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        탈북 청년의 가족관계경험에 관한 연구: -내러티브-생애사 분석을 중심으로-

        전명희 ( Myung Hee Jun ) 한국가족사회복지학회 2016 한국가족복지학 Vol.51 No.-

        본 연구는 북한을 탈출하여 남한 사회에 정착하고 적응하고자 노력하고 있는 두 청년의 이야기를 가족관계 경험을 중심으로 하여 로젠탈의 내러티브-생애사 접근 방법으로 분석하였다. 두 연구 주인공이 경험한 인생여정에서 출발점인 원가족은 가정불화, 가족 상실과 해체의 경험으로 따스함을 경험하지 못하고 버려지는 경험을 하였던 곳이었으며,10대에는 가족 울타리가 없이 전전하며 목숨을 연명하는 시기를 보내왔다. 가족 재결합과 재구성, 상실 속에서 탈북과 남한 입국의 과정을 거치게 되었고, 20대 후반의 청년기에 이르러 원가족과의 심리적분리 및 새로운 가족 형성의 과업 앞에 놓여있다. 이러한 그들의 삶에서 현재 중요한 삶의 주제로는 부모나 북한 땅에서 받은 것이 없이 버려짐과 홀로서기의 경험이 지배적이지만 집안의기둥으로서 가족을 살리는 사명자로서 재북 가족과 탈북 가족들을 돌아보는 고단한 짐을 스스로 떠안고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이는 남한과 북한 사회가 공유하고 있는 전통적인 ``가족주의`` 의 가치가 표현된 것으로 오히려 남한에서는 희석되어 가는 가족을 위해 희생해야 한다고 여기는 관념으로서의 가족 의식이 깊은 것을 알 수 있다. 또한 남과 여 두 청년이 가부장적 구조속에서 서로 다른 입장과 적응 전략을 통해 자기 및 가족 정체감을 형성하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통해 남한에 입국하여 청년기를 보내고 새로운 가족을 만들어갈 탈북 청년들의 발달적 과업과 현재의 삶을 어떻게 통합할 수 있을지에 관한 논의를 제시해보았다. This research aims to explore the family relationship experiences of two young adults from North Korea through Rosenthal`s autobiographical-narrative methods. Series of in-depth interviews were conducted with a male and a female subjects. In biographies of North Korean young adults who live in South Korea now, their original family suffered from parental conflict, family break-up and loss in their childhood, and the subjects experienced being left and neglected from their parents due to huger and hardship in North Korea situations in 1990s. However, they have hold their family burdens during the exile from North Korea to South Korea and still have been supporting their family members in North Korea or South Korea financially. Results indicated that young adults from North Korea keep the main value of "familism" in the patriarchical society as like South Korean people had and they have believed that they ought to sacrifice themselves, delaying their developmental task in the young adulthood. In addition, the research found that the male and the female have different strategies to survive and adjust on family gender perspectives. Based on the results, some implications and practical suggestions were discussed for the young adults from North Korea in the settlement process.

      • KCI등재

        미국으로 간 탈북자들의 정착과 적응에 관한 질적 연구

        전명희(Jun, Myung Hee) 한국사회복지학회 2012 한국사회복지학 Vol.64 No.4

        최근 탈북자들이 한국 뿐 아니라 영국, 캐나다, 미국 등 난민 인정이 가능한 서구사회에 정착하고 있다. 본 연구는 2006년부터 탈북자들의 입국이 허용된 미국에 정착한 탈북자들이 정착지 결정과 적응 과정에서 어떤 경험들을 하게 되는지를 보다 심도 깊게 이해하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 현재 미국에 거주하고 있는 탈북자 8명을 대상으로 심층 면접을 실시하였고, 탈북자들을 돕는 일을 하는 실무자 1명의 면접 자료를 보조적으로 사용하였다. 탈북자들의 미국 정착 및 적응에 관한 내용을 근거이론 접근방법에 의하여 분석한 결과 89개의 범주들과 19개의 상위범주를 파악하였고, 패러다임 모형에 의한 분석도 시도하였다. 연구의 중심 현상은 “정착지에 대한 자발적 선택”이었으며, 정착지의 결정과 적응 과정에서 이러한 선택에 따른 탈북자들의 적응 과정의 상호작용과 결과들이 나타났다. 또한 이들의 삶의 방식이 욕구결핍의 해결과정으로서의 정착 과정을 밟고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 제언으로는 미국 내 거주 탈북자들의 삶을 통해 한국 사회가 탈북자 적응문제에 대해 재고해보아야 할 복지적 함의도 제시하였다. Since the U.S. government officially accepted North Korean(NK) as refugees starting in 2006, about 120 North Koreans have come to and been living in the United States. However, little is known in regard to what the North Korean refugees need for a qualify life. This study aims to explore the essential experiences of North Korean defectors who have settled in the United States after escaping North Korea. Research inquiries are why North Korean refugees have chosen the United States for their settlement, and how they are living in the United States. Data were collected from in-depth interviews with eight NK refugees. For data analysis, grounded theory approach by Strauss and Corbin(1998) was employed. The data analysis identified the central phenomenon, protective and risk factors, and core actions and consequences of NK refugees" adjustment in the U.S. The central phenomenon was "voluntary choose to come to the U.S." The core action and consequences in the process of their adjustment were "searching for the meaning of life," and "achieving acculturation." The findings may provide deeper understanding on the situation of North Korean refugees in the U.S. and implications for how to help them adjust well in the society.

      • 국내 고위험 유전성 유방암 환자의 유전자검사 경험

        전명희(Jun Myung-Hee),최경숙(Choi Kyung-Sook),안세현(Ahn Sei-Hyun),구보경(Gu Bo-Kyung) 대한종양간호학회 2005 Asian Oncology Nursing Vol.5 No.2

        Purpose: This study was to obtain a understanding of breast cancer women with high risk for hereditary cancer syndrome. Method: A micro-ethnography was used, including participation observation, open-ended in-depth interviews. Results: Two major arguments were derived. First, When Korean women at high risk to hereditary breast cancer make a decision about whether to take a genetic test, they are strongly motivated by a desire to preserve close kinship bonds and "family love" among their siblings, parents and children. Second, Even after genetic risk assessment and counseling services, Korean women at high-risk for developing a hereditary breast cancer who have been informed that they are mutation carriers, still hold onto previous beliefs about cancer causation. Their cancer prevention strategies are constructed according to their unchanged perceptions and beliefs about cancer causation. Conclusion: More sensitive genetic counseling program needs to be developed. Referral programs and clinical services must be attentive to cultural values and beliefs otherwise cultural attitudes and practices toward genetic counseling will not change.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        암환자에게 적용한 보완ㆍ대체요법 관련 국내 간호연구 분석

        전명희(Jun Myung Hee),엄동춘(Uhm Dong Choon),정성희(Jeong Seonghee) 대한종양간호학회 2009 Asian Oncology Nursing Vol.9 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze nursing research trends on the complementary and alternative therapies (CAT) for the cancer patients in Korea. Method: Thirty eight articles published in 17 nursing-related journal from 1987 to 2008 were analyzed. Results: Nursing Researches on CAT for the cancer patients have increased since 2000. Among the 38 studies, 34 studies used Quasi-experimental design and 13 studies (33%) were conducted for the breast cancer patients. Mind-body therapy (53%), manual healing therapy (42%), and pharmacologic and biological therapy (5%) were the often used CAT types. Nausea, vomiting, vital signs, immune cell, pain, and fatigue were measured as physiologic outcome variables; anxiety, depression, and hope as psychological outcome variables; and quality of life as social outcome variables. Conclusion: More CAM studies are needed targeting the patients with various cancer types and home-based cancer patients.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        기독 대학생들의 순결서약교육 참여효과에 대한 연구

        전명희(Myung Hee Jun) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2011 기독교교육정보 Vol.30 No.-

        Purity pledge for youths has been popular in Christian communities to equip youths with Christian values and attitude on sexual activities. While interest on the content and effects of purity pledge is growing, scientific approach to those subjects has rare in Korean society. This study examined the impact of sex education and purity pledge on college students' perception of and their attitude towards sex. Experimental research of pre-post test design was employed to find differences of participants perception of and attitude towards sex in three groups: a group participating in purity pledge, a group attended to purity pledge within two years, and a control group. The results revealed that experimental groups have significantly changed internalization of values towards sexual purity as a result of attending to three sessions of abstinence -focused sex education and purity pledge. In conclusion purity pledge helped participants understand Christian perspective of sexual purity and change their attitude for living in purity. This study contributes to objective and scientific validation of education on sexual purity. The findings can be implied for developing a program for Christian sex education and providing evidence-based research methods.

      • KCI등재

        노인 척추 수술환자의 수술 후 일상생활 활동수행 장애

        전명희(Jun, Myung-Hee),정지영(Jung Ji-Young) 한국간호교육학회 2010 한국간호교육학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        Purpose: This follow up study was performed to survey the problem in performing ADLs at home after surgery. Method: Twenty elderly patients were assessed 3 times; from the time of hospitalization for surgery until 3 weeks after discharge. Measuring tools are numeric rating scales (NRS) for pain and 3 questionnaires developed by the authors to measure difficulties in ambulation, performing indoor ADLs, and emotional status. Pearson correlation, variance analysis and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Result: The level of pain significantly decreased after surgery, but the difference between pain at the time of discharge and that of 3 weeks after discharge were not significant. Pain showed a positive relationship with emotional difficulties. Elderly with a higher education, family caregiver, and regular exercise showed a lower level of emotional difficulties. Conclusion: Comprehensive approaches for chronic pain including physical, psychological, and social aspects should be considered when caring for the elderly with spinal surgery. In addition, home care nursing interventions should include an exercise program to promote adaptation and rehabilitation after discharge.

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