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      • KCI등재

        찰스 쉘던의 사회복음의 기원과 성격

        윤영훈(Young Hoon Yoon) 한국기독교학회 2011 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.74 No.-

        Charles M. Sheldon(1865-1946) is the author of a bestselling novel, In His Steps and an influential Christian slogan, "What would Jesus do?" which is the subtitle of the novel. Sheldon`s idea was born with the rise of the social gospel movement at the turn of the twentieth century. Sheldon popularized social gospel visions through his popular novels. His own ecclesiastical focus was also laid on social services for those in need. However, Sheldon`s social gospel was very moderate and traditional compared to that of other social gospel advocators like W. D. P. Bliss and George Heron. I define the feature of Sheldon`s social gospel as "evangelical social Christianity," which was highly influenced by the nineteenth century revivalism, Moreover, it was very similar to the Holiness movement and its related social efforts. For Sheldon, Christian churches should be social, and the society should be Christianized. Although the idealism of the social gospel movement was declined with the emergence of Niebhurian realism and Neo-Orthodox theology, Sheldon himself showed us how his idealism could be faithfully practiced by his own church ministry in this real world. Sheldon strived for the "social reform through individual transformation," which is the very message of his version of social gospel.

      • KCI등재후보

        놀이로 세우는 공동체 ―문화시대 신학과 목회를 위한 놀이의 재발견

        윤영훈 ( Young-hoon Yoon ) 서울신학대학교 기독교신학연구소 2018 神學과 宣敎 Vol.54 No.-

        요즈음의 세대는 필요와 재미의 균형 속에 즐거움은 이제 하나의 장식이 아니라 어떤 면에서 삶의 절대적 가치가 되었다. 본 논문은 도구적 인간 호모 파베르(homo faber)로 대변되는 근대 산업사회와 청교도적 신학 언어에 드리워져 있는 놀이에 대한 부정적 관념을 극복하고 모든 인간 활동의 근저에 자리한 ‘즐거움’의 의미를 통전적으로 탐구한다. 요한 하위징아는 놀이에서 노동을 뛰어넘은 문화의 원리를 발견한다. 순수한 즐거움으로 하는 활동이란 의미에서 놀이는 가장 지적이며 능동적인 활동이며 창의성의 원천이기 때문이다. 놀이하는 인간(homo ludens)은 새로운 신학적 통찰에도 큰 의미를 제공한다. 위르겐 몰트만은 하나님의 창조를 놀이행위로 묘사한다. 하나님을 존재하게 하는 행위에는 ‘무한한 만족과 기쁨’(창 1:31)이 있다. 안식일은 그 창조의 정수이다. 놀이하는 하나님(Deus ludens)은 창조와 은총으로 우리를 인도하여 피로와 경쟁에 지친 삶의 시스템에서의 해방될 수 있는 길을 열어준다. 우리를 구원하시는 하나님은 우리가 다시 놀 수 있는 자유를 회복시켜 주신다. 이 시대 교회의 사명은 재미를 넘어 삶의 의미와 진정한 희락을 제공하는 놀이문화를 만들어 내는 것이다. 놀이는 공동체를 만드는 최선의 방식이다. 신과 함께, 자연과 함께, 또한 이웃과 함께하는 놀이를 통해 내가 아니라 우리로 존재하는 집합적인 몸을 만드는 새로운 경험을 하게 된다. 엄숙함과 봉사를 중심으로 양적인 성장을 지향했던 교회의 도구적 방법론을 넘어 자발적으로 함께 놀이하는 에클레시아 루덴스(ecclessia ludens)의 회복을 제안한다. 이를 통해 교회는 공동체의 붕괴로 인해 고독해진 현대인들에게 놀이터와 놀이동무로 다가갈 수 있을 것이다. Today many people seek a balanced life between work and play. Play is not just taking rest after work, but an absolute element to support their ordinary life. This thesis carefully investigates the meaning of play in human culture which has been a basis of the all the human achievements. It tries to overcome negative treatment of play which have done by the champions of the industrial world and by the heritages of Pilgrims. For them work and sincerity are virtue, and play and laziness are unforgivable vices. Johan Hoizinga, Dutch historian and author of Homo Ludens(1944) discovered the principle of culture in human play beyond human works. Also the notion of play suggests a new theological insight for our understanding of God. God has created, not produced, the world based on God’s willing freedom. Then there was great joy and satisfaction after the creation(Gen. 1:31). And the crown of creation is the Sabbath. Deus ludens invites modern people who have been exhausted us to the place and time of redemption from the bondage of the system of hard work and strong competition. The mission of the church is to prepare a true opportunity of play which gives us a joy and meaning of life based on community life. Training and work were considered as most effective tools for church growth in the industrial world. However Ecclessia ludens would be the best ministerial direction for hard and lonely people of today’s world.

      • KCI등재

        ‘가족의 탄생’ - 한국 영화/드라마 속 가족 풍경을 통해 재고하는 기독교 가족의 의미

        윤영훈(Young Hoon Yoon) 한국기독교학회 2021 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.119 No.-

        가족은 모든 공동체의 가장 이상적 모습을 상징한다. 교회에서도 서로를 형제와 자매로 부르는 것은 그런 전제를 드러내는 대표적인 예이다. 하지만 현대 사회에서 이러한 가족은 상당 부분 붕괴되고 있다. 진한 가족애는 한국의 흥행 영화의 키워드이다. 하지만 2000년대 이후 한국 영화계에서는 이상한 가족의 풍경을 그린 영화들이 많이 개봉되었다. 이 영화들은 전통적 가족의 붕괴나 새로운 가족의 가능성을 보여주며 많은 관심을 받았다. 본 논문은 가족에 대한 새로운 시각을 담아낸 영화와 드라마를 통해 산업화 이후 구축된 한국 사회의 핵가족 시스템의 해체과정을 살펴보고, 새로운 가족에 대한 가능성을 타진해 볼 것이다. 기독교 가족의 이상적 모습은 사실 성경적이라기보다는 근대적 성역할론과 사적 공간화에 근거한 합리적 가족관에서 크게 벗어나지 않는다. 새로운 시대에 변화하는 가족의 재구성을 환영하는 사람들도 있지만 우리는 여전히 이런 변화가 낯설고 두렵다. 본 논문은 이런 시대적 변화에서 기독교 가족관을 본질적으로 또한 현실적으로 모색해 보고자 한다. 믿음의 가족은 그저 같은 종교를 가진 것에 그치는 것이 아니라 함께 나눌 공통 서사와 의미를 나누는 일종의 ‘리츄얼’(ritual)이 있을 때 가능하다. 또한 혈연을 넘어 교회는 함께 하며 서로를 지탱하는 다양하고 새로운 ‘가족의 탄생’을 만들어내는 장이 될 수 있다. 가족이 공동체적 관계로 변주되는 관계적 역동성은 현대 사회에서 모든 형태의 가족을 다시 세우는 가치가 될 수 있다. Family has been considered as the ideal model for the human community. It is the same principle in the Christian communities. It is well drawn in the tradition of which Christians call other members ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters.’ Strong family relationship is a key concept in popular Korean films and dramas. However in the 21st century several Korean films have depicted on strange families. These films stimulate serious discussions what the family truly means in today’s Korean context. Based on these fictional works, this paper analyzes on the collapse of modern nuclear family system which was built in the process of industrialization. Also it suggests the new possibility of families beyond the kinship. Today’s evangelical Christian family values has been also set by gender stereotype and modern family system especially focusing on privatized house. It is quite far from the biblical principle. This paper tries to emphasize on communitarian model for the Christian family. Biblical family values are far more than kinship or having same religion. It is possible through the dynamic relationship based on common narrative and common rituals of life. With this insight today’s isolated people can be united and support one another with creating various new family relationship. The church can be an important birthplace for new families.

      • 매연저감장치 성능에 미치는 디젤연료첨가제의 영향

        윤영훈(Young Hoon Yoon),조재득(Jae Deuk Jo),정용현(Yong Hyun Jung),유영환(Young Hwan You),강정호(Jeong Ho Kang),정건우(Gun Woo Jeong) 한국자동차공학회 2011 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2011 No.5

        A effect of Diesel Fuel Additive on the Performance of Diesel Particulate Filter were investigated in DI injection NA diesel engine. Also, Fuel born catalysts(Type A and Type B FBC) used in this study were Fe based fuel additive in diesel fuel. FBC dosage was fixed a experimental condition(600ppm, 1,200ppm). As the result, Loading time of Type A FBC was shorter than Type B FBC. Also, It is shown that the reaction was more quickly occurred 450℃ condition than 420℃. This difference in reaction rate can be reduced to inject higher concentrations of the fuel additive.

      • KCI등재

        From Underground to Alternative: 홍대 인디문화에 대한 신학적 보고서

        윤영훈(Young Hoon Yoon) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2017 신학논단 Vol.89 No.-

        Since the 1960s, youth people have created their own subculture. It has been motivated from their conflict with the former generation and from their resist toward the mainstream culture. Since the 1990s, a group of young artists have begun an independent and alternative cultural movement in the district called ‘Hongdae’ in Seoul, Korea. This Hongdae culture resisted to the commercial mainstream entertainment business. With a special concern for the economical and cultural marginalization of the younger generation, this paper traces the history and nature of Hongdae movement as a youth subculture. Also this paper tries to analyze this distinctive cultural movement theologically to suggest insightful ideas for Christian culture. The Hongdae culture can be explained in the notion of ‘marginality’ and ‘nomadism.’ It emphasizes on alternative lifestyle based on communitarian play. However, today the Hongdae culture has been seriously declined because of ‘gentrification’ of the Hongdae district due to capitalistic intervention. As the concept of ‘marginality’ does not mean a space, Hongdae culture should be developed as a philosophy which stresses on alternative lifestyle in this capitalistic world. It would be a good direction for Christianity, which stresses on the theology of culture “in the world not of the world.” Since the 1960s, youth people have created their own subculture. It has been motivated from their conflict with the former generation and from their resist toward the mainstream culture. Since the 1990s, a group of young artists have begun an independent and alternative cultural movement in the district called ‘Hongdae’ in Seoul, Korea. This Hongdae culture resisted to the commercial mainstream entertainment business. With a special concern for the economical and cultural marginalization of the younger generation, this paper traces the history and nature of Hongdae movement as a youth subculture. Also this paper tries to analyze this distinctive cultural movement theologically to suggest insightful ideas for Christian culture. The Hongdae culture can be explained in the notion of ‘marginality’ and ‘nomadism.’ It emphasizes on alternative lifestyle based on communitarian play. However, today the Hongdae culture has been seriously declined because of ‘gentrification’ of the Hongdae district due to capitalistic intervention. As the concept of ‘marginality’ does not mean a space, Hongdae culture should be developed as a philosophy which stresses on alternative lifestyle in this capitalistic world. It would be a good direction for Christianity, which stresses on the theology of culture “in the world not of the world.”

      • KCI등재

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