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      • KCI등재

        제주의 문(門) ‘정낭’의 상징적 의미에 관한 연구- 모래놀이치료를 중심으로 -

        부정민(Jung min Boo) 한국임상모래놀이치료학회 2014 상징과 모래놀이치료 Vol.5 No.2

        There is a unique type of gate that is found on Jeju Island callled Jeongnang. A traditional stone or wooden structure, it has a diverse range of symbolic meanings for the islanders as evidenced in the sand-pictures they create. For these people, the rich symbolism of the Jeongnang gate encompasses boundary, protection, consideration, disconnection, attachment, feeling of lack, and harmony. From long time ago, Jeju people made holes ranging from one to five through a wooden pillar (Jeongjumok) or a stone pillar (Jeongjuseok) and transversely placed wooden logs (Jeongnang) into the pillar. This is the unique gate of Jeju called Jeongnang. By placing the bars up or down, the owner indicated whether there was a person or not and also that the owner would come back soon, somewhat late, or very late. This study examined the characteristics of Jeongnang and explored its symbolic meanings. To this end, as a method to explore the characteristics of Jeongnang, this study selected a literature review and at the same time interpreted the symbolic meanings of Jeongnang used in sandplay therapies of Jeju people according to Dora Kalff’s theory and technique of sandplay therapy based on Jung’s analytical psychological theory. It was found that Jeongnang had symbolic meanings of boundary, protection, consideration, disconnection, lingering attachment, feeling of lack, and harmony.

      • KCI등재후보

        선택적 함구증을 보인 6세 소녀의 모래놀이치료사례

        부정민 ( Jung Min Boo ) 대한아동복지학회 2013 아동복지연구 Vol.11 No.2

        This is a case study of the sandplay therapy process of ‘Hyu’ a six-year-old client with selective mutism. The main themes are the separation and growth of Hyu. The study was conducted in accordance with the sandplay therapy theory and techniques developed by Dora Kalff from Jungian theory. Hyu participated in twenty four sessions with me for about one year. During the seventh session, Hyu and her mother did sandplay together. From the eighth through to the twenty-fourth sessions, Hyu completed seventeen sandpictures independently. In this paper, I intensively analyze twelve of her sandpictures. The study results were interpreted using Mahler`s separation-individuation theory, Edinger`s mother-childunity theory, and Neumann`s ego development theory. Through the s andplay therapy process, her selective mutism gradually disappeared as she differentiated from her mother and her ego functions developed. These results imply that sandplay therapy is an effective therapeutic approach for selective mutism.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        시설장의 변혁적,거래적 리더십 수준에서 본 보육교사의 임파워먼트, 직무만족도와 조직몰입과의 차이 분석

        부정민 ( Jung Min Boo ),권순용 ( Soon Yong Kweon ) 한국가족복지학회 2009 한국가족복지학 Vol.14 No.3

        본 연구는 1. 시설장의 변학적·거래적 리더십 고·저의 수준에 따라 변혁고-거래고, 변혁고-거래저, 변혁저-거래고, 변혁저-거래저로 나누어 각 집단별 보육교사의 임파워먼트, 직무만족도와 조직몰입에서 어떤 차이가 나타나는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 2. 변혁적·거래적 리더십이 임파워먼트, 직무만족도와 조직몰입에 영향을 미치는 과정에서 보육교시의 개인적 변인(연령, 학력, 경력)이 중재변인으로 작용하는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 제주도에 소재한 보육시설에 재직 중인 보육교사를 대상으로 최종 275부의 설문자료를 분석하였고, 그 결과를 요약하자면 다음과 같다. 1. 변혁고-거래고 집단이 임파워먼트, 직무만족도와 조직몰입에서 모두 평균이 가장 높게 나타났다. 그라고 Scheffe 검증 결과 변혁고-거래고 집단은 나머지 세 집단(변혁고-거래저, 변혁저-거래고, 변혁저-거래저 집단)과 모두 유의한 차이를 보였다. 2. 거래적 리더십이 임파워먼트에 영향을 미치는 과정에서 학력의 중재효과가, 거래적 리더십이 직무만족도에 영향을 미치는 과정에서 연령의 중재효과가 유의한 것으로 나타났다. The purposes of this study are to find out 1. the group-differences in child care teachers` empowerment, job satisfaction, and commitment among high transformational(TRF)-high transactional(TRS), high TRF-low TRS, low TRF-high TRS, and low TRF-low TRS group; 2. mediating effects of child care teachers` personal variables(age, academic career, and job career) on the influences of transformational and transactional leaderships on empowerment, job satisfaction, and commitment. The data were collected from 275 child care teachers in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. The research finding are as follows: 1. high TRF-high TRS groups marked the highest scores(means) in empowerment, job satisfaction, and commitment. One-way ANOVA analysis with Scheffe`s post hoc test showed that high TRF-high TRS group had statistically significant differences from the rest three groups, implying significant influence of high levels of both transformational and transactional leadership on child care teachers` empowerment, job satisfaction, and commitment; 2. Academic career in transactional leadership on empowerment and age in transactional leadership on job satisfaction had mediating effects.

      • KCI등재

        어린 시절 놀이체험과 그 의미에 관한 내러티브 탐구

        부정민 ( Jung Min Boo ) 한국교육인류학회 2011 교육인류학연구 Vol.14 No.1

        본 연구는 내러티브 탐구를 통하여 연구자를 포함한 두 명의 어린 시절 놀이 체험과 그것이 갖는 의미를 찾아보는 것이었다. 어린 시절 놀이 체험에 대해서 이야기해봄으로써 연구자는 1) 놀이시작: 타고난 놀이본능, 2) 놀이터, 3) 놀이친구, 4) 놀이형태, 5) 놀이진화, 6) 놀이지속 등을 발견할 수 있었다. 그리고 어린 시절 놀이가 성인이 된 후 그의 놀이와 삶에 어떤 의미를 지니는 지에 대해서 다시 이야기해봄으로써 연구자는 1) 타고난 본성 회복, 2) 삶의 윤활유, 3) 문화 지형도, 4) 살아가는 힘, 5) 내면의 초록빛 낙원의 의미를 지니고 있음을 깨달을 수 있었다. 이러한 깨달음을 바탕으로 어린 시절 놀이의 중요성, 성인이 되어서도 어린 시절 놀이를 변형 혹은 진화시켜 지속적으로 이어간다면 세속적 견지에서의 ‘성공한 삶’은 아니더라도 충분히 ‘행복한 삶’을 살고 있다고 감히 말할 수 있게 되었다. This study aims to discover the meaning of experience in childhood play of two persons including the researcher through research in narratives. The researcher was able to find 1) the beginning of play: inborn instinct for play, 2) playground, 3) playmate, 4) play type, 5) the evolution of play, and 6) the duration of play by mentioning the experiences of childhood play. Also, the researcher was capable of realizing that play was meaningful in that it is concerned with 1) the recovery of inborn instinct, 2) lubrication of life, 3) cultural cognitive mapping, 4) the power to live, and 5) the green paradise inside of a person by stating again the meaning of the childhood play of a person in the person`s play and life after growing up. Based on this realization, and given the importance of childhood play, the researcher proposes that if childhood play could be transformed or evolved for a person who becomes an adult and could be continued through that person`s life, the person`s life might be a sufficiently ‘happy life’ even if it was not a ‘successful life’ from a mundane perspective.

      • KCI등재후보

        가정폭력을 목격한 여아의 모래놀이치료 사례연구

        부정민 ( Jung Min Boo ) 대한아동복지학회 2013 아동복지연구 Vol.11 No.3

        This study is a case study of sandplay therapy for a twelve-year-old girl -“Jo”-who witnessed domestic violence by her father towards her mother from infancy into her childhood. This study employed Kalff`s sandplay techniques based on Jungian psychoanalytic theory as its therapeutical approach to Jo. Jo received counselling for twenty-three sessions over a period of six months during which time she made twenty sand boxes. Jo`s stories about her sand boxes and the meanings of her symbols were interpreted in terms of Kalff`s phases of ego and psychic development. Through the process of sandplay therapy, many characteristics of Jo`s inner world were reborn and nurtured. Thus empowered, she was able to seize the center of her Self. Her old Self had been characterized by stubbornness, abusiveness, selfishness and even violence. But through the process of making her ego emerge and develop from her Self, Jo`s maladaptive behaviors gradually decreased and she became able to healthily adapt to her circumstances with her family, in the women`s refuge shelter, and at her school. The results of this study suggest that sandplay therapy may be an efficient therapeutic technique for children who have witnessed family violence.

      • KCI등재

        돌하르방의 상징적 의미에 관한 연구

        부정민 ( Jung Min Boo ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구원 2013 탐라문화 Vol.0 No.42

        This paper is about the symbolism of the dolharubang. From long ago the Jeju-do people also inscribed human figures onto stones and infused their stones with lives and projected material from their unconscious. One such representative stone statue is the dolharubang. In this study, the author will examine general information and knowledge about dolharubang and explore the meaning of dolharubang in Jeju-do people`s lives through legends, stories, and recent literature, such as poems. Also explore he meaning of dolharubang in psychological therapies using symbols, such as sandplay therapy. My research revealed that the dolharubang symbolizes protection, threshold, incantation, animus, and the archetypal godfather.

      • KCI등재

        시설장의 거래적 리더십이 보육교사의 직무만족도에 미치는 영향에 대한 변혁적 리더십의 중재효과

        부정민(Boo Jung Min),김진선(Kim Jin seon) 한국열린유아교육학회 2009 열린유아교육연구 Vol.14 No.2

        본 연구는 281명의 보육교사를 대상으로 시설장의 거래적 리더십(성과보상, 예외적 관리)이 보육교사의 직무만족도(교직의식 및 동료애, 혁신성 및 발전성, 자율성, 업무부담)에 영향을 미치는 과정에서 변혁적 리더십(비젼설정과 공유, 인간존중과 참여배려, 성과기대 및 목표제시, 솔선수범)이 중재변인으로 작용할 것인지 알아보고자 하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 교직의식 및 동료애에 대한 성과보상의 영향은 비젼설정과 공유에 의해, 혁신성 및 발전성에 대한 성과보상의 영향은 성과기대 및 목표제시에 의해, 자율성에 대한 성과보상의 영향은 비젼설정과 공유, 인간존중과 참여배려, 성과기대 및 목표제시에 의해, 업무부담에 대한 성과보상의 영향은 인간존중과 참여배려에 의해 중재되는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 혁신성 및 발전성에 대한 예외적 관리의 영향은 솔선수범에 의해, 자율성에 대한 예외적 관리의 영향은 솔선수범에 의해, 업무부담에 대한 예외적 관리의 영향은 비젼설정과 공유에 의해, 업무부담에 대한 예외적 관리의 영향은 솔선수범에 의해 중재되는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 보육교사의 직무만족도를 높이려면 시설장은 변혁적ㆍ거래적 리더십 모두를 상황에 따라 적절하게 상호보완적으로 사용하는 것이 효율적임을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 현실적 여건으로 인해 거래적 리더십 중 성과보상을 적절하게 사용하지 못하거나 예외적 관리를 효율적으로 사용하지 못할 때, 변혁적 리더십을 추가하여 사용한다면 거래적 리더십의 한계를 극복할 수 있음을 시사하고 있다. This study aimed to look into the effect of transformational leadership as a mediated variable in the influence of directors’ transactional leadership targeting 281 child care teachers and their job satisfaction. First, the mediated effect of transformational leadership regarding the influence of performance-contingent rewards related to directors’ transactional leadership on job satisfaction includes the following. The influence of performance-contingent rewards for teaching profession consciousness and camaraderie was mediated by the establishment of vision and sharing, the influence of performance-contingent rewards on innovativeness and prospect was mediated by expectation for performance and the presentation of goal, the influence of performance-contingent rewards for autonomy was mediated by the establishment of vision and sharing, respect of people and consideration of participation, and expectation for performance and the presentation of goal, and the influence of performance-contingent rewards for workload was mediated by respect of people and consideration of participation. Next, the mediated effect of transformational leadership concerning the influence of exceptional management in directors’ transactional leadership includes the following. The influence of exceptional management regarding innovativeness and prospect was mediated by taking initiative and setting an example, the influence of exceptional management regarding autonomy was mediated by taking initiative and setting an example, the influence of exceptional management regarding workload was mediated by the establishment of vision and sharing, and the influence of exceptional management regarding workload was mediated by taking initiative and setting an example. Therefore, in order to enhance the job satisfaction of child care teachers, it is efficient for a principal to use both transformational and transactional leadership in mutual complementation according to situations. However, provided that transformational leadership is used appropriately when the performance-contingent rewards of transactional leadership is used in a limited fashion or exceptional management is not actively used due to realistic conditions, it will make up for low transactional leadership.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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