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        전자무역 : 한국형 전자선하증권 활성화 전략에 관한 연구

        정윤세 ( Yoon Say Jeong ) 한국통상정보학회 2011 통상정보연구 Vol.13 No.4

        우리나라는 2003년부터 2008년까지 전자정부 과제로 인터넷기반의 국가전자무역망(uTradeHub)을 성공적으로 구축하여 무역의 전자화를 활성화하고 있으며, 전자무역의 마지막 단계라고 불리는 선하증권(B/L)을 전자화한 ``한국형 전자선하증권 서비스(e-B/L Korea)``를 정부와 민간의 협력 하에 구축하여 시범사업을 거쳐 2009년에 공식적으로 전자선하증권 서비스에 들어갔다. 국가적 차원에서 상법을 개정하고 시행령을 만들어 선하증권을 제도화한 것은 세계 최초이며 세계 각국이 이의 성공여부에 지대한 관심을 가지고 주목하고 있다. 한국형 선하증권의 성공은 2011년 말을 기점으로 우리나라가 세계에서 9번째로 무역 1조불 클럽에 가입한 ``무역강국``의 위상을 높이고 실질적으로 우리 수출입기업의 무역거래비용을 절감함으로써 향후 무역 2조불시대를 앞당길 전자무역 활성화의 시금석으로 인식되고 있다. 하지만 아직은 국가 간 연계구축망이 부재하고, 서류의 보안성과 안전성을 높이기 위한 전자인증이 국제적으로 통용되고 있는 사적인증을 배제하고 국내공인인증만을 취급하는 등 e-B/L 서비스를 활성화하기 위해서 해결해야할 문제점도 산적해 있어 실질적으로 e-Nego 서비스가 크게 확산되지 못하는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 e-Nego 또는 서면전환 과정에서 발생할 수 있는 한국형 전자선하증권의 변형에 따른 문제점을 비롯하여 구조적, 제도적 문제점과 사용상 장애요인을 도출하여 이에 대한 해결방안을 제시하였으며, 한국형 전자선하증권의 특성을 검토하고 동 서비스 활용을 활성화하기 위한 전략을 제시하였다. Korea has accomplished the establishment of the National Single Window for Paperless Trade. Since 1991, it has developed Trade Automation Service System based on EDI technology. In 2003, Korean government and private sectors jointly began to set up National Paperless Trade Service(e-Trade Service) as one of the e-government projects and in 2008, they commenced the uTradeHub Service which was equipped with Internet based e-B/L and e-Nego service systems for the first time in the world. To facilitate the service Korea amended its e-Trade facilitation Act and Commerce Law by 2007. At the end of 2011, Korea historically recorded its trade volume of 1 trillion US dollars and joined ``$1 trillion trade club`` as the 9the member country since the country had started international trade less than a half decade ago. A successful rolling out of the e-B/L and e-Nego service will substantially reduce the transaction costs of trading businesses and accelerate the activation e-trade services. The purposes of the study are to examine ``e-B/L Korea`` service and its facilitation strategies as well as identify obstacles to utilize the ``e-B/L Korea`` service. The paper reviewed and analyzed Korea`s Paperless trade system and distinctive characteristics of the ``e-B/L Korea Service. Parts of the found distinctive characteristics of the Korea`s e-B/L service are as follows; It is well equiped with IT infrastructure and legal system. It also has more that 30,000 potential users who are already uTradeHub service users. The paper indicated several weaknesses of the current system such as global KPI issues, circulation of the electronic documents not only in the domestic market but also among economies, development of the electronic Bill of Exchange. As resolution measures, the paper recommended the introduction of mutual recognition system of PKI among trade partner countries, setting up e-trade solution for small and medium companies, and special attention to raise users` awareness of the e-B/L service.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        서비스 품질과 블록체인 특성이 우리나라 수출기업의 uTradeHub 이용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        정윤세(Yoon-Say JEONG) 한국무역상무학회 2023 貿易商務硏究 Vol.98 No.-

        인터넷 기반의 국가전자무역서비스인 uTradeHub는 2008년부터 본격 상용화되어 연간 6조원 이상의 무역 비용을 절감시키는 국내 유일의 전자 무역플랫폼으로 자리매김해왔다. 2021년부터 블록체인, 빅데이터, AI 기술과 같은 제4차 산업혁명 혁신기술을 접목하여 더욱 향상된 서비스를 제공하고 있으나, 아직도 기업들의 e-Nego, e-B/L과 같은 서비스 이용은 활발하지 못한 상황이다. 본 연구는 우리나라 수출기업들의 uTradeHub의 이용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인을 서비스 품질(신뢰성, 공감성, 확신성, 대응성, 유형성)의 관점에서 분석하였다. 이에 더해 제4차 산업혁명의 대표 기술인 블록체인의 장점(스마트 계약, 데이터 안전성과 보안성)이 uTradeHub의 이용의도에 영향을 미치는지 검토하여 수출 기업들의 uTradeHub 이용 활성화를 위한 서비스 품질의 개선점과 블록체인 기술 적용 방안에 대한 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다. uTradeHub service started in 2008 and is the only electronic trade platform inKoreawhich trading companies can reduce costs bymore than 6 trillionwon per year. EvenAlthoughmore advanced services are provided, companies are still not actively using the e-Nego and e-B/L Services. As a result of analysis the Service Quality factors such as Reliability, Empathy, Certainty, Responsiveness, Tangibility promote Performance Expectation and the Intention to use the uTradeHub service. Describing the research results, First, itwas found that Reliability, Tangibility and Responsiveness of Service Quality among the components of Service Quality of uTradeHub, acted as significant factors on the Intention to Use the Service, The effects of Empathy and Certaintywere found to be insignificant. Second, the degree of influence of Reliability, Responsiveness, Tangibility, which are components that affect the Intention to Use uTradeHubs Service, appeared in the order of Reliability> Tangibility > Responsiveness Third, among the characteristics of Blockchain Technology, which is expected to further innovate reliability and transparency, which are core requirements for International trade, the Safety Data and Smart Contracts has been shown to have a significant impact on the Use Intention, but security It was found that gender did not affect the intention to use the service.

      • KCI등재

        전자무역 : 외화획득용 원료 등 구매제도의 전자화에 관한 연구

        정윤세 ( Yoon Say Jeong ),정재승 ( Jason Chung ) 한국통상정보학회 2013 통상정보연구 Vol.15 No.1

        최근 우리나라는 외화획득용 원료 등 구매제도에 대해 전자화를 도입하게 되었다. 정부는 구매확인서의 전자화를 위해서 2011년에 대외무역관리규정을 개정하였다. 또한, 외화획득용 원료 등 구매제도에는 구매확인서에 이어 2012년에 내국신용장도 전자화하였다. 이는 우리나라 전자무역이 로컬거래 절차의 전자화를 추진하게 되는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 외화획득용 물품관리제도에 대한 선행적 고찰과 대외무역관리규정의 개정을 통한 구매확인서 전자발급의 의무화 및 한국은행 무역금융 취급세칙의 개정으로 내국신용장의 전자개설 의무화에 따른 이론적, 법적 고찰과 로컬거래 절차의 전자화의 추진인 로컬거래 통합관리시스템의 구축에 있어 법적, 실무적 문제점과 대응방안을 분석하였다. Recently, the government was introduced as currency for earning of raw materials purchasing system for electronic Government management of foreign trade in 2011, and revised regulations for electronic proof of purchase. In addition, the currency for earning of raw materials, such as procurement system in 2012, followed by electronic proof of purchase local letter of credit. The government electronic trading will be promoting local trading of electronic procedures. This study will be a preceding research on the goods control system for acquiring foreign currency and the obligation of using digitalized approval of purchase due to the revision of foreign trade law. Also, it will conduct theoretical and legal research regarding the obligation of digital establishment of the local L/C which is a result of amendments to the rules of operation for the Bank of Korea`s trade finance. Further, it will analyze the legal and operational problems and its response plans for the establishment of the local trade integrated management system which promotes the digitalization of the local trade process.

      • KCI등재

        한국 램프 산업 수출 경쟁력 제고에 관한 연구

        정윤세(Yoon-Say Jeong),신승만(Seung-Man Shin) 한국무역연구원 2009 무역연구 Vol.5 No.3

        This study presents the plans that can improve international competitive power about domestic light industry that industry competitive power change is expected by import increase from foreign countries. For this, in this study, analysed the situations of the domestic light manufactures through interview and questionnaire, and executed SWOT analysis with TSI analysis and competitive power analysis. As a result, the domestic goods don't got competitive power in price side more than china light goods, and in quality and technology side, than multinational corporation imports. Already international competitiveness of domestic lamps has been changed to comparative disadvantage product. Therefore, domestic gorge that is focusing only in group private contract business through organic sync of government and lamp industry ㆍ groups to present together political proposal for lamp industry development and direction effort incline must.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 수출 중소기업의 물류기업 활용성과에 관한 연구

        박재민(Jea-Min Park),정윤세(Yoon-Say Jeong) 한국무역연구원 2015 무역연구 Vol.11 No.6

        This study aims to systematically determine the factors used when small and medium-sized exporting enterprises (SMEs) in Korea select their logistics companies, examine the impact of such selection factors on the cooperation between an exporting company and its logistics enterprise, and analyze the influence such cooperation has on the exporting company’s logistics performance. Results of the factor analysis revealed that exchange factors such as service price relevance and tangibility, and service quality factors including reliability and stability are selection factors used by SMEs in Korea when scouting for a logistics enterprise. However, the result of the empirical analysis dismissed the hypothesis on tangibility, since currently the logistics equipment and information are similar among logistics companies. Moreover, it was determined that tangible assets are seen by such SMEs as not having an important influence when selecting a logistics enterprise. With respect to the influence of cooperation between a logistics enterprise and an exporting company relative to cost reduction and repurchasing intention as indicators of logistics performance, it has been identified that cooperation influences performance. Based on this identification, it can be concluded that when a cooperative relationship forms between an exporting company and a logistics enterprise, an exporting company will benefit from cost reduction and repurchasing intention will be evident. Based on these results, selecting a logistics enterprise, an exporting company primarily considers service price relevance, reliability of a logistics enterprise, and stability of a logistics enterprise. Also, in selecting an effective logistics enterprise, a closer relationship between an exporting company and logistics enterprise can only be created by improving a logistics enterprise’s service quality and increasing the logistics capability of an exporting company.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        국내 물류 운송 산업의 총 요소 생산성 및 영향 요인 분석

        임재헌(JAI-Heon Leem),정윤세(Yoon-Say Jeong) 한국통상정보학회 2020 통상정보연구 Vol.22 No.4

        무역 의존도가 높은 우리나라에서 물류 및 운송 산업은 수출 상품의 가격 경쟁력을 좌우하는 핵심 산업이지만 선진 경쟁국들과 규모와 역량을 비교할 때 상대적으로 뒤쳐져 있는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 본 연구에서는 국내 운송업을 대상으로 연도별 생산성 변화와 영향 요인들의 기여도를 분석하였다. 그 결과 첫째 국내운송업에서 기술 개발과 혁신에 의한 생산성 향상이 낮게 나타나 새로운 기술 적용을 통한 효율성 향상과 노동 중심의 산업에서 자본 중심으로의 산업 구조 전환이 필요하다는 것을 분석 하였다. 둘째 창고 및 운송서비스업은 자본, 노동의 생산 요소 투입이 증가하고 있어 이로 인한 생산성 향상과 성장이 기대되고, 셋째 수상운송업은 산업 자체의 지속과 성장이 한계에 달한 것으로 나타나 우리나라의 무역 경쟁력을 유지하기 위해서는 해운 물류 부문에서 개별 기업 차원이 아닌 국가 차원에서 산업 전반에 대한 성장 대책과 조정이 필요하다는 시사점을 도출 하였다. In Korea, which is highly dependent on trade, the logistics and transportation industry is a key industry that determines the price competitiveness of exported products, but it is shown to be relatively lagging when compared with advanced competitors in size and capacity. In this study, the contribution of yearly productivity changes and influencing factors were analyzed for the domestic transportation industry. As a result, first, it was analyzed that productivity improvement through technology development and innovation was low in the domestic transportation industry, and thus it was necessary to improve efficiency through the application of new technologies and to transform the industrial structure from labor-oriented industries to capital-oriented industries. Second, the warehousing and transportation service industry is expected to increase productivity and growth due to the increasing input of capital and labor factors. In order to do so, we derived implications that growth measures and adjustments for the entire industry are needed at the national level, not at the individual company level in the shipping and logistics sector.

      • KCI우수등재

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