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      • KCI등재

        봉약침(蜂藥鍼)을 이용한 요추(腰椎) 추간판(椎間板) 탈출증(脫出症) 치료(治療)에 대한 증례보고

        조태영,진성순,박정섭,여현수,임형호,이시형,Cho, Tae-Young,Jin, Sung-Soon,Park, Jung-Sup,Yeo, Hyun-Soo,Lim, Hyung-Ho,Rhee, See-Hyung 척추신경추나의학회 2006 척추신경추나의학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        Objectives : This report was performed to evaluated the treatment of Bee venom acupuncture Therapy, acupuncture Therapy, Herbal medicaion and Moxibustion in herniation of inter-vertebral disc. Methods : We treated 1 case of herniation of inter-vertebral disc with Bee venom acupuncture Therapy, acupuncture Therapy, Herbal medicaion and Moxibustion. Results : After 12 days of Bee venom acupuncture Therapy, acupuncture Therapy, Herbal medicaion and Moxibustion, a remarkable improvement was made for herniation of inter-vertebral disc. The patient couldn't feel pain on walking. Conclusion : Bee venom acupuncture Therapy, acupuncture Therapy, Herbal medicaion and Moxibustion were effective in reducing the symptoms.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        인도네시아 인도 문자의 사용과 발전

        조태영(Cho, Tae-Young) 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2012 남아시아연구 Vol.18 No.1

        인도네시아 지방어 사회의 초기 필사체계는 인도 문자에 뿌리를 둔다. 이는 초기 인도네시아 지역사회에서 인도 문명의 영향력이 막강했음을 보여준다. 인도의 수준 높은 산스크리트어(梵語) 문학을 기록했던 인도 문자는 당시 문자체계가 결여된 인도네시아 각 지방어의 구술전통을 기록하는데 전혀 손색이 없었다. 서기 5세기경에 사용이 시작된 팔라와(Pallawa) 문자는 인도문명을 인도네시아 지역사회에 최초로 뿌리내린 공헌자이다. 그 후, 팔라와 문자는 남부 수마트라에서 번성한 스리위자야 왕국의 공식문자로서 왕국의 행정 분야 기록 및 인도의 불교문화전파에 사용되었다. 계속해서 팔라와 문자는 자와의 문자 체계에 영향을 주어 카위(Kawi) 문자를 탄생시킨다. 카위 문자는 중부 자와의 마자파힛 왕국에서 힌두문학을 꽃피우는데 결정적인 역할을 하며, 16세기경 힌두 문화가 발리로 이동하는 과정에 발리 문자 정립에 영향을 준다. 수마트라 각 지역에서 사용된 바탁(Batak), 람풍(Lampung), 커린치(Kerinci) 문자는 모두 카위 문자로부터 발전된 변종들로서 관련 지역사회의 언어와 문화상황에 변용된 형태들이다. 인도 문자는 인도네시아 동부의 술라웨시에서 사용되었던 론타라(Lontarak) 문자의 정립에도 영향을 주었다. 론타라 문자로 기록된 부기스인들의 신화 라 갈리고(La Galigo)는 인도 문자가 인도네시아 지역사회의 토착문화 발전에 있어서 성공적인 역할을 보여주는 예이다. 그러니까, 인도 문자는 인도네시아 지역사회에서 차용과 수용의 반복적인 과정을 겪으며 토착문자로서의 입지를 굳히게 되었다. 이는 인도네시아 지역사회의 구술전통과 문화를 기록하고 보존하기 위해 외래문명을 수용하여 창의적으로 변용한 인도네시아인들의 기지인 것이다. This paper is aimed at disclosing the using and expansion of Indian script that had been borrowed by Indonesian local societies, during the influence of Indian civilization era. Indian script which was used to create Sanskrit literature has a perfect letters in writing down Indonesian local languages, which did not have their own writing systems. As one of the Indian scripts, Pallawa was the first writing system to be used in Indonesian local society, Kutai, East Kalimantan in the 5th century. Furthermore, Pallawa was an official script during Sriwijaya Empire in writing administration letter and to spread Buddha as a belief. Pallawa, then was reformed into several variations based on particular system of local language and culture of the borrower society in Indonesia. Kawi script was ruled to develop Hindu culture and literature in Majapahit Empire, East Java, and also to influence the creation of Balinese writing system during the era of Hindu expansion to Bali Island in the 16th century. On the other hand, writing system in Sumatra which was Batak, Lampung, and Kerinci script were the variations of Kawi script that had been adapted into local languages and cultures. Moreover, Pallawa was also influencing Lontaraq writing system in South Sulawesi, Eastern Indonesia. An epoch, La Galigo which was written in Lontaraq in Buginese society shows the adaptation and development result of Indian script in Indonesian local society. The using and expansion of Indian script in Indonesia can be viewed as the intelligence of Indonesian in recreating Indian script creatively in order to maintain and record their own language and culture.

      • KCI등재후보

        부기스-마카사르 론타라 문자 사용의 전통과 사멸, 그리고 교육

        조태영 ( Tae Young Cho ) 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2012 외국어교육연구 Vol.26 No.1

        Lontarak writing system had been used in Buginese-Makasarese society of the easten Indonesia since the 16th century. Lontarak script, as a syllabic character is a variation of several indigenous scripts in Indonesian archipelago, which had descended from Pallawa script in India. Lontarak had not only been used to write down the Buginese-Makasarese languages, but also had been used to establish its culture highly through reflection of their world views in Buginese-Makasarese languages. La Galigo, as the longest-myth throughout the world is a product which based on Buginese-Makasarese belief that is represented in Lontarak script. Such a belief can be seen as an effort to preserve their writing system. However, the current situation shows the usage of Lontarak has been decreasing on the issue of Latin Alphabet which is being used to write down both Indonesian language and dialects. Therefore, Buginese- Makasarese society in South Celebes Province carries out the preservation of Lontarak in a variety of ways. One of the ways to preserve Lontarak writing system is to teach elementary school students their own indigenous script on Buginese-Makasarese languages subject. Preservation of the using of Lontarak script is not only connected with protection toward Buginese-Makasarese culture, but also related to preservation of other dialects in Indonesia.

      • KCI등재

        필리핀의 이슬람화: 이슬람 교육의 발전과 마드라사(Madrasah) 통합교육

        조태영 ( Tae Young Cho ) 한국동남아학회 2015 동남아시아연구 Vol.25 No.1

        This paper investigates Islamization of the Philippines in the development of Islamic education, and more specifically in the issues of integrated Madrasah education implemented in 2004. The Madaris of the Philippines have been privately governed in the Muslim community since Western colonization. More recently, however, integrated Madrasah education was implemented in 2004 as a successive outcome of legislation about Madrasah in 1982 according to the Philippine governments`` appeasement policy toward the Muslim community. Thus, Islamic subjects of Arabic language and Islamic values were integrated into the public schools and the secular subjects of the Basic Education Curriculum into the private Madaris. Muslim scholars regarded the integration as a chance to secure Islamization and emphasized their desire to play a leading role in developing curriculum for Islamic subjects and textbooks. On the other hand, parents and students insisted that secular academic skills should be prioritized to prepare Muslim learners for thefuture. However, the integrated education, contrary to expectations,resulted in such problems as decreased school attendance rates and a complete absence of Islamic curriculum and textbooks. In particular, a large number of substandard Madaris supported by America and Australia caused tensions with Muslim leaders concerning the secularization of Islamic education. The following issues regarding Islamization in the Philippine education sector are impacted by the integrated Madrasah education. Firstly, inserting Arabic language and Islamic values into the public schools is not being accomplished by the Muslim community itself, but rather by the national integration policy of the Philippine government, which desires to maintain control over the Muslim community. Secondly, the absence of curriculum and textbooks for Islamic subjects raises suspicion over the Philippine governments`` purposes for implementing the integrated Madrasah education. Consequently, Islamization of the education sector in the Philippine Muslim community is limited and dependent on the national integration policy of the central government.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        서 파푸아 무슬림과 기독교도 간 긴장과 갈등의 원인

        조태영 ( Cho Tae Young ) 한국동남아학회 2016 동남아시아연구 Vol.26 No.4

        1969년 인도네시아에 합병된 서 파푸아는 무슬림이 다수인 인도네시아와는 달리 다수 기독교도 지역이다. 하지만, 수하르토 정권 이래 지속되어 온 외부 무슬림들의 유입은 최근 이곳의 종교적 판도를 바꾸어 놓았다. 본고는 서 파푸아 무슬림과 기독교도 간의 긴장과 갈등을 조명하고, 이에 대한 근본적 원인을 종교와 사회적 배경으로 나누어 살펴본다. 이에 앞서, 서 파푸아 무슬림과 기독교도 간의 긴장과 갈등이 공적으로 표출되는 양상을 살펴보기 위해 21세기 마녹와리와 카이마나, 그리고 자야푸라에서 발생한 일련의 사례를 제시한다. 먼저, 종교적 배경의 주원인으로서 70년대 나타난 이슬람 부흥은 기독교도와의 관계를 전체적으로 악화시켰다. 이러한 연장선상으로 서 파푸아에서 이슬람화를 진행하기 위한 급진단체들의 유입이 증가되었고, 이에 맞서 서 파푸아 기독교 사회에서도 오순절 및 카리스마 교회 등 급진교단들의 활동이 강화되었다. 한편, 사회적 원인으로는 수하르토의 이슬람 포용정책과 이주정책의 문제가 그의 퇴진과 함께 드러나면서 파푸아인들의 기독교 정체성을 지역민족주의로 더욱 강화시켰다는 점이다. 이와 더불어, 말루쿠 분쟁의 잔재영향과 서 파푸아의 이슬람 유입에 대한 새로운 인식 역시 이곳의 이슬람화에 힘을 실어주고 종교적 긴장을 악화시킨 또 다른 사회적 원인으로 부각되고 있다. 결과적으로 오늘날 악화되고 있는 양 집단의 관계는 인도네시아의 국가적 또는 서 파푸아의 지역적 수준의 중재가 이루어지지 않는다면, 유혈분쟁으로 발발할 잠재적 가능성을 내재하고 있음을 시사한다. West Papua, incorporated into the Indonesian Republic in 1969, has been known as a region of majority Christian population in contrast with other territories in Indonesia. However, the ongoing influx of Indonesian Muslims since Soeharto`s regime has changed the religious landscape in West Papua today. This paper focuses on the tension and conflict between Muslims and Christians in West Papua, and surveys its root causes in religious and social backgrounds. A series of cases in Manokwari, Kaimana, and Jayapura in the early twenty-first century is precedently presented to examine how the two communities` tension and conflict are expressed in the public sphere. Firstly, the Islamic resurgence in the 1970s, as the main religious cause, aggravated the relationship with Christians. As an extension of the issue, the influx of extremist Islamic groups to advance Islamization within West Papua increased significantly. Meanwhile, in Papuan Christianity, pentecostal and charismatic churches intensified their activities in opposition to the Islamization. Secondly, the issues on the Soeharto`s engagement policy on Islam, and the transmigration after Soeharto`s resignation brought about the strengthening of Papuan nationalism with Christian identity. Furthermore, the Maluku conflict and a new understanding of the arrival of Islamic civilization into West Papua emerged as the other social factors that sustained the Islamization and worsened the religious tension between the two groups. Consequently, the current relationship between Muslims and Christians in West Papua has the potential to become a bloody conflict without mediation on either the national or regional levels to bring about reconciliation or peaceful coexistence.

      • KCI등재

        책표지디자인의 캘리그래피 활용 사례 연구-2013년 교보문고 베스트셀러 소설, 시, 에세이를 중심으로-

        조태영 ( Cho Tae - Young ),남용현 ( Nam Yong - Hyun ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2014 한국디자인포럼 Vol.42 No.-

        출판물은 단순한 소비재를 넘어 독자성과 유일성을 가지고 있다. 문학이 갖는 함축적이고 은유적인 내용을 포함하려면 그 책에만 담을 수 있는 고유한 타이포그래피가 필요하다. 책표지디자인에서 캘리그래피의 사용은 타이포그래피 이미지가 독자의 머릿속에 선명하게 각인되게 하는 역할을 한다. 본 연구에서는 2013년 출간된 교보문고 베스트셀러 중 소설, 시, 에세이 분야 도서의 책표지디자인에 있어서 캘리그래피의 적용사례를 살펴보았다. 책표지디자인에서의 캘리그래피 감성적 표현은 다른 장르보다 소설, 시, 에세이에서 가장 많이 일치하였다. 컬러에서는 붓의 느낌을 활용한 검정색이 많이 사용되었고 다음으로 흰색이 사용되었다. 레이아웃은 안정적인 느낌을 주는 `중단,중앙`과 `상단,중앙`이 가장 많이 위치하고 있었으며, 형에서는 감성을 일으키는 유형과 자연스러운 유형이 많이 적용되었다. 단행본 표지디자인에 있어 편집디자이너들의 캘리그래피에 대한 다양한 시도는 책표지디자인의 완성도를 높여준다. 세상에서 하나뿐인 글자라는 점에서 캘리그래피는 독창적이고 감성적 표현을 할 수 있는 시각디자인의 새로운 표현요소이다. 책표지디자인에 있어서도 디지털 트랜드가 확산되는 사회 추세에 맞게 독특한 캘리그래피 디자인의 형태와 유형이 요구된다. 캘리그래피는 표지디자인에 손맛을 부여해 기존의 서체와 다르게 획일적인 책표지에서 벗어나 새로움을 추구하려는 독자들에게 신선함을 준다. 캘리그래피 디자인의 지속적 발전을 위해서는 한글의 문자구조와 자형, 그리고 다양한 도구 활용과 캘리그래피의 시각표현에 관한 체계적인 연구가 필요하다. Beyond mere consumer publications has originality and uniqueness. An implicit and metaphorical literature to include the contents of the book can contain only unique typography is required. Book cover design, typography, calligraphy use of the image is clearly stamped on the mind of the reader to be a role. Kyobo In this study, published in 2013 in paperback best-selling novels, poetry, essays, book cover design of the book in the field of calligraphy examined the application example. Calligraphy book cover design in a different genre than the emotional expression of fiction, poetry, essays, was the most consistent. Using a brush of color black a lot of sense to use white and then was used. ` layout gives the impression of a stable stop, and ` ` top center, located in the center was the most frequently `, causing a type of mold, the sensitivity was applied to many types of natural. Editing a book cover design for a variety of designers to try calligraphy completeness of the book cover design raises. The only one in the world in terms of calligraphy characters are creative and emotional expression that can express the new visual design elements. Book cover design digital trend is spreading even to meet the unique social trends in the form of calligraphy and type design is required. You`ve got to use your hands to cover design calligraphy to grant the traditional one-size-fits-all book cover different fonts and novelty seeking out fresh and gives readers want. In order to continue the development of calligraphy design the structure and shape of Hangul characters, and utilize a variety of tools on the visual representation of calligraphy and systematic research is needed.

      • 주문형 출판(POD) 시스템을 활용한 출판 환경 개선 방안에 관한 연구

        조태영(Tae-Young Cho) 산업기술교육훈련학회 2011 산업기술연구논문지 (JITR) Vol.16 No.4

        Published in developing and transforming the society plays an important role has helped build a culture and propagate the spirit of humanity and has contributed to victory. Publishing·printing industry and the economy are involved in all areas of business. Currently two types of publishing, printing industry is facing a new situation. The first green growth industries of the world emerged as a big issue at the time of the rising publishing, printing industry, the environmental damage being caused is significant and, second, the new digital environment and is surrounded by three will Published in the sustainable growth and social environment for the implementation of the homework problems to be solved is sure. Global eco-trends and international environmental policies and regulations across all industries due to the demand is accelerating eco-friendly. Ways to relieve this situation are as follows: First, digital printing (POD) will have to actively use the system. Print out the world in the digital printing market area, staying at a level of about 10%, but the transition from analog to digital future and the POD market will grow rapidly. Second, publishing, printing industry, eco-friendly should institute measures for green growth. The green wind blowing in all industries, not the selection is mandatory. Publishing & Printing in the midst of going through the market downturn in the digital printing market came steadily progressed through the growth is expected to grow continuously. Future world, yet more powerful than the current regulatory policy environment, roll out a wide range of views, so on-demand publishing system (POD) for the production of environmentally friendly products, including ongoing efforts will be taken.

      • KCI등재

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