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      • KCI등재

        그림과 틀(frame): 뒤러의 〈란다우어(Landauer) 제단화〉다시 보기

        전한호 ( Han Ho Jeon ) 미술사와 시각문화학회 2013 미술사와 시각문화 Vol.12 No.-

        This study focuses on "Laudauer Altarpiece" in terms of the relationship between an altarpiece and its frame. "Laudauer Altarpiece(1511)" is the last altarpiece among the seven altarpieces by Albrecht Durer(1471-1528), which is the first pala in Northern Europe. "Laudauer Altarpiece" is noteworthy for two reasons in the history of Northern European Renaissance it had no longer trapped in the traditional formation of winged altarpiece on one hand. On the other hand, the artist himself made the plan and designed the frame as well as the picture. Especially, the frame of "Laudauer Altarpiece" has not only the portal shape frame but also the lunette, on which there is a depiction of "the Last Judgment." This exemplifies that the frame provides functions of the decoration and of protection for the altarpiece and has its own meaning and role against the altarpiece. Ordinarily, Gothic style - Winged Altarpiece has a meaning of "church in church" and "holy place in holy place," whose basic frame is shaped like a gothic church. Contrarily, the frame of Renaissance Altarpiece shaped as an aedicula or portal. At this point we can perceive that Gothic Altarpiece provides a closed space with a architectural frame, whereas the frame of Renaissance altarpiece leads to the picture of altarpiece. In other words, the frame of Gothic Altarpieces are apt to strongly divide "sacred and profane," while Renaissance Altarpieces links inside to outside of the frame. As we see above, we can re-consider "Laudauer Altarpiece" from the perspective of the relationship between the picture and the frame. "Laudauer Altarpiece" is placed in "Zwolfbruderhaus(the house of twelve brothers)," which is a kind of shelter for the lone seniors. The theme of the Altarpiece is the communion of saints(communion sanctorum), which was described by St. Augustinus in his "City of God" - a community consists of angels, saints, and prophets. We can also see the sponsor, his family, even the artist as the citizens of the New Kingdom of God in the main motif of the Picture, "the Adoration of the Holy Trinity." "The communion sanctorum"could provide a sure sign for the entering the Kingdom of God to the lone seniors of the house of twelve brothers. When they look at the frame of the Laudauer Altarpiece, they are led to the altarpiece - the communion of saints - by "the frame work," the Last Judgment. In due course they prepare the death and the judgment in the near future. Therefore, the altarpiece can make the viewers experience the future by way of describing the New Heaven and Earth after the last judgment, whereas the frame work shows the judgment of heaven and hell, with which they can perceive the irresistible future. The frame of "Laudauer Altarpiece" separates the space of picture from viewers, but at the same time connects the two.

      • KCI등재

        공간의 초상: 페트라르카와 15~16세기 학자 초상을 통해 살펴본 서재의 탄생

        전한호 ( Han Ho Jeon ) 미술사와 시각문화학회 2015 미술사와 시각문화 Vol.16 No.-

        오늘날의 서재는 르네상스시대에 탄생한 개인적 공간이란 점에서 의의가 깊다. 르네상스의 서재는 중세 스크립토리움(scriptorium)과 오라토리움(oratorium)에 그 기원을 둔다. 이들 종교적 공간은 르네상스 인문주의자의 등장과 함께 자유로운 지식의 습득을 위해 개인적 공간인 스투디올로로 발전하는데, 본 논문은14~16세기 학자 초상을 통해 중세의 소위 공적 공간이 일종의 가구와 같은 기능을 했다면, 어떻게 서재라는 사적인 공간으로 변화되는지를 페트라르카와 성 히에로니무스와 같은 학자의 초상을 통해 고찰한다. 먼저 <페트라르카>의 서재 풍경은 일견 소소한 일상의 정취를 담은 풍속화로 보이지만, 엄밀히 말하면 초상화에 속한다. 인물의 생김과 그 묘사에 초점을두는 일반적인 초상화와 달리 <페트라르카> 초상은 학자로서 작업하는 공간 그리고 공간 속 행위자로서의 모습을 주제로 다룬다. 페트라르카는 그의 저서 <고독한 삶(vita solitaria)>에서 도시의 번잡함이 아닌 사람과 단절된 적요로운 생활 또는 자연 속에서 옛 현인과의 대화를 위한 독서를 권했다. 바로 이러한 책에 둘러싸인 학자로서의 삶을 <서재의 페트라르카>는 보여 주고 있다. 나아가 페트라르카는 서재의 위치로서 높은 곳의 창가를 추천한다. 먼 곳을조망할 수 있는 장소는 자기성찰을 위한 조건이 되기 때문이다. 이러한 학자 초상의 서재에 등장하는 대표적인 부가물로는 거울과 모래시계가 있는데, 이러한 실내의 구성물은 공간의 속성을 규정하기 위함이다. 예를 들어, 거울이 델피신전의 신탁 “너 자신을 알라”를 상기시켜 지적 자만심이 아닌 인간의 무지를 일깨운다면, 모래시계는 흐르는 시간을 통해 삶의 유한성을 경고한다. 서재가 중세의 독립적 공간으로부터 르네상스의 개인적 공간으로 변화하는데 세 가지 중요한 특징을 살펴볼 수 있다. 첫째, 중세의 좁은 공간에 비해 르네상스에는 넓은 공간으로 변화된다. 둘째, 서재의 속성을 규정짓기 위해 책과 펜, 독서대 외에 다양한 부가물들이 증가한다. 셋째, 학자 초상은 더 이상 인물이 아닌공간을 주요 중심대상으로 다룬다. 이를 통해 일반적으로 인물에 초점을 맞추는 초상화의 전통을 벗어나 초상된 인물을 서재라는 공간의 속성을 통해 규정짓는데, 이러한 점에서 학자 초상은 공간의 초상에 해당한다. Today’s studyroom has an important meaning, in that it was born as a private space in the age of the Renaissance. Renaissance study was rooted in Medieval scriptorium and oratorium. These religious and public spaces developed to studiolo, which is a private space of reading, studying, and writing in accordance with the emergence of Renaissance humanists. This study explores 14th-16th century portraits of scholars such as Petrarca and St. Hieronymus in order to show the transformation of a space, from Medieval public space to Renaissance private study. First of all, the scene of 〈Petrarca in his study〉 seems to be a genre picture, which shows his daily life. Strictly speaking, it is a sort of portrait. Whereas ordinary portraits deal with the representation and description of the persons, the portrait of 〈Petrarca〉 focuses not only on the scholar’s working place, but also his figure as an active doer in the space. In his work of “Vita Solitaria” Petrarca recommends to lead the life of reclusive or to go in the nature for reading as a dialogue with ancient sages, not in a complexity of a city. The portrait of Petrarca shows like this the life of a scholar who is surrounded by books. Furthermore, Petrarca recommends a high windowside as the location of study area, because the place commanding a view can be precondition for self-reflection. There are sandwatch and mirror in scholars’s portraits as representative parergons, which define the characteristics of a space. Mirrors remind scholars of the orachle at Delphi, “know yourself,” whereas sandwatchs indicate the finitude of life. There are three most important factors in the transformation of space, from Medieval independent space to Renaissance private space. First, in the age of the Renaissance, the area of space is much larger than that of Middle Ages. Second, the various kinds of objects are increasingly added besides books, pens, lectern, in order to define the characteristics of the space. Third, the main theme of the scholar’s portraits is not the person but the space. In this sense, the portraits of scholars show the transformation of the space by focusing on the space rather than person, which is derived from traditional ways of portraits. In this respect, the scholar``s portrait is regarded as the portrait of space.

      • KCI등재

        부끄러움을 가르치는 그림: 14-16세기 독일지역 샨트빌트(Schandbild) 연구

        전한호 ( Han-ho Jeon ) 미술사와 시각문화학회 2017 미술사와 시각문화 Vol.20 No.-

        약 500년 전쯤 독일에는 상대에게 모욕을 주는 그림인 ‘샨트빌트’가 유행했다. 그림은 상대를 교수형에 처하는 등 특별히 모욕적인 상황이나 치욕적인 모습으로 묘사하였다. 하지만 이는 실제 사람을 벌하는 것이 아니라 그림으로 대신할 뿐이었다. 그림을 통한 교수형으로서 일종의 상징적 처형에 해당하는데, 상대방의 명예를 훼손하기 위한 취한 방식이라 할 수 있다(대부분 채무자들이었다). 일반적으로 ‘샨트빌트’는 교수형을 주요 주제로 삼는다. 흥미롭게도 사람을 거꾸로 매달거나 돼지나 개 등 더러움의 상징인 동물과 함께 매단다. 또한 문장을 거꾸로 세워 모욕을 주거나 동물의 항문에 인장을 찍어 인장의 신뢰와 권위를 부정하는 방식도 즐겨 등장한다. ‘유대 돼지’도 부끄러움을 가르치는 그림의 주제로 선호되었는데, 이는 유대인의 속성을 돼지와 비교하여 폄하했던 전통에서 기인한다. ‘샨트빌트’는 중세 말 소위 ‘법정 밖’ 죄와 의무의 관계에서 나타나는 분쟁을 조절하는 시스템으로부터 기원한다. 이를 통해 일반 시민들은 귀족이나 제후의 악행과 부도덕을 공개적으로 비난할 수 있었다. ‘샨트빌트’는 이러한 사회적 규범과 윤리적 잘못을 세상에 알리기 위해 당시 사람이 많이 다니는 곳, 주로 형벌대, 시청 혹은 교회의 문간 등에 게시되었다. ‘샨트빌트’를 공개적으로 게시하는 이유는 하나의 위협적 제스처로서 사회적 명성과 명예의 중요성을 환기시키고자 함이었다. ‘Schandbild’ is a genre of defamatory pictures, which was popular 500 years ago in Germany. This picture depicts a man (never a woman) who is humiliated in defaming situations, including hanging on a gallow. These are the pictorial representations of a hanging, not the hanging of a person in reality. The hanging of opponents in the images is, therefore, a symbolic punishment by distorted representations, in order to humiliate the opponent who committed financial breach of contract or faith (usually the bad debt, fraud, and forgery). Common themes of ‘Schanbild’ include the hanging upside down, frequently with unclean animals (such as pigs or dogs), the abuse of heraldic arms that are positioned upside down, and a seal attached to the anus of animals, meaning that the seal is unreliable and unauthentic. ‘Judensau’ (Jewish pigs) was also a favored subject matter, which belongs the tradition of disgracing the Jews by comparing them to pigs. The term, ‘Schanbild,’ originated in such an ‘out of court’ system of the late Middle Ages, which was sanctioned by the law of obligations as a medieval legal measures in general. Ordinary people or citizens accused noblemen (sometimes even their princes) publicly of their misconducts. Those defamatory pictures were posted at the pillory, in the town hall, or at churchdoors, in order to make known in public the perfidious act or any violation of a social norm. The public display of those abusive images would function as threatening gestures to attack the offenders’ honor and social positions.

      • KCI등재

        내시경 점막하 박리법을 시술 받은 위종양 환자에서 심리적 요인이 시술 후 통증에 미치는 영향

        이준협,전한호,이산,이혁,오승택,장진구,임우영,박재섭,최원정,Lee, Joon-Hyub,Jeon, Han Ho,Lee, San,Lee, Hyeok,Oh, Seung-Taek,Chang, Jhin Goo,Im, Woo Young,Park, Jaesub,Choi, Won-Jung 한국정신신체의학회 2018 정신신체의학 Vol.26 No.1

        연구목적 암 환자에게 있어 통증은 삶의 질과 예후에 큰 영향을 주는 중요한 요소로 통증을 줄이기 위한 시도가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 이러한 관점에서 위종양 환자에게 많이 시행되는 내시경 점막하 박리법 후 통증을 줄이기 위한 노력이 계속되고 있는데, 시술 후 통증에 영향을 미치는 생물학적 요인이 많이 알려진 것에 비해 심리적 요인에 대해서는 연구가 거의 이루어지지 않았다. 본 연구의 목적은 내시경 점막하 박리법을 시술 받은 위종양 환자가 시술 후 겪는 통증에 영향을 미치는 심리적 요인을 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법 본 연구는 2015년 5월부터 2016년 6월까지 국민건강보험 일산병원에 내원하여 내시경 점막하 박리법을 시술 받은 91명의 위종양 환자를 대상으로 시행되었다. 내시경 점막하 박리법을 시술 받기 전에 사회인구학적 요인과, 불안, 우울, 회복탄력성을 평가하였다. 환자들이 호소하는 통증의 정도가 시각적 유추척도 3점 이상인 군(고통증군)과 3점 미만인 군(저통증군)으로 나누었고, 시술 후 통증에 영향을 주는 요인에 대해 독립표본 T검정 및 카이제곱 검정을 시행 후 유의한 차이를 보인 요인에 대해 로지스틱 회귀분석을 시행하였다. 결 과 고통증군이 저통증군에 비해 음주량이 낮았고 우울 점수가 높게 나타났다. 또한 고통증군이 저통증군에 비해 회복탄력성 점수가 낮았으며, 회복탄력성의 하위 항목 중 자기조절능력, 긍정성 항목에서 점수가 낮았다. 다변량 로지스틱 회귀분석 결과 회복탄력성 중 자기조절능력(OR, 0.911 ; 95% CI, 0.854-0.971, p=0.004)이 낮을수록 내시경 점막하 박리법 시술 후 겪는 통증이 큰 것으로 나타났다. 결 론 본 연구 결과 내시경 점막하 박리법을 시술 받는 환자의 회복탄력성 하위 항목인 자기조절능력이 낮을수록 시술 후 더 큰 통증을 호소하는 것을 확인하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서 대상으로 한 심리적 요인 중 개인의 회복 탄력성이 통증에 영향을 주는 것을 확인하였다. Objectives : Since pain in cancer patients is an important factor that greatly affects the quality of life and prognosis, many attempts have been actively made to reduce the pain. Despite continuous effort on reducing pain after Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), research has not been done on psychological factors as much as on biological factors affecting pain. The objective of this study is to investigate the psychological factors affecting postoperative pain in gastric tumor patients who underwent gastric ESD. Methods : 91 gastric tumor patients who visited National Health Service Ilsan Hospital in Korean between May 2015 and June 2016, and received ESD were evaluated. Baseline characteristics including sociodemographic factors, anxiety, depression, and resilience were evaluated before the procedure. Multivariate logistic regression was done to analyze factors affecting postoperative pain. Results : The group with high postoperative pain showed lower alcohol consumption and higher depressive symptom scores than the group with low postoperative pain. Also, the group with high postoperative pain showed lower total resilience score with lower subtotal scores in self-control and positive item. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of the postoperative pain showed that patients with lower score in self-control of resilience [odd ratio (OR), 0.911 ; 95% CI, 0.854-0.971, p=0.004) reported more pain after ESD. Conclusions : This study showed that patients with lower self-control ability of resilience felt more pain after ESD. Among the psychological factors evaluated in this study, resilience of an individual seems to have effect on pain.

      • KCI등재

        변비의 진단과 치료

        박효진 ( Hyo Jin Park ),전한호 ( Han Ho Jeon ) 대한내과학회 2012 대한내과학회지 Vol.83 No.5

        Constipation is a common condition affecting approximately 16.5% of population in Korea. Evaluation of constipation should be done with a history and physical examination at first. In patients with alarm sign, blood test, radiography or colonoscopy should be considered. Additionally, for defining the pathophysiology and treatment of severe constipation, physiologic studies are needed. Treatment of constipation based on the pathophysiology is generally successful. Exercise and fiber are helpful in some patients with constipation. The laxative including osmotic agent, stimulant laxatives and stool softer have been shown to be more effective than placebo at relieving symptoms of constipation. Traditional laxatives are not tolerated and are not effective in all patients with constipation. Promising drug classes, new enterokinetic agents such as 5-hydroxytyptamine-4 receptor agonists and chloride channel activators could be effective in patients with severe constipation. Biofeedback could relieve symptoms in selected patients with pelvic floor dysfunction and severe constipation. Surgical treatment could be helpful in carefully selected patients with refractory constipation. (Korean J Med 2012;83:568-579)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        급성폐손상과 급성호흡곤란증후군 환자에서 압력조절환기법을 이용한 폐포모집술의 효과와 안정성

        정경수 ( Kyung Soo Chung ),박병훈 ( Byung Hoon Park ),신상윤 ( Sang Yun Shin ),전한호 ( Han Ho Jeon ),박선철 ( Seon Cheol Park ),강신명 ( Shin Myung Kang ),박무석 ( Moo Suk Park ),한창훈 ( Chang Hoon Han ),김정주 ( Chong Ju Kim 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2007 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.63 No.5

        연구배경: 급성폐손상과 급성호흡곤란증후군 대상자에서 폐포모집술의 적절한 방법에 대해서는 정해진 것이 없다. 이 연구를 통해 폐포모집술들 중 압력조절환기법을 이용한 폐포모집술의 효과와 안정성을 확인하고자 하였다. 방 법: 급성폐손상 및 급성호흡곤란증후군에 해당하는 대상자들을 대상으로 압력조절환기 방식에서 30 cmH2O의 흡입압력과 20 cmH2O의 호기말양압으로 2분 동안 폐포모집술을 시행하였다. 동맥혈 산소분압, 정맥혈 산소포화도, 혈압과 맥박, 중심정맥압, 폐탄성, 호기말양압, 흉부 X-ray를 시술 전ㆍ후로 확인하였다. 결 과: 16명의 대상자들 중에서, 3명은 폐외 급성폐손상 및 급성호흡곤란증후군 대상자였고 나머지 13명은 폐내 급성폐손상 및 급성호흡곤란증후군 대상자였다. 평균 나이는 61.0±11.8세였고, 평균 APACHE II score는 21.6±11.9이었으며, SAPS score는 44.6±14이었다. 폐포모집술 시행 전, 평균 호기말양압은 11.3±1.5 mmHg이었으며 평균 동맥혈산소분압/흡입산소분율은 130.3±60.2이었다. 폐포모집술 시행 20분 후, 동맥혈산소분압/흡입산소분율의 비를 측정하여 50% 이상 상승한 경우를 반응군으로 50% 이하로 상승하거나 감소한 경우를 비반응군으로 분류하였다. 8명의 대상자들은 반응군이었고 8명의 대상자들은 비반응군이었다. 두 군간의 인구학적인 특성과 기계호흡의 패턴, APACHE II score, SAPS score, 동맥혈산소분압/흡입산소분율과 혈역동학적 특성 사이에는 차이가 없었다. 폐포모집술 이후, 동맥혈산소분압/흡입산소분율의 비는 상승하였다(p<0.001). 그 최대치는 폐포모집술 이후 60분에서 관찰되었다. 동맥혈 이산화탄소분압은 상승하는 경향을 보였다(p=0.05). 폐포모집술 전ㆍ후의 평균동맥압의 차이는 없었다(p=0.08). 기흉 등의 압력 손상에 의한 합병증은 없었으며, 단 한 예에서만 혈압 저하로 인해 폐포모집술을 중단하였으나 수액 공급 후 바로 회복되었다. 결 론: 본 연구를 통해서, 압력조절환기를 이용한 폐포모집술은 급성폐손상 및 급성호흡곤란증후군 대상자에서 산소화의 개선을 보였다. 또한 혈역학적 부작용은 거의 없었으며 고압력에 의한 합병증은 없었다. 따라서 압력조절환기를 이용한 폐포모집술은 폐보호전략과 더불어 임상적인 유용성과 안전성이 있을 것으로 기대된다. Background: Alveolar recruitment (RM) is one of the primary goals of respiratory care for an acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The purposes of alveolar recruitment are an improvement in pulmonary gas exchange and the protection of atelectrauma. This study examined the effect and safety of the alveolar RM using pressure control ventilation (PCV) in early ALI and ARDS patients. Methods: Sixteen patients with early ALI and ARDS who underwent alveolar RM using PCV were enrolled in this study. The patients` data were recorded at the baseline, and 20 minutes, and 60 minutes after alveolar RM, and on the next day after the maneuver. Alveolar RM was performed with an inspiratory pressure of 30 cmH2O and a PEEP of 20 cmH2O in a 2-minute PCV mode. The venous O2 saturation, central venous pressure, blood pressure, pulse rate, PaO2/FiO2 ratio, PEEP, and chest X-ray findings were obtained before and after alveolar RM. Results: Of the 16 patients, 3 had extra-pulmonary ALI/ARDS and the remaining 13 had pulmonary ALI/ARDS. The mean PEEP was 11.3 mmHg, and the mean PaO2/FiO2 ratio was 130.3 before RM. The PaO2/FiO2 ratio increased by 45% after alveolar RM. The PaO2/FiO2 ratio reached a peak 60 minutes after alveolar RM. The PaCO2 increased by 51.9 mmHg after alveolar RM. The mean blood pressure was not affected by alveolar RM. There were no complications due to pressure injuries such as a pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and subcutaneous emphysema. Conclusion: In this study, alveolar RM using PCV improved the level of oxygenation in patients with an acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Moreover, there were no significant complications due to hemodynamic changes and pressure injuries. Therefore, alveolar RM using PCV can be applied easily and safely in clinical practice with lung protective strategy in early ALI and ARDS patients. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2007;63:423-429)

      • KCI등재후보
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        신경유육종증이 병발한 폐유육종증

        박병훈 ( Byung Hoon Park ),박선철 ( Seon Cheol Park ),신상윤 ( Sang Yun Shin ),전한호 ( Han Ho Jeon ),정경수 ( Kyung Soo Jung ),정우영 ( Woo Young Jung ),변민광 ( Min Kwang Byun ),문지애 ( Ji Ae Moon ),김영삼 ( Young Sam Kim ) 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2007 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.62 No.6

        Sarcoidosis is a multi-systemic syndrome of an unknown etiology, and it is characterized by the formation of multiple noncaseating granulomas that disrupt the architecture and function of the tissues in which they reside. The most commonly affected organs are lung, skin and lymph nodes. Overt clinical involvement of the nervous system is uncommon and this occurs in about 5% of all patients during the course of their disease. The most common manifestations are granulomatous leptomeningitis, cranial nerve palsy, electrolyte or other endocrinologic abnormalities, but isolated memory impairment is a rare manifestation. This is a case of 59 years-old male with recent memory impairment, and he was previously diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis by transbronchial lung biopsy. The brain MRI imaging revealed the leptomeningeal and parenchymal involvement of sarcoidosis. He was treated with high dose corticosteroid and his memory function was improved to nearly a normal level. We report here on a case of successful treatment of pulmonary sarcoidosis combined with neurosarcoidosis with using high dose corticosteroid, and the patient presented with recent memory impairment. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2007; 62: 549-553)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        폐종괴로 나타난 폐의 림프관평활근종증 1례

        박선철 ( Seon Cheol Park ),박병훈 ( Byung Hoon Park ),신상윤 ( Sang Yun Shin ),전한호 ( Han Ho Jeon ),정경수 ( Kyung Soo Chung ),박준철 ( Jun Chul Park ),정재헌 ( Jae Heon Jeong ),권지은 ( Ji Eun Kwon ),박무석 ( Moo Suk Park ) 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2007 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.63 No.3

        Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare disease that affects females of reproductive age. It is characterized by the abnormal proliferation of smooth muscle cells in the lung and along the axial lymphatics. We report a case of lymphangioleiomyomatosis presenting as a lung mass. The patient visited the emergency room because of dyspnea upon exertion. The chest X-ray showed a lung mass in the right lower lung field and a pneumothorax in the left lung. Chest computed tomography revealed a 5 x 3 cm sized mass in the right lower lobe and multiple thin-walled small cysts scattered in both lungs. Transbronchial biopsy of the lung mass was performed. The biopsy specimen showed atypical smooth muscle cell proliferation and cystic dilatation of the terminal bronchioles, which confirmed the diagnosis of lymphangioleiomyomatosis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of lymphangioleiomyomatosis presenting as a lung mass. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2007; 63: 289-293)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        혈관육종의 낭성 폐전이에 의한 기흉

        이찬주 ( Chan Joo Lee ),최준정 ( Jun Jeong Choi ),전한호 ( Han Ho Jeon ),정경수 ( Kyung Soo Jung ),박병훈 ( Byung Hoon Park ),박선철 ( Seon Cheol Park ),신상윤 ( Sang Yun Shin ),정우영 ( Wou Young Chung ),변민광 ( Min Kwang Byu 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2008 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.64 No.5

        Angiosarcoma is a rare but highly malignant tumorthat usually arises in the scalp or face of elderly males. Distant metastases favor the lung, liver, lymph nodes and skin. Metastatic pulmonary angiosarcoma commonly takes the form of a nodule but can sometimes appear as a thin-walled cyst. We report a case of 65 years-old male with a spontaneous pneumothorax, who underwent excision and radiotherapy for an angiosarcoma of the scalp 2 years ago. A chest CT scan revealed multiple cysts in the lung. The video-assisted thoracoscopic lung biopsy demonstrated subpleural cysts without tumor cells. A skin biopsy of the scalp showed an angiosarcoma. This case was diagnosed as a recurrence of an angiosarcoma with a supposed lung metastasis. This case suggests that a spontaneous pneumothorax in elderly people may be secondary to a pulmonary metastasis from an angiosarcoma of the scalp. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2008;64:374-378)

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