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      • KCI등재

        1930년대 천도교의 반일민족통일전선운동에 관한 연구 -갑산ㆍ삼수ㆍ풍산ㆍ장백현 지역의 조국광복회를 중심으로-

        성주현 ( Sung Ju Hyeon ) 한국민족운동사학회 2000 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.25 No.-

        The Nation Unification Movement(hereafter called as the Movement) by Chondo-Gyo(天道敎) under the colony of Japan had been started from 1920s right after the March first Independence Movement on March 01, 1919 and developed until the end of 1930s. The exisiting study on the Movement concerning the Chondo-Gyo didn't get a few results with the Koryo Revolution Party Movement by Choi, DongHee, Kim, BongKook, Lee, DongKook, Lee, DongKoo, etc., the Shinkan Association Movement by the old family of ChondoGyo, the One Korea Party Movement by Shin, Sook, Choi, DongOh, Kang, JeHa, etc., the June 10 Movement, etc. in 1920s. However, in fact there is no study result in details regarding the ChondoGyo in the connection with the Movement by the members of “the Fahterlahd Restoration Associacion”(hereafter called as the FRA) in the late 1930s. Especially there is almost no spotlight on their members, organizations, activities, etc who participated in the Movement with the FRA. It needs a new cognition of the activities of the FRA at the point of struggle in arms and connection with Kim, II Sung who established North Korea. When the study result on the their activities was released, it was told that they made and developed Chondo-Gyo and the Movement but it was mostly focused on the truth and untruth of the Kim, II Sung’s activities, the establishing procedure and organization of the FRA, and the reconstruction of Communist Party. It has dealt with the connection with Choado-Gyo neglectfully or slightly. The summary on the foundation and activities of the FRA and the Movement by Chondo-Gyo are as following; First, Chondo-Gyo and the FRA had abandoned the strategy called as “Rank v. Rank” at the 7th Comintern Meeting in July 1935 and made the consolidation between Anti-Japanese and People Consciousness of Chondo-Gyo for the change to do make a stronger struggle against Japan. The 7th Comintern made a new policy, “ Change the 2nd troops of East-North People’s Revolution Army into the corps for the Chosun Independence from Japan” with the contents that the Chinese Communists made the Chosun communists do their revolutional struggle for our independence from Japan while they made the union force against the Japan for the Colonies in the East-North Asia. Also it is appointed to the Chondo-Gyo as the object of the Movement entirely. At that time, the communists had got hostility towards the Chondo-Gyo deeply because the Chondo-Gyo didn't do only their religious activities by itself and did have the line to compromise with Japan in the country. Nevertheless, it is the central role of the party against Japan that the FRA did the Movement with the Chondo-Gyo. Second, the both parties had the same line of the cognition of Chondo-Gyo and the straggle against Japan by Kim, II Sung and the People’ sense against Japan by Park, In Jin after the meeting twice. It is based on the realistic recognition under the control of Japan chat only Chondo-Gyo couldn’t succeed in expelling Japan from the country and keeping our people safe, and the FRA itself didn’t get the independence. Also the Chondo-Gyo believers( hereafter called as “the believers” ) in the areas did have the through spirit of People. The believers led by Park, In Jin were not the communists but it is enough possible to do the Movement with the FRA that they had the strong spirit against Japan with the top target for our independence. This spirit was established by Chondo-Gyo of itself, especially it remained continuously by the TongHak troops who had the experience or fighting against Japan during the Tonghak Revolution, fled from Japan and stayed in the areas. Park, In Jin listened to the general principle and announcement of the FRA during the talk with Kim, II Sung, he could take participate in the movement actively. In this point, Kim, Ii Sung could be expressed as ‘an progressive Chondo-Gyo believers'. Third, the believers did very aggressive activities in building the infrastructure after they joined the movement with the FRA. They organized the Wang Family Branch and the Temple Branch centering the Choado-Gyo temple in the Jangpaekhyun with their 17 towns, their areas and branches in mainly Kapsan-gun, Pungsan-gun, Samsoo-gun, Hyesan-gun in the country, and their corps in charge of production. The infrastructure of the Group was made at Jangpakhyun in Manchuria, the partial districts of Hamkyongnam-do and Pyongan-do in the current North Korea while the very nuclear structures were those of Jangpaekhyun, Kapsan, Pungsan, Samsoo districts. They were very important for the infrastructure concerning the Chondo-Gyo. Fourth, the Chondo-Gyo believers like Park, In Jin, Lee, Jeon Hwa, Lee, Kyong Woon, Lee, Chang Sun, etc. did enter the FRA and took participate in the Movement very actively. The leader, Park, In Jin, who controled the 5 branch temples in some parts of Jangpaekhyun, Kapsan, Pungsan, Samsoo, Hyesan, etc., did take the meeting with Kim, Il Sung and the representatives at each temple, then they mostly entered the FRA and did take participate in the struggle in arms against Japan with the East-North Union against Japan, too. But it is the limit that every Chondo-Gyo didn't join the movement successfully. Nevertheless, it is very important meaning that the believers at the districts of Hamkyongnam-do and Pyonganbuk-do with most of Chondo-Gyo did join the FRA and made the Movement against Japan with the FRA.

      • KCI등재후보

        연령별 수익용 부동산의 임대수익에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 : 중년과 장년을 중심으로

        성주한(Sung, Joo-Han) 한국부동산정책학회 2020 不動産政策硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to compare and review the effects of demographic and social characteristics, regional characteristics, economic characteristics, and relational characteristics on real estate rental income for profits by classifying middle and old age. In particular, the Hausman test was used to determine which model is more suitable between the fixed-effect model and the random-effect model, and a subdivided model by comparing the overall model and the subdivided model by age using the random-effect model as a suitable model. We wanted to see what the difference is. As a result of the analysis, comparing the middle and old ages, first, in the middle age, it is a time when the cost is high, and it is a time to prepare a living space. There is a shortage of capital to buy real estate for profits that can greatly generate money. Second, in the case of old age, it is a time when income decreases from the total amount of debt to retirement, and because the ability to deal with debt decreases because of the need to prepare for retirement for old age, the rent for profitable real estate will decrease or be sold. will be. Third, in the case of middle-aged people, if the social friendship improves, the information for generating profit is obtained, so it is judged to increase the rental income of real estate for profit. Fourth, in the case of mature socio-economic status, it was found that the upper class share information, so it has a positive effect on the rental income of profitable real estate.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • 우리 시대 양극화현상 극복을 위한 종교교육의 역할과 방향

        성주(Oh, Sung-Joo) 감리교신학대학교 2017 신학과세계 Vol.- No.89

        오늘날 한국 사회의 양극화문제는 날로 심각해지고 있다. 특히 박근혜 전 대통령의 탄핵과 국정농단의 문제가 발생한 이래 더욱 양극화현상이 심화되고 있는 양상을 보인다. 한국적 상황에서 양극화현상은 역사적으로 뿌리가 깊다. 물론 양극화현상의 다양한 원인이 있겠지만 한국적 상황에서 무엇보다 중요한 결정적 요인은 냉전시대 이후 계속되어 온 남북의 이데올로기적 정치적 갈등으로 인한 양극화현상에 근거를 둘 수 있다. 최근 북한의 핵미사일 개발에 촉각을 세우고있는 정세 속에서 미국 정부와 박근해 정부가 성주지역에 사드배치를 시행함으로 더욱 남북갈등은 물론 보수와 진보의 양극화 갈등의 모습들은 한국 사회에서 성-계급-문화-인종-종교적 갈등과 분열을 가중시키는 총체적 양극화 현상의 원인이 되고 있다. 이러한 관점에서 본 논문은 어떻게 양극화현상을 이해할 것인가에 대한 물음과 그리고 어떻게 이 양극화문제를 극복하거나 좁힐 수 있을 것인가를 사회문화적 분석을 통해 시도했다. 그리고 그 분석을 기초로 양극화현상의 원인을 살펴보기 위해 먼저 성-계급-문화-인종-종교의 구조적 틀 속에서 계급적 이원화 문제를 다루었다. 그 이유는 계급적 이원화의 문제는 편견과 차별의 근본적인 원인으로 작용하고 편견과 차별의 문제는 이데올로기 형성과정과 함께 사회문화적으로 양극화 현상과 긴밀하게 연결되어 있기 때문이다. 마지막으로 이 논문의 뒷부분에서 편견과 양극화 문제의 관련시켜 살펴봄으로 계급적 이원화와 고정관념의 특성을 지닌 양극화 문제를 좁히거나 극복하기 위한 수단으로 데이빗 L. 쉴즈의 편견 극복을 위한 기독교교육론을 소개하고 있다. Nowaday in Korea, there has been continuously razing up the polarization between conservatism and progressivism socio-culturally as well as policonomically. In particular, after the opposite parties submitted a motion to impeach President Park Geun-hye in connection with the influence-pedding and corruption scandal, such a split phenomenon has been getting deeper and deeper. Even if there are many causes of the polarization in the Korean history, the division and conflict between North and South Korea have been very crucial background. As a result, recently, after South Korea and the US has settled down the THAAD deployment to better deal with evolving nuclear and missile provocations, the schism of conflict makes the polarization deepened between conservatism and progressivism. From this perspective, this article is about how to understand the polarization in the Korean socio-cultural context and how to reduce it by/through Christian education. In order to do that, first of all, this article analyzes the social structures such as gender, culture, class, race and religion in light of hierarchical dualism and discrimination. They are closely related to both prejudice and polarization. Therefore, this article deals with the process of prejudice and polarization. Finally. in the perspective of Christian education, as an alternative way of reducing the polarization, it shows the educational implications in short, focusing on David L. Shields’ educational suggestion for overcoming prejudice.

      • KCI등재

        임분구조 조정에 의한 평창지역 천연 활엽수림의 이단림 조성 방안

        성주한 ( Joo Han Sung ),이영근 ( Young Geun Lee ),박고은 ( Ko Eun Park ),신만용 ( Man Yong Shin ) 한국산림과학회 2015 한국산림과학회지 Vol.104 No.3

        This study was conducted to provide a method of establishing two-storied forests by the adjustment of stand structures in natural deciduous forests of Pyeongchang area. Three permanent sampling plots of 0.09 ha were established in study site and some tree variables were measured in each sampling plot before the treatment of two-storied system. Stand attributes and stand structures before treatment were estimated based on the data measured in sampling plots. The results indicate that the current stand status is different from typical stand structures of two-storied forests. A simulation technique was applied to predict stand attributes and stand structures after the treatment of two-storied system. Results suggest that significant time is required to accomplish target stand structures even after applying the treatment of two-storied system. Number of trees in the upper canopy class after treatment was predicted to be 170 trees/ha, which adequately meets the target of two-storied forests. It was predicted, however, that the lower canopy class trees has much less trees compared with the typical stand structures of two-storied forests. This problem could be solved with ingrowth of infant trees over time or by under-planting of tolerant species. It is confirmed that the target growing stock volumes of the upper canopy class should be approximately 150 m3/ha considering stand status after treatment. It is predicted that twenty years of conversion period is required to accomplish this goal. The changes in stand structures over time should be assessed based on stand inventory carried out every five years, and additional treatments for inducing two-storied forests should be applied if necessary.

      • KCI등재

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