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      • KCI등재

        E-로지스틱스의 발달과 3PL 기업의 글로벌 네트웍 구축전략

        이헌수,Lee, Hun-Soo 한국무역상무학회 2003 貿易商務硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        This research attempts to identify growth potential of e-logistics market and opportunities provided by its growth; analyze requirements and critical success factors for logistics industries to make most of such opportunities; and analyze various strategic alternatives for e-logistics industries. Subsequently this paper looks at strategies that may enable logistics companies to grow into competitive e-logistics and e-fulfillment companies. This would involve the close interface between advances in IT and logistics activities and formation of global strategic alliances.

      • KCI등재

        물류관련 공기업 BSC 분석 및 개선방안

        이헌수 ( Hun Soo Lee ) 한국로지스틱스학회 2006 로지스틱스연구 Vol.14 No.2

        물류기업의 경쟁력을 제약(원가부담가중)하고 있는 물류관련 공기업의 토지사용료 등과 관련된 제도적인 문제가 물류관련 공기업이 가시적인 재무성과를 단기간에 내어야 한다는 압박에서 비롯된 것이 아닌지 또한 이러한 압박이 단기적인 재무적 성과에 중점을 둔 성과평가제도의 문제점으로부터 비롯된 것이 아닌지 분석하고 이러한 문제를 극복할 수 있는 개선방안에 대해 검토하였다. 결론적으로 인천국제공항공사는 민영화를 염두에 두고 수익성 확보에 치중하기보다는, 동북아 물류허브화를 위한 가장 핵심적인 기초 시설로서의 공공의 이익을 창출하는 데에 보다 많은 중점을 둘 필요가 있다. 성과평가 체계도 재무적 지표에 보다 중점을 두는 민간기업의 체계를 따라가기 보다는 공공성에 보다 중점을 두는 공공부문의 성과체계를 포함시켜야 한다. This research attempts to identify the relationship between pricing policies of logistics-related public sector and their performance evaluation systems primarily focusing on short-term financial results and suggest options to improve efficiency of the evaluation systems and competitiveness of logistics companies. Such options include more balanced evaluation system which adds missions of the logistics-related public sector as the ultimate evaluation goal and new KPIs to measure the public value created by the public sector.

      • KCI등재

        우울증 변증도구의 신뢰도, 타당도 평가

        이헌수 ( Hun Soo Lee ),강위창 ( Wee Chang Kang ),정인철 ( In Chul Jung ) 대한한방신경정신과학회 2015 동의신경정신과학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the instrument on pattern identifications for depression. Methods: Two assessors carried out an evaluation about the instrument on pattern identifications for depression, targeting 201 participants, who after taking the HAM-D score over 12 or under 7 twice. Results: Inter-assessor reliability was higher than intra-assessor reliability in a reliability analysis about classification of pattern identification evaluated by the instrument on pattern identifications for depression. Reliability of intra-assessor and inter-assessor showed a moderate to strong agreement when reliability analysis about classification score of the pattern identification had been performed. Reliability analysis to evaluate the validity of the instrument on pattern identifications for depression showed moderate agreement. Conclusions: The results reveal that reliability analysis of the instrument on pattern identifications for depression showed an over moderate agreement and validity analysis represented a positive correlation.

      • KCI등재

        불면증 변증도구 개발을 위한 기초 연구

        이헌수 ( Hun-soo Lee ),김환 ( Hwan Kim ),윤용기 ( Yong-gi Yun ),이수진 ( Sujin Lee ),전주현 ( Ju-hyun Jeon ),김보경 ( Bo-kyung Kim ),이은정 ( Eun Jung Lee ),정인철 ( In Chul Jung ) 대한한방신경정신과학회 2016 동의신경정신과학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        Objectives: This study was carried out to develop a standard tool of pattern identifications for insomnia in Korean Medicine. Methods: The advisory committee for this study was organized by 17 Korean Medicine neuro-psychiatry professors who were faculty members of different Korean Medicine colleges. The pattern identifications and symptoms for this tool were extracted from published Korean and Chinese literature. The Instrument on Pattern Identifications for Insomnia was developed following discussions among internal experts and after consultations with members of the advisory committee. Results: 1) Five pattern identifications were set for the tool. 2) The mean weights which represent the importance of each symptom and scored on a hundred-point scale were obtained. 3) The Instrument on Pattern Identifications for insomnia was designed in the self-reporting format composed of 47 questions. Conclusions: An Instrument on Pattern Identifications for Insomnia was created in this study. However, owing to any clinical trials has not been set yet. Therefore its validity and reliability were not confirmed. To make up for this limitation, the further clinical study would be performed in the near future.

      • KCI등재

        한국물류기업의 중국 내 SCM 전략 대안

        이헌수 ( Hun Soo Lee ) 한국로지스틱스학회 2009 로지스틱스연구 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구는 중국진출 한국기업의 효율적인 SCM 지원방안 및 중국진출 물류기업의 경쟁력 제고방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해, 첫째, 중국진출 제조 및 유통기업의 내수시장진출을 위한 유통 및 물류 현황과 문제점을 파악하였다. 둘째, 중국진출 물류기업의 내수물류 수행을 위한 제반기업 활동 현황 및 문제점을 파악하였다. 셋째, 중국진출 제조 및 유통기업의 내수물류 지원능력 및 중국진출 물류기업의 경쟁력 제고방안을 도출하였다. 본 연구는 중국 내륙 통합물류 네트워크 구축, 외국물류기업의 중국진출전략 사례에 대한 벤치마킹, M&A 및 전략적 제휴 전략, 계열사 강점 활용한 내수물류 전략, 종합적인 서비스 및 종합적인 해결방안 제공능력 확보, 특화시장 초점 및 특정산업 전문화 전략, 혁신적인 비즈니스 모델의 창출, 단계별 진출전략 적용 등 다양한 중국진출 한국 물류기업의 제조 및 유통기업 지원 능력 및 현지 경쟁력 제고 전략을 제시하고 있다. This research attempts to analyze problems, opportunities, and demand of Korean retail companies in their efforts to serve China market; study problems, opportunities, and demand of Korean logistics firms in China; and suggest SCM strategy options for Korean logistics firms in China markets. Strategy options include: development of Pan-China logistics network, M&A and strategic alliance, enhancing inter-modal service capability based on strength of affiliated companies in various transportation modes, focusing on specific industry and product, creation of innovative business model, incremental approaches, and so on.

      • KCI등재

        화병 한의 평가도구의 신뢰도, 타당도 평가

        이헌수 ( Hun Soo Lee ),최우창 ( Woo Chang Choi ),유윤선 ( Yun Seon Yu ),강위창 ( Wee Chang Kang ),정인철 ( In Chul Jung ) 대한한방신경정신과학회 2014 동의신경정신과학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the instrument of oriental medical evaluation for Hwa-byung. Methods: 97 participants diagnosed with Hwa-byung divided into 5 pattern identifications by the instrument on pattern identifications for Hwa-byung were tested by the instrument of oriental medical evaluation for Hwa-byung twice a week. Results: The intraclass correlation coefficient of the test-retest analysis of oriental medical evaluation for Hwa-byung had over moderate agreement. The intraclass correlation coefficient of test-retest analysis of evaluation index of symptoms had moderate agreement for the total symptoms, and fair agreement for the physical and mental symptoms. The validity analysis of the instrument represented a positive correlation in the pattern identification of stagnation of liver Gi, malfunction of gallbladder due to phlegm stagnation, and disharmony between heart and kidneys. Conclusions: The results showed that the reliability analysis of the instrument of oriental medical evaluation for Hwa-byung showed over moderate agreement, and validity analysis represented a positive correlation except for the pattern identification of flare-up of liver fire and deficiency of both Gi and blood.

      • KCI등재

        RFID 기술을 이용한 항공화물 터미널 보관구역 내 화물위치추적 방안연구

        이헌수 ( Hun Soo Lee ),장윤석 ( Yoon Seok Chang ),최연화 ( Yeon Hwa Choi ),손민규 ( Myn Gyu Son ) 한국로지스틱스학회 2009 로지스틱스연구 Vol.17 No.2

        우리나라의 항공수출은 반도체등 전자산업의 성장과 함께 양적성장을 이루어 가고 있다. 하지만, 양적 성장에 대비해, 항공 물류처리기술은 홍콩 등의 경쟁국에 비해 떨어지는 게 현실이다. 이러한 현실에서 실시간 인식능력 등의 많은 장점을 가지고 있는 RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) 기술의 도입은 항공물류분야의 경쟁력을 향상 시킬 것으로 기대가 된다. 본 연구에서는 화물위치파악에 어려움이 있는 보관(storage) 프로세스에 RFID기술을 적용한 프로세스 개선안을 제시하고, 시뮬레이션으로 간단히 효과를 분석하였다. The volume of export cargo has been growing with the growth of electronics industry. However, despite the growth, it is considered that we are still behind the competitors such as Hongkong in terms of quality in cargo process technology. At this point, RFID technology, which has capabilities of real time identification, looks promising because it could bring competitiveness in cargo business area. In this study, we suggest a new RFID based process for storage where the location identification is not easy task and compared the new process with conventional process using simulation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국진출 중견중소기업과 범한상 물류기업 간 연계모델 구축 연구

        이헌수 ( Hun Soo Lee ),최동현 ( Dong Hyun Choi ),허재원 ( Jae Won Her ),김현경 ( Hyun Kyung Kim ) 한국로지스틱스학회 2016 로지스틱스연구 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구에서는 우리 중견·중소 화주기업들의 중국진출 및 공급망 현황과 물동량 흐름 등에 대한 실증분석을 위해, 121개 업체에 대해 방문, 전화 등을 통한 심층조사를 실시하였다. 주요 조사내용은 중국 진출현황, 각 물류 단계별 현황, 물동량 규모 및 흐름 등을 포함하고 있다. 또한 화주기업과 범한상 물류기업 간의 연계모델 도출을 위해, 중국소재 11개 범한상 물류기업에 대한 방문조사가 이루어졌다. 이러한 분석을 기반으로, 중국내 주요 지역별, 품목별, 공급망별 유형화, 중소기업 중국물류 단계별 분석, 중소 화주기업과 범한상 물류기업 간의 연계 모델 도출이 이루어졌다. This research studies various aspects of supply chain of Korean SMEs in China market including material and product flow between SCM processes through interview survey on 121 manufacturing and retail firms and analyzed services and networks of 11 pan-Korean logistics firms in China. Based on such studies, this research attempts to suggest alliance models between SMEs and pan-Korean logistics firms in China market..

      • KCI등재

        [第4編 電子貿易]E-로지스틱스의 발달과 3PL 기업의 글로벌 네트웍 구축전략

        이헌수(Lee Hun soo) 한국무역상무학회 2003 貿易商務硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        This research attempts to identify growth potential of e-logistics market and opportunities provided by its growth; analyze requirements and critical success factors for logistics industries to make most of such opportunities; and analyze various strategic alternatives for e-logistics industries. Subsequently this paper looks at strategies that may enable logistics companies to grow into competitive e-logistics and e-fulfillment companies. This would involve the close interface between advances in IT and logistics activities and formation of global strategic alliances.

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