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        한문과(漢文科) 교수(敎授),학습(學習) 방법(方法) 연구(硏究)의 성과(成果)와 방향(方向)

        병렬 ( Pyung Nyul Song ) 한국한문교육학회 2011 한문교육논집 Vol.37 No.-

        한문과 교수·학습 방법에 대한 연구가 처음부터 활발했던 것은 아니다. 연구는 두 가지 형태로 발표되었다. 즉 ``교수 방법``과 ``교수·학습 모형``이 그것이다. ``교수 방법``의 성과는 강덕희의 「기초 조어표의 활용을 통한 조어표의 효과적인 지도방안」부터 비롯했다. 이후 김우용의 「특활을 통한 한문과 학습지도가 학습자의 학력신장에 미치는 영향」에서 ``한자카드 놀이법``을, 조규남은 「그림을 활용한 한자지도법 연구」에서 한자를 그림으로 제시는 방법을 제시하였다. 그러나 이들 논문은 지도안의 성격을 띠는 것이었다. 배원룡은 「한문과 교수·학습 지도 방법」에서 ``융판 활용 한자어 지도법``에서 ``비교 학습법``, ``색출 학습법``, ``역할 놀이 카드 활용법`` 등의 다양한 학습법을 제시하였으나, 기존의 교육공학의 매체 제작 및 활용의 수준이었다. 이들 교수 방법은 대체로 모색과 모방의 수준이었다. 이에 한 걸음 더 나아간 것은 백원철의 「한문과 학습의 전통적 낭독법에 대하여-한문과 학습의 효과적 일방안의 모색-」, 이태희의 「근체시의 4단 구성과 그림으로 하는 한시 수업」, 이복규의 「옛날 이야기와 수수께끼를 통한 한자 한문 학습」, 송병렬의 「한문교과교육에서 ``한자의 짜임`` 지도 방법의 일고찰」, 김은경의 「문화유산을 활용한 한자·한자어 교수·학습 방법」, 김재영의 「신문, 방송을 활용한 한자·한자어 교수 학습 방법」 등이다. 이들 논문은 한문과의 독자적인 방법을 제시하였다. 교수 모형에 대한 성과는 원용석이 「한자어 교수·학습 모형」에서 한자어 교수 모형을 제시했다. 백광호는 「한문과에 적용 가능한 웹기반 수업과 문제중심학습」에서 한문과 구성주의 이론에 따른 교수 모형을 소개했다. 김연수는 『한시 교육에서 구성주의 교수·학습 방법 연구』에서, 김재영은 「독자 반응 중심 한시 교수·학습 모형에서 ``인지적 도제 중심의 한시 교수·학습 모형``과 ``텍스트 중심 교수·학습 모형``을 제시하였다. 위의 두 모형은 앞서 제시한 구성주의 이론을 적극 수용한 데서 나온 성과물이다. 송병렬은 「한문과 교수·학습의 협동학습 모형 적용」에서 구성주의에 따른 협동학습을 한문과에 적용하여 ``학습자 중심의 교수·학습 모형``의 사례를 보고하였다. 이경우는 「UCC를 기반으로 하는 한시 학습 방법 연구」에서 ``동영상 활용 수업 모형``을 제시하였다. 이같은 연구 성과는 2000년 이후 매우 활발하게 전개되었다. 그러나 이같은 활발한 연구에도 불구하고 체계화 등 몇 가지 문제점을 안고 있었다. 이에 김재영이 「한문과 교수·학습방법의 체계화방안」에서, 송병렬이 「한문과 교수?학습의 이론과 방법」에서 각기 ``교수 방법``을 분류를 시도하였다. 즉 교수 방법의 체계화를 시도한 것이다. 이러한 분류의 체계화는 한문과 교수·학습 방법에 대해 체계적으로 연구할 수 있도록 방향을 제시한 것이다. 또한 최근 한문과 교수·학습 방법 연구는 국제적인 학술대회의 개최 등으로 세계화할 조짐이다. 특히 중국·홍콩·대만 등의 국가들이 한자·한문의 교수 방법에 대한 연구가 활발해지고 있다. 이들과의 교류로 인해서 새로운 연구 주제와 범위가 확산되었다. 역시 교수·학습 방법 연구에도 새로운 방향이 열린 것이다. 그동안 한문과 교수·학습 방법에 대한 연구는 100여 편 이상이 될 정도로 많은 편이나, 대체로 중복이 많다. 이는 교수·학습 방법 연구에 대한 미숙함도 있지만, ``교수 방법, 모형`` 등에 대한 차이를 분류하고 체계화하지 못했기 때문이다. 그러나 매우 주목할 만한 연구도 많았으며, 이들이 한문과 교수·학습 방법 연구에 기여하고 있음을 확인했다. Aspect of the study for the teaching-learning of Chinese Character can be integrated to three things in general. They are teaching method, teaching-learning model and classification of teaching method. The achivement of the teaching method had begun from 「An effective guide plan of coinage chart through the use of basic coinage chart」 by Kang Duk Hee. Since Chinese Character teaching through extracurricular activities have on the learner`s academic ability」, and Jo Kyu Nam showed the method that indicates Chinese Character as a picture in 「Study of the teaching method of Chinese Character using pictures」. However, these papers were kinds of guidance plan. After them, Bae Won Ryong presented many learning methods such as ``Chinese Character teaching which uses felt boards``, ``Comparing``, ``Searching`` and ``Application of cards on role-playing``, though, these were the level of imitation and search on the whole. Taking a stronger point of view, there are 「About the traditional elocution in Chinese Character study-Searching for effective way of Chinese Character-」 by Baek Won Chul, 「Four step-construction of modern-style poetry and Chinese poem class using picture」 by Lee Tae hee, 「Chinese character and Chinese classics learning though old stories and puzzles」 by Lee Bok Kyu, 「A Thought about the Method to Teach ``The Principle of Creation of Chinese Characters`` in Chinese character Education」 by Song Pyung Nyul, 「Method of Teaching and Learning Chinese Characters and Words Written in Chinese Characters Utilizing Cultural Heritage」by Kim Eun-kyung and 「A Method of Teaching and Learning Chinese Characters Using Newspaper and Broadcasting」by Kim Jae-young. They showed their own ways in Chinese Characters. The result concerned with teaching models indicated Chinese words teaching models in 「Chinese words teaching-learning models」 by Won yong suk. Baek Kwang-ho introduced a new teaching models that are based on the Chinese Character`s constructivism theory in 「Web-based course and problem-based learning that can be applied to Chinese Character」. Kim Yeon soo showed ``Cognitive apprentice centered Chinese poem Teaching-Learning model`` and `` Text centered Teaching-Learning model`` in 「Constructivism method study of teaching-learning in Chinese poem education」, Kim Jae-young did in 「Readers` Responce centered Chinese Poem Teaching-Learning Model」. Those two models are the results of accepting constructivism which were mentioned before this actively. Song Pyung-nyul reported the example of ``Teaching-learning model focused learners`` to apply cooperative learning following to constructivism in 「Cooperative model Application of Chinese Character teaching-learning」. Lee kyung woo presented ``Model of lesson that uses video`` in 「A study on teaching and learning method of Chinese poem using U.C.C in education」. Systematization of teaching method was tried by Kim Jae-young in 「A study on How to Systemize Teaching-Learning in Classical Chinese」, and Song Pyung-nyul in 「Theory and method of Chinese Character teaching·learning」by attempting to classify each ``teaching method``. Systematization in classification has contributed to the methodical study of Chinese character teaching-learning method. Until now, there were many studies about the method of Chinese character teaching-learning method as many as more than 100, however, they have many overlaps. Because they are not only unfamiliar about the study of Chinese character teaching-learning method but failed to classify the difference of the things like ``Teaching method and model``. Though, many scholars` achivements were very noticable and played a role to expand the subject matter education of Chinese Character. Recently, it looks like being globalized through the things like holding international symposiums. Especially in the countries that include China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc, the study is lively being conducted. Therefore, interaction with them will be connected to the expand of the new subject and range soon.

      • KCI등재

        초등학생의 ADHD 성향 유병률과 ADHD 성향, 환경적 변인들 및 또래관계 간의 관계

        연주(宋娟株) 서울대학교 교육연구소 2014 아시아교육연구 Vol.15 No.4

        본 연구에서는 초등학교 4, 5, 6학년 아동 1429명을 대상으로 교사보고 자료에 근거하여 ADHD 성향의 유병률을 알아보고, 아동이 지각하는 교사의 지지, 또래편견, 부모-학교 협력 및 부모-또래 관심을 환경적 변인으로 선정하여, 이러한 변인들과 ADHD 성향 및 또래관계 간의 관련성을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 빈도분석과 독립표본 t검증 및 중다회귀분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, ADHD 성향 유병률은 22.32%로 나타났다. 선별된 ADHD 성향 아동을 학년별로 살펴보면 6학년 아동이 가장 많았고, 남학생이 여학생에 비해 약 3:1의 비율로 더 높게 나타났다. 둘째, ADHD 성향 아동과 일반 아동 간에 본 연구에서 선정한 환경적 변인들인 교사의 지지, 또래편견, 부모-학교 협력, 부모-또래 관심 및 또래관계에서 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 셋째, 교사의 지지, 또래편견, 부모-학교 협력, 부모-또래 관심은 ADHD 성향 아동의 또래관계에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해 ADHD로 진단받진 않았지만 높은 ADHD 성향을 보이는 아동으로 인해 학교 현장에서의 어려움은 더욱 가중되고 있어, 이들을 조기에 발견하여 적절히 개입하려는 노력이 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 ADHD 성향 아동도 ADHD로 진단받은 아동과 유사하게 또래와의 관계에서 어려움을 경험하고 있으며, 이들의 또래관계에는 교사, 또래, 부모와 같은 환경 속 요인들이 영향을 미치고 있음을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 결과에 기초하여 논의 및 함의를 제시하였다. The purpose of this research is to estimate the prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms and to investigate the relationships among ADHD symptoms, environmental factors, and peer relationships in elementary school students. Prevalence for ADHD symptoms was based on teacher-reports (K-ARS) in a sample of 4th, 5th, 6th grade elementary school students. In addition, relationships among ADHD symptoms, environmental variables in terms of teacher support, peer prejudice, parents-teacher relationships, and parents-peer relationships, and peer relationships were investigated. The results were follows. First, prevalence rate of ADHD symptoms was 22.32%, and for gender ranged 31.51% for male and 12.64% for female students. Second, compared to non-ADHD group, ADHD symptoms group displayed lower mean scores on teacher support, parents-teacher relationships, parents-peer relationships, and peer relationships, whereas displayed higher mean scores on peer prejudice. Third, on ADHD symptoms group, teacher support, peer prejudice, parents-teacher relationships, and parents-peer relationships were the predictive variables of peer relationships. On non-ADHD group, ADHD symptoms were also the predictive variable of peer relationships. Through the study, it was revealed that children with ADHD symptoms, who did not diagnose with ADHD, but display high level of ADHD symptoms were increasing, experienced difficulties with peer relationships, and the peer relationships should be understood within their environmental context in which they live, such as school. According to these results, findings and implications are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        지방의원 해외연수 및 여행의 실태분석과 개선방안

        광태(宋光泰) 한국지방자치학회 2001 韓國地方自治學會報 Vol.13 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to make success elements(analysing framework) and to find out some improvements of the Local Councillors' overseas training and travel. The methods of this study are content analysis and interview. The analysis subjects are three Local Councils; K Provincial Council and C & J City Councils in K Province. The success elements are constituted of three stages, which consist of 14 factors ; the preparation stage(8 factors), the action stage(2 factors) and the following stage(4 factors). The results of analysis indicate that the most parts of the present situation is insufficient to designated criteria(success elements). From this research, the author could suggest several reform proposals to improve present problems, with special reference to the examination items, limits of judging committee and the relationship between overseas travel and training.

      • KCI등재

        지방자치단체 공공서비스의 운영성과 분석

        광태(宋光泰) 한국지방자치학회 2004 韓國地方自治學會報 Vol.16 No.1

        There are two major purposes in this study. First, the research seeks to find out analyzing model of local government public service. Second, this research is to analyse the performance of the sports and culture facilities through implementing analyzing model to C City(lower-level local government) Measuring factors of analyzing model are efficiency, effectiveness and equity. The sub-evaluating factors of efficiency are income/expenditure ratio, the degree of utilizing facilities and of introducing competition. The sub-evaluating factors of effectiveness are the degree of satisfaction in general and in facilities of users. And the sub-evaluating factors of equity are equal opportunity, equal results and equal access. The results of analysis were not so satisfactory. The income/expenditure ratio shows big deficit, and especially there were lots of differences among facilities. The utilization of facilities was generally in low level, as there were lots of differences among facilities. The introduction of competition was crawling bottom line. There were differences in sub-effectiveness factors. The general satisfaction was normal but there were more dissatisfaction than satisfaction especially in facilities compared to the private ones. The analysis results of equity are in low level also. Especially there were serious problems to solve in equal results. And there were many problems in regional, social and status equality(ex. athletes to general citizen) of users. Based upon these findings, the researcher can recommend some policy suggestions.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 간이학교 국어독본의 내용 고찰 ―실업보습학교 국어독본과의 비교를 중심으로―

        숙정(宋淑正) 한국일본문화학회 2021 日本文化學報 Vol.- No.91

        Eight years after the second Korean Education Ordinance was promulgated, from 1930, the Korean Government spurred the compilation of Japanese textbooks that matched the actual situation in Korea, including the "Ordinary School Japanese Language Reader" in 1931, and the "Business Supplementary School Japanese Language Reader" and the "Simplified School Japanese Language Reader" in 1935. After that, until the publication of the "Agricultural Supplementary School Japanese Language Reader" in 1937, Japanese textbooks were compiled to efficiently carry out Japanese language education according to the degree of education. However, when we examine the actual contents, we note that in the basic school where the practical primary education is completed after a short period of two years, the main content is related to agricultural practice and targets young men over 12 years old who have taken courses in a regular school. It was found that the content of the textbooks used in unemployment supplementary school was not high-level because the contents of the textbooks were the same as those of the inland textbooks. In addition, it was found that agricultural education mentioned above secondary education was conducted by separately publishing the "Unemployment Supplementary School Agricultural Textbook Vol. 1-9" in 1931. Based on these contents, I was able to clarify the level of Japanese language education in basic school education and business supplementary education at that time.

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