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      • 트롤조사에 의한 제주도 북동 인근 해역의 해저 폐기물 조사

        김형민(Hyeong-Min KIM),유민호(Min-Ho YOU),강진아(Ji-Na GANG),김대진(Dae-Jin KIM),신형호(Hyeong-Ho SHIN) 전남대학교 어업기술연구소 2018 어업기술연구소보고지 Vol.11 No.1

        This study analyzed distribution density in relation with sea-bed waste of the sea of north-eastern Jeju island by bottom trawl of 7 times for four days in April, June, October and November 2017. On the survey for four days many sea-bed wastes were collected at the sea of Jeju north-eastern fishing grounds. The kinds of collected sea-bed waste were the fish traps, the waste nets, the wire lines, the long lines, woods, plastics and so on. Distribution density in relation with sea-bed waste of the survey area was 109.8-596kg/km², and which proportion of the kinds on total sea-bed waste were that the fish trap was 66% (288 fish trap of 1011.6kg), the waste rope was 21%, the fishing line was 5.8%, the waste net was 1.9% and the others was 4.8%. According to the broken degree the serious broken fish trap were 101 (35%) and the intact fish trap were 187 (65%). As a result of survey of sea-bed waste in the Jeju north-eastern fishing grounds were polluted by the sea-bed waste and we need continuous monitoring to get rid of this environment pollution.

      • 강수기 양자강 하구 주변 표층해역의 해양환경과 식물플랑크톤 군집 분포 특성

        윤양호(Yang Ho Yoon),박종식(Jong Sick Park),노일현(Il Hyeon Noh),박영균(Yeong Gyun Park),김동영(Dong Yeung Kim),서호영(Ho Young Soh),황두진(Doo Jin Hwang),정순범(Sun Beom Jeong),김용주(Yong Ju Kim),신형호(Hyeong Ho Shin) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 2006 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.14 No.2

        We investigated the characteristics of the marine environment and phytoplankton community of surface in the adjoining sea of Yangtze river of the East China Sea in June 2005. According to the analysis of a T-S diagram, three characteristic of water masses were identified. We classified them into the mixed water mass by the Chinese continental coastal waters and Taiwan/Tsushima warm current, Chinese continental coastal waters and Taiwan/Tsushima warm current. The first water mass was characterized by high water temperature, low salinity, low density and very high Chl-a concentration. The second one was characterized by high water temperature, low salinity, low density and high Chl-a concentration and the last one was characterized by low water temperature, high salinity, high density and low Chl-a concentration. The phytoplankton community identified a total of 95 species belonging to 43 genera. The dominant species was 3 species, that is, mainly centric diatom, Skeletonema costatum in the Chinese continental coastal waters. The others one, one dinoflagellates, Prororcentrum donghaiense and one silicoflagellates, Dictyocha speculum var. otonaria in warm current regions. Standing crops of phytoplankton and Chl-a concentration were very high with ranged from 5.9 x 103 cells/L to 1.1 x 106 cells/L, and 2.90 ㎍/L to 26.40 ㎍/L, respectively. Phytoplankton productivity in the East China Sea was controlled by the discharge of Yangtze river waters which include a high concentrations of nutrients.

      • KCI등재
      • IBS를 이용한 여수·광양항 통항분리 ZONE에서의 동선 조사

        추영준(Young-Joon CHOO),최신영(Shin-Young CHOI),안수영(Su-Yeong AHN),김대진(Dae-Jin KIM),신형호(Hyeong-Ho SHIN) 전남대학교 어업기술연구소 2018 어업기술연구소보고지 Vol.11 No.1

        This study analyzed ship traffic using in IBS (Integrated Bridge System) in relation to the volume of traffic at traffic separation zone marine traffic on route to or from Yeosu-Gwangyang Port and examined the risk factors and countermeasures for marine transport safety management. As a result of marine traffic survey in Yeous-Gwangyang port for three days in October 2017, daily average passing ships were 411 ships, and about 65% of the total passing ships between 06:00 and 18:00. The volume of traffic in the traffic separation zone as an incoming and outgoing vessel were about 370 of the total vessels and accounted for about 30%. The Dangerous cargo carriers accounted for 58% of all vessels, 27% of general cargo vessels, 9% of containership and 6% of other vessels. As a result of VHF, general reports were the most common items with 65%, information provision were 19%, response ship communication were 11%, non-response and warning measures were 5%. It was found that many cargo ships and tanker vessels in the traffic separation zone encountered the most frequently when incoming and outgoing routes. Consequently, the safety traffic separation schemes are as follows; A vessel using a traffic separation schemes needs the active passing management system in the traffic separation zone, where the medium work ships incoming and outgoing in the specified areas including the costal traffic routes is urgently needed safety management for the passing routes of large ships.

      • 목시관측을 통한 여수 구항의 해상교통량 조사

        김한결(Han-Kyul Kim),주형은(Hyeong-Eun Ju),신형호(Hyeong-Ho Shin) 전남대학교 어업기술연구소 2013 어업기술연구소보고지 Vol.6 No.1

        여수구항의 선박 통항 안전성 향상을 위한 목시관측의 해상교통량 조사의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 2012년 8월 20일부터 11월 26일의 기간중 대조와 소조를 기준으로하여 실시한 5일간을 00시부터 24시간 까지 조사한 총 120 시간의 여수구항의 입ㆍ출항한 전체 선박통항량은 1968척 이었다. 2. 조사기간의 선종별 선박 통항량은 어선은 총 선박의 14.8%를 차지하였고, 운반선은 28.4%, 관공선은 2.3%, 여객선은 3.3% 그리고 잡종선은 51.2%로 나타나 잡종선이 모든 선종에서 가장 많은 통항량을 보여주고 있었다. 3. 조사기간중 시간별 평균 선박 통항량의 비율은 00~03시에 1.0%, 03~06시에 3.8%, 06~09시에 11.7%, 09~12시에 15.3%, 12~15시에 16.3%, 15~18시에 19.4%, 18~21시에 18.0% 그리고 21~24시에 14.5%로 조사되어 15~18시의 시간대에 선박 통항량이 가장 빈번한 것으로 나타났다. 4. 조사기간중 물때별 선박 통항량은 전체 통항량을 그믐(대조), 조금(소조), 보름(대조)로 비교 분석하여 보면 그믐(대조)의 선박 통항량이 36.7%, 조금(소조)에는 25.6%, 보름(대조)에는 37.7%로 비교 분석되어 소조보다 대조때에 선박 통항량이 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 이는 어선과 관계되는 것으로 어선이 6~10물 사이의 보름이나 그믐에서 조업을 위한 입출항과 1~5물 사이의 조업준비와 관련된 것으로 사료되어 진다. 5. 어수 구항에서의 통항량이 가장 많은 잡종선은 시간대와 물때에 상관없이 그 통항량이 많았다. 특히 잡종선의 통항은 대부분 소형선박으로 여수 구항 전역을 자유롭게 통항함으로 주요 항로상의 선박과 횡단관계를 만들어 충돌위험성이 상존하고 있어 이에 대한 안전대책이 필요하다고 판단되어진다. The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for the safety traffic improvement and to prepared the safety traffic plan of Yeosu old port by visual observations. The maritime traffic survey was conducted for 120 hours divided into five days The result obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. The total traffic vessel was 1,968 vessels for five days. 2. The kind of total traffic vessels was that fishing vessels accounted 14.8 percent, fish carrier 28.4%, government ship 2.3%, passenger ship 3.3% and special purpose ship 51.2% respectively. 3. The traffic vessel by the hour was that it accounted 1.0% for 00-03 hours, 3.8% for 03-06 hours, 11.7% for 06-09 hours, 15.3% for 09-12 hours, 16.3% for 12-15 hours, 19.4% for 15-18 hours, 18.4% for 18-21 hour and 14.5% for 21-24 hours respectively. 4. The traffic vessel by the tide was that the first high tide accounted 36.7%, the low tide 25.6% and the second high tide 37.7% respectively. The reason of the high tide higher than the low tide was that the traffic vessel busy on account of fishing working vessel by fishing expiration. 5. the crossing vessel relationship of vessels conformed every time for the during the survey so that pay attention to safety sailing between traffic vessel.

      • KCI등재
      • 제주 서해 연근해 해역에서의 저서어족 생물 분포에 관한 연구

        박예찬(Yeechan PARK),유진영(Jinyoung YOO),신형호(Hyeong-Ho SHIN),김영훈(Younghun KIM),김대진(Daejin KIM) 전남대학교 어업기술연구소 2021 어업기술연구소보고지 Vol.14 No.1

        본 연구는 제주 서해 연근해 해역에서의 저서 어족생물의 조성, 체장, 중량을 파악하기 위하여 2018년 10월 22일부터 10월 24일까지 총 3회의 트롤 조사를 실시하였다. 조사해역에서의 어족자원에 대한 종조성은 1회 조사에서 우점종은 아귀, 꼼치, 갈치순으로 나타났고, 2회 조사에서 우점종은 딱새우, 아귀, 원숭이게, 성대 순으로 나타났으며 3회 조사에서 우점종은 아귀, 살오징어, 성대 순으로 나타났다. 총 3회 조사에서 어획된 개체 수 기준으로 총 어획량은 아귀가 제1의 우점종으로 나타났으며 다음으로 딱새우, 살오징어 순으로 나타났다. 또한 트롤 조사에서 어획된 어족생물에 대한 체장별 크기는 151∼200 mm 사이에서 최대 어획량을 나타내고, 어획된 중량은 다양한 어종이 다수 어획되어 중량 변화의 폭이 컸으며 거의 대부분 101∼200 g 사이의 저서어족이 어획되었는데 아귀의 경우, 체장이 작은 미성숙어 어류도 다수 어획되었다. 제주 근해 해역의 어장들은 적도에서 발원하여 태평양 서안을 따라 대만 동쪽으로 올라온 난류가 대마도를 거쳐 동해로 유입되는 대마 난류의 길목에 위치하여 각종 어류들의 회유와 산란 및 서식지로서 어업이 활발한 좋은 어장으로 알려져 있다. 그러나 제주 서해 연근해 해역 어장의 경우, 다른 제주도 연근해 해역의 어장들에 비해 어획량이 적은 것으로 나타났는데(Kim. 2017), 이러한 원인으로는 하층에서 상층으로 해수가 이동하는 용승작용이나 저질에 따른 플랑크톤의 차이 등 여러 요인이 있을 수 있다. 따라서 제주도 인근 해역 어장들의 어획량 차이에 대한 원인은 저서어족 생물의 자원 보호뿐만 아니라 다른 우점종의 어족자원에 대한 효율적인 보호와 관리를 위해 지속적인 연구 조사가 필요할 것으로 판단된다. The primary goal of this study is to survey a fisheries resources in west coastal sea area of Jeju island. The method of trawl survey conduct to fishing survey through cod-end of trawl and its cover net. The surveys are carried out 2 days on 22-24<SUP>th</SUP> Oct. in 2018 by the training ship “Sae Dong Baek” of Chonnam National University. The total fish species caught by trawl net during 3 times survey for 2 days were 28 species. In the first superior was Lophiomus setigerus, 378(66%) the next Metanephrops thomsoni, 74(12.9%) the third Todarodes pacificus 14(2.4%). In individual numbers the most fish body length size caught by trawl net was between 150 mm and 200 mm. In individual numbers the least fish body length size caught by trawl net was between 51 mm and 100 mm. The fish weight size caught by trawl net was for the most part, over between 101 g and 200 g. The fish weight size caught by trawl net was for the least part, over between 5,001 g and 15,000 g. Fisheries resource has been decreasing for years and years. For many years fisheries researcher have debated its management and regulation. Much yet studies are necessary about the fisheries resources and regulation. The more fisheries resources must be preserved continually.

      • KCI등재

        Mo 패턴을 이용한 3-D 구조의 Cu₂ZnSn (S<SUB>x</SUB>Se<SUB>1-x</SUB>)₄ (CZTSSe) 박막형 태양전지 제작

        조은진(Eunjin Jo),강명길(Myeng Gil Gang),신형호(Shin hyeong ho),윤재호(Jae Ho Yun),문종하(Jong-ha Moon),김진혁(Jin Hyeok Kim) 한국태양광발전학회 2017 Current Photovoltaic Research Vol.5 No.1

        Recently, three-dimensional (3D) light harvesting structures are highly attracted because of their high light harvesting capacity and charge collection efficiencies. In this study, we have fabricated Cu₂ZnSn(SxSe1-x)₄ based 3D thin film solar cells on PR patterned Molybdenum (Mo) substrates using photolithography technique. Specifically, Mo patterns were deposited on PR patterned Mo substrates by sputtering and the thin Cu-Zn-Sn stacked layer was deposited over this Mo patterns by sputtering technique. The stacked Zn-Sn-Cu precursor thin films were sulfo-selenized to form CZTSSe pattern. Finally, CZTSSe absorbers were coated with thin CdS layer using chemical bath deposition and ZnO window layer was deposited over CZTSSe/CdS using DC sputtering technique. Fabricated 3-D solar cells were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) to study their structural, compositional and morphological properties, respectively. The 3% efficiency is achieved for this kind of solar cell. Further efforts will be carried out to improve the performance of solar cell through various optimizations.

      • KCI등재
      • 제주 남해 해역에서의 저서어족 생물의 조사연구

        이윤호(Yunho LEE),김영훈(Younghun KIM),신형호(Hyeong-Ho SHIN),김대진(Daejin KIM) 전남대학교 어업기술연구소 2022 어업기술연구소보고지 Vol.15 No.1

        The primary goal of this study is to survey a fisheries resources in south coastal sea area of Jeju island. The method of trawl survey conduct to fishing survey through bottom trawl net. The surveys are carried out 4 days on 14-15th Aug. 2020 and 8-9th Aug. 2021 by the training ship “Sae Dong Baek” of Chonnam National University. The total fish species caught by bottom trawl net during 4 times survey for 4 days were 34 species and the total weight was 81.585Kg. In the caughted species the first superior species was Solenocera melantho, 84(16%), the next Zenopsis nebulosa, 79(15%), the third Trachurus japonicus 73(14%). In individual numbers the most fish body length size caught by bottom trawl net was between 201mm and 250mm and the least fish body length size was between 10mm and 50mm. The fish weight size caught by bottom trawl net was 101~200g(38%), 31~40g(12%), 201~300g(10%), respectively. And the size range caught by bottom trawl was between 10g and 1,000g. The catch is showing a decreasing trend every year. In order to efficiently protect and manage our fishing grounds we need continuous research and this study is expected to be provided as basic data for this.

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