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        영아대상 방임의 실태 및 발생요인에 관한 연구

        장화정 ( Hwa Jung Jang ),윤은영 ( Eun Young Yoon ),박은혜 ( Eun Hye Park ) 대한아동복지학회 2013 아동복지연구 Vol.11 No.3

        To organize preventive measures for infant neglect, this research compared neglect with other types of child abuse, and analysed the various causes of infant neglect in case studies of infant abuse that were collected in 2011 by the child protective agencies in South Korea. It was found that infant neglect was a common occurrence in households. The number of male infants neglected was higher than that of female infants, with infants younger than one year old the most neglected, followed by infants younger than two years old. There appeared to be no distinguishing characteristics for the victimized infants. Next, the number of male perpetrators was higher than that of female perpetrators, and most of the perpetrators of infant neglect were mostly likely to be aged between twenty and thirty years old. In addition, the greater per cent of perpetrators were unemployed and earned less than $1,500 a month. An examination of some causes of infant neglect indicated that the income and characteristics of the perpetrators were significant factors -the perpetrators with economic difficulties were more likely to neglect their infants. As for some factors of the victimized infants, age, family types, and relationship with the perpetrators affected whether neglect would occur or not. The younger the infants were, the higher the chances of them to be neglected. Also, infant neglect occurred more frequently in single-parent households. There was a higher possibility for infants to be neglected by their biological parents. According to the results, intervention by the government and local communities would be strongly advised in cases involving high-risk families. Furthermore, considering that the victimized infants were not likely to be detected by others, the construction of an early detection system for infant neglect as a joint initiative between child protective agencies and Dreamstart should be encouraged.

      • KCI등재

        아동 학대행위자 처벌에 관한 연구

        장화정 ( Jang Hwa-jung ) 한국아동권리학회 2005 아동과 권리 Vol.9 No.4

        2000년 「아동복지법」의 개정은 아동을 보호하고 양육하는 보호자라 할지라도 그 양육방법이 부적절하거나 아동에게 행해서는 안 되는 금지행위를 하는 경우 보호자를 처벌하겠다는 의지를 담고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 아동학대의 80%이상이 가정 내에서 이루어지고 부모에 의한 학대가 83%나 차지하고 있는 현실에서 학대행위자를 처벌한다는 것은 쉬운 일이 아니다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 학대행위자인 부모들을 고소/고발하여 처벌받도록 하는 것이 얼마나 어려운 일인지, 그리고 학대행위자를 처벌하는데 어떤 어려움이 있는지 알아보고자 하였다. 본 자료는 2000년 10월부터 2004년 5월까지 전국 19개 아동학대예방센터를 통해 고소/고발된 255사건을 빈도와 교차분석을 실시하여 분석하였다. 그 결과로 먼저 고소/고발 되는 사건은 아동학대 전체 사례 중 12%정도를 차지하고 있어 아동학대 문제가 사건화 되어야 한다는 인식과 함께 부모나 보호자인 학대행위자도 처벌받아야 한다는 것에 사회적 함의가 필요하다는 사실이다. 두 번째는 방임사건들은 아동학대 사건화 되는 과정도 18%정도에 그쳤으며, 그에 관한 처벌 결과에서도 ‘불기소’가 73% 정도를 차지하고 있는 것을 볼 때 방임을 처벌해야 한다는 사회적 인식은 절대적으로 부족하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 아동학대의 전반적인 개입 및 학대행위자의 처벌을 책임지고 있는 「아동복지법」은 학대행위자를 처벌하고 자 하는 의지가 보이지 않는 법안이라는 것과 함께 ‘방임에 관한 강력한 처벌 규정’과 학대행위자에 대한 처벌 규정 내에 ‘상담 및 교육’ 조항의 개정이 필요하다. Child Welfare Law, as amended in 2000, states that guardians who take care of children can be punished for inadequate care and improper behavior. Nevertheless, more than 80% of child maltreatment cases came up from intact families and parents were the perpetrators in 83% of the confirmed cases. Under the circumstances, it doesn't seem easy to punish the perpetrators. The purpose of this study is to understand the difficulties in accusing parents of child maltreatment and punishing them. This study come up with the frequencies and the cross analysis substantiated in 255 cases reported at Child maltreatment Prevent Center from October, 2000 to May 2004. In result, accusations of child maltreatment account for 12% of substantiated cases of all child maltreatment and the effects of child maltreatment are recognized by whole communities. Furthermore, the perpetrators including their parents should be punished and made to suffer from rotting in prison. Second, only 18% of child maltreatment cases were actually prosecuted and just 12% of the prosecuted cases resulted in convictions. That means 73% of the cases were dropped by the public prosecutors. Therefore, most child maltreatment cases are greatly neglected and need to be addressed by the entire community. In conclusion, Child Welfare Law responsible for all child maltreatment and the punishments for perpetrators are not well aligned with each other. It is required to amend the articles “strong punishment for non-intervention” and “counseling and education” in the regulation of perpetrators.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아동복지시설에서의 아동학대 피해에 관한 연구

        장희선(Jang Hee Sun),김기현(Kim Ki Hyun),장화정(Jang Hwa Jung),김경희(Kim Kyung Hee) 한국피해자학회 2016 被害者學硏究 Vol.24 No.3

        This article reports on the analysis of the characteristics of substantiated instances of maltreatment in child welfare institution. The data was collected from 2010 to 2012 by the Child Protective System(CPS). For three years, 369 children( 60% female, 40% male) in 90 institutions were substantiated. The mean age of children was 12.8 years old and perpetrator was 42.8 years old. The proportion of females in perpetrators(53.5%) were somewhat higher than that of male. More than half of the perpetrators was instructor(51.8%) and then that was followed by director(28.1%) and others(20.2%). Most of characteristic of victims was adaptive behavior(60.0%) and perpetrators was a care background(49.2%). Also, the proportion of multiple type(60.0%) were higher than that of single type in abuse type. The children who was exposed to physical abuse or emotional abuse experienced one time, while who was exposed to sexual abuse or neglect experienced more than two times. The audio, video, or pictures for maltreatment conditions and investigation of situation was important to decision of maltreatment in child welfare institution.

      • KCI등재

        건축 가설공사의 COST DOWN 기법 연구

        최장순,김삼능,장화정,이재영,Choi, Jang-Soon,Kim, Sam-Neung,Jang, Hwa-Jung,Lee, Jae-Young 한국농촌건축학회 2003 농촌건축 : 한국농촌건축학회논문집 Vol.5 No.3

        This study is to find out the betterment way of cost down in the architectural temporary work. To do so, it is more important to check every case above all and find and choice optimum way fitting a scene of a construction field. In addition, in case that the way to apply in proportion to a given condition is complicated, the way to find out cost down way is to adopt the individual peculiarity instead of the generality. Hereupon this study is rather to find out the better way to reduce such as material and manpower cost than to leave matters not to be settled to get the best way in the existing temporary work. So this study is composed with finding the existing problems, fixing the focus about the developmental way to reduce cost in the exterior and interior temporary work, presenting the new construction way and describing the merits and attentions of an improved exterior and interior temporary work.

      • KCI등재

        아동학대 세부특성에 따른 피해아동의 하위집단 분류와 문제행동 비교

        강지영(Kang, Ji-Young),장화정(Jang, Hwa-Jung) 한국아동복지학회 2018 한국아동복지학 Vol.- No.62

        본 연구는 우리나라 아동보호체계에 신고 · 접수된 아동학대 피해아동을 대상으로 아동학대의 세부특성에 따라 하위집단을 분류하고 하위집단별로 아동의 문제행동을 비교해 보고자 하였다. 영유아기(0∼5세), 아동기(6∼11세), 청소년기(12∼17세)의 세 개로 나누어진 발달단계별로 아동학대 세부특성인 학대유형, 지속기간 및 빈도와 만 연령을 활용하여 잠재프로파일분석을 시행한 후, 분류된 하위집단 간에 아동의 내재화, 외현화 문제 및 비행행동, 발달문제의 발생비율을 비교하였다. 영유아기 아동은 일상적인 저수준 학대(초단기성), 단발적 방임(단기성), 주기적인 저수준 학대(중단기성), 간헐적 중복학대(중장기성)의 4개의 하위집단으로 분류되었다. 아동기는 일상적 신체학대(초단기성), 단발적 방임(중장기성), 주기적 중복학대(중장기성), 간헐적 중복학대(장기성)의 4개의 하위집단으로 분류되었다. 청소년기에는 빈번한 신체학대(중단기성), 간헐적 방임(중장기성), 주기적 성학대(장기성), 간헐적 중복학대(장기성) 집단으로 분류되었다. 중복학대는 중장기 이상의 기간 동안 간헐적이거나 주기적으로 발생하는 경향이 있으며 중복학대를 경험한 영유아와 아동들은 모든 발달단계에서 가장 높은 외현화 및 내재화 문제 발생비율을 보여주었다. 반면 방임은 발달단계별로 빈도 및 지속기간이 다양하지만 공통적으로 높은 비율의 발달문제를 보여주었다. 영유아기의 주기적인 저수준 학대(중단기성) 집단은 단발적 방임(단기성) 집단보다 높은 비율의 내재화 문제를 보이는 등 기타 연구결과들은 학대 피해아동이 가지는 문제행동 이해함에 있어 학대유형 뿐 아니라 지속기간, 빈도, 발달단계 및 문제행동의 종류 등을 종합적으로 고려해야 함을 나타내었다. 본 연구결과를 통해 아동학대 피해아동에 대한 새로운 이해의 토대를 마련하고자 하였다. This study aimed to identify subgroups of maltreated children involved in child protective services, utilizing maltreatment dimensions and to compare sequela among profiles. Latent profile analysis was conducted with three groups by development stage-young children (0-5 years old), school-aged children (6-11 years old), and adolescents (12-17 years old)-using maltreatment dimensions including maltreatment type, duration/chronicity, frequency and age. Identified subgroups of maltreated children were compared in terms of the rate of internal and external problems, delinquent behaviors, and developmental problems. Young children were categorized into four subgroups: everyday low-level maltreatment (very short term), one-time neglect (short term), periodic low-level maltreatment (medium-short term), and intermittent multiple maltreatment (long term). School-aged children had four subgroups: everyday physical abuse (very short term), one-time neglect (medium-long term), periodic multiple maltreatments (medium-long term), and intermittent multiple maltreatments (long term). Adolescents had four subgroups: frequent physical abuse(medium-short term), intermittent neglect (medium-long term), periodic sexual abuse (long term), and intermittent multiple maltreatments (long term). The results indicated that multiple maltreatments occur for medium-long or long term and periodically or intermittently. Young and school-aged children in the subgroups of multiple maltreatments showed the highest prevalence of external and internal problems. On the other hand, children in the subgroups of neglect showed the highest rate of developmental problems, although the frequency and duration varied. The results showed that periodic low-level maltreatment (medium-short term) groups had more children with internalized problems than one-time neglect(short term) groups. The findings highlighted the importance of considering maltreatment dimensions, including type, duration/chronicity, frequency to understand various kinds of problematic behaviors of maltreated children, contributing to a better understanding of child maltreatment victims’ behaviors.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아동학대 사망사례의 현황과 예측요인

        김세원(Se Won Kim),이정은(Jeong Eun Lee),정익중(Ick Joong Chung),장화정(Hwa Jung Jang) 한국아동복지학회 2014 한국아동복지학 Vol.- No.46

        아동학대는 전반적인 아동발달에 부정적인 영향을 미치며, 최악의 경우 아동은 사망에 이르게 된다. 아동학대로 인한 사망을 예방하기 위해서는 아동학대 사망사례의 실태와 관련요인을 정확하게 파악할 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 아동학대 사망사례가 과소보고 되었을 것으로 추정되기는 하나, 아동학대 사망사례에 대해 가장 많은 정보를 담고 있는 아동보호전문기관에 신고된 아동학대 사망사례를 이용하여 학대로 인한 사망사례의 현황과 예측요인을 살펴보고자 하였다. 2002년부터 2011년까지 아동보호전문기관에 신고된 아동학대 사망사례는 총 74건이었다. 로지스틱 회귀분석결과, 아동이 사망하지 않은 고위험 만성 비(非)사망 사례에 비해, 아동이 1세미만인경우, 신체학대가 발생한 경우 아동학대로 인해 사망할 가능성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 연구결과를 근거로 하여 아동학대로 인한 사망을 예방하기 위한 실천적 개입방법 및 정책적 제언을 논의하였다. Child abuse can lead to a wide range of adverse consequences for children and finally result in child abuse fatalities. In order to prevent child abuse fatalities, there is a need to examine the prevalence and causes of death resulting from child abuse. The purpose of this study is to describe the current state of child abuse fatalities and to determine their predictors. For the purpose of this research, we used cases of child abuse resulting in death reported by the National Child Protection Agency(NCPA). Although child abuse fatalities were undercounted by the NCPA, it is considered to contain adequate information regarding child abuse fatalities. According to the report from the NCPA, from 2002 to 2011, 74 children died from abuse. The logistic regression results confirmed that children who were less than 1-year-old and suffered from physical abuse had higher possibilities of dying from abuse. Based on the results, recommendation for child welfare policy and practice are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        아동학대 위험도 평가척도의 타당도 검증 연구

        김기현(Kim Ki Hyun),염동문(Yum Dong Moon),장화정(Jang Hwa Jung),장희선(Jang Hee Sun) 한국피해자학회 2016 被害者學硏究 Vol.24 No.3

        This study examined the validity of the Child Safety and Risk Assessments developed for Korean Child Protective Services. Based on the actuarial assessment model, risk factors for maltreatment recurrence were extracted from the existing studies as well as assessment tools. Field experts reviewed the factors and drew upon their experiences. Through this process 9 items for child safety assessment and 10 items for child risk assessment were developed. Using various data sources, the researchers examined inter-item reliability, inter-rater reliability, as well as criterion validity. The tests yielded excellent and reasonable results for the properties of the assessments. The results for predictive validity required further replication based on a prospective, longitudinal study. The researchers discussed future directions for developing assessment tool for child protective services including developing Structured Decision Making(SDM) system integrating the actuarial assessment for future risk and clinical inputs for service provision.

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