只是爲了生活而結婚, 不然的話, 就是爲結婚而結婚. 所以在結婚之後夫婦總是不和諧, 或是只是個有沈默的夫婦關係. 第三是人性的世界. 對人性的發揭是張愛玲在小說中的最大貢獻, 尤其是對人性的黑暗面, 例如物欲·慾情·妬忌·報復·反抗·固執等等. 而且저對這方面描寫非常率眞. 張氏在這方面成功的原因, 除了天生的聰明與敏感的性情以外, 可能是由於對七情六慾的不斷的觀察與硏究的結果. 雖然저的題材範圍흔狹窄, 但我們不能以題材的廣狹來判斷作品的優劣. 저把題材運用得非常完善. 저作品中的人物旣不是英雄, 也不是奇人, 而是在我們左右常可看到的脆弱·孤獨而無可奈何的人. 在저的作品中雖然到處是一片荒량. 但是我們若能구從其조到「眞實」與「素樸」的話, 那마便可以說저的文章不只是華麗浮華的. 從其「悲哀」中也不難發現到「安穩的喜悅」. 因爲憧得人性的眞面目, 才可以慈悲.

      • KCI등재

        장애령 단편소설 연구 ( 2 ) - 색채의 운용 -

        최인애 ( In Ae Choi ) 영남중국어문학회 1988 중국어문학 Vol.14 No.1

        讀了張愛玲短篇小說後, 首先給我們的感覺是 「荒凉」竝且「華麗」, 那마這種「華麗」的感受是從那裏來的니? 應當有幾個原因, 首先저的小說題材差不多都出於男女的世界, 而且那些人物的出身都是中上流家庭, 所以我們感覺到근讀《紅樓夢》時感覺到的同樣華麗的感覺, 然而稍有感知能力的讀者, 就可以發弦張氏在저作品寫作上多用色彩. 人的情緖反應上, 視覺, 則對形態與色彩的感知能力爲最初步的藝術感知的基礎, 在文學用色彩時, 雖沒有繪畵具有的那種直接的, 視覺的直觀性, 不過描寫人物, 展開情節時, 色彩會引起更豊富的想像力與聯想作用等思想活動. 一般來說, 張愛玲小說是專長於心理描寫, 豊富的意象, 象徵的文字的運用技巧, 저發揮這些寫作技巧中, 就十分利用色彩. 張氏本來就對繪畵有天才, 因此對色彩早有敏感, 在文學上色彩的運用, 自然獨具匠心. 저在人物塑造上多用白, 紅, 黑色, 紅色本來具有的性格就是活躍, 健康, 熱情, 性感, 無秩序, 張氏也不例外, 不過最多運用的白色中, 却沒有淸純的多樣變化印象, 就表現着病態, 幼稚, 無味, 倦怠, 及人物性格的變化時, 也以白色的多樣變化來描寫. 黑色就像徵着混錯, 罪惡, 陰暗等, 以繪畵妓女, 寡婦, 墮落的情婦, 奸狡的人物. 作者在主題的闡明上, 運用色彩更精采, 從太陽或月光下又華麗又鮮明的色彩到褪色的色彩, 或以那色彩性格本身來表現, 或作者手中新創造出來的幻想非現實的意象來被表現着. 作者最愛用 「荒凉」的意象 又小說中黑暗憂鬱的人與人生的主題較多. 平常這種主題的小說, 其色彩的基調是黑色與灰色爲主色, 不過張氏倒爲了浮刻暗鬱的主題, 運用華麗的色彩, 因而招的效果更爲好. 因表面上出現的華麗感, 內面的絶望與憂愁更被强調, 因此張愛玲小說是「虛僞」中有「眞實」, 「淨華」中有「樸索」, 所以可以說這正是在$lt;自己的文章$gt; 中張氏自己說明的저常用的寫作技巧 「參差對照的手法」之一, 而且這樣的表現技巧就提高了張愛玲文學的藝術性.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        리듬체조 Pivot동작의 운동학적 비교분석

        최인애(Choi In-Ae) 한국체육과학회 2001 한국체육과학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        This study was conducted with the purpose to supply to basic materials of research on rhythmic calisthenics and to more further understand difference in kinematic characteristics between A degree of difficulty, Double pivot passe motion and B degree of difficulty, Double pivot attitude, out of pivot motions, which is basic factors of rhythmic calisthenics. To analyze of the motions for 3D analysis, Four national rhythmic calisthenics representative athletes were selected. The results obtained from the study were as follow; 1. It was showed that the duration time of the Double pivot passe were more fast than Double pivot attitude resulting to the difference of the position of the knee joint approaching to the center of gravity. 2. In case that Double pivot passe and Double pivot attitude were performed, The right and left ranges of motion of the center of gravity showed that the first and second phases can get more the bigger rotational accelaration because the left knee joint was positioned by more upper position on its horizontal plane, but the more they has stable, the less range they were performed. 3. It was because of the stability of the center of the gravity caused by the bigger range of motion that the reason that the change of vertical position of the center of the gravity on the motion of Double pivot attitude were totally lower. 4. There were not significantly different between Double pivot passe and Double pivot attitude in case of the speed of the right hand. Therefore, It is expected to have more efficient performance when the motion of the Double pivot attitude were performed in the vertical, left, and right range of motion of the axes of the center of the gravity and made the point of the center of the gravity upper to accelarate whole body of the speed.

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