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        혁신적 신제품에 대한 소비자반응에 있어 심적 시뮬레이션 영향 연구

        여준상(Jun Sang Yoo),송환웅(Hwan Woong Song) 한국마케팅학회 2010 마케팅연구 Vol.25 No.1

        심적 시뮬레이션에 관한 본 연구는, 결과 시뮬레이션과 과정 시뮬레이션의 차별적 효과에 대해 살펴보았다. 연구 1에서는 심적시뮬레이션이 신제품 평가에 영향을 미치는데 있어 신제품의 혁신성 수준이 어떠한 조절 역할을 하는지 살펴보았는데, 혁신성이 상대적으로 높은 신제품 경우 결과-시뮬레이션 일 때 상대적으로 강한 혜택 지각과 약한 부정적 비용 지각이 활성화되기 때문에 제품 평가에 있어 긍정적인 효과를 보였다. 반면에 과정-시뮬레이션을 일 때 상대적으로 약한 혜택 지각과 강한 부정적 비용 지각이 활성화되어 제품 평가에 부정적 영향을 미쳤다. 연구 2에서는 연구 1의 결과가 인지욕구 수준에 의해 어떻게 조절되는지 살펴보았다. 인지욕구가 높은 집단에서는 연구 1처럼 혁신성이 높은 신제품의 경우 과정-시뮬레이션일 때 보다 결과-시뮬레이션일때 더 좋은 제품평가가 나타났다. 그러나 인지 욕구가 낮은 집단에서는 이러한 심적시뮬레이션 효과가 사라져 두 심적시뮬레이션 조건 간에 제품평가 차이가 없었다. This research focused on two important theories which are innovative new product and mental simulation. Firms often try to improve and differentiate their products by introducing additional product features or attributes such as innovative, new, and novel technologies(Wood & Moreau, 2006). However, these innovative products have positive effects and negative effects simultaneously. Innovative new products are most often encountered at the marketing communications such as advertising and packaging. Consumers generally use this marketing communication context as a cue to make value inferences about innovative attributes, concluding that these attributes represent additional value or benefit provided by the manufacturer(Carpenter, Glazer & Nakamoto, 1994). Consumers also make negative inferences about innovative new product. Negative inferences could be a technical uncertainty and learning cost that influence negatively on product evaluations (Lazarus, 1991). Specifically, consumers make high learning cost inferences about high innovative attributes in high complexity products(Mukherjee & Hoyer, 2001). Mental simulation is the imitative representation of some events or series of events(Taylor & Schneider, 1989). Guided process thinking that imagines the specific steps or procedures needed to solve the constraints of adoption successfully, will quiet the anxiety and reduce the uncertainty. Conversely, guided outcome thinking that visualizes successful outcome and the reasons for adoption, will make the performance, symbolic and other potential benefits of adoption(Zhao, Hoeffler & Zauberman, 2007). Using theory of mental simulation(outcome simulation vs. process simulation), we intended to show how mental simulation influences on product evaluation across the level of new product innovativeness in study 1. And then we tried to investigate on the moderating role of need for cognition(NFC) on these influences in study 2. In the concrete, hypothesis 1 predicted that under high innovative new product, outcome simulation had a greater positive effect on product evaluation than process simulation. While under moderate innovative new product, product evaluations were not different across two mental simulation conditions. Hypothesis 2 predicted that when a high-NFC condition, outcome simulation had a greater positive effect on product evaluation than process simulation under high innovative new product. However, when a low-NFC condition, this effect could disappear and product evaluations across both mental simulations were not different. At the experiment, we manipulated participants` mental simulations while viewing texts, and also we found that under high innovative new product, outcome simulation might activate a stronger positive benefit perception(M=5.27, process simulation=3.83), a less negative cost perception (M=3.55, process simulation=5.22), and a greater positive evaluation(M=5.44, process simulation=3.92) about the product than process simulation. In study 2, we found that when a high-NFC condition, outcome simulation had a greater positive effect on product evaluation than process simulation((M=5.19 vs. M=3.39) under high innovative new product. While a low-NFC condition, this simulation effect disappeared and product evaluations across both mental conditions were not different. Finally, we addressed theoretical and practical implications of this study and discussed about the limitations and future research directions.

      • KCI등재

        성 일치성이 브랜드확장 평가에 미치는 영향

        여준상(Jun Sang Yeo),송환웅(Hwan Woong Song),윤태섭(Tai Sub Yoon) 한국마케팅학회 2010 마케팅연구 Vol.25 No.3

        본 연구에서는 브랜드의 성과 브랜드 확장이라는 두 가지의 핵심적 이론적 틀을 중심으로 연구를 진행하였다. 연구 1에서는 모브랜드의 지각된 성(남성성 브랜드 vs. 여성성 브랜드)과 확장제품의 사용자 성(남성용 제품 vs. 여성용 제품)을 사용하여, 확장제품 평가에 있어 모브랜드의 지각된 성과 확장제품의 사용자성이 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 보여주었다. 연구 결과, 확장제품 평가에 있어 모브랜드의 지각된 성과 확장 제품의 사용자 성 간의 `성 일치성(gender consistency)`이 높은 경우가 낮은 경우 보다 긍정적인 소비자 평가가 나타났다. 연구 2에서는 연구 1의 결과가 모브랜드-확장제품 간 유사성 수준에 의해 어떻게 조절되는지 살펴보았다. 모브랜드-확장제품간 유사성 수준이 높은 경우, 연구 1의 결과와 같이 확장평가에 있어 모브랜드의 지각된 성과 확장제품의 사용자 성 간의 일치성이 높은 경우가 낮은 경우 보다 긍정적인 소비자 평가가 나타났다. 그러나 모브랜드-확장제품 간 유사성 수준이 낮은 경우는 이러한 성 일치성 효과가 사라지는 것으로 나타났다. This research focused on two important literatures which are about brand extension and brand gender. We tried to highlight the gender consistency effect between parent brand and extended product and also find the moderating factor of that effect. According to Grohmann(2009), consumers utilize masculine and feminine personality traits associated with a brand to enhance their own masculinity or feminity when they use brands for self-expressive purposes. There are many brands which have a specific gender identity in the market place. They also can be stereotyped as either masculine or feminine. Gender stereotypes could influence the perception and judgement of any object, including consumer products and brands. Past studies in brand extension areas have found that the success of an extension depends on the perception of fit(similarity or consistency) between the parent brand and the extended product category. The greater the perception of fit between parent brand and extension, the more easily the positive associations of the parent brand are transferred to the extension. Therefore, greater fit perception will have a positive impact on consumers` evaluation of the extension. At this point, we tried to address the gender consistency effect that can be explained as fit influence between brand gender-perceived gender of parent brand and extension gender-user`s gender of extended product. Also we tried to propose a similarity between parent brand and extended product as a boundary condition of this gender consistency effect, which means the exploring a moderation of gender consistency. Throughout two experimental studies, we intended to show how gender consistency between perceived gender of parent brands and user`s gender of extended products influences on extended product evaluation in study 1. And then we tried to investigate on the moderating role of parent-extension similarity on these influences in study 2. In the concrete, study 1 showed that under gender consistent between perceived gender of parent brands and user`s gender of extended products(e.g., masculine brand and its men`s new product), consumers have more positive attitude towards the extension. While under gender inconsistent(e.g., masculine brand and its women`s new product), consumers had less positive attitude towards the extension. In study 2, we found the moderating role of parent-extension similarity on gender consistency as hypothesized that the gender consistency effect as showed in study 1 appears in condition of similar extension but disappears in dissimilar extension condition. Finally, we addressed theoretical and practical implications of this research and discussed about the limitations and future research directions.

      • KCI등재

        자기조절초점과 제품유형이 비교 광고 노출에 따른 소비자 반응에 미치는 영향

        여준상,송환웅 한국방송광고공사 2007 광고연구 Vol.0 No.77

        Although many researches addressed the effectiveness of comparative advertising, the results of comparative ad. effects compared to non-comparative ad. were mixed and the researches on the reason of this complexity were little. Thus, this research applied self-regulatory focus and hedonic-utilitarian framework which are discussed frequently in recent years to explore the moderating role on comparative ad. effects, and predicted that persuasion knowledge would play roles as a potential mediator. 2(type of ad.: non-comparative/comparative) × 2(regulatory focus: promotion/prevention) × 2(type of product: hedonic/utilitarian) between subjects ANOVA demonstrated supports for our predictions. In case of the interaction hypothesis between ad. type and regulatory focus, subjects in promotion focus condition activated little persuasion knowledge about comparative ad., so the difference of post-exposure attitude between non-comparative ad. and comparative ad. was little. However, subjects in prevention focus condition activated much persuasion knowledge about comparative ad., so the attitude after exposed to non-comparative ad. was more positive than comparative ad.. In case of the interaction hypothesis between ad. type and product type, subjects in hedonic product condition activated little persuasion knowledge about comparative ad., so the difference of post-exposure attitude between non-comparative ad. and comparative ad. was little. However, subjects in utilitarian product condition activated much persuasion knowledge about comparative ad., so the attitude after exposed to non-comparative ad. was more positive than comparative ad.. 비교 광고의 효과성에 대한 논의는 지속적으로 이루어져 왔지만 기존의 비교 광고 연구를 살펴보면 일반 광고와 비교 광고 간의 효과 차이에 대한 의견이 혼재되어 있으며, 그러한 혼재 이유에 대해 명확한 설명을 해주는 연구가 많지 않다. 이에 본 연구는 일반 광고와 비교 광고에 대한 반응에 있어 조절적 영향을 미치는 요인을 찾기 위해 최근 사회 심리학과 소비자 행동에서 많이 논의되고 있는‘자기조절초점(self-regulatory focus)’과‘쾌락(hedonic)-실용(utilitarian) 제품유형’을 적용하였으며, 결과를 설명해주는 잠재적 매개 변수로‘설득지식(persuasionknowledge: 상술지각)’을 예상하였다. 2(광고유형: 일반 광고/비교 광고) × 2(조절초점: 촉진/방어) × 2(제품유형: 실용/쾌락) 집단 간 디자인의 실험 결과, 대부분의 결과가 가설과 일치되는 방향성을 보였다. 구체적으로 살펴보면, 우선 광고유형과 조절초점 간 상호작용 가설의 경우, 촉진초점에서는 비교 광고에 대한 설득지식 활성화가 약하여 일반-비교 광고 간 소비자 반응(광고태도, 브랜드 태도)에 차이가 없으나 방어초점에서는 비교 광고에 대한 설득지식 활성화가 강하여 비교 광고에 비해 일반 광고 노출 후 소비자 반응이 더 좋게 나타났다. 그 다음으로 광고유형과 제품유형간 상호작용 가설의 경우, 쾌락적 제품에서는 비교 광고에 대한 설득지식 활성화가 약해 일반-비교 광고 간 소비자 반응에 유의한 차이가 없으나 실용적 제품에서는 비교 광고에 대한 설득지식 활성화가 강해 비교 광고에 비해 일반 광고에 노출되었을 때 소비자 반응이 더 좋게 나타났다.

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