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      • KCI등재

        정지용 수필의 낭만적 총체성 연구

        이정인 ( Lee Jeong-in ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2016 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.51

        본고는 정지용 수필의 의미망을 낭만적 총체성으로 보고 그런 관점으로 해석을 시도하였다. ‘낭만적’이라는 말의 개념은 낭만주의의 정신적 기조인 동경에 초점을 둔 것으로 부재하는 대상에 대한 그리움을 의미한다. 정지용 작품세계에서의 향수는 현실에 대한 부정적 인식으로 인한 과거에 대한 동경이자 피상적 현실인식으로 인한 미지의 세계에 대한 동경으로써 이러한 특성을 낭만적이라 규정하였다. 자연순환의 흐름이 곧 삶이었던 근대 이전은 총체성이 지배하던 시대로 ‘총체적 삶’이 지배했던 고향에서 벗어나 떠도는 정지용은 끊임없이 ‘선험적 고향’을 찾아 나섰다. 정지용은 원형적 공간과의 분리는 상실감을 낳았고 낯선 근대에서 파편적 존재 같은 소외감에 빠져들었다. 가톨릭신앙은 그 극복의지의 방안으로 자기구원을 얻고자 하였으며 리런드ㆍ라이컨(Leland Ryken)의 말처럼 문학과 종교가 삶의 가치와 의미를 탐구한다는 점에서 접맥이 된다면 정지용의 가톨릭시즘은 그런 맥락에 있다고 할 것이다. 1930년대 일본의 문화정책으로 옥죄는 시대의 암울함 속에서 근대문인의 소외ㆍ상실감은 데카당한 혼으로 나아가고 정지용은 30년대 후반 ‘지금-여기’를 떠나 현실의 굴레를 잠시나마 벗어던지는 여행길을 나선다. 본고에서는 이러한 정지용의 기행여정을 메를로 퐁티(Merleau Ponty)의 말에 따라 ‘몸’으로 ‘세계에로’ 나아가는 작가의 총체적 몸짓으로 보았다. 모더니즘 사조의 시와 가톨릭신앙이라는 의식에 가두어온 내재된 동경을 쫓아 직접 몸으로 느끼고 체험하고자 했던 것이다. 정지용이 여행지 곳곳을 다니며 총체성의 표상들을 보고 느낀 소회를 쓴 것이 기행수필이라는 점에서 기행수필은 곧 그의 ‘몸말’이라 해도 좋을 것이다. 이미 오래전 체화된 향수는 잃어버린 총체성의 표상들을 직접 보고 느끼면서 다시 그의 몸말이 된 것이다. 정지용 작가의식의 근저인 향수와 그것의 종교적 변용 같은 가톨릭신앙, 그리고 ‘몸적’ 기행은 삶의 근원적 그리움, 즉 근대이전의 삶이 간직한 총체성을 희구하는 낭만적 문학적 여정으로 읽을 수 있다. The study considers the semantic network of Jeong Jiyong`s essays as the romantic totality and tries to analyze based on such view. The word of ‘romantic’ refers to the missing for absent objects focusing on the yearning which is the psychological stance of the Romanticism. Nostalgia shown in the works of Jeong Jiyong is the yearning for the past due to negative recognitions on realities and for the unknown world due to superficial recognitions on realities. Such feature is defined as ‘romantic’. In the pre-modern times, the flow of natural circulation was life itself. Leaving his home where the ‘life of totality’ prevailed, Jeong Jiyong ceaselessly wandered to seek the ‘a priori home’. Separation from the spatial prototype resulted in a sense of loss and Jeong Jiyong felt left out as a fragmentary being in a strange modern era. Catholicism was the way to overcome and to save oneself. As Leland Ryken said, if literature and religion have a common in that they explore the value and meaning of life, Jeong Jiyong`s Catholicism would lie in such context. In the gloomy times suppressed by the 1930s Japanese cultural policies, alienated and bereft modern writers progressed decadent spirits and Jeong Jiyong set out on a trip to free himself from the reality by leaving the late 1930s ‘Now-Here’. According to the words of Merleau Ponty, this study deemed the travel of Jeong Jiyongas the holistic gesture of the writer advancing from the ‘body’ ‘toward the world’. He was to experience in person pursuing the yearning underlying and oppressed in the modern poem and Catholic mindset. Jeong Jiyong wrote about what he felt and thought seeing the presentations of totality in his travel essays. In that respect, his travel essay could be deemed as his ‘body language’. The missing embodied long before became his body language again by seeing and feeling the presentations of lost totality. The yearning which is the basis of Jeong Jiyong`s writer consciousness, the Catholic faith of its religious transformation, and the ‘bodily’ travel were a romantic literature travel in pursuit of the totality of pre-modern times or the fundamental missing of life.

      • KCI등재

        사계(四季)의 관점에서 본 정지용 수필의 내면세계

        이정인(Lee Jeong-in) 한국어문학회 2017 語文學 Vol.0 No.135

        The article assumes that the literary text is a reflection of the inner psychological landscape, as the writer writes down his orher experiences of life. Jeong Jiyong"s essays are the texts that his views and thoughts of life and life values are textualized. In considering such aspect, this article aims to examine the inner world of the poet, by employing the perspective of the four seasons. Here I contend that the four seasons not only represent the organic cycle of growth, maturity, decline and death, but also is organically correlated with the value system in accordance with the cycle of human life, which is as a part of the nature. In other words, it can be assumed that the natural law is also incorporated into the literary work, given that the author’s life is not free from the cycle of the nature. The perspective of the four seasons is therefore employed as an approach and framework that enables us to explore the inner world of the poet. This study categorizes Jeong Jiyong’s writings into four modes of the inner state: “nostalgic mind to childhood,” “psychological aspiration,” “speculation on youth and aging,” “the sign of neurosis and existential skepticism,” and “the loss of farewell and realization of life.” The main current of Jeong Jiyong’s literary consciousness is based on melancholy in isolation, also caused by loss and anxiety. Simultaneously, the device of self-consolation helps to overcome such depression and provides evidence and support to his existence. Jeong Jiyong’s literary creation therefore aims to satisfy his desires suppressed and contained in unconsciousness, and his essays reveal the process of seeking pleasure to meet such desires. Therefore, this study is a journey of the inner world of Jeong Jiyong, reflected through his essays, in which the voices inside and outside texts are identified, when we interpret the essays.

      • KCI등재

        정지용 수필의 문체적 특성 연구

        이정인 ( Lee Jeong-in ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2018 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.57

        수필은 1930년대에 비로소 장르적 독자성의 논의가 등장하면서 새로운 문학양식으로 부각되었다. 정지용은 탁원한 시인임에 틀림없지만 각종 신문과 문예지에 산문을 꾸준히 발표하고『문학독본(文學讀本)』(1948, 박문출판사)과『산문(散文)』(1949, 동지사) 두 권의 산문집을 출간할 만큼 문장가이기도 하다. 지금까지의 연구 축적에도 불구하고 아직까지 정지용 수필 문체에 대한 본격적인 분석이 없다는 문제의식에서 본 연구는 출발하였다. 문학작품에 대한 내재적 연구는 문장의 구성과 문체의 어떤 특징이 텍스트의 미적 효과로 나타나는가를 밝히는 것이다. 문체는 작가의 개성이 언어로 표현되는 것으로써 문학작품이 지니는 개성이란 곧 그 작가의 문체를 의미하는 것이기도 하다. 이번 연구는 수필의 문체적 특성이 문학성과 관련하여 중요하다는 관점 하에 정지용 수필에 나타난 미적 효과를 찾아 분석하고자 하였다. 먼저 텍스트에서 다채로운 형태와 수준으로 나타나는 ‘반복과 병치의 서술기법’이다. 반복이 단어 표현의 동일한 형태나 그 부분적인 변형에 의한 되풀이에 제한한다면 병치는 언어 표현의 이질성에도 불구하고 의미와 구조가 동질적이거나 대립적인 것을 겨냥하는 경우를 가리킨다. 시와 달리 대체적으로 만연체의 서사양식을 취하고 있는 정지용의 수필은 반복과 병치가 다양한 층위와 국면으로 문장의 미적 장치로 쓰이고 있다. 반복과 병치를 텍스트 서술기법으로 부각시키는 것은 우선은 그것이 언어의 형태이며 되풀이에 의한 의미의 강조나 리듬을 구축하는 이상의 미학적 장치가 될 수 있기 때문이다. 정지용 수필의 또 하나의 특징은 음성 상징어를 활용한 감각적 형상화이다. 방언과 우리말의 의성어·의태어를 활용하여 문장의 생동감은 물론 산문의 리듬감을 살리고 있다. 또 모더니즘적 성향이 투영된 회화적 묘사로 감각적 문체의 뛰어난 면모를 보여주고 있다. 문학으로서의 수필 입지가 아직 구축되지 않은 30년대에 우리말의 우수성을 모던한 수필 문체로 적극 활용하여 개성적 문체를 모색한 점은 눈여겨 볼만하다. 이러한 관점에서 접근할 때 정지용 수필의 문체 특성의 의의가 한층 더 긴밀하게 나타날 것이다. 이 연구는 문학작품의 문체란 단순히 분석의 대상이 아닌 작품에 미적 효과를 더하는 것이라는 관점에서 접근하고자 하였다. 이러한 전제를 바탕으로 정지용 수필 문체의 특성 요소들이 문학성과의 관련 속에서 텍스트 내에서 어떻게 미적 기능을 하는지를 살펴볼 것이다. As the discussion on genre originality emerged in the 1930s, essay grew up as a new literary style. Jung Ji-yong is a prominent poet and best writer who published two essay collections such as Munhakdokbon(文學讀本) published in 1948 by Bakmun Book Agency and Sanmun(散文) in 1949 by Dongjisa. Thi study began from the problem awareness that there is no official analysis of his essay literary style despite bunch of data compiled so far. Intrinsic study on literary works is devoted to investigating what features of sentence composition and writing style are described into aesthetic effects of texts. Writing style expresses writer's individuality through languages and individual features of literary works literally refers to the writer's writing style. This study aimed for searching aesthetic effects presented in his essays and analyze them under the perspective that the characteristic of his essay writing style is significant in association with literary features. First, “descriptive techniques of repetition and juxtaposition” found in texts with a variety of forms and levels. Repetition is limited to reiteration with similar forms of word expression or partial transformation, while juxtaposition refers to targeting homeogenous or opposite meanings and structures despite the heterogeneity of language expression. Contrary to poems, his essays primarily consisting of prolix narrative style are used as aesthetic device of sentences with a variety of layers and aspects of repetition and juxtaposition. The reason why these two literary device is highlighted as text descriptive techniques is first of all it is a language form and it can serve as aesthetic device more than emphasizing meanings through repetition or building up rhythm. Another feature of his essays is a sensational formalization using sound symbolic words. It breathes vividness and prose rhythmic sense by using dialects and onomatopoeia as well as mimetic words. In addition, it demonstrates an exceptional aspect of sensationalized writing style with picturesque description applied with modern disposition. It is worthwhile to note the fact that it actively used the excellence of Korean language and explored his own singular writing style as his essay writing style in the 1930s when the reputation of essay was not well accepted as literature. When his essays are approached based on this perspective, the implication of the features of his essay writing styles will be revealed in more details. This study aimed to approach his essays in terms of adding aesthetic effects on his works not as mere analytical subjects. Based on this assumption, it will explore how feature of his essay literary styles function as aesthetic factors associated with literary features in his texts.

      • KCI등재

        한국 한방의료관광에 대한 중국 관광객 인식도 조사연구

        이정,문경원,이정,김응석,손창규,Lee, Jeong-Man,Moon, Kyung-Won,Lee, Jeong-Yeol,Kim, Eung-Suk,Son, Chang-Gue 대한한방내과학회 2012 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.33 No.1

        Objectives : This study aimed to obtain general information for the design of a medical tourism plan toward Chinese using Korean medicine (KM). Methods : A questionnaire was asked of Chinese tourists regarding of Korea traditional medical tourism. 148 valid responses were obtained and their awareness of KM, and preferred subject and decision factors for their participation in Korea traditional medical tourism were analyzed using SPSS version 12.0. Results : 72% of respondents showed over a moderate degree of interest in medical tourism of KM. The most preferred subject was skin aesthetics, followed by medical check-ups and rehabilitation. Medical skill level, communication, and medical cost were indicated as the important factors for participants' decisions about KM-based medical tourism. Conclusions : Medical tourism could be a potential avenue for development by the KM-based Korean medical industry. Cosmetic-associated medical services are recommended, and enhanced public relations about KM-medical skill levels are strongly suggested for Chinese tourists.

      • KCI등재후보

        지역사회의 교회에 대한 부정적 인식과 역기능에 대한 그리스도인의 사회선교적 과제

        이정서 ( Jeong Seo Lee ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2012 복음과 선교 Vol.20 No.-

        It is not too much to say that, Until now, the Korean Church just have focused on the Church growth, with the purpose of quantitative expansion. But Under dark shadow of such high extension and development, Do They have lots of problems with a moan of pain now? In Corrupt society, Korean church Constantly have to try changes and Become mature themselves, however They didn`t, on the contrary They have become the target of criticism from all people social standings because the Korean church no more have the substance and the vocation of Christianity. These are causes that Korean society has negative perceptions and proofs of their interesting in not the qualitative growth but the quantitative expansion. Korean Church should be restored to health now. for this, They should Hearken to all levels of society whose Demand full to them and make the new paradigm of social ministry in order to take negative perceptions away from all people in society. In Church history in Korea. There`s no era that ,like this times, collapsed the standard of judgement and their identity based on the Bile. These factors have made negative phases about the Koran Church in society and decreased the Korean Church`s development. What is the reason for that? Where are they going? the Korean Church must endeavor to form the new social ministry to solve about these problems. then, What is the solution? First of all, Fundamental measures is a strengthening of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity education to be based upon a Christian worldview. Biblical Christianity is essential to strengthen education. This will give faith of christians the implicature that they can achieve the given vocation of the social ministry. The second is strengthen education about a heresy in Christianity that is located in a negative impact on society and receives good reviews like the Orthodox Christian church from the society. Third is that the Korean Church should go back to the Bible. The Bible is standard in all the affairs of the church and christian should be to live a religious life to accomplish the task of social ministry, practicing to learn and to see in the Church in their life. It can also be hard to execute for the Korean Church right now, however They should run it. Fourth, The various Christian rally, escaping from insubstantial factors, should be the subject of a Christian theme that is able to build up fundamental beliefs of Christianity. Fifth, The Korean Church must adjust the priority of Christian education. It is one that, by reinforcing education about fundamental beliefs of Christianity, the Christian`s identity is correctly understanded, in other words, It is the establishment of the Christian worldview. Through these, the Korean Church will be the dawn of the new growth opportunity. I hope, thereby, a new turning point will be formed in the Korean Church and by cooperating with social community and their demand to the Korean church, Biblically healthy church will be built in community and society and Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        현대사회의 동향과 사회복지선교의 과제

        이정서 ( Jeong Seo Lee ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2010 복음과 선교 Vol.13 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to explore the socio-cultural directions applicable for desirable Christian social welfare activities so as to fulfillthe mission welfarework of the church. Firstly, this study demonstrates the necessity of the overall practice of ongoing Christian social welfare through a comparative analysis of future society, and will use the knowledge of this active Christian dynamic as a mechanism in order to try to give motivation for all Churches and Christians to take part in mission welfare work. Secondly, this dissertation will emphasize that the Church can be restored through the practice of Christian social welfare, and that all Korean churches should firstly recognize the ongoing validity of this practice, and then use it as a tool for preaching the gospel and promoting the social welfare programs of the church. Thirdly, through a scientific means sampling, surveying the current situation of Christian social welfare, this study will illustrate not only the current status of social welfare services within the Korean church, but will also demonstrate the Korean society requires the mission welfare work of the church. So this thesis will suggest desirable areas of concentration for the church to conduction the practice the Christian social welfare.

      • Cortex-M TrustZone 기반 보안기술이 적용된 스마트 미터 개발

        이정도(Lee Jeong Do),박부식(Park Pu Sik),김경모(Kim Kyung Mo) 한국통신학회 2021 한국통신학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.11

        스마트 미터는 AMI(Advanced Metering Infrastructure)의 가장 중요한 구성 요소로서 전력이 공급되는 모든 가정, 건물, 공장 등에 설치되어 운영된다. 전력회사는 스마트 미터를 통해 고객의 전력 사용량을 원격으로 자동 검침하고 이에 따라 정확한 전력 공급과 과금, 보고 등의 서비스를 제공한다. 하지만 전력 생산, 전달, 소비 과정에서 다양한 ICT 기술이 융합되면서 사이버공격에 의해 전력네트워크, 제어시스템 등이 장악되거나 해킹 피해로 인해 국가단위의 정전사태와 같은 안보위협 상황이 발생될 수 있으며 무분별한 개인정보 수집 및 유통으로 인한 프라이버시 침해 문제가 발생될 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 스마트 미터의 보안 수준 향상을 위해 일반 데이터와 개인키, 사용자 데이터 같은 중요 데이터를 분리할 수 있는 기능을 지원하는 Cortex-M TrustZone 기반의 스마트 미터를 개발하였다. 개발한 스마트 미터를 사용하여 해커의 데이터 위변조 및 탈취와 같은 사이버공격을 방지하여 높은 등급의 보안 수준을 유지할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        2차원 유한요소 해석을 이용한 고속용 마그네틱 기어의 형상에 따른 특성 해석

        이정인(Jeong-In Lee),신경훈(Kyung-Hun Shin),방태경(Tae-Kyoung Bang),이상화(Sang-Hwa Lee),최장영(Jang-Young Choi) 대한전기학회 2019 전기학회논문지 Vol.68 No.1

        In this paper, the characteristics of the coaxial magnetic gear according to the shape of the same gear ratio are analyzed using the two - dimensional finite element analysis. The rotor shape is SMCMG, CPCMG and RCMG. After this we analyzed the characteristics according to three shapes. Also, the amount of permanent magnet used in each shape was compared. Next, characteristics analysis of the magnetic gear according to the shape at the same torque was performed. And the total weight and efficiency of the magnetic gears were compared and verified.

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