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        뉴트라비딘 검출용 간이 진단키트의 성능향상을 위한 기본 플랫폼 선정

        최선미(Sunmi Choi),김기영(Giyoung Kim),엄애선(Aeson Om),문지혜(Jihea Moon),박샛별(Saetbyeol Park),이상대(Sangdae Lee),김혁주(Hyuk Joo Kim) 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2012 농업과학연구 Vol.39 No.4

        This study was performed to optimize the basic platform of a lateral flow immunoassay. Improvement of the limit of detection (LOD) was evaluated according to the width of a nitrocellulose membrane with varying concentrations of analyte. The analyte, neutravidin was detected based on the avidin-biotin interaction. The antibody-Au nanoparticle conjugation was mostly stabled in a PBS buffer of pH 7.3. The optimal widths of a nitrocellulose membrane were 4 and 6 ㎜ considering the sample flow rate and signal strength of the test line on the membrane. The LOD of neutravidin was 0.001 ㎎/ml in the optimum conditions.

      • KCI등재

        72인 파송

        최선미(Sunmi Choi) 한국기독교학회 2018 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.110 No.-

        누가복음서 10:1–12는 소위 72인 선교사 파송 단락으로 누가복음서에만 등장하는 대규모 파송 장면이다. 누가는 예수가 이미 갈릴리 사역에서 열두 제자를 파송했음(눅 9:1–6)에도 불구하고 예수가 예루살렘을 향해 가는 여행의 장면(10:1–20) 속에 더 구체화된 72인 파송 단락을 배치한다. 72라는 숫자는 모세가 장로들을 선출하는 장면(민 11:16–30)을 연상할 수 있으며, 창세기 10장에 나오는 세상 모든 나라의 의미에서 온 세상을 향한 이방인 선교 맥락으로도 이해할 수 있다. 예수는 72인에게 자신이 지상에서 행했던 활동들을 그대로 하도록 명령한다. 그러나 누가가 복음서를 쓸 당시는 이미 예수 죽음 이후라는 점을 감안하면, 72인 파송단락은 누가 시대의 대규모 선교사 활동을 염두에 두었다고 볼 수 있다. 누가는 72인 파송 장면을 통해 예수 사역의 전형을 보여주면서도 예수의 종말론적 방문을 준비하도록 묘사한다. 추수의 비유라든지 하나님 나라가 가까이 옴을 선포했다는 것 역시 예수의 도래를 암시한다. 누가–행전의 맥락을 근거로 누가 공동체가 예수의 영인 성령을 경험한 공동체였다고 가정한다면, 누가는 비록 육체적인 예수의 재림을 직접 경험한 것은 아니지만 이미 예수의 영을 통해 예수와 동일한 사역을 경험할 수 있음을 천명한다. 이러한 72인의 사역은 72인을 받아들인 자들에게까지 확장되며, 72인이 선포한 평안이나 나아가 치유와 하나님 나라는 그들에게서 성취될 수 있다. Luke 10:1–12 is the only scene of sending out multiple disciples of Jesus in the Third Gospel, as it is so–called ‘Sending out seventy–two missionaries.’ Although Lukan evangelist had already described twelve disciples performing the mission which Jesus commanded in Galilee(Luke 9:1–6), he added a text of seventy–two missionaries that is a more specific picture than the previous scene of mission on Jesus` journey in Jerusalem(10:1–20). What does the number ‘seventy–two’ mean? The number symbolizes not just Israel`s elders whom Moses elected as leaders and officials for the people of God in Numbers 11:16–30, but it also alludes to the table of nations recorded in Genesis 10. Jesus gave commands to seventy–two missionaries to do work as Jesus had done through his life on the earth. However, if at that time of the evangelist wrote the gospel after Jesus had already died, the text about seventy–two missionaries might reflect a situation during the Lukan period. Luke depicted both the epitome of mission style and the eschatological visiting of Jesus by indicating seventy–two missionaries. In addition we can know this text alludes to arrival of Jesus as Jesus explained a metaphor of harvest and proclaimed about the coming of the kingdom of God. If we assume the Lukan community had experienced the Holy Spirit based on the context in Luke–Act, we can acknowledge Luke would clarify that the community can not only experience Jesus by the Holy Spirit but they can also accomplish their mission, though the community could not encounter Jesus in person. Therefore, Luke introduces seventy–two missionaries as a positive model to complete the mission of Jesus. As a result, seventy–two’s mission can be extended into those who receive the message that seventy–two missionaries have declared so that whoever welcomes the message can preserve peace. Then healing the sick and the kingdom of God will be achieved through them.

      • KCI등재

        로마서의 약한 자와 강한 자 -로마서 14장 1-6절을 중심으로-

        최선미 ( Sunmi Choi ) 한국대학선교학회 2018 대학과 선교 Vol.36 No.-

        로마서 14-15장에서 드러난 강한 자와 약한 자의 정황은 유대인들의 부재시기와 그 사이 이방인들 사이에서의 활동 정황, 그리고 유대인 귀환 이후의 상황을 살필 때 이해하기가 쉽다. 본 논문은 로마서의 강한 자와 약한 자논쟁을 하나님 경외자의 존재와 연결시킴으로써 로마공동체의 정황을 재구성하려고 시도한다. 클라우디우스 칙령 이후 로마공동체의 유대인 지도자들은 로마를 떠나게 되었고, 남아 있는 이방인들은 공동체를 지켜 나가야 했다. 남아 있는 이방인들은 이방인 개종자, 이방인 하나님 경외자, 이방인 초신자로 구성되었을 것이다. 유대 지도자들의 부재 시기동안 로마공동체내의 힘 있는 이방인을 중심으로 모임이 유지되었다. 그러나 힘 있는 사람들 중심의 로마공동체는 먹는 문제와 안식일 지킴 문제에 대하여 유대 율법에서 규정하는 모습과는 많이 달라졌고, 비교적 유대 율법을 잘 지켜왔던 하나님 경외자 그룹과 갈등을 겪게 되었다. 상대적으로 약한 자 그룹에 서 있었던 하나님 경외자 그룹은 유대 지도자들의 귀환 이후 이 문제를 토로하게 되고, 귀환한 유대 지도자들과 결합하여 힘 있는 자와의 긴장이 고조된 것이다. 이러한 상황 가운데 바울은 ‘서로 받아들임’을 요구하며 두 그룹 각자가 범하고 있는 잘못을 지적하고, 서로 용납할 것을 요청한다. The context between the weak and the strong in Romans 14-15 can be understood when we should gradationally recognize a circumstance during Jewish absence in Rome at that time, a conflict situation among the Gentiles including God-fearers, and a altered condition after Jewish return in Rome. This study aims to reconstruct the context of Roman community by consider-ing the existence of God-fearers to better understand the debate between the weak and the strong. After a deportation order of Claudius, Jewish leaders in the community had to be deported from Rome, the Gentiles had to preserve the community by themselves. There were three group members among the remained Gentile in the community: gentile proselyte, God-fearer, and gen-tile novice. During the absence of Jewish leaders, the community might have been congregated, centering on the strong in the gentile christians in Rome. However, they might have caused food problem and issues of keeping the Sabbath on their own. As a result the community would not just gradually grown apart from Torah but it could also encounter the conflict with God-fearers who had tried to keep the commandments of Torah precisely. Contrary to the strong gentiles, the group of the weak composed of God-fearers would complain about the issues to the Jewish leaders when they had returned. Consequently, the tension between the returned Jewish leaders and the strong gentiles might be mounted. This is when Paul urged that they should accept one another mutually, and he further pointed out concretely their faults. So those who are strong ought to bear with the fail-ings of the weak and those who are weak ought not to judge the strong.

      • 초등 과학적 경향성 지식 생성 능력 지수 산출식 개발

        최선미 ( Choi Sunmi ),신동훈 ( Shin Donghoon ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2015 한국초등과학교육학회 학술대회 Vol.68 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 초등학생들이 귀납적 탐구활동을 수행할 때 나타나는 사고의 유형 중 경향성 지식 생성 능력을 정량적으로 평가할 수 있는 산출식을 개발하는 것이다. 이 목적을 위해 서울 소재 초등학교 5, 6학년 학생 50명을 선정하였다. 경향성 지식 발견 과제는 6개의 서로 다른 식물 그림으로부터 식물의 구조 경향성을 발견하는 것이다. 분석 결과, 초등학생들에 의해 생성된 경향성 지식들은 특성과 유형 분석에 의해 추출된 3가지 주요 요인[유형, 수준, 정확도]으로 분석되었으며, 이를 종합하여 개인의 경향성 지식 생성 능력을 정량적이고 객관적으로 평가할 수 있는 지수 산출식을 고안하였다. 모든 요소를 고려하여 종합해 보면, PKQ = ∑(TPK×LPK×APK)와 같은 수식으로 정리해 볼 수 있다. 이 연구에서 고안된 경향성 지식 생성 능력 지수 산출식은 초등학생들의 경향성 지식 생성 능력을 정량적으로 평가하는 데 유용한 도구로 활용될 수 있다. 또한 과학적 경향성 지식의 사고 과정에서 학생들이 겪는 어려움을 이해하여 해결하는 데에도 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 전망된다. The purpose of this study was to develop a calculation formula that can quantitatively assess the pattern-knowledge creation ability of thinking that appears when elementary school students perform inductive inquiry. Fifty students of 5th and 6th grade from Seoul participated voluntarily. The pattern-knowledge discovery task was to discover pattern of plant structure from six different plant pictures. The results of pattern-knowledge created by students were analyzed. Three major factors extracted from analysis according to characteristics and types were [type, level, accuracy]. By integrating the results, a calculating formula to evaluate individual's pattern-knowledge creation ability quantitively and objectively. Taking into account all of the elements, formula was turned out ‘PKQ = ∑(TPK×LPK×APK)'. This formula can be used to evaluate the pattern-knowledge creation ability of elementary school students quantitively. Also, it can help students who face difficulty in understanding the thinking process of scientific pattern-knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        ASD학생의 문제행동 중재 분석: 국내 단일 대상 연구를 중심으로

        최선미 ( Sunmi Choi ),곽승철 ( Seungchul Kwak ) 한국특수아동학회 2015 특수아동교육연구 Vol.17 No.3

        본 연구는 최근 10년간의 국내 논문을 대상으로 ASD학생의 문제행동 중재에 대한 26편의 연구를 분석하고 중재의 효과크기를 분석하였다. 분석결과, 일반적인 특징은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구대상에서 연령은 초등학생, 성별은 남학생, 대상자 수는 1명이 가장 많았고, 장애유형은 자폐가 가장 많았다. 둘째, 실험설계 및 질적요소에서 설계유형은 중다 기초선 설계가 가장 많았고 유지를 실시한 연구가 20편(76.9%), 일반화를 실시한 연구가 4편(15.4%), 중재충실도를 실시한 연구가 14편(53.8%), 사회적 타당도를 실시한 연구가 10편(38.5%), 관찰자간 신뢰도를 실시한 연구가 25 편(96.2%)이었다. 셋째, 기능평가 및 행동측정방법에서 기능평가를 실시한 연구가 15편(57.6%%) 이었고 기능평가의 방법으로 간접 방법+직접 관찰+기능분석을 실시한 연구가 7편(26.9%)으로 가장 많았으며 행동측정방법은 부분간격기록법이 가장 많았다. 넷째, 독립변인에서 중재전략은 긍정적 행동지원, 중재장소는 특수학교, 중재자는 교사 및 치료사가 많았다. 다섯째, 종속변인에서 문제행동 수는 3개 이상이 많았고 문제행동의 조작적 정의는 25편에서 제시하였으며 가장 많은 문제행동 형태는 방해행동이었다. 중재의 효과크기 분석은 다음과 같다. 긍정적 행동지원, 교수적수정, 인터넷 활용 선행학습, 과제간 시간없음과 적절한 과제 중재, 보완대체의사소통(AAC), 놀이활동, 음악치료, 통합강화중재, 비디오를 이용한 활동계획 프로그램, 강점 중심 중재가 매우 효과적인 중재인 것으로 나타났고, 고반응 요구전략을 통한 구조화된 자료제시, 놀이활동, 수영, 토막만화대화, 상황이야기가 효과적인 중재인 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과에 근거하여 ASD아동의 문제행동 중재 연구에 대한 시사점을 제시하고 앞으로의 방향을 논의하였다. The purpose of this study was to analyze research trend regarding challenging behavior interventions of students with ASD and effect size of challenging behavior interventions. For this, 26 journal articles published from 2005 to 2014 were reviewed. The results of the characteristics were as follows. First, regarding the participants, the main stream was elementary school student. Gender was mainly boy student. Number of objects was mainly one person. The mostly subjects were autism. Second, regarding the experimental designs and quality factors, design method used mostly multiple baseline design 20 papers(76.9%) measured maintenance. 4 papers(15.4%) measured generalization and 14 papers(53.8%) measured intervention fidelity. 10 papers(38.5%) measured social validity and 25 papers(96.2%) measured interobserver reliability. Third, regarding functional assessment and behavior measurement method, 15 papers(57.6%) measured functional assessment and functional assessment method used mostly indirect methods+direct observation+functional analysis. Behavior measurement method used mostly partial-interval recording. Forth, regarding the intervention variables, majority of intervention used PBS. The intervention place was mainly special school. The mediator was mainly teacher or therapist. Fifth, regarding the dependent variables, number of challenging behaviors was mainly over 3 and operational definition of challenging behavior was represented 25 papers. Type of Challenging behavior was mainly disruptive behavior. The effect size of intervention was as follows. PBS, instructional modification, prerequisite learning by internet, inter task is not time and appropriate task intervention, AAC, musictherapy, automatic reinforcers, activity schedules program using videotaped self-modeling on program, strength-oriented intervention were more effective. High-probability through structured material, play activity, swimming, comic strip conversations, social story were effective. Based on the results, the implication were discussed and future study issues were recommended.

      • 침치료 이상반응에 대한 고찰

        박지은(Park jieun),오달석(Oh dalseok),최준용(Choi Junyong),정소영(Jung soyoung),김애란(Kim aeran),구창모(Koo changmo),정희정(Jung heejung),최선미(Choi sunmi) 한국한의학연구원 2007 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.13 No.3

        Objective : To investigate documented surveys about adverse events of acupuncture therapy. Methods : We searched Medline with the terms of 'acupuncture/adverse event(s)', 'acupuncture/side effect(s)' and 'CAM/adverse event(s)' using Pubmed and set the limits to human study. Results : There were 5 prospective studies, 3 reviews and 3 surveys in our searching. There were 3 reports about acupuncture related adverse events in UK ranging from 10.7% to 15% of which the rate of significant events were from 0.13% to 0.14%. In Germany, there were 11% of acupuncture related adverse events in one report and 7.5%(significant events were 45 in 190.924 patients) in another report. In Australia, one study reported that every adverse event associated with acupuncture occurred in 8-9 month per one practitioner. In Japan. 0.14% of acupuncture related adverse events in 48 practitioners were reported in one systemic review. A cumulative review about significant adverse events associated with acupuncture reported 715 adverse events of which most frequent accidents were pneumothorax and central nervous system injury. Conclusion : The risk of adverse event associated with acupuncture is far lower than that associated with other general medical interventions. However, some safety guidelines about the acupuncture performance are needed.

      • 비만변증 설문지에 대한 신뢰도 분석

        강병갑(Kang Byeongkab),문진석(Moon Jinseok),최선미(Choi Sunmi) 한국한의학연구원 2007 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.13 No.1

        The high position condition 10 escape which the obesity person appeals. Obesity Pattern-Identification question it will yell and 243 subjects which to the obesity in the patient of 517 subjects which draw up correspond. (longitude obesity 153 person, altitude obesity 90 person) against it analyzes. In order to analyze the reliability of the items which diagnose each Pattern-Identification it used Cronbach alpha coefficient and escape it did the alpha of each item. Alpha value of each Pattern-Identification than appears more highly the item which it will be able to consider an elimination in the item which decreases a reliability. In that phlegm-retention syndrome is bigger alpha coefficient 0.784 than 'meal quantity is few'(0.787) a possibility of seeing in the item which decreases a reliability to the place where it diagnoses it puts in phlegm-retention syndrome.

      • 한방건강검진 소프트웨어 개발에 관한 연구

        문진석(Moon Jinseok),박경모(Park Kyungmo),최선미(Choi Sunmi) 한국한의학연구원 2007 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.13 No.2

        General health exanimation comes into operation to focus on physical inspection for industrial workers and doesn't contain oriental health care. Thus we need information of health status and disease prevention. so develop a Questionnaire software for health examination in oriental medicine. Items of this software consists of personal information and symptoms to could check oneself, pulse and tongue diagnosis by oriental medical doctor. Symptoms are made up of syndrome differentiation about Qi and blood, Yin and Yang, body fluid, five Zang organs, Sasang Constitutional Medicine. And we reconstruct 116 items by whole body, chest and abdomen, urine and feces, head, limbs, waist and back, five sensory organs, objective signs. A subject enter symptoms and a oriental medical doctor input diagnosis of pulse and tongue, then this software return the result of health index and explanation for oriental health care. This software would be used as tool not only health examination but also clinical research

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