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        존 콜린스의 관점으로 본 디아코노스 예수 -요한복음을 중심으로-

        유용욱 ( Yong-ouk You ) 기독교학문연구회 2020 신앙과 학문 Vol.25 No.4

        ‘디아코니아’는 전통적으로 기독교의 사회복지활동, 교회의 사회봉사와 구제를 대변하는 용어로 많이 쓰여 왔다. 그 이유는 디아코니아란 어원의 출발이 일반적으로 하인들이 ‘식탁에서 시중들다’라는 의미로 해석하며, 디아코노스(διακ? ονο?)는 ‘식탁 시중드는 사람’을 의미하기 때문이다. 그러나 존 콜린스(John N. Collins)는 성서와 헬라문헌을 연구하여 전통적인 해석은 용어의 오해로 인하여 비롯된 것으로 원래의 그 의미는 ‘중재자(go-between)’의 의미와 ‘메신저(messenger)’의 의미가 함축되어 있다고 보았다. 마가는 예수의 사역을 디아코니아란 용어로 설명하고 있음에도 불구하고, 요한이 예수의 사역을 디아코니아라고 지칭한 용례는 한 번도 등장하지 않는다. 그러나 콜린스가 해석하는 의미에서 디아코니아 정신은 요한복음 속의 예수의 사역 속에 살아 있다. 예수의 자의식 가운데는 중재자로서의 의식이 내포되어 있다. 요한복음 기자는 ‘예수가 하늘에 계신 아버지께서 이 땅에 있는 모든 사람에게 영생을 주시고, 만민을 다스리는 권세을 위임받았다’는 자의식을 가지고 있음을 표현하고 있다. 예수가 가지고 있는 자의식 가운데는 또 다른 하나는 메신저로서의 자의식이다. 예수는 자신이 아버지로부터 보냄을 받아 파송되었고, 아버지의 말씀을 전달하는 전달자로서의 사명을 받았다는 자의식을 밝히고 있다. 예수는 아버지 하나님의 독점적이며, 선택된 유일무이한 디아코노스였지만, 그의 디아코노스로서의 사명은 제자들과 교회위에 승계된다. 제자들과 교회는 그리스도를 대신하여 세상과 하나님 간의 중재자로서 또 하나님의 메신저로서의 임무를 수행하라는 디아코노스 예수의 위임명령을 받음으로 하나님의 선교에 참여한다. 디아코니아는 단순히 섬김과 봉사라는 전통적인 의미를 넘어선다. 디아코니아는 궁극적으로 예수의 중보자와 메신저로서의 사역을 계승하여, 말씀과 섬김 그리고 복음전도와 사회봉사가 하나가 되어, 하나님과 세상을 이어주는 다리가 되는 통전적인 하나님의 선교로 이해될 수 있다. ‘Diakonia’ has been used as a representation of Christian social welfare activities, church services and relief. The reason is that the origin of the word ‘diakonos’ means ‘a person who is waiting at the table’ traditionally. However John N. Collins interpreted the original meaning of diakonia as ‘go-between’ or ‘messenger’. In the Gospel of John, the use of diakonia to refer to Jesus' Ministry has never appeared, but the spirit of diakonia appeared in Jesus’ Ministry in the Gospel of John. Jesus has a self-consciousness that He is the Go-between in the Gospel of John. Another self-consciousness that Jesus has is the Messenger of His Father. Jesus has been the exclusive and chosen only Diakonos of God the Father, but His Ministry of Diakonia has been succeeded to his disciples and the church. The disciples and the church are commissioned by the Diakonos Jesus to perform the mission as the mediators between God and the world and as messengers of God on His behalf.

      • KCI등재

        팬데믹과 기독교선교

        유용욱 ( Yong-ouk You ) 기독교학문연구회 2021 신앙과 학문 Vol.26 No.1

        최근의 세계가 겪고 있는 COVID19 팬데믹은 인류 역사상 유례없는 광범위한 전염병이다. COVID19 팬데믹은 국가와 사회는 물론이고, 교회의 예배와 기독교선교를 심각하게 위협하고 있다. 인류 역사를 돌이켜 보면 팬데믹이 오늘날에만 문제가 되는 것이 아니란 것을 알 수 있다. 팬데믹은 인류 역사와 오랫동안 동행하면서 교회의 예배와 기독교 선교를 위협하여 왔다. 그러나 팬데믹이 기독교선교에 있어서 꼭 부정적인 것만은 아니었으며, 때로는 기독교에 선교의 기회를 주었다. 본 연구 는 역사적으로 팬데믹이 기독교선교에 어떤 영향을 주었는지를 고찰해 봄으로써 현재의 COVID19 팬데믹 상황에서 기독교선교가 나가야 할 방향을 모색할 수 있는 통찰력을 얻고자 한다. 초기 기독교 시대의 팬데믹은 크게 두 차례 있었다. 당시 로마인들은 전염병에 걸린 환자를 내 쫓았고, 부모와 자녀마저 버리고 도피하기 급급했다. 그러나 초대교인들은 죽음을 무릅쓰고라도 환자를 돌보는 일을 그리스도의 사랑을 실천하는 길이라고 보았다. 이러한 진실한 사랑의 실천이 로마인들에게 감동을 주고 기독교 선교에 큰 기여를 하였다. 종교개혁시대에는 1511년부터 1570까지 팬데믹이 주기적으로 반 복되며 대유행을 하였다. 종교개혁자들은 이러한 팬데믹의 위협 속에서도 돌보았을 뿐만 아니라 죽음 이후 영생의 소망을 제시하여 줌으로써 그리스도의 사랑을 실천하였다. 이러한 종교개혁자들의 노력은 그 당시 개신교 선교에 크게 기여하였다. 한국의 개신교선교 초기에도 팬데믹이 유행하였고, 질병에 걸린 사람들은 버려졌다. 전염병 환자들이 기독교 선교사들이 운영하는 병원에서 치료를 받으면서 기독교에 대한 인식이 변화되었다. 선교사들은 전염병에 감염되어 버려진 아이를 치료하여 기독교 학교의 교육생으로 받아들이기도 하였다. 이러한 교육사역과 의료사역은 한국 개신교 선교에 크게 기여 하게 되었다. The COVID19 pandemic facing the world in recent years is a widespread epidemic unprecedented in human history. Pandemics have long accompanied human history, threatening church services and Christian missions. However, the pandemic was not always negative for Christian missions, and sometimes gave Christianity a chance for mission. The purpose of this study is to examine how the pandemic has historically influenced Christian missionary work, and to gain insight to find the direction in which Christian mission should go in the current COVID19 pandemic situation. There were two major pandemics in the early Christian era. At that time, Christians of the early church saw the care of patients as a way to practice Christ's love even if they risked death. This true practice of love impressed the Romans and contributed greatly to Christian mission. In the era of religious reform, the reformers not only cared for patients, but also practiced the love of Christ by presenting the hope of eternal life after death. In the early days of Protestant missionary work in Korea, People with infectious diseases were cared for in Christian mission hospitals, which changed their perception of Christianity. These educational and medical ministries greatly contributed to the Korean Protestant mission.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        히알루론산이 골 형성에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구

        조용민(Yong-Min Cho),민승기(Seung-Ki Min),김수남(Soo-Nam Kim),유용욱(Yong-Ouk You) 대한구강악안면외과학회 2002 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        Hyaluronic acid (HA) is an almost essential component of extracellular matrices. Early in embryogenesis mesenchymal cells migrate, proliferate and differentiate, in part, because of the influence of HA. Since the features of embryogenesis are revisited during wound repair, including bone fracture repair, this study was initiated to evaluate whether HA has an effect on calcification and bone formation in an in vitro system of osteogenesis. Mouse calvaria Pre-osteoblast (MC3T3-E1) cells were cultured in α-MEM medium with microorganism-derivative hyaluronic acid that was produced by Strep. zooepidemicus which of molecular weight was 3 million units. The dosages were categorized in each 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/ml concentration experimental groups. After 2 and 4 days cultures in expeirmental and control groups, the tendency of cell proliferation, MTT assay, protein synthesis ability, collagen synthesis and alkaline phosphatase activity were analysed and bone nodule formation capacity were measured with Alizarin Red S stain after 29 days cultures. The cell proliferation was increased in time, especially the group of 0.5 and 1.0 mg/ml concentration of HA were showed prominent cell proliferation. After 2 and 4 days culture, experimental groups in general were greater cell activity in MTT assay. The protein synthesis was increased in all experimental groups compared to control group, especially most prominent in 1.0 mg/ml concentration group. The collagen synthesis capacity were increased in HA experimental groups, especially prominent in 1.0 mg/ml group and the activity of alkaline phosphatase were increased, especially also prominent in 1.0 mg/ml group, compared to control group. Above these, the activity of mouse carvarial pre-osteoblast cells was showed greater bone osteogenesis activity in all applied HA experimental group, especially group of 1.0 mg/ml concentration of HA.


        고삼추출물이 치은섬유아세포의 세포주기 조절단백질 발현에 미치는 영향

        김흥식,김현아,유용욱,강태현,김윤철,김탁,피성희,유형근,신형식,Kim, Heung-Sik,Kim, Hyun-A,Yu, Yong-Ouk,Kang, Tai-Hyun,Kim, Youn-Chul,Kim, Tak,Pee, Sung-Hee,You, Hyung-Keun,Shin, Hyung-Shik 대한치주과학회 2000 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.30 No.4

        Fibroblasts are major cellular components of gingiva and periodontal ligament. They regulate the healing process after surgery or injury. Recently, many natural medicines, whose advantages are less side effects and possibility of long-term use, have been studied for their capacity, their anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and regenerative potential of periodontal tissues. Sophorae radix have been traditionally used as an anti-bacterial and antiinflammatory drug in oriental medicine. The purpose of present study was to investigate the effects of Sophorae radix extract on cell cycle progression and its molecular mechanism in human gingival fibroblasts. Sophorae radix extracts($100{\mu}g/ml$) notably increased cell proliferation and cell activity in the human gingival fibroblasts as compared to non-supplemented controls. There was an increase in the S phase and a decrease in the G1 phase in $100{\mu}g/ml$ of Sophorae radix extracts group as compared to non-supplemented controls. The level of cyclin E and cdk 2 protein in test group was higher than that of control groups. But that of cyclin D, cdk 4, and cdk 6 was not distinguished from controls. The level of p53 protein in test group was lower than that of controls, whereas that of p21 was not different. The level of pRB protein in test group was higher than that of controls, whereas that of p16 was lower. These results indicate that the increase of cell proliferation by Sophorae radix extracts may be due to the increased expression of cyclin E and cdk 2, and the decreased expression of p53 and p16 in human gingival fibroblasts.

      • KCI등재후보

        대한치과마취과학회지 게재 논문들의 핵심용어와 MeSH 용어의 일치도

        심연수,김아현,유용욱,김일호,류송이,이광석,정채율,김은희,맹선우,안소연,Shim, Youn-Soo,Kim, Ah-Hyeon,You, Yong-Ouk,Kim, Il-Ho,Yu, Song-Yi,Lee, Kwang-Seok,Jeong, Chae-Yul,Kim, Eun-Hee,Maeng, Sun-Woo,An, So-Youn 대한치과마취과학회 2014 Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Vol.14 No.3

        Background: The purpose of this study was to analyze the equality between key words used in the Journal of Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Methods: A total of 666 English key words in 187 papers (average 3.5 words in a paper) from 2001 to 2014 were eligible for this study. We classified them according to matched, and non-matched terms. After descriptive analysis, we assayed patterns of errors in using MeSH, and reviewed frequently used non-MeSH terms. Results: Fifty nine point six percent (59.6%) of total key words were completely coincident with MeSH terms, 40.39% were not MeSH terms. Conclusions: The results show that the coincidence rate of key words with MeSH terms was at a moderate level. However, there is a need for us to understand MeSH more specifically and accurately. Use of proper key words aligned with the international standards such as MeSH is important to be properly cited. The authors should pay attention and be educated on correct use of MeSH as key words.


        감초산이 인체 치은 섬유모 세포에 미치는 영향

        유수경,김기영,유용욱,장선일,김강주,박종운,정종평,Yoo, Soo-Kyoung,Kim, Ki-Young,You, Yong-Ouk,Jang, Seon-Il,Kim, Kang-Ju,Park, Jong-Keun,Chung, Chong-Pyoung,Kurihara, Hidemi 대한치주과학회 1998 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.28 No.3

        감초산이 인체 치은 섬유모세포에 미치는 영향을 세포의 성장과 증식, 총 교원질 합성 및 인체 치은 섬유모세포 핵내 acridine orange 결합으로 추적조사하였다. 조절이 되지 않는 성장을 해결하기 위하여 세포분화인자인 감초산이 배양 치은 섬유모세포의 활성에 미치는 효과를 검색하였다. 감초산 존재하의 배양 인체 섬유모세포의 세포성장 및 증식, 교원질 합성 및 세포 핵내 acridine orange 결합을 각각 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT)법, 4-hydroxyproline, 유식세포분석기를 이용한 acridine orange 결합으로 검색하였다. 형태학적으로 $100\;{\mu}g/ml$의 감초산으로 처리한 섬유모세포는 모양이 둥글게 되었다. 감초산은 $50\;{\mu}g/ml$ 이상의 농도에서 치은 섬유모세포의 성장과 증식을 억제하였다. 감초산 존재 시에 세포내 총 교원질 양이 감소하였고, 세포외배지내의 교원질 총 양이 증가하였다. 인체 치은 섬유모 세포를 $100\;{\mu}g/ml$의 감초산과 함께 24 시간동안 배양하였을 때, 80 채널 이상의 평균형광을 갖는 diploid 세포가 감소하였고, 80 채널 이하의 형광을 갖는 acridine orange결합이 증가하였다. 이러한 연구 결과 감초산은 인체 섬유모세포에서 세포성장 및 증식, 교원질합성 및 DNA 분절화를 유도함이 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        보문 : 미용 소재 개발을 위한 연잎의 항산화 효과 탐색

        정수영 ( Su Young Jung ),유용욱 ( Yong Ouk You ) 대한미용학회(구 대한미용과학회) 2010 대한미용학회지 Vol.6 No.4

        Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus, N. nucifera) is a popular aqueous plant in Eastern Asia. Leaves (Nelumbinis Folium) of N. nucifera are traditionally used to disperse body heat during the summer and is said to increase essential body energies, according traditional Oriental Medicine, and are becoming popular as ingredient of healthy tea. In the recent years, since many synthetic antioxidants have been shown to have side effects, there has been an increase of interest in natural products as antioxidants in scavenging free radicals. In the present study, we first analyzed composition of Nelumbinis folium(NF), and evaluated the possible antioxidative activities of it`s ethanol extracts. Therefore, we measured the effects of NF on scavenging activities against DPPH radical, hydroxyl radical, superoxide radical and hydrogen peroxide. Consequently, 10 μg/mL of ethanol extract from NF exhibited higher scavenging activity coefficient than that of BHT against all. These results indicate that NF protects oxidative activities through scavenging of free radials.


        니코틴이 치은섬유아세포의 세포주기 조절 단백질 발현에 미치는 영향

        김탁,김재호,피성희,김은철,유용욱,유형근,신형식,Kim, Tak,Kim, Jae-ho,Pi, Sung-Hee,Kim, Eun-Cheol,You, Yong-Ouk,You, Hyung-Keun,Shin, Hyung-Shik 대한치주과학회 2001 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.31 No.3

        Normal gingival fibroblasts functioning is fundamental for the maintenance of periodontal connective tissue as well as wound healing. Nicotine have been found to affect DNA synthesis and cell proliferation, which appear to depend on the type of cells. This in vitro study was done to determine the effects of nicotine, a major component of tobacco, on cell proliferation, viability, activity, cell cycle distribution, and expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins in human gingival fibroblasts. Nicotine has been tested for 2 days or 4 days in 5 different concentrations; $0.1{\mu}g/ml$; $1{\mu}g/ml$; $10{\mu}g/ml$; $100{\mu}g/ml$; $1000{\mu}g/ml$. To assess cell proliferation and viability, viable and non-viable cells were counted by hemocytometer; to evaluate cellular activity, MTT assay was employed; to analyze cell cycle distribution, fluorescent propidium iodide-DNA complex were measured using fluorocytometer; to determine the expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins, western blot analysis was performed. After 2 days and 4 days incubation respectively, at concentrations of $1{\mu}g/ml$ - $1000{\mu}g/ml$, nicotine significantly inhibited proliferation comparing to non-supplemented controls. The cell viability was significantly decreased after 2 days and 4 days at concentrations of $1{\mu}g/ml$ - $1000{\mu}g/ml$ and at $10{\mu}g/ml$ - $1000{\mu}g/ml$ respectively. After 2 days and 4 days, the cellular activity was significantly decreased at concentrations of $10{\mu}g/ml$ - $1000{\mu}g/ml$. Treatment with $100{\mu}g/ml$ nicotine for 48 hours caused an increase in the proportion of G1-phase cells (from 46.41% to 53.46%) and a decrease in the proportion of S-phase cells (from 17.80% to 14.27%). The levels of cyclin $D_1$ and CDK 4 proteins in nicotine-treated fibroblasts were lower than that of controls, whereas the levels of p16 and pRB were higher than that of controls. These results suggest that the decrease of cell proliferation and lengthened Gap phases (G1) by nicotine may due to the increased expression of p16 and pRB as well as decreased expression of cyclin $D_1$ and CDK 4 in human gingival fibroblasts.


        치은섬유아세포의 복제노화가 세포주기 조절에 미치는 영향

        박영채,양대승,김재호,김현아,유용욱,신형식,Park, Young-Chae,Yang, Dae-Seung,Kim, Jae-Ho,Kim, Hyun-A,You, Yong-Ouk,Sin, Hyung-Shik 대한치주과학회 2001 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.31 No.1

        Gingival fibroblasts are major cellular component of gingiva. However, the molecular mechanisms of senescence of human gingival fibroblasts are unknown. Human fibroblasts undergo replicative senescence in vitro after a limited number of population doublings. A reduced rate of proliferation is a prominent phenomenon observed in senescent fibroblasts. This phenomenon is controled by cell cycle regulatory proteins. The purpose of present study was to investigate the effect of replicative senescence on cell cycle progression and to find out its molecular mechanisms in human gingival fibroblasts. Replicative senescence of gingival fibroblasts were induced by subsequent cultures that were repeated up to 18 passage. In the present study, I examined change of cell proliferation, cell activity, cell viability and cell cycle progression during the replicative process. Also, I examined expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins which was estimated by western blot analysis. Cell proliferation, cell activity and cell viability of gingival fibroblasts were notably decreased with increase of population doubling level(PDL). S phase was decreased and G1 phase was increased with increase of PDL. Western blot analysis showed that levels of P16, p21 and p53 of senescent gingival fibroblasts(PDL41, PDL58) were higher than young fibroblasts(PDL27) and cdk4 were lower than young fibroblasts(PDL27). In conclusion, these results suggest that proliferative function of human gingival fibroblasts may be decreased by replicative senescence and its molecular mechanisms may be activatied with p16, p21, p53 and pRB, and repressed wtih cdk4.

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