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        개방형 협업 커뮤니케이션 특성과 협업 성과 : 오픈소스 소프트웨어 개발을 중심으로

        이새롬 ( Lee Saerom ),장문경 ( Jang Moonkyoung ),백현미 ( Baek Hyunmi ) 한국정보시스템학회 2019 情報시스템硏究 Vol.28 No.1

        Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of communication-structure characteristics on performance in online collaboration using the data from Github, one of representative open source software development platforms. We analyze the impact of in-degree/out-degree centralization and reciprocity of communication network on collaboration performance in each project. In addition, we investigate the moderating effect of owner types, an individual developer or an organization. Design/methodology/approach We collect the data of 838 Github projects, and conduct social network analysis for measuring in-degree/out-degree centralization and reciprocity as independent variables. With these variables, hierarchical regression analysis is employed on the relationship between the characteristics of communication structure and collaborative performance. Findings Our results show that for the project owned by an organization, the centralized structure of communication is not associated with the collaboration performance. In addition, the reciprocity is positively related to the collaboration performance. On the other hand, for the project owned by an individual developer, the centralized structure of communication is positively related to the performance, and the reciprocity does not show the positive relationship on the performance.

      • 조선 후기 은일 공간으로서의 충주

        이새롬 ( Lee Sae Rom ) 충주문화원 부설 충주학연구소 2022 충주학연구 Vol.1 No.0

        본 연구는 조선 후기 문인들의 한시에 표상된 충주(忠州)의 이미지를 정리하여 충주가 정치적 좌절을 겪은 문인들의 미련과 좌절, 기대 등의 심리가 문학적으로 투영된 공간으로서 정치적·문화적으로 중요한 의미를 지녔음을 밝히고자 하였다. 충주는 예로부터 한양에 접근하기가 쉬웠으며, 풍부한 물산을 자랑하고, 산과 강이 어우러진 승경과 함께 탄금대와 같은 명승지를 완상할 수 있었다. 이러한 지리적인 특징으로 인해 많은 문인들이 충주를 은거지로 삼았다. 특히 기묘명현의 많은 이들이 충주에 은거하며 자신들만의 세력을 구축하였다. 조선 후기에 노론(老論) 핵심 인사들이 호서 지역에 머물게 되면서 충주는 기호사림(畿湖士林)의 학맥을 잇는 공간으로 자리 잡았다. 누암서원의 존재는 충주가 기호사림의 중심지였음을 알려준다. 조선 시대 문인들은 정치적 혼란기에 일시적으로 혹은 오랜 기간 중앙정계에 설 자리를 잃었을 때, 그들 나름대로 영향력을 행사할 만한 공간으로 충주를 택하였다. 조선 후기 문인들 중 많은 이들이 충주에 내려왔지만 대부분 충주에 은거하는 기간은 짧은 편이었다. 대부분 출사와 은거를 반복하였기 때문이다. 그중 정호(鄭澔)와 안중관(安重觀)은 노론 문인으로 충주가 고향이며, 정치적으로 불리할 때마다 충주에 은거하였다. 두 문인은 충주에 거주하며 많은 시를 남겼는데, 충주에서 누리는 아름다운 풍경과 한적함에 대한 만족감을 표출하는 한편, 자신의 뜻을 알아주지 못하는 현실에 대한 염증, 출사에 대한 미련을 표출하였다. 정호는 <sub>영의정 ‧ 좌의정을 </sub>역임할 정도로 중앙 관료로서 활약하였으며, 당시 노소(老少) 갈등의 중심에 있던 인물이었다. 정호는 은거를 자신의 뜻을 관철시키기 위한 의사표시의 수단으로 활용하였다. 그렇기에 언제든지 도성으로 돌아갈 수 있는 충주를 은거지로 택하였다. 안중관은 주로 외직에 있었으며, 그가 스스로 사직한 이유가 뚜렷하게 드러나지 않는다. 다만 그가 은거하며 쓴 시에는 그의 불우의식과 현실에 대한 염증이 짙게 드러난다. 안중관은 현실에 대한 체념으로 인해 은거를 택하였지만 도성을 향한 미련으로 인해 최후의 배수진으로서 도성과 가까운 충주에 머물렀던 것으로 보인다. 충주는 조선 후기 문인들에게 복잡한 현실 속에서 잠시 떨어져 여유로움과 위안을 얻어갈 수 있는 곳이자 언제든 출사의 기회를 놓치지 않을 만한 공간이었음을 확인하였다. This study summarized the image of Chungju (忠州) represented in the literati’s classical Chinese poetry in the late Joseon, and confirmed that Chungju had important political and cultural significance as a literary space in which the psychology of regret, frustration, and expectations of the literati who had suffered political setbacks was projected. Since ancient times it was easy to access Seoul from Chungju, and it was possible to appreciate famous sights such as Tangeumdae along with the scenery of the mountains and rivers. It was also an area where products were abundant. Due to these geographical features, many of the literati stayed in Chungju. In particular, many figures of victims of Kimyo Year Literati Purge secluded in Chungju and established their own influence. In the late Joseon, as key Noron figures stayed in the Hoseo region, Chungju also established itself as a space connecting Kiho Sarim’s academic vessel. The existence of Nuam-seowon indicates that Chungju was the center of Kiho Sarim. The literati in the Joseon era lost their place in central politics temporarily or for a long period of time during the political turmoil, but they chose Chungju as a space where they could exert their own influence. Many of the literati in the late Joseon came to Chungju, but there was a tendency that most of them were secluded in Chungju for a short period of time. Most of these repeated going to office and being secluded. Among the literati in the late Joseon, Jeongho(鄭澔) and Ahn Jung-gwan (安重觀) were the Noron literati, and were secluded into Chungju as their hometown whenever they were politically disadvantaged. The two literati lived in Chungju and left many poems, and while expressing satisfaction with the beautiful scenery and serenity enjoyed in Chungju, they expressed their disgust about the reality of not being able to understand their intentions, and their lingering about going to office. Jeongho was active as a central bureaucrat to the extent that he served as Yeonguijeong-Jwauijeong, and he was at the center of the noron-soron conflict at the time. Jeongho’s seclusion was utilized as a means of expressing his will to carry out his own will. Thus, that’s why he chose to be secluded in Chungju, where he could return to Seoul at any time. Ahn Jung-gwan was mainly employed at a government post away from the capital, and it is not clear why he resigned himself. However, his poems that he wrote while he was secluded deeply reveal his awareness of misfortune and his disgust of reality. Although Ahn Jung-gwan chose to be secluded because of his resignation from reality, he seems to have stayed in Chungju, close to Seoul, as a position taken up with a river behind the troops because of his lingering toward Seoul. It was confirmed that Chungju was a place where the literati in the late Joseon could get relaxation and solace from the complex reality for a while, and a space where they could not miss an opportunity to go to office at any time. Through this, the literati’s awareness and literary discourse in the late Joseon was investigated in a space outside of Seoul, a symbol of central power.

      • 도시에 작용하는 현대 소비시설의 다층적 속성에 관한 연구

        이새롬(Lee Sae-Rom),김광현(Kim Kwang-Hyun) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.29 No.1(계획계)

        Through understanding new ideas and properties about contemporary consumption facilities, the purpose of this study is to discover the role of consumption facilities as Urban Architectures which form urban environments and contain urban lives and also to recognize the significance of Urban Architectures which have relationship with city not exclusively but mutually and flexibly. Today, consumption facilities are understood narrowly made by the logic behind economics and the problem of interior design. However, shopping is social behaviors generate exchanges and space of shopping has the openness which maintain the movements of the consumers and goods and the flexibility which respond to society’s manifold demand and change. In this point of view, consumption facilities fundamentally imply the urban character, which are significant architectures of contemporary city. In this study the idea of consumption facilities is assumed that the architecture made by the system of relationship among consumer, product, space and city so the meaning of the facilities are expanded. By analyzing new emerging consumption facilities, consumption facilities can be understood as urban architectures which organize manifold urban uses, configurations, flows and relationships.

      • KCI등재

        주거지역의 보행안전 영향요인과 도시설계적 시사점 - 고령 보행자를 대상으로

        이새롬(Lee, Sae Rom),양희진(Yang, Hee Jin) 한국도시설계학회 2021 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        본 연구는 고령자의 보행안전에 관한 논의가 부족했다는 문제의식 하에 양적·질적 혼합연구방법을 통해서 주거지역의 안전한 보행환경 조성을 위한 도시설계적 시사점을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 먼저 서울의 주거지역을 대상으로 교통환경, 보행환경, 근린환경 요소가 고령자 보행사고에 미치는 영향을 평가하는 종합적인 분석틀을 제시하였다. 로지스틱 회귀분석 결과, 교차로 및 대중교통시설 밀도와 같은 교통환경, 보차혼용 비율과 같은 보행환경을 통제하더라도 고층주택지 비율, 평균 필지규모와 같은 근린환경 특성에 따라 고령자 보행안전에 유의미한 차이가 확인되었다. 또한 현장관찰 및 고령자 인터뷰에 따르면 저층 주거지역은 보행 공간의 연속성이 상대적으로 부족하고 보행혼용 도로의 비중이 높으며, 주거공간과 근린시설의 연계성이 낮아 고령자의 보행위험이 높아지는 것을 확인하였다. 이러한 분석 결과로부터 본 연구는 주거지역에서 고령자의 보행안전을 제고하기 위해서는 주차장, 공원 등의 생활인프라 공급과 보행환경을 함께 개선하는 포괄적 주거개선 사업이 필요함을 제언하였다. With the lack of discussion around older pedestrian safety in residential areas, this study carries out both quantitative and qualitative analyses with a mixed-method approach to providing implications for urban design. Taking a case of residential areas in Seoul, this study comprehensively evaluates the impacts of traffic, pedestrian, and neighborhood environmental factors on older pedestrian accidents. Our research confirms that, even after controlling for traffic and pedestrian environmental factors, neighborhood environment characteristics (i.e. lot sizes and housing type) are significantly associated with older pedestrians’ safety. According to field observations and interviews with older adults, the risk of pedestrian accidents in low-rise residential areas increases due to a relatively lack of continuity of pedestrian spaces, inadequate separation of pedestrian spaces and vehicle movement, as well as unintegrated arrangement with neighborhood facilities. This study suggests that it is necessary to improve older pedestrians’ safety through a comprehensive planning strategy in residential areas, which not only provides living infrastructure (i.e. parking spaces and parks) but also enhances pedestrian environments.

      • KCI등재

        유리섬유/폴리카보네이트 복합재료의 기지 분자량에 따른 함침 및 기계적 물성 평가

        김늘새롬 ( Neul-sae-rom Kim ),장영진 ( Yeong-jin Jang ),이은수 ( Eun-soo Lee ),권동준 ( Dong-jun Kwon ),양성백 ( Seong Baek Yang ),이정언 ( Jungeon Lee ),염정현 ( Jeong Hyun Yeum ) 한국복합재료학회 2021 Composites research Vol.34 No.1

        열가소성 섬유강화 복합재료는 수송용 기기의 경량화 소재로써 적용 분야가 확대되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 분자량이 다른 폴리카보네이트(PC)를 이용하여 연속섬유 강화 유리섬유(GF)/폴리카보네이트(PC) 복합소재의 함침성 및 기계적 물성에 대한 평가를 진행하였다. GF 직물과 PC 필름을 제조한 후, 이를 이용하여 연속가압성형법으로 연속섬유 강화 GF/PC 복합재 평판을 제조하였다. PC 분자량에 따른 용융지수를 측정 및 평가하였고, GF제직물 강화 GF/PC 복합재료의 인장강도, 굴곡강도, 압축강도 및 기공체적률을 평가하였다. 전계방사형 주사전자 현미경을 이용하여 인장파괴된 GF/PC 복합재료의 형태를 분석하여 파괴거동을 확인하였다. 분자량이 20,000일 때 최적의 기계적 특성이 발현되는 것을 확인하였다. Fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites are applied to transport industries to lightweight of body, and applications will be expanded gradually. In this study, the impregnation and mechanical properties of continuous glass fiber (GF) reinforced polycarbonate (PC) composites were evaluated with different molecular weights of PC. The continuous GF reinforced PC composite were prepared by using GF fabric and PC film via continuous compression molding method. The melting flow index and tensile strength of PC matrix were evaluated with different molecular weights. Mechanical properties (tensile, flexural, and compressive) and pore rate of GF/PC composite were evaluated with different molecular weights of PC. The fracture behavior was analyzed to fracture surface of GF/PC composite using FE-SEM images. As these results, it was condition of representing the best mechanical property that the GF/PC composite was prepared by using PC of 20,000 g/mol as matrix.

      • KCI등재

        초등영어 원어민 협력수업에 나타난 한국인과 원어민 교사 발화 분석

        이새롬(Lee, Saerom),장경숙(Chang, Kyungsuk) 한국초등영어교육학회 2011 초등영어교육 Vol.17 No.1

        This study aims to investigate the proportion of the class time devoted to each teacher’s talk, syntactic and lexical characteristics in each teacher’s talk, and question types. Videotaping and transcribing of co-teaching classes, questionnaire and interview were used to gather data. The analysis of the collected data reveals that the Korean teacher talk constitutes a large portion of a class. It is also found that the type/token ratio of the native teacher talk was higher than that of Korean teacher talk. The questionnaire survey shows that the Korean teachers mostly use interrogative sentences in the class while the native teachers highly prefer narrative ones. It is also revealed that the Korean teachers usually use statement-based questions with a rising intonation and particular patterns, while the native teachers most often use wh-questions. The data analysis shows that the Korean teachers use more display questions than referential questions. The findings support the observation that there is a gap between the Korean teacher and the native teacher talk. Some suggestions are made to raise primary English teachers’ awareness, and to foster their professional development through reflection upon their talk and the comparative study.

      • KCI등재

        사전활용 영어수업 실행연구를 통한 교사의 영어 읽기 지도 전문성 신장

        이새롬(Lee, Saerom),장경숙(Chang, Kyungsuk) 한국초등영어교육학회 2013 초등영어교육 Vol.19 No.4

        This study investigated how a primary teacher pursued her professional development through action research on teaching reading using English dictionaries. The action research was initiated with the aim of improving students' self-directed learning in English reading with the guidance on how to use English dictionaries. Data was gathered through questionnaire, interview, learners' diary, students' work, and teacher's diary on how the teacher pursued her professional development in improving students' self-directed learning. The analysis of the teacher's retrospective log shows how she learned to teach through self-reflection upon her practice. The triangulated analysis of the gathered data reveals that dictionaries were used to help students read English, get motivated, and become responsible for their own learning. Discussion is given about benefits the teacher and her students got through the action research on the topic under investigation, and areas to be improved to sustain and disseminate them. It is suggested that change can be more effectively made within a cooperative teacher development network.

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