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        경남지역 단감 재배 토양의 화학성 변화 평가

        이영한(Young-Han Lee),최성태(Seong-Tae Choi),이성태(Seong-Tae Lee),홍광표(Kang-Pyo Hong),송원두(Won-Doo Song),이진호(Jin-Ho Lee),조주식(Ju-Sik Cho) 한국토양비료학회 2010 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.43 No.5

        경남지역 단감 재배 토양의 양분관리를 위한 기초 자료를 제공하고자 창원 7, 마산 1, 진주 6, 사천 3, 김해 5,밀양 2, 함안 2, 창녕 1, 하동 3, 산청 1 등 31개 지점을 선정하였고 4월부터 10월까지 2개월 단위로 4회 조사하였다. 표토와 심토의 pH 값은 4월에 비해6월 이후 유의적인 증가를 나타냈으며 적정수준인 6.0-6.5 보다 낮았다. 반면, 암모니아태 질소 함량과 질산태 질소 함량은 4월 보다 6월 이후 유의적인 감소를 나타냈다. 표토와 심토의 pH는 적정수준인 6.0-6.5 보다 부족한 비율이 각각 69.4%와 84.7%로 매우 높게 나타나 경남지역 단감 재배 토양의 pH 교정을 위해 토양개량제 공급이 시급한 것으로 판단되었다. 토양 유기물 함량도 적정수준인 25-35 g kg<SUP>-1</SUP> 분포비율은 표토 13.7%, 심토 4.0%로 매우 낮았으며 부족한 비율이 각각 63.7% 및 84.7%로 매우 높아 적절한 유기물 공급이 필수적인 것으로 나타났다. 유효인산 함량은 적정수준인 200-300 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP>보다 초과된 비율은 표토 70.2%, 심토 46.8% 였으며 토양 유기물 함량 (r=0.339, p≤0.001)과 고도의 유의적인 정의상관을 보여 가축분 퇴비 과다 시용에 대한 주의가 필요한 것으로 나타났다. Field monitoring was performed to evaluate the soil chemical properties of 31 sweet persimmon orchard soil samples every two months from April to October in 2008 at Gyeongnam Province. Soil chemical properties such as pH, organic matter, available phosphate, exchangeable potassium, exchangeable calcium, exchangeable magnesium, exchangeable sodium, ammonium nitrogen, and nitrate nitrogen were analyzed. The soil chemical properties of both top soil, and subsoil showed that soil pH was significantly increased whereas ammonium nitrogen, and nitrate nitrogen were significantly decreased. The insufficient levels of nutrients in top soil, and subsoil were higher in 69.4%, and 84.7% for pH, 63.7%, and 84.7% for organic matter compared to optimum range. Meanwhile, the excessive levels of available phosphate showed 70.2% in top soil, and 46.8% in subsoil compared to optimum range. The experimental results showed that the optimum fertilization based on soil testing was the most important thing in soil nutrients management for sweet persimmon.

      • 초등학생 말하기의 대화 분석론적 연구

        이영이(Lee Young-lee) 한국어문교육학회 2006 어문학교육 Vol.32 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze elementary school students speech in terms of dialogue structure, linguistic transaction, and verbal expressions by adopting a linguistic method of dialogue analysis. In particular, such a study can provide useful data useful for understanding elementary school students" linguistic capacity. In addition, it can show how the principles and strategies of dialogue adults use appear at the level of elementary school students, and, furthermore, illustrate a new direction for methods and substances in teaching speaking and listening. This study proceeds as follows. First, it singles out situational factors that directly influence elementary school students" speech. Second, it determines the level of dialogue analysis for the collected material in tandem with the situational factors. Third, it examines the relationship among elementary school students" dialogue structures, transactions, and verbal expressions. Chapter Ⅱ looks at the dynamic nature of elementary school students" speech as the theoretical background of this study, and tries to understand dialogues in terms of its concept, principles (cooperation, politeness, and some distance), and types, as a preliminary step before abstracting situational factors. And, by adopting the Sinclair/Coulthard model as an analytical framework for class conversation, it examines structure of dialogical process (functional stages and partial uses), exchange and move, turn-taking and so forth. Chapter Ⅲ determines the situational factors that directly influence elementary school students, considering the characteristics of speech such as being face-to-face, time-limitedness, and dynamic construction of meaning: dialogue participants, the member of the participants, the purpose of the dialogue, the degree of openness in dialogue and, the degree of fixedness of dialogue topics. And then it analyzes 19 sets of transcribed dialogue, and reaches the following conclusions. First, as for elementary school students" dialogue structure, functional stages appears in the classroom teaching, which comprised the starting, middle and finishing stages just as a general structure of dialogue. However, the content of speech at the finishing stage was characteristically very poor, and even a marginal, deviant stage appeared. exchange comprised three components of Initiation(I) move-Response(R) move-Feedback(F) move, but often F is omitted or sequence is inserted. The minimum move type shows a structure of initiating speech acts+(receptive/rejective) response + (agreeing/disagreeing) feedback. Finally, turn-taking appeared as order-turntaking, exchange-turn-taking, siege-turn-taking and so forth. Second, elementary school students requested for their turn to speak, used interjections to call people, and repeated speaking certain words, in order to get a chance to speak; interrogated and designated others in order to skip their own turn, or and inserted interjections in a hesitant manner and repeated words or phrases in order to maintain their chance to talk; and accepted or rejected the conclusion in the finishing stage. In addition, as for dialogue promotion aimed at achieving the goal of dialogue successfully, the students made agreeable responses to the preceding speaker in case that the goal was information or communication, but tended to interrogate, shame or obstruct others in order to take a superior position in debates in case of discussion. Third, as for the linguistic aspect of elementary school students, repetition was oriented towards one"s own speech as well as other"s speech; interjections were inserted very often; correction appeared usually when there are discrepancies among ordinary words, auxiliary words and/or predicates; and pause appeared when there was little time to articulate a speech. Such an aspect of

      • KCI등재

        단감 과원 토양 Fe, Mn 함량 변화와 pH 분석을 통한 석회소요량 추천

        이영한(Young-Han Lee),최성태(Seong-Tae Choi),이성태(Seong-Tae Lee),홍광표(Kang-Pyo Hong),송원두(Won-Doo Song),이진호(Jin-Ho Lee),조주식(Ju-Sik Cho) 한국토양비료학회 2010 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.43 No.5

        경남지역 단감 재배지 31개소의 토양 미량성분 변화를 조사하여 기초자료로 활용하고 농가현장에서 pH 분석 값을 적용하여 석회소요량을 신속하게 산출할 수 있는 계산식을 구하였다. 가용성 미량성분 함량의 변화는 4월이 표토에서 Fe 76.5 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP>, Mn 46.1 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP>,Zn 16.9 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> 이었고 심토는 Fe 55.5 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP>, Mn 35.9 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP>, Zn 12.3 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP>으로 가장 높았으며 Mn 함량은 4월 이후 지속적으로 감소되었다. 표토의 pH가 높아짐에 따라 Fe 함량은 y=-18.8x+162(r=0.374, p≤0.001), Mn 함량은 y=-11.5x+98 (r=0.407,p≤0.001)의 고도로 유의적인 부의상관을 나타냈다. 단위면적당 석회소요량 (kg 10a<SUP>-1</SUP>)은 표토의 pH와 y=-171x+1,148 (r=0.881, p≤0.001), 심토의 pH는 y=-190x+1,247(r=0.855, p≤0.001)의 고도로 유의적인 부의상관을 보였다. 따라서 이러한 산술식을 이용할 경우 농가현장에서 석회소요량을 신속하게 산출하여 토양개량제를 시용할 수 있으며 pH로 인한 양분 불균형을 해소할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Sweet persimmon yield can be limited by soil pH. This study was performed to rapidly determine the optimal level of lime requirement in sweet persimmon field. Soil chemical properties such as Fe, Mn, and Zn were analyzed soil samples of 31 sweet persimmon fields at Gyeongnam Province every two months from April to October in 2008. The available Fe, Mn, and Zn content were significantly high top soil (76.5 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> for Fe, 46.1 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> for Mn, and 16.9 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> for Zn, respectively), and subsoil (55.5 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> for Fe, 35.9 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> for Mn, and 12.3 mg kg<SUP>-1</SUP> for Zn, respectively) in April. Furthermore, the Mn content was significantly decreased since April compared to other micronutrients. We found a significant negative correlation between soil pH and lime requirement (r=0.881, p≤0.001 for top soil, and r=0.855, p≤0.001 for subsoil). We suggest that a conversion factor is -171 top soil pH + 1,148 to lime requirement (kg 10a<SUP>-1</SUP>) for top soil, and -190 subsoil pH + 1,247 to lime requirement (kg 10a<SUP>-1</SUP>) for subsoil in sweet persimmon fields. These results supported that the improvement of lime requirement by soil pH value is necessary to rapidly apply to field, and prevent micronutrients over uptake by persimmon plant.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        경남지역 논 토양 화학성분 변동조사

        이영한(Young-Han Lee),이성태(Seong-Tae Lee),허재영(Jae-Young Heo),김민근(Min-Geun Kim),홍광표(Kang-Pyo Hong),송원두(Won-Doo Song),노치웅(Chi-Woong Rho),이진호(Jin-Ho Lee),전원태(Weon-Tai Jeon),고병구(Byong-Gu Ko),노기안(Kee-An Roh), 한국토양비료학회 2010 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        효율적인 논 토양의 양분관리를 위한 기초 자료를 제공하고자 경남지역 논 토양 260 지점의 화학성분 변동을 1999년부터 2007년까지 4년 주기로 분석하였다. 논토양의 화학성분 평균 함량은 pH 5.7 (범위 4.4-7.6), 유기물 29 g ㎏?¹ (1-86), 유효인산 202 ㎎ ㎏?¹ (2-1,218), 치환성 칼륨 0.32 cmolc ㎏?¹ (0.04-1.80), 치환성 칼슘 5.4 cmolc ㎏?¹ (0.4-33.1), 치환성 마그네슘 1.2 cmolc ㎏?¹ (0.2-6.0) 및 유효규산 103 ㎎ ㎏?¹ (21-742) 였다. 연도별 토양 화학성분 변동 특성을 요약하면 유효인산 함량은 1999년부터 이미 적정범위 보다 높았고 유효규산 함량은 아직까지도 많이 부족한 상태였으며 치환성 양이온은 칼슘과 마그네슘에 비해 칼륨이 상대적으로 높은 편이었다. 연도별 주성분 분석결과 Eigenvalue가 1.0 이상인 주성분은 2개였고 제1주성분 (PC 1)에 속하는 토양 화학성은 치환성 칼슘(0.511), 치환성 마그네슘 (0.478), pH (0.402), 유효규산 (0.395) 및 치환성 칼륨 (0.392) 등 5개였으며 제2주성분 (PC 2)에 속하는 토양 화학성분은 유효인산(0.664) 및 유기물 함량 (0.551) 등 2개였다. 토양 특성은 제 1주성분이 39.1%, 제 2주성분이 20.4%로서 전체 59.5%의 자료를 설명할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 논 토양의 화학성분을 주기적으로 모니터링 한 결과는 다양한 농업환경 변동을 이해하고 대응함으로서 지속적인 농업을 발전시키는 데 기여할 것으로 판단되며 이러한 관점에서 주성분 분석은 아주 유용하게 사용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Monitoring of the dynamic changes at paddy rice agriculture is very important for agricultural sustainability. Field monitoring was performed to evaluate the soil chemical properties of 260 paddy soil samples every four years from 1999 to 2007 in Gyeongnam Province. Soil chemical properties such as pH, organic matter, available phosphate, silicate, exchangeable potassium, calcium, and magnesium contents were analyzed. The contents of exchangeable cations, and available silicate were significantly increased in 2007 compared to 1999. The chemical contents of organic matter, exchangeable potassium, and magnesium were significantly increased in acid sulfate soil, and silty clay loam compared to those of other soil types, and textures. Especially, content of organic matter was significantly increased in hill area compared to other soil topographies, while exchangeable potassium was significantly decreased. Principle component analysis (PCA) of chemical properties in paddy soils was obtained with eigenvalues > 1 summing 39.1% of variance for PC1, 20.4% of variance for PC2, and 59.5% of the total variance in the all of soil chemical properties. Therefore, principal component analysis is more effective for monitoring from chemical properties of paddy soil.

      • KCI등재

        온열 발반사 요법이 비만여성의 우울지수 및 혈청 성분에 미치는 영향

        이영이(Young-Yi Lee),이영순(Young-Son Lee),조성준(Sung-Jun Cho),이재숙(Jae-Sug Lee) 한국인체미용예술학회 2013 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        This study investigated obese women's general environment, mental depression changes by thermo foot-reflexology (50 minutes/one time and three times/week during 6 weeks) through a questionnaire survey of 33 obese women possessing over 23 body mass index (BMI) in Iksan, they divided into two groups and checked their triglyceride (TG), immunoglobulin G (IgG) and stress changes of blood by thermo foot-reflexology (TFR). As the results, depression changes of experimental group presented meaningful decline of about 7 value after TFR. Cortisol concentration of blood and stress index showed a decline in experimental group. TG and IgG concentration of experimental group showed meaning decrease by TFR. Therefore, we suggest that TFR did decline obese women's mental depression, stress and TG concentration without fall of immune system.

      • KCI등재

        한국 자폐스펙트럼장애 유아의 직접 화행 능력의 장애

        이영인 ( Youngin Lee ),정석진 ( Suk Jin Jung ),이경숙 ( Kyung-sook Lee ),이수미 ( Sumi Lee ),장하아얀 ( Ha-a-yan Jang ),조숙환 ( Sook Whan Cho ) 한국영유아아동정신건강학회 2021 영유아아동정신건강연구 Vol.14 No.2

        사전 연구에 따르면, 자폐성스펙트럼장애(ASD) 유아들은 화행적 의사소통 능력이 전반적으로 손상되어 있다고 한다. ASD 유아들은 질문에 반응하기, 사물이나 행동을 요청하기 및 항의하기 등의 화행적 언어 행위는 표현하는 반면, 평하기, 청자 인정하기, 정보 요청하기 등의 능력은 전혀 발휘하지 못하는 양상을 보였다(Cho, 2003). 본 논문은 ASD 유아들과 일반 유아들이 구조화된 환경에서 직접 화행의 의도를 어느 정도로 적절히 표현하는지에 대해 검토한다. 이 목적을 위하여, 32개월과 37개월연령의 유아들을 각각 두 집단으로 나누어 화행 능력을 비교 분석하였다. 연구 결과, ASD 유아들은 일반유아들과 달리, 맥락이 주어진 조건에서도 특히, 어떤 행동의 수행을 표현하기 및 적절히 질문하기 등에 어려움을 보였다. 이 결과로 미루어 볼 때, ASD 유아의 직접 화행 능력의 문제는 전반적인 양상이 아니라, 특정한 화행 능력에 선별적으로 국한되어 있음을 시사한다. It has been reported in the literature that children with autistism spectrum disorder (ASD) are largely impaired in their communicative use of language. Certain skills such as commenting, acknowledging the listener, and requesting information were completely absent while other speech acts including responding to questions and requesting objects or actions and protesting were present (Cho, 2003; Hong et al., 2010). This paper seeks to determine the extent to which direct pragmatic intent is properly delivered in the utterances produced in a structured setting by Korean young children with and without autistic spectrum disorder(ASD). For this purpose, direct pragmatic abilities of the two groups of children between the ages of 32 and 37 months have been compared. It was found that, unlike typically developing children, children with ASD had more difficulties stating an intent to carry out an act and responding to and asking questions appropriately in a given context, in particular, than other types of direct pragmatic speech acts. Results suggest that it is likely that direct speech acts in children with ASD are impaired selectively, but not across-the-board.

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