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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국제적 보험사업에 따른 귀속소득의 결정

        옥무석(OK Moo Seok) 한국국제조세협회 2010 조세학술논집 Vol.26 No.2

        OECD published “2010 Report on the Attribution of Profits to Permanent Establishments” by obtaining approval from Committee on Fiscal Affairs on June 22, 2010 and obtaining publication approval from the Council on July 22, 2010. This report details international taxation of insurance business sector in Special Considerations for Applying the Authorised OECD Approach to Permanent Establishments of Insurance Companies in the Part IV. This report has significant implications in this business because no other guidelines have not been presented internationally on transfer pricing in this field except this. It means that this guideline will be applied as the only instructions on transfer pricing of the insurance companies which operate internationally in the future. With the coming into effect of International Fiscal Reporting System (IFRS), the guideline will have considerable impact in the international taxation of the insurance companies. This article was intended to introduce the recent trends in the attribution of income to the international insurance business, and is reviewed the attitude of the OECD report on the taxation of reinsurance business sector, a special type of insurance additionally.

      • KCI등재

        일반적 재산 평가규정의 신설을 위한 시론적 연구

        玉武錫(Moo Seok Ok) 한국세법학회 2007 조세법연구 Vol.13 No.2

        현행 상법 개정안을 보면 회사 계산규정의 개선이 시급하고, 이의 개정논의는 주로 상법의 회계규정과 기업회계와의 일치 내지 조화문제에 집중되어 있다. 이러한 개정논의의 범위 내에 상법상 재산의 평가규정의 개정논의가 들어 있는데, 이의 관점이 상법과 회계의 조화라는 관점을 벗어나지 못한 것이다. 그러나 재산의 평가는 단지 회사의 계산을 위한 경우에 한정되어 있는 것이 아니라 개별거래를 위하여 또는 기업에 대한 손해배상액의 산정에 이르기까지 다양한 경우에 필요하고, 재산의 종류도 거래의 객체가 될 수 있는 다양한 재산이면 가능하므로 상당히 그 범위가 넓다고 할 수 있다. 이 글에서는 특히 주식의 평가와 현물출자재산의 평가를 중심으로 이들 양자를 아우르는 재산 평가를 위한 일반적인 평가규정의 신설을 논의하고 있다. 필자의 결론으로는 관련규정은 개인과 법인상인에 모두 적용되는 규범이어야 하므로 상법총칙에 편재되면 바람직하다고 판단되고, 그 내용으로는 평가주체로서 다양한 전문인들을 망라하고, 평가기준은 시가를 원칙으로 하되 시가를 발견할 수 있는 상세한 기준을 설정하여 둘 필요가 있으며, 부수적으로 이들의 평가상의 오류에서 비롯되는 업무상 과오에 대한 손해배상책임 규정의 신설을 상법에서 통일적으로 규정할 필요 등을 제안하고 있다. 끝으로 세법과 관련하여 세법상의 평가규정이 상세함에도 많은 분쟁이 발생하고 있음을 상기하여 이의 개선을 위한 방향을 오히려 상법의 평가규정의 방치에서 시사를 얻어야 한다고 하고 있다. One of outstanding features of the proposed amendment of the Commercial Code is that it shed light on the necessity to revise the corporate accounting section. The coordination of corporate accounting rules in the Commercial Code with financial accounting rules seems to be the core issue in this juncture. The property valuation provisions as one of major parts of that section are to go under revision, which is in turn affected by the guiding principle that the corporate accounting rules in the Commercial Code should go together with the financial accounting rules. Although the above guiding principle is well-grounded and has to be respected as such for any provisions in that section including the property valuation, it has to be remembered that each provision in that section has its own characteristics which require attentions from rather different perspectives. The property valuation is made not only for the corporate accounting but also for the conclusion of individual transaction and for the computation of damages. The object of valuation, i.e., property is various in its type, which may have to be dealt with in other sections of the Commercial Code. In this article the introduction of general provisions for valuation of properties including shares and in-kind contribution of capital is discussed and recommended. The provisions for property valuation have to be placed in the chapter of general principle rather than in the chapters for each type of corporate company in the Commercial Code because they are to be applied to individual merchant as well as corporate company. And they have to be designed to utilize experts from various ways of life as valuation agents, to confirm the market price as standard valuation and further to provide for detailed valuation guideline. Along with the valuation provisions the damages from mistake and fault in the valuation has to be provided for to be applied through the Commercial Code in a uniform manner. The improvement of property valuation provisions in the Commercial Code will help to reduce the controversies in the application of tax laws, which have been in part touched off by their uncertainty and inconsistency notwithstanding detailed tax law provisions in this regard.

      • KCI등재후보

        지역특화 발전특구에 대한 세제지원 논의의 법제적 시사점

        옥무석(OK Moo Seok) 한국지방자치법학회 2005 지방자치법연구(地方自治法硏究) Vol.5 No.2

        The Pilotage Special Zone Act or the Business Improvement Districts Act is under applicable as one of the decentralized development policy. The Act has recognized as the substantial measure of decentralized development policy by the central government. But the Pilotage Special Zone Act has some problems to get the synergy effects arising from the policy function of the economic development policy between the central government and local governments. This thesis suggests the alternatives to these points as follows: 1) the differences between the centralized development policy and the decentralized development policy, 2) as the decentralized development policy, the Pilotage Special Zone Scheme needs special or uneven incentives to improve the situation of the local economic development. 3) the function and effects of the tax incentive as the one of special incentives, 4) as the way of becoming the tax incentives more effectively, the local governments and central government have the equal power to exercise the tax incentives and 5) the ceiling regulation is needed as the alternative to prevent the improper use of the tax incentives by the local governments.

      • KCI등재

        지방세 완전자치의 법형식에 관한 연구

        옥무석 ( Ok Moo-seok ) 한국지방세학회 2019 지방세논집 Vol.6 No.2

        중앙정부재정과 지방정부재정의 상호 독립을 위하여 세원의 완전분리가 필요하다. 이를 지방세제의 완전분권이라고 한다. 그러나 국가와 지방간의 재정 분권의 제도적 실태를 보면, 중앙정부가 세목을 먼저 선점하고, 지방자치단체는 중앙정부의 세목을 제외한 세목만을 전제로 논의되고 있다. 그러나 이는 보충성의 원칙에서 보면 받아들이기 어렵다. 지방자치단체에 사무와 재원의 결정권을 먼저 부여하고 중앙정부는 부차적으로 권한을 가져야 한다는 방향과는 상치되기 때문이다. 보충성의 원칙은 풀뿌리 민주주의를 관철하는 중요한 이론이다. 다음으로 현재 정부와 주류적 학자들의 견해는 국세와 지방세세원간의 재정배분에서 연방제수준의 세원분리를 이상적인 목표로 삼고 있다. 이러한 입장은 과거 30년간 지방재정이 중앙정부 의존적인 형태로 운영되어 온 것에 비하면 획기적인 전향적 자세라고 평가할 수 있다. 그러나 필자는 이러한 입장에서 진전하여 국세와 지방세제도를 제로 베이스에서 새로이 정립하는 것이 바람직하다고 판단한다. 그러나 세ㆍ재정분야의 분권수준은 국가가 세원을 선점하고 있고 오랫동안 이를 전제로 재정배분을 논의해왔기 때문에 중앙과 지방간의 이상적인 세ㆍ재정분권상태를 실감하기 위하여는 아직도 긴 여정이 남아있다. It is necessary for the central and local governments to achive the full separation of tax bases for the mutual independence of finances of every level of government. This can be called the full decentralization of local taxes from the national taxes. However, in the present status of tax and fiscal decentralization between the national level and the that of local, the central government is preempted and local governments are held the rest part of the total tax bases of the national wide. However, this is difficult to accept in terms of the subsidiary principle in the fiscal sphere. The subsidiary principle is one of the pillar theory to sustain the grassroots democracy. According to this principle, local governments should first be given the power to make decisions about affairs and finances, and the central government should have the secondary position. Next, under the current government and mainstream scholars’ views, the ideal goal of fiscal allocation between national and local governments is to be established on the basis of federalism. This position can be regarded as a breakthrough stance compared to the stance that of in the past 30 years. However, I think it would be desirable to move forward and establish a new distribution scheme of tax bases at zero base

      • KCI등재

        제주특별자치도 부동산투자 촉진제도 및 규제제도에 관한 연구

        옥무석(Ok, Moo-Seok) 한양법학회 2017 漢陽法學 Vol.28 No.1

        The basis of investment policy, globally recognized without exception, is to open up the possibilities of investment opportunity by keeping the door to investment open for foreigners. Each country offers various investment incentives to attract foreign investment, particularly when its own financial resources for local investment are not sufficient. In particular, it invites foreign investment by selling assets within its own territory, together with a grant of residence visa to foreign buyers, which is considered the most representative method. With respect to free choice of place of residence, that incentive is currently seen as a fairly appealing inducement to foreign investments. After a recession in the real estate market in 2008, Korea introduced the incentive of residence visa in 2014, aiming at achieving goals to attract foreign investment and to sustain the market price of real estate. According to statistics, Jeju and Busan are shown to be among the most heavily invested areas for the purpose of residence by foreign investors, who also highly regard those two cities" investment value as real estate. In terms of the nationality of the investors, Northeast Asian nationals consists of a large portion of them: Jeju is preferred area by Chinese investors, while Busan is preferred by Japanese. However, a foreign investment attraction policy on land runs a risk of causing domestic antipathy towards foreign investors at the time when the price of real estate soars, also having a negative impact on stability of the market price. As that necessarily results in a considerable gap between the initial policy goal and the outcome of that policy, which lead the government to take a certain action to regulate relevant activities. The main point of this paper is that, considering the fact that the foreign investment policies on domestic real estate need be agile in their response to the economic cycle of real estate market, the sensible institutional strategies, such as stimulating investment at the time of economic downturn, or otherwise restricting acquisition in response to excessive investment at the time of business upturn, should be established. For that purpose, the paper first introduces “golden visas” and “golden passports”, and then, concerning the latter, reviews legitimacy of the restriction on the foreign investment under the Foreigner"s Land Acquisition Act and the ordinances of local governments. Also, when observing the foreigners" land transactions in Korea, most of them were found to be made by Northeast Asian nationals, which will likely have a significant impact on the residential trends of people of three countries, including Korea, Japan, and China, which share the Yellow Sea as an inland sea.

      • KCI등재

        국제적 인력 송출에 따른 과세문제

        옥무석(Ok Moo Seok) 한국국제조세협회 2011 조세학술논집 Vol.27 No.1

        The OECD Tax Committee has been adressed its main concern to the international anti-tax avoidance, and has selected the topic of taxation issues relating to international hiring-out of labor as one of the main concerns. It was in a OECD Report which titled in “Taxation issues relating to international hiring-out of labour: in Trends in International Taxation, Paris, 1985,” that the word ‘hiring-out of labor’ was first appeared in the field of international taxation. Reflecting the recommendations contained in the Report, the Commentary para. 8 of Art. 15 of the OECD Model Tax Convention was added for the international hiring-out of labour in 1992. At first it was intended the judgement criteria as described in the Commentary para. 8 of Art. 15 in the OECD Model Treaty was applied to limit cases of tax abuses, but it was frequently applied to the cases of bona fide companies and employees were being involved. Recognizing these problems, the OECD would launched a task force to review the commentary, and demonstrate a few examples for making the criteria to determine the concept of the true employer in 2004. And then again in 2007 for the public consultation, revised changes to the Commentary on paragraph 2 of Art. 15 of the OECD Model Tax Convention was introduced. In addition, the results of public consultation since 2007 was reflected in the revised model treaty commentary in 2010. This article was reviewed that the authorised OECD approach mentioned above would be also applied as a reasonable standard of interpretation by the various Korean authorities.

      • KCI등재

        조세채권의 유동화에 따른 법적 과제

        옥무석(Moo-Seok Ok) 한국국제조세협회 2015 조세학술논집 Vol.31 No.1

        조세채권의 유동화는 미국 월가(Wall Street)를 중심으로 발전한 증권화 내지 유동화에 관한 금융기법을 공공채권인 조세채권을 기초자산으로 하여 디자인한 신종금융상품(new financial product)이라고 할 수 있다. 미국을 비롯한 국가채무위험관리(sovereign risk management)가 관심사인 여러 국가들에서는 상당한 관심을 보이고 있고, 특히 미국의 경우 체납이 일상화되어있는 토지관련 지방세를 중심으로 체납의 정리수단으로 조세채권의 유동화가 주목되고 있다. 그러나 대상 채권은 체납채권이 중심이기는 하나 장래 받을 조세채권(tax receivable)에 대하여도 이를 대상으로 하기도 한다. 이는 적자재정을 메우기 위하여 납기전 징수에 대체하는 수단으로 활용하기도 한다. 우리나라는 중앙정부가 지방정부의 재정에 대하여 보증하는 시스템을 가지고 있어 이를 유통화한 지방채의 발행에서 그리 큰 이점이 있다고 볼 수 없어 채택되고 있지 못하다. 이 체납채권을 민간이 인수하여 채권화하여 발행하는 경우에도 국가보증의 문제는 여전히 남게된다면 역시 동일한 문제를 만난다. 그러나 조세채권의 유동화는 조세법률관계에 관한 법리가 사법의 금융법률관계의 이론영역과 만나게 되면서 새로운 전기를 맞이하고 있다. 이러한 점에서 새로운 세법의 법리전개에 상당한 시사점을 전개하고 있는 조세채권유동화의 이론적 논의의 실익이 있다. Tax lien securitization is a new financial product, designing the financial techniques on securitization, which has been mainly developed in the United States Wall Street, with tax claims, kind of public debts, as underlying assets. Many countries, including United States, which have concerns in sovereign risk management, express great interests in the securitization of tax receivables. In United States in particular, this norm draws attention as means to solve tax delinquency, especially in the realm of municipality real estate tax. Mostly delinquent tax receivables are the major underlying asset. However, receivables on future tax payments shall be accepted as underlying assets as well. Sometimes that may be utilized as methods of replacing the collection before due tax payment date in order to make up the financial deficit. As Korea has the system that the central government guarantees municipal government’s finance, issuance of municipal bonds by securitizing municipal government’s receivables may not be seen as having any advantage. As far as this financial guarantee issue remains, the same problem would come up in the case where the private entity acquires this delinquent tax receivables from the municipal government, securitizes them, and issues relevant bonds. Nonetheless, tax lien securitization does not restrict itself to the tax law concerned. As the area of financial law is intertwined with tax lien securitization, this product comes across the transition period of new relationship between public law and civil law. Therefore it would be invaluable for us to discuss further on tax lien securitization, which casts another point of view in terms of the advancement of tax law jurisprudence.

      • KCI등재

        가격추세전환기 부동산관련세제의 새로운 정립을 위한 법정책적 연구

        옥무석 ( Moo Seok Ok ) 한국법정책학회 2013 법과 정책연구 Vol.13 No.4

        이 논문은 “새로운 세제의 설계를 위한 시사는 과거의 경험에서 얻자”라는 관점에서 출발하였다. 투자자산 보유의 흐름은 경제가 발전함에 따라 부동산과 같은 실물자산 중심에서 주식, 채권과 같은 금융자산으로 변화해 온 경향을 보이는 것이 역사적 정방향이라고 한다. 그러나 이러한 글로벌 경향과는 달리 우리나라는 오랫동안 부동산의 투자 및 보유에 집착하여 왔다. 경제개발이 시작된 1960년대 초로 부터 2000년대 초반 외환위기 때까지 부동산은 가격이 하방경직성으로 지지되는 대표적인 자산이었기 때문이다. 그러나 2007년 말부터 시작된 글로벌 금융위기는 부동산의 환금성 기능에 상당한 축소를 가져와 부동산자산의 안전자산성에 의문이 근원적으로 제기되어 금융자산으로의 자산대체가 현저하게 나타났다. 일부 연구기관들에서도 이러한 투자대상의 전이가운데 발생한 부동산 자산의 가격하락을 일본의 ‘잃어버린 20년’의 초기와 비견하면서 이미 경고하기도 하였다. 이러한 부동산의 자산가치의 대세흐름의 변화는 지금까지 가격의 대세 상승을 전제로 구성하여 운용해 온 국가의 여러 재정 및 금융정책에 대한 대대적인 기조변화가 불가피해 졌다. 특히 이 논문의 논의 주제인 부동산가격 대세 하락 전환기 초입에서의 세제정책기조는 큰 변화가 불가피한 단계에 이르렀다. 이 논문에서는 부동산시장에서의 변화를 감안하여 부동산가격의 대세 하락기의 진입초기에서 우리나라의 부동산 세제정책의 변화기조를 소개하고 그로부터 얻을 수 있는 시사점을 검토하고자 한다. 새로운 부동산 세제의 설계는 단순히 투기형태라는 거래형태의 규제라는 목전의 시야보다 국민의 주요자산의 관리라는 넓은 시야에서 세제정상화의 관점에서 접근할 필요가 있다고 본다. 특히 부동산은 불가동의 자산(unmovable asset)이므로 이를 보유한 계층은 자산의 해외도피와는 상관이 없는 계층이라는 점에서도 새로운 접근을 요한다. 그리고 과거의 경험에서 정리할 수 있듯이 정책세제로부터 징수한 세수를 기축세원으로 할 것인지의 정책적 판단이 필요하고, 세제의 정상화과정에서 합리적인 중앙과 지방정부간의 기축세원의 합리적인 배분과 이에 대한 보이지 않는 감시(invisible monitoring)가 필요하다. This paper has started from the viewpoint that "Let`s find the suggestion for the design of new tax system from the experiences of the past."With the economic progress, general flow of the possession of investment assets has shown the inclination to changing from real asset such as real estate to financial asset such as stock and bond, which is regarded as moving toward historically forward-direction. Contrary to this global trend, South Korea has long been obsessed with investment and possession of real estate. The reason is that, real estate was the most classic asset supported by its price-inelastic (and no downward) character since 1960, when the economic development plan kicked off, through early 2000, when the foreign exchange crisis occurred. However, the global financial crisis that began in late 2007 brought about the significant reduction in the real estate`s liquidity function, raising the fundamental questions about the feature of real estate asset as riskless asset, such that replacement of real asset with financial asset significantly increased. Some research institutions also previously warned of price fall in the time of transfer of investment target, comparing that to Japan`s early days of "lost 20 years."Due to the change in the general trend for the asset value of real estate, the whole-scale transformation in the state`s fiscal and financial policy, which had been operated based on the a price rise trend of real estate, became inevitable. In particular, the basic tax policy on real estate, in the beginning of the transition period toward price decline, has reached the stage where enormous change is unavoidable. This paper introduces the basic transformation in Korean tax policy of real estate in the beginning of the period of its price decline, and reviews the implications which can be found from that transformation. Based on the approach toward tax policy normalization, new real estate tax policy will need to be mapped out from the broader aspect of managing citizens` major assets, rather than from narrow aspect of regulating speculation in real estate. Real estate specially demands new approach because people who have ownership of the real estate are the class with no relevance to the flight of capital to other countries. Moreover, policy decision is required with respect to whether tax revenue levied on policy taxation shall be a standard source of taxation, as we can refer to the experiences of the past. Reasonable allocation of standard source of taxation between the central government and local governments in the process of the normalization of restrictions, and invisible monitoring on that will be needed as well.

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