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        기대-성과 불일치 분석을 통한 북한산 국립공원 탐방객의 시설물 이용 만족도 연구

        송병화,양병이,이관규,Song Byeong-Hwa,Yang Byoung-E,Lee Gwan-Gyu 한국조경학회 2006 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.34 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze user satisfaction for park facilities in Bukhansan National Park and to introduce a new framework of standards for facilities improvement. An initial theoretical model considered possible variables through a case study of user satisfaction for park facilities and eventually 19 variables were chosen. An analysis was conducted of the user's satisfaction based on their expectations before use and the results after use. This expectancy-result disconfirmation was measured for the 19 variables. Statistical methods were applied to determine the reliability of the analysis, the t-test was used to measure disconfirmation between expectations and results, and relationships between the variables were analyzed. The results of the reliability analysis (Cronbach's alpha) were higher than 0.8. Therefore, almost all variables were appropriate for analysis. Statistically significant differences were found between expectations and results for following variables: availability of information facilities and accessibility, convenience of facilities, number of information facilities, appropriateness of information facilities, information offered, safety and convenience. Based on the analysis of the interrelation between variables, it was found that the visitors were more satisfied after their visit than they expected to be. The results of the study suggest which variables make the greatest contributions to facilities maintenance or improvement and which can be adapted to maximize user satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        CPTED 원리를 적용한 어린이공원 환경디자인 개선방안

        송병화(Song Byeong Hwa) 한국조형디자인학회 2017 조형디자인연구 Vol.20 No.2

        본 논문은 지역 어린이공원을 대상으로 CPTED 개념의 원리를 도입하여 공원 내‧외부의 물리적환경을 개선하고자 하는 취지의 연구이다. 연구의 객관적인 타당성과 신뢰성을 확보하기 위하여 공원이용객과 지역주민 90명을 대상으로 설문조사와 공원이용객을 직접 관찰법에 의한 이용행태분석 통한 문제점을 분석한 후 CPTED 원리를 적용하여 디자인 개선방안을 도출하였다. 실태분석 결과 본 연구대상지에 가장 적용하기에 적합한 자연감시 기능의 강화, 활동의 활성화, 유지관리의 강화의 원리를 시간적 대상과 공간적 대상, 사회적 대상의 3개 영역으로 구분하여 디자인적인 해결방안을 도출하였다. 자연감시기능의 강 화로는 입구부분이 키 큰 교목에 의해 가려 시야확보가 불량하여 관목식재를 통한 시야확보를 개선하였으며, 활동의 활성화 방안으로는 가로등과 안내등 설치, CCTV와 비상벨 설치를 하였으며, 유지관리 기능의 강화로는 쓰레기처리 개선과 흡연시설 설치 및 어린이놀이시설 등의 정비를 통해 공원이용 활성화를 도모하고자 하였다. The purpose of this study is to improve the physical environment both inside and outside the park by introducing the principles of CPTED concept to local children s parks. In order to secure the objective validity and credibility of the research, we analyzed the problems through questionnaires and survey of 90 residents in the park by using the direct observation methods, and then applied the CPTED principles to develop the design improvement plan. As a result of use behavior analysis, it is suggested to divide the principles of strengthening natural monitoring function, revitalization of activity and maintenance function reinforcement suitable for applying to the study area to three areas of temporal object, spatial object and social object. As a result of strengthening the nature monitoring function, the entrance area was blocked by the tall trees, and the visibility was insufficient to improve the visibility through the shrub planting material. In order to activate the activities, street lamps and guides were installed, CCTV and emergency bell were installed , And to enhance the maintenance of the park by improving the garbage disposal, installing the smoking booth, and improving the children s play facilities.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        생태면적률 적용사례 분석을 통한 공동주택단지 외부환경 개선방안

        송병화(Song, Byeong-hwa) 한국조형디자인학회 2021 조형디자인연구 Vol.24 No.2

        본 논문은 수도권 공동주택단지를 대상지로 선정하여 생태면적률이 적용된 현황 분석 후 문제점 및 시사점 도출을 통해 외부공간의 물리적 환경을 질적으로 개선하고자 하는 취지의 연구이다. 연구의 객관적인 타당성과 신뢰성을 확보하기 위하여 도면이 확보된 단지를 선정하여 직접조사를 통한 현장자료 확보과 자료확보가 불가능한 한계점을 극복하기 위하여 설계 및 시공실무자, 관리자 등의 면담을 통해 하층 기반시스템 단면자료, 시공과정에서의 문제점, 하자발생 등의 문제점을 보완하였다. 심층 면접은 관련 전문가 7인으로 구조화된 포커스그룹을 선정하여 2회의 인터뷰를 진행하였으며, 이는 사전에 계획된 조사표나 질문을 배포하고 실제 인터뷰에서는 구조화된 질문과 비구조화된 질문방식을 혼용한 인터뷰를 통해 자료를 수집하였다. 현장 분석 결과를 토대로 현장에 적용된 생태면적률 적용사례의 문제점과 한계점을 도출하고, 포커스그룹 심층 인터뷰 분석을 통해 제시된 대안적인 개선점을 종합하여 공동주택단지 외부공간 환경의 질적 개선을 위한 생태면적률 유형별 개선방안과 생태면적률의 식재유형의 적용을 통한 외부환경의 질적인 개선방안도 도출하고자 한다. The purpose of this study is to improve the physical environment of the external space by selecting problems and implications after analyzing the current status of applying the biotope area ratio index by selecting an apartment complex in the metropolitan area as a target site. In order to secure the objective validity and reliability of the study, a cross section of the infrastructure base system through interviews with design and construction practitioners, managers, etc., in order to obtain field data through direct investigation by selecting a complexes with secured drawings, and to overcome the limitations of data acquisition. Problems such as data, problems in the construction process, and defects were supplemented. For the in-depth interview, a structured focus group consisting of 7 related experts was selected and two interviews were conducted, which distributed pre-planned questionnaires or questions, and collected data by mixing structured and unstructured questioning methods in actual interviews. Based on the results of the site analysis, the problems and limitations of the application cases of biotope area ratio index applied to the site are deduced, and alternative improvements suggested through the focus group in-depth interview analysis are synthesized to improve the quality of the external space environment of the apartment complexes by type of biotope area ratio Index. It was intended to derive improvement measures in terms of improvement measures and plant type application.

      • KCI등재

        훼손지역의 환경친화적 복원을 위한 환경디자인 연구

        송병화(Song Byeong Hwa),서주환(Suh Joo Hwan) 한국조형디자인학회 2016 조형디자인연구 Vol.19 No.3

        본 논문은 근린생활권 근린공원이 일부 지역주민들에 의해 불법으로 경작되어 식생파괴 및 원지형의 변형을 가져오는 지역에 대해 대상지가 가지고 있는 문제점과 잠재력을 조사·분석하여 훼손지 복원계획을 수립하고자 하는 연구이다. 복원추진전략으로는 제로전략요소와 공존전략요소로 구분하여 수립하였으며, 제로전략요소는 생태기반복원, 도시재해예방요소로 세분하였으며, 공존전략요소는 기후변화대응, 생태네트워크복원, 생태계서비스복원으로 구분하여 세부전략을 수립하였다. 훼손지 회복계획으로는 땅(지형), 토양, 물, 식생의 회복으로 구분하여 계획을 수립하였으며, 땅의 회복계획은 경사지 사면을 친환경적인 기술공법을 도입하는 방안을 모색하였으며, 토양회복은 토양치환과 유기물 비료 사용, 미생물 증식에 의한 물리·화학성을 개선하고자 하였다. 물의 회복은 빗물저금통을 도입하여 초기강우 저류를 통해 도시홍수예방 및 서식환경 개선을 도모하였다. 식생회복은 다층구조 식생을 위한 단계적 식재계획 등의 식생모델을 반영하였다. This study examines the problems and potential destination have on this neighborhood living area neighborhood park is cultivated illegally by some locals to bring variations in vegetation destruction, and original terrain area analysis study to establish damaged restoration plan to be. The zero strategy elements were divided into ecology-based restoration, urban disaster prevention elements, coexistence strategy element is climate change, ecological network restoration, ecosystem services restored It was separated by establishing a detailed strategy. By damaged areas recovery plan was a plan divided the topography state recovery, the recovery of the soil and water restoration, restoration of vegetation recovery plan of the land was seeking to introduce environmentally friendly technology method slopes, the restoration of soil was to improve the physical and chemical soil by soil replacement using organic fertilizer, microbial proliferation. In addition, the water recovered was planned urban flood prevention and species habitat improvement over the initial rainfall rainwater reservoir by introducing a bank. Restoration of vegetation was reflected in the vegetation models of existing natural vegetation preservation and planting plans for the phased multi-layered vegetation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        경관 디자인 개선을 위한 서울 동물원의 시각적 선호도 분석

        송병화(Song Byeong Hwa) 한국조형디자인학회 2018 조형디자인연구 Vol.21 No.1

        본 연구는 동물원에 대한 경관이미지 평가 및 선호도 분석을 통해 향후 동물원 특성에 맞는 경관환경디자인을 구현하기 위한 개선안을 모색하기 위한 연구이다. 이를 통해 향후 동물원의 시각적 질을 향상시키고 더불어 동물원 계획 및 설계 시 동물원 경관환경을 좀 더 개선하기 위한 객관적이고 논리적인 기초자료를 제시하고자 하는 것이 연구의 배경이자 목적이다. 연구의 방법은 이론적 고찰과 분석의 틀 제시, 동물원 경관환경 개선을 위한 시각적 선호도 조사 및 이를 통한 경관 디자인 대안제시로 구성되었다. 시각적 선호도 조사는 경관관련 전문가 50인으로 구성된 표본집단을 통해 경관형용사를 이용한 SD Scale 기법을 사용하였다. 설문은 표본집단에 대해 경관사진 13장을 리커트(likert) 7점 척도를 이용하여 선호도 평가를 실시하였다. 사진 선정을 위한 주요 조망점은 정해 놓은 동선을 따라 대략 30~70m 간격을 두고 조망점을 선정하였으며, 사람이 많이 모이는 결절점은 필수로 선정했고, 입구광장, 근경, 중경, 원경이 혼합된 지점, 시각 구조적 측면에서 스카이라인이 형성된 조망점 등을 종합평가하여 주요 조망점 5곳에 대한 대표사진 13장을 시각적 선호도 분석에 활용하였다. 평가 결과를 토대로 한 대안 제시는 각 선호도 순위별로 문제점 도출 및 바람직한 경관 디자인 개선안을 도출하였다. The purpose of this study is to develop a plan to implement the landscape environment design according to the characteristics of the zoo through the evaluation of landscape images and preference analysis of the zoo and is to improve the visual quality of the zoo in the future and to provide basic data for better zoo landscape environment in zoo planning and design. The research method consisted of presenting the theoretical review and analysis framework, the visual preference for improving the landscape environment of the zoo, and it is composed of suggesting a landscape design alternative based on the evaluation result of preference. In the visual preference survey, SD scale method using landscape adjective was used through a sampling group composed of 50 landscape experts and based on the questionnaire sampling, 13 landscape photographs were used to evaluate the preference using the likert scale 7 point scale. The main points of view for the selection of the photographs were selected from the viewpoints spaced about 30~70m apart along the designated lines. The viewpoints where many people gathered were selected as essential, and the entrance square, rhyme, 5 representative viewpoints were selected based on the viewpoints of the skyline in terms of visual structure, and 13 representative photographs were used in this study to evaluate the visual preference. Based on the results of the evaluation, alternative suggestions were developed for each preference order and desirable landscape design improvement plan.

      • KCI등재

        조망점의 선정기준과 경향에 관한 연구

        방재성,송병화,양병이,Bang, Jae-Sung,Song, Byeong-Hwa,Yang, Byoung-E 한국조경학회 2008 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.36 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to construct the fundamental data for setting a valid viewpoint as the base of landscape planning and management practices. To do this, we analyzed the preceding dissertations and landscape plan reports which presented the selection criteria of viewpoint. 37 research samples containing the criteria of viewpoint were investigated. The selection criteria and trends of viewpoint were analyzed as follows : Firstly, by analyzing the preceding researches we were able to grasp the criteria that had been used to set viewpoint. Secondly, we investigated the differences in criteria of selecting the viewpoint according to the research type, research time and view object. Finally, we analyzed the trends of viewpoint selection criteria and classified the characteristics and selection criteria of viewpoint based on an overview of the research content. It can be concluded that the criteria of viewpoint are intimately linked to the view object, the purpose and role of viewpoint which is related to the landscape planning and management practices. According to this study, we can find that the selection criteria and trends of viewpoint have been used in the research related to the view plane following the 1990's. Hereafter, additional research and the comparisons with researches abroad is necessary to set the objective selection criteria of viewpoint.

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