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      • 대형엔진 실린더 커버 스터드의 강도 평가

        김병주(Byung-Joo Kim),이재옥(Jae-Ock Lee),박진수(Jinsoo Park),김세락(Se-Lak Kim) 대한기계학회 2007 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2007 No.5

        The cylinder cover stud for assembling the combustion chamber components of low-speed marine diesel engine is one of the main structural components in engine. To understand the structural behavior of the stud is quite important for safe and economic design of it. In this paper, the structural behavior and design adequacy of the stud have been evaluated through strain measurement and structural analysis for the world’s two largest engine types. Moreover, a feasibility study for design modification was carried out based on fatigue test and calculation. The results showed that 1) the stud experiences very high stress ratio under normal operating conditions, 2) the fatigue strength of the stud is sufficient, and 3) results from strain measurement and structural analysis were quite close each other.

      • Relay의 Chattering 회피 설계를 위한 동 특성 해석

        김태성(Tae-sung Kim),기현(Hyun Ki),정훈(Hun Jung),이재옥(Jae-ock Lee),백성호(Sung-Ho Baik) 한국자동차공학회 2015 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.5

        마일드 하이브리드카 시장이 확대됨에 따라 연비향상을 위해서 12V 납축 battery 대신 48V 리튬 battery를 사용하기 위한 개발이 진행 중이다. 48V 리튬 battery의 제어를 위해서는 고압용 릴레이(Relay)가 필요하지만 기존 릴레이는 크기와 용도 측면에서 차량에 사용하기 어렵기 때문에 최적화된 Automotive용 릴레이의 개발이 필요하다. 개발된 48V 릴레이는 외팔보 형상이 가동접편을 가지는데 이러한 릴레이의 동작특성상 off 동작 시 가동 접편의 진동영향으로 채터링(cattering) 현상이 발생한다. 이 현상은 예상치 못한 on-off 반복 작동으로 인하여 릴레이 수명에 지대한 영향을 미치는 요인이 된다. 불필요한 arc 발생으로 인하여 차량화재의 원인이 되기도 한다. 본 연구는 동 특성 해석을 통하여 릴레이의 채터링 현상을 파악하고, 이를 억제할 수 있는 설계 형상을 도출하는데 목적을 가진다. 릴레이 작동 부에 대한 동 특성 해석을 통하여 진동 모드 형상을 확인하고 분석하여 채터링 현상이 발생하지 않는 릴레이 설계를 도출하였다.

      • 한국의 소득분배와 불평등심화요인

        李在玉 慶一大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        We find that Korea has experienced improvements in labor income inequality over the last few decades, however, it has experienced serious deteriorations in capital income inequality. We also find that inequitable wealth distribution has widened the inequality in capital income distribution. Therefore, we identify inequitable wealth distribution and capital income inequality as the primary causes of increasing income inequality in Korea. We conclude that the main cause of increase in income inequality in Korea is the growth-oriented government's economic policies which have been based on Kuznets' inverted-U hypothesis in the course of Korea's economic growth over the last few decades.

      • 거시경제상태의 변화와 도시근로자 가구의 소득분배

        李在玉 慶一大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.14 No.1

        In this thesis, I tried to analyze the effects of major macroeconomic variables, that is, the change in unemployment and in inflation appearing as a result of the macroeconomic policy of government on the size distribution of urban salary and wagte earner's household income of Korea, by using time-series income distribution material and the blinder · Esaki model. The results of analyzing materials of urban household yearbook seem to be indicating that the increase of unemployment rate has not a significant effect on the size distribution of income. Though it is less firm than the estimated result of inflation, it can be assumed that the increase of the unemployment rate transferred income from the highest 10% group to the 7Th 10% group and to the 8th 10% group. But as was not expected, the increase of inflation rate seems to have a progressive effect on the size distribution of income. It can be estimated that each one percentage point rise in the inflation rate transferred 0.04% of the income from the top 10% group to the lowest 60% group. In urban household of Korea, especially remarkable feature is that the rich group, which is the highest10% group of urban salary and wage earner's household, sufers the biggest disadvantage from unemployment and inflation. In general, this study will be helpful to the government macroeconomic policy reflecting distributional effects.

      • 리카도의 소득분배론 연구

        李在玉 慶一大學校 1999 論文集 Vol.16 No.1

        This paper examined Ricardo's theory of income distribution in focusing on the internal consistency on the basis of Lydall's view. Ricardo actually suggested the systematic income distribution model. Also he showed a brilliant capability to construct the meaningful economic model from simple and empirically plausible assumptions. But his theoretical method for high abstraction of the income distribution had failed to logical consistency. And some problens were revealed; First, Ricardo argued that profit rate in other economic sectors was determined by that of agricultural sector because the agricultural sector has commanded the non-agricultural ones. Second, Ricardo's theory of income distribution was assumed two wage-determination mechanisms divided by long and short terms. And that, his theory of wage-determination was bounded to the dichotomy. Third, Ricardo's income distribution theory was not conformed by empirical observations even he basically tried to establish his theory based on the theory of labor value. Fourth, he postulated that the technical progress, an important factor for the building of the income distribution theory, was constant. But his assumption was unrealistic. And, Finally, ricardo's method tended to cut economics off from its real foundations in the ordinary bysiness of life. Even though Ricardo's theory of income distribution had some problems in the system of theory, this theory was verified as an explainable by application to the political criticism to England's corn law in the nineteen century.

      • 경제이론 수립과 시장기능 방식에 관한 연구

        이재옥 경일대학교 산업정보연구소 2000 産經硏究 Vol.6 No.2

        본 논문은 칼도의 견해를 중심으로 경제이론 수립을 위한 전개방법과 시장기능 방식을 살펴보았다. 칼도는 정형화된 사실들을 수집하고 그것에 맞는 가설을 구축하는 이론수립 방법을 중요시 하고있다. 그런데 정형화된 사실이라고 해서 어떤 경우에도 영구불변의 진리는 아니라는 것이다. 정형화된 사실들 가운데 진리라고 보기 어려운 대표적인 예로서 모든 가격이 모든 중개인에게 매개변수로 주어진다는 것을 들고 있다. 말하자면 가격매카니즘을 모든 해결의 열쇠로 보고 있는 것이다. 이것이 바로 왈라스 일반균형이론이라는 것이다. 이러한 일반균형이론에 대해 많은 비판이 제기되었으며, 특히 칼도는 일반균형이론이 수 많은 개별 중개인들의 행동을 조정하기 위해 가격매카니즘은 어떤 역활을 하는가를 설명할 목적으로 경제균형이라는 극도로 정교한 논리적이고 수학적인 도구를 사용하지만 현실세계를 고도로 인위적으로 추상화시킨 것이라고 비판하고 있다. 가격이 시장경제의 운영에 매우 중요하다는 기본가정이 의문시 되는 예는 거의 없지만 가격체계의 역할을 지나치게 강조하는 것이 일반균형이론의 주요 결점이라고 칼도는 생각하고 있다. 그 이유로서 칼도는 먼저 딜러의 역할을 전혀 고려치 않음으로써 생산자들와 소비자들의 판매와 구매 사이에는 어떤 불일치가 일어날 때 이것이 딜러가 가지고 있는 재고에 반영된다는 사실을 간과하고 있다는 것과 그리고 제조업자들이든 또는 도매상인들이든 간에 판매자는 가격순응자가 아니라 가격설정자이며, 그래서 가격신호보다는 수량신호의 결과로 공급변화가 일어난다는 것을 들고 있다. 칼도가 내린 주요 결론은 대부분의 경우에 판매자들은 가격설정자이며 수량순응자이지, 왈라스 일반균형이론이 가정한대로 가격순응자와 수량설정자가 아니라는 것이다. 이는 가격이 주로 비용결정적이라는 것으로 수요는 실질적으로 가격에 아무런 영향을 미치지 않는다는 것을 의미하는 것이다. 이러한 결론은 시장이 어떻게 운용되는가에 대한 일반적 관찰 뿐만아니라 계량경제학적 연구에 의해서도 입증되고 있다는 것이다.

      • 새케인즈학파의 가격변수 경직성에 관한 미시적 기초

        李在玉 慶一大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.13 No.1

        A central aspect of the New Keynesian macroeconomics is to explore the reasons for the rigidity of price variables with the assumption that expectations are rational. In this paper, I critically survey recent diversed works of the New Keyensian economists who offer well-specified reasons for nominal variable rigidity, and construct the microeconomic foundations of their theories by explicitly specifying market imperfections depending on the features of each of the labor market, the goods market, and the credit market. The New Keynesian school focuses on the imperfections in the goods, labor, and credit markets. In the case of labor markets, they account for the wage rigidity with various modes such as staggering wage contract model, implicit contract model, insider-outsider mode. and efficiency wage model. In the case of goods markets, they account for the price rigidity with imperfect competition and menu cost which are the characteristics of the goods market. In the case of credit markets, they account for interest rates rigidity with credit rationing model and adverse selection model which are based on the market imperfections due to asymmetric information. The recent achievements in the macroeconomics of the New Keynesian school are beyond a simple defense of the Keynesian macroeconomic model in the 1960s. Throughout the research on efficiency wage, credit rationing, coordination failure, along with that on real imperfection, the New Keynesians have achieved more than the mere search for microfoundations of the Keynesian macroeconomics. Therefore, the reconstruction of Keynesian economics by the school of New Keynesians not only offers the reasons for nominal price rigidity, but also deepens our understanding of the macroeconomy.

      • 韓國의 分配問題에 관한 批判的 考察

        李在玉 慶一大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        This article critically examined distribution in Korea, which has been dealt with on the basis of the existing view that distribution and growth conflict with each other. As a result of every effort in accelerating the real growth rate of GNP since 1960’s, Korea accomplished a rapid external economic growth. From the end of 1970’s, however, people began to have doubts about the policy blindly pursuing high-speed growth, and discontents concerning income inequality began to burst out. Since Korea has purshed economic development in the easy assumption that once the economic growth is accomplished, the distribution problem would be solved automatically, the distribution problem came to appear in a serious aspect. The reasons the Korean government had to concentrate its efforts only in growth policy are as follows: - The research results of famous foreign scholars who concluded that the state of distribution in Korea is quite fair, only using data of low credibility, became a popular view of the scholarly world. This theory became the pretext of Korean politicians in keeping their main efforts in growth only, ignoring the distribution problem. - The explanation of Kuznets hypothesis that the inequality become more serious at the beginning stage of economic growth was selfishly interpreted by many Korean scholars as showing that strategic inequality of distribution is necessary for growth. This became a convenient pretext for keeping policies for growth only, disregarding equal distribution. - Choosing the external export-oriented industrialization strategies led to an excessive centralization of economic power in a few plutocracies by large corporations, thus making the income inequality more serious. As noted above, the theory that inequal distribution is inevitable for high-speed growth is losing its credibility today. Now is the time for us to overcome the presist pressure for GNP growth rate and give our development priority to a wider social purpose such as mitigation of poverty and reduction of income gaps. Growth only can never automatically solve the income distribution problem. Without solving the distribution problem, there is no growth nor development, and the social structure and the existence of the nation itself will be treatened.

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