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      • KCI등재

        기업결합심사기준상 기업결합 유형별 경쟁제한성 판단기준에 대한 검토

        이기종 ( Ki Jong Lee ) 한국상사판례학회 2012 상사판례연구 Vol.25 No.2

        The revised merger guidelines, which took effect in December 2012, reinforced the standard to estimate the adverse competitive effect which is commonly applicable to various types of mergers. For instance, the revision created an independent chapter for the factors mitigating anti-competitive effect of mergers which were previously dealt with under the chapter for horizontal mergers. But, at the same time, the guidelines has endeavored to accommodate the recent developments on merger analysis which are specific to each type of mergers as follows. First, concerning horizontal mergers, the guidelines presents the standards of merger analysis that accommodate recent development in the methodology to estimate unilateral effect in differentiated markets, such as natural experiment, diversion ratio and merger simulation. And, about the coordinated effect, the guidelines recognize that a merger with a maverick could generate coordinated effect. Second, concerning vertical mergers, the guidelines consider foreclosure effect, including both input foreclosure and customer foreclosure, and coordinated effect. Third, concerning conglomerate mergers, the guidelines take into consideration overall effects on competition, such as harms to potential competition, exclusion of competitors and increase in entry barriers. Although the improvement of the merger guidelines thus far has been quite successful in accommodating recent developments in this area, there still is some room for further improvement to reflect state of the art methodologies in merger analysis. For example, the US horizontal merger guidelines were amended recently to reduce the weight of market definition and concentration ratio in merger analysis and open the door to a variety of new methodologies to directly estimate the adverse competitive effect of mergers. The US guidelines also take into consideration the effect of mergers on innovation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        유전자변형 작물이 토양 미생물상에 미치는 영향

        이기종 ( Ki Jong Lee ),오성덕 ( Sung Dug Oh ),손수인 ( Soo In Sohn ),류태훈 ( Tae Hun Ryu ),박종석 ( Jong Sug Park ),이장용 ( Jang Yong Lee ),조현석 ( Hyun Suk Cho ),안병옥 ( Byung Ohg Ahn ) 한국환경농학회 2012 한국환경농학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        유전자변형 작물을 종자로 판매하거나 식품, 사료 혹은 가공용으로 이용하기 위해서는 반드시 관련 기관의 승인을 받아야 한다. 관련부처에서는 유전자변형 작물의 승인에 앞서 환경위해성 평가 자료가 과학적으로 타당한지 검토한다. 환경위해성 평가 중 유전자변형 작물이 토양 미생물 군집에 미치는 영향은 충분히 연구되지 못한 분야이다. 최근 토양 환경내 미생물 군집의 특성을 연구하기 위한 발전된 방법들이 개발되고 있다. 배양에 의존적인 또는 비의존적인 기술에 의한토양 미생물의 군집 특성을 조사한 연구와 유전자변형 작물의 환경위해성 평가 적용 가능성을 고찰하였다. 유전자변형 작물의 토양미생물 영향 평가는 사안별 평가 원칙에 의해 이루어져야 한다. 신뢰할 수 있고 상세한 토양 미생물 평가가 이루어지기 위해서는 다양한 분석 방법의 조합이 필요하다. BACKGROUND: Genetically modified (GM) crops must receive relevant regulator`s authorization before they can be sold as seed or used food, feed and processing. Before approving any GM crop, the relevant government ministries are required to examine environmental risk assessment to make scientifically sound and socially acceptable decisions. But one of the least studied and understood areas in the environmental risk assessment of GM crops are their impact on soil microbial community. METHODS AND RESULTS: Recently, advanced methods have been developed to characterize the soil microbial community in various environments. In this study, the culture-dependent and culture-independent technical approaches for profiling soil microbial communities are summarized and their applicability to assess GM crops are discussed. CONCLUSION(S): We concluded that the effect of GM crops on soil microbial community need to be assessed on a case by case basis. The combination of culture-dependent and culture-independent method was necessary for reliable and detailed assessment of effect of GM crops on soil microbial community.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        각국의 문화차이와 카르텔 정책의 상호관계 -비교경제법에 있어서 비교문화심리학의 응용가능성-

        이기종 ( Ki Jong Lee ) 한국경제법학회 2004 경제법연구 Vol.3 No.-

        The national culture, which could be compared to the mental program for a nation’s citizens, exerts perpetual influences upon the nation’s competition policy. This article tries to test this hypothesis by applying the CVD framework of cross cultural psychology, which enables us to compare national cultures on statistical basis and on global scale. Quoting the OECD data on cartel policies, this article demonstrates the correlation between nations’ CVD index scores and the strictness of their cartel policies: the index of Uncertainty Avoidance shows negative correlation with the strictness of cartel policies, while the index of Individualism/Collectivism positive correlation; and a certain type of combination of high's and low’s in CVD index scores, which could be found in English speaking countries, has something to do with the strictness of cartel policies. This article goes on to suggest that an insight into the correlation between nations’ CVD index scores and their competition policies enables us to align competition policies with nations’ cultures for better performance of the former. And it also suggests that the CVD framework could help us to promote competition culture and coordinate the competition policies of nations.

      • KCI등재

        ESR한 M2강의 열처리에 따른 미세조직 및 물성 변화

        이기종 ( Ki Jong Lee ),김문현 ( Moon Hyun Kim ),이정근 ( Jeong Keun Lee ),주대헌 ( Dae Heon Joo ),김명호 ( Myung Ho Kim ) 한국주조공학회 2002 한국주조공학회지 Vol.22 No.6

        N/A In order to investigate the variation of microstructure and property of the Electro-slag Remelted M2 steel, microstructure observation, hardness, and bending test were performed by using optical microscope. SEM/EDS, rockwell hardness tester, charpy impact tester and bending tester, respectively. It was revealed that the number of inclusions and content of gas elements(S, O, N) in M2 steel fabricated by ESR process decreased markedly compared to those of AIM. It seems to be due to refining effect of ESR process. The volume fraction of carbides in quenched and tempered specimens after austenitizing at at 1150℃ and 1240℃ was measured. The volume fraction of grain boundary carbides were found to be similar for both specimens. However, The volume fraction of carbides in grain decreased with an increase of austenitizing temperature. When specimen was austenitized at 1150℃, grain boundary carbides showed needle like morphology. But, the carbides were broken with an increase of austenitizing temperature. The specimen austenitized at 1240℃ showed higher hardness and lower bending strength compared to that of 1150℃. As expected, toughness increased with sub-zero quenching treatment.

      • KCI등재

        동북아시아에서의 경쟁법 집행 협력의 강화에 관한 연구

        李箕鍾(Ki-Jong Lee) 한국기업법학회 2016 企業法硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        동북아시아에서의 경제협력 강화 내지 경제통합의 비전은 우리 기업들에게 커다란 기회의 가능성을 열어주고 있다. 그러나 이러한 기회가 현실화되기 위해서는 동북아시아 시장에 공정한 경쟁질서가 형성되는 것이 불가결한 전제이다. 공정한 경쟁의 룰이 없이는 우리 기업들이 전략산업에서 중국ㆍ일본은 물론 서구 기업들과 경쟁해서 비교우위를 획득할 수 없기 때문이다. 그리하여 우리 공정거래위원회는 일찍부터 중국 및 일본과의 경쟁법 집행 협력을 위해 다각적인 노력을 기울여 왔다. 제도적인 차원에서 FTA 경쟁챕터나 경쟁당국 간 양해각서를 체결하고, 개별 사건의 처리과정에서 협력하는 것은 물론이고, 기술지원과 정보공유 등 다양한 경로와 수단을 통해 경쟁당국 간 교류를 확대하고 상호이해와 신뢰를 구축해 왔다. 이러한 노력은 많은 성과를 거두어 왔으나, 최근 한 · 중 · 일 간의 경제적 연계관계가 더욱 급진전되고 중국의 경쟁법 집행이 강화되면서, 3국 간의 경쟁법ㆍ정책 협력을 한 차원 높은 단계로 끌어올려야 할 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 따라서 우리나라도 동북아시아 경쟁법 집행 협력의 강화를 위해 일본 및 중국과 제2세대 협정을 체결하는 것을 신중히 검토할 필요가 있다. 물론 한 · 중 · 일 간에는 경제적 이해관계가 대립할 여지도 있고, 외교안보적 상황이 경제적 갈등을 심화시킬 가능성도 있지만, 3국 간의 경제적 상호의존도가 증가하고 이에 따라 국제적 공조의 필요성도 함께 증가하고 있음을 감안한다면, 비밀정보의 교환과 조사 지원 등으로 인한 부작용을 최소화하기 위한 안전장치들을 마련하는 것을 전제로, 제2세대 협정의 체결을 조심스럽게 검토할 시기가 된 것으로 여겨진다. 또한 제2세대 협정이 체결될 경우 비밀엄수 의무를 규정하는 공정거래법 제62조에 의해 결국 공정거래위원회가 타국 경쟁당국에게 비밀정보를 제공하는 것이 금지될 수 있으므로, 공정거래법에도 일정한 요건 하에 비밀정보의 교환을 허용하는 소위 정보통로조항을 도입하는 것을 함께 검토할 필요가 있다 하겠다. The vision of strengthening economic cooperation and economic integration in the Northeast Asia opens up a great opportunity for Korean businesses, however, the realization of the opportunity heavily depends on the establishment of sound competition rules in the region. Without fair rules of competition, Korean businesses could not gain comparative advantage in strategic industries in the Northeast Asian market, where Chinese and Japanese businesses, as well as Western companies, compete fiercely with Korean counterparts. Thus the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) have endeavored for the cooperation in competition enforcement with Chinese and Japanese competition agencies, not only through competition chapters in FTAs and MOUs, but also through the coordination of investigation in individual cases and other measures to build mutual understanding and trust, such as technical assistance and information sharing. However, the increasing economic interdependence and the growing need for deeper competition cooperation between the Northeast Asian countries calls for a reform in the system of competition cooperation in the region. Among others, we need to carefully consider concluding the second generation cooperation agreements which allows for the exchange of confidential information between competition agencies under certain conditions, and introducing the information gateway into the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act which enables the KFTC to exchange confidential information with foreign counterparts on a reciprocal basis.

      • KCI등재

        해충저항성 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) 벼의 환경위해성 평가: 해충저항성 Bt벼가 물벼룩(Daphnia magna)에 미치는 영향

        이기종 ( Ki Jong Lee ),김효진 ( Hyo Jin Kim ),이장용 ( Jang Yong Lee ),류태훈 ( Tae Hun Ryu ),박종석 ( Jong Sug Park ),박범석 ( Beom Seok Park ),권순종 ( Soon Jong Kweon ),손수인 ( Soo In Sohn ),서석철 ( Seok Cheol Suh ),오성덕 ( 한국응용생명화학회(구 한국농화학회) 2011 Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry (J. Appl. Vol.54 No.4

        해충저항성 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) 벼와 낙동벼의 비표적생물체인 물벼룩(Daphniamagna)에 대한 급성독성시험을 실시한 결과, 해충저항성 Bt벼의 48시간-EC50은 4,429.13 mg/L (95% 신뢰한계는 3908.130~5020.363 mg/L), 무영향 농도(NOEC)는 1,800 mg/L이었고, 낙동벼는 48시간-EC50은 2,889.56 mg/L (95% 신뢰한계는 1,073.407~6,854.321 mg/L), 무영향농도는 1,000 mg/L이었다. 처리기간 중 해충저항성 Bt벼와 낙동벼간의 급성독성에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 요인은 발생하지 않았다. Insect-resistant transgenic rice was developed by inserting the mCry1Ac1 a modified gene from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). For biosafety assessment, we studied the effects on survival of cantor Daphnia magna, a commonly used as a model organism in ecotoxicological studies. D. magna fed on Bt rice and its near non-genetically modified (GM) counterparts (Nakdong) grown in the same environment (100% ground rice suspension). The Bt rice was comfirmed to have the insertion of T-DNA and protein expression by the polymerase chain reaction and ELISA analysis. Feeding study showed similar cumulative immobility and abnormal response of D. magna between Bt rice and non-GM counterparts. 48 h-EC50 values of Bt rice and non-GM rice showed 4,429 and 2,889 mg/L respectively. The rice no observed effect concentration (NOEC) values for D. magna was suggested 1,000 mg/L. We conclude that the tested Bt-rice and Nakdong similar cumulative immobility for D. magna the widely used model organism. We found out that there is strong possibility that the growth of Bt rice didn`t affect to non-target insects.

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