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        1990년대(年代) 일본(日本) 사회보장체제(社會保障體制)의 구조적(構造的) 위기(危機)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        변재관 ( Jaekwan Byeon ) 한국보건사회연구원 1997 保健社會硏究 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구는 1990년대 일본 사회보장체제 전체의 구조적 위기에 관한 고찰이다. 오일 쇼크 이후 1980년대의 일시적이고 현상적인 위기와는 달리, 1990년대 일본이라는 복지국가체제가 왜 `구조적` 위기 상태에 놓여있는지를 사회보험을 중심으로 분석하고, 사회보장체계 그 자체를 어떻게 구조개혁해야 하는 것인가에 대한 試論이다. 필자는 복지국가의 兩軸을 고도경제성장 정책을 통한 완전고용체제의 실현과 사회보장정책의 실현으로 파악하고, 이것이 현재 어떻게 구조적으로 붕괴되어가고 있는가를 고찰하였다. 먼저 완전고용체제의 경우 세계경제체제가 더 이상 고도성장정책을 지속할 수 없는 환경이 되어 실업, 정리해고 등이 사회적 문제로 대두된 실정이다. 다음으로 사회보장제도 특히 사회보험의 경우에도 負擔과 給與와의 불균형으로 인해 皆保險·皆年金體制가 계속 유지가능한가의 문제도 심각하게 제기되고 있는 실정이다. 연금의 경우에는 제도의 성숙화 등으로 인해 연금 규모가 계속 팽창하는 등 연금제도 자체가 얼마나 위기에 처해 있는지를 분석하고, 의료보험의 경우에도 급격한 고령화에 따른 사회적 입원의 증가 등으로 인해 늘어나는 의료비의 문제 등 재정적자가 어떻게 구조화되고 있는가를 분석하였다. 결국 정부재정 의존에 의한 1980년 대까지의 보편주의적 관점에서 1990년대의 구조적 위기를 어떻게 극복 할 것인가가 구조개혁의 내용으로 정리된다. This study has examined the structural crisis of the Japanese social policy system in the 1990s. Focusing mainly on the social insurance system, it has analyzed the reason why Japan, as a welfare state, has faced the `structural` crisis in the 1990s which is different from the temporal crisis occurred in the 1980s after the oil shock. It has also tried to point out how the Japanese system itself has to be structurally reformed. Understanding that the two pillars of the welfare state are the fulfillment of complete employment and the actualization of the social policy through economic growth, I have examined the process in which its system is being collapsed. In regards to complete employment, since the situation of the world economy has recently shifted from competition among the developed countries or G7 countries to open competition, the growth of the domestic economy has become slow or stagnant and the condition in which high growth of economy used to be feasible no longer exists. As a result, unemployment and lay-offs have become social problems. In addition, at issue is the sustainability of both insurance and pension in social policy system, especially social insurance system, due to imbalance between payment and benefits. Regarding pension, I have investigated the extent to which pension system is in crisis, such as the extent to which the maturation of pension system has expanded the size of pension. Regarding health insurance system, I have studied how financial deficits incurred by various factors including increasing medical expenditure from the growing number of hospitalization due to the rapid aging of population have been structured. Finally, the primary issue of structural reform is how to overcome the structural crisis in the 1990s with a viewpoint of the 1980s` universalism which depended upon the government finance. In other words, in order to maintain the social policy system we need to make the public sector and the private sector efficiently coexist and try to adopt selectivism within a limited range of the system.

      • KCI등재

        IMF 구제금융체제(救濟金融體制) 이후 노인(老人)의 경제적(經濟的) 문제(問題)와 복지대책(福祉對策)

        변재관(Jae Kwan Byeon),선우덕(Woo Duk Sun) 한국노인복지학회 1999 노인복지연구 Vol.4 No.-

        IMF relief financing resulting from the foreign exchange crisis in 1997 resulted in structural reform in lots of economic sectors. Among the impacts of restructuring, many of workers have been laid off during the process of structural reform to improve efficiency of firms. Especially, the middle-age and above(including the elderly) are the major victims because their labor productivity was relatively lower than the other generations. The victims have earned income lower than before and some of them earned nothing, which has raised policy issues about assisting their livelihood. One could argue that the standards of living of older persons in Korea be very low and analyze that the reasons be such as insufficient public income security and difficulty in getting a job. With insufficient government budget, welfare policy for the elderly would be limited. Therefore, new policy devices(plans) are to be established to improve current welfare schemes. The policy recommendations are as follows. At first, for substantial income security, it is necessary for the level of old-age allowances to be raised annually. Secondly, by means of employment security, expanding and activating employment agency should be considered. Thirdly, more free-feeding for low-income older persons is needed to contribute for stabilizing their livelihood. Last but not the least, it is necessary to create and afford part-time jobs for enhancing the effects of income-creating through life-time education, and to support for opening their own businesses in various ways for active aging.

      • KCI등재

        결식노인(缺食老人)을 위한 급식給食)서비스 제공(提供) 방안(方案)

        변재관(Jae Kwan Byeon),이윤경(Yun Kyung Lee) 한국노인복지학회 1999 노인복지연구 Vol.3 No.-

        A survey performed in 1998 showed that 8.2%(251,094 persons) of all elderly are indigent and need social security services. Except for those eligible for institutionalized care(9,673 persons), there is an increasing need for food services for the elderly. In 1998, 46% of all elderly were in households by themselves, resulting in an urgent need to expand food services. Currently, 10%(3,525 sites) of all elderly shelters in Korea, that are designated as food service institutions for the elderly, are in households with only a couple or single. Staff for the food service program are volunteer workers at paid facilities and local districts whom assist the elderly who are living independently. A food service management committee needs to be established which provides overall management of the food service program, and social workers at the local districts(eup, myun, dong) must be allowed to direct, supervise, and coordinate the program Providing food services to the indigent elderly will result in maintenance of health and health promotion social networks, and will be the basis to promote utilization of elderly shelter facilities.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사회보장 부문의 국민경제 파급효과 분석 : 사회보험 및 사회복지서비스부문을 중심으로

        이견직,변재관 한국사회보장학회 2001 사회보장연구 Vol.17 No.1

        본 연구는 한국과 일본의 사회보험 및 사회복지서비스를 중심으로 한 사회보장부문의 국민 경제적 파급효과를 1990년 및 1995년도의 산업연관표를 활용하여 분석하였음. 주요 분석결과는 다음과 같음. 첫째 일본의 사회복지서비스는 사회복지시설 등의 이용자에게 음식과 진료를 제공하는 등 서비스중심 구조를 보이고 있음에 반해 한국은 시설에 수용하는 등의 시설중심 구조를 나타내고 있음. 둘째 전산화 작업을 통해 인력의 투입을 절감할 수 있는 사회보험부문의 경우에 한국은 일본보다 부가가치에서 차지하는 인건비 비중이 높음에 반해 오히려 인력사용이 불가피한 사회복지서비스부문에 있어서는 일본보다 월등히 낮은 노동이 투입되고 있음. 따라서 사회복지서비스의 서비스 중심 구조로의 전환과 함께 이 부문 중장기 필요 인력확보(man power)계획을 수립하여 전문인력을 양성ㆍ확보하여야 하며 노동생산성 향상을 위한 인력분배의 효율화가 요구되어 짐. 한편 향후의 연구에서는 가계의 소비활동을 통한 생산유발 경로 도한 생산파급효과를 고려함으로써 사회보장부문의 국민경제 파급효과가 저평가 되지 않도록 하는 연구 설계가 필요함. This paper empirically explores the nature of the social security sector, mainly social insurance and social welfare service, and its various propagation effects on the economy in the input-output model, as revealed by a comparative analysis between Korea and Japan. The main findings of the paper are as follows; first, it has been shown that production structure of social welfare service sector in Korea is 'facility-oriented' one; on the other hand, 'service-oriented' in Japan. It means that, as intermediate inputs to produce social welfare service, greater deal of foods and drugs has been used than those of Korea. Second, in Korea, the social insurance sector which can reduce labor input as informahtion has a large part of portion on labor in the added value than that of Japan. On the contrary, social welfare sector which needs necessarily manpower input is reversed. From the findings of the paper it could be emphasized that a policy maker in Korea should put more efforts on shifting the current facility-oriented production structure to provide 'true' social welfare service and on improving the allocation efficiency of manpower among sectors.

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