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        히가시우에노(東上野) 친선마켓의 형성과 변용

        박미아(Park, Mi-A,朴美娥) 한일민족문제학회 2019 한일민족문제연구 Vol.37 No.-

        日本の敗戦により、在日朝鮮人は解放を迎えた。解放後、多くの在日朝鮮 人が帰国したが、様々な状況のためすぐに帰国できなかった人々も多く、戦時 産業に従事した在日朝鮮人は大量失業状態に陥った。 職を失った在日朝鮮人たちは戦後に現れた闇市で生活の方策を求めようとし た。東京の交通要衝地の一つである上野にも戦後の闇市が入った。在日朝 鮮人はより良い収益を期待して上野闇市に集まり、戦争以前にはコリアン·コミュ ニティの機能が大きくなかった上野駅周辺は闇市を通じて在日朝鮮人の活動の 中心地になっていった。敗戦後の一定時期までは在日朝鮮人が「治外法権」 的存在として認識されており、在日朝鮮人の活動が際立って浮き彫りになってい た上野闇市の在日朝鮮人も、自分たちのそうした権利を当然のことと考える傾向 があった。 しかし闇市の内の利権争い、民族的感情による相互牽制などは絶えず葛藤 を引き起こした。これに対し警察と台東区役所は在日朝鮮人を別々に分離する ことを提案し、その結果、上野闇市から大路を面した東上野地域を払い下げる こととなった。東上野地域は「国際親善マーケット」と呼ばれる住商複合空間で あり、在日朝鮮人の独自の商業と生活圏域として形成された。 解放以前、日本全域に存在した在日朝鮮人村は主に肉体労働、鉱山、 工場労働者が中心になっていた場所で、交通が不便であり生活環境が非常 に劣悪な場所が多かった。解放後にも同様の様相を見せた。一方、東上野 は合法的方式で土地を買い取り、商圏と生活圏を形成した場所で、解放以降 在日朝鮮人の変化したライフ·スタイルを反映する場所でもあった。親善マー ケットは在日コリアンを相手にする衣食住事業を中心に、東京の代表的なコリ ア·タウンとして知られるようになった。 東上野は70年間東京を代表するコリア·タウンだったが、世代が変わり、こ の地域も変化を経験している。2000年代以降、韓日両国の交流がさらに拡大 されて韓国から新たに流入された人々は新宿付近の新大久保を中心にコリア· タウンを形成した。したがって東上野のユニークさも以前に比べてかなり縮小され た。東上野は100年以上の在日コリアンの歴史を反映しており、この地域の変 化は結局、在日コリアン社会の将来を予測するバロメーターとも言えるだろう。 As a microcosm of the fierce postwar struggle for survival, the black markets connote various aspects. After liberation, the large scale of repatriation to Korea and serious unemployment had led to a major change of the life of Koreans in Japan. Ueno was one of the most crowded black market in Tokyo, Zainich Korean also gathered here for more profit and became significant power group in Ueno. However, conflicts continued steadily due to disputes over interests in black markets and mutual checks based on national sentiment. In response, the police and Daito-ku(台東区) district office proposed separation Korean from Ueno and helped to find replacement. Higashi Ueno became the base of the Zainich Korean with the result that the project had been accomplished. Higashi Ueno was a place for commerce and housing, which was called the Goodwill Market. It had become known as Tokyo’s representative Koreatown after liberation, mainly focused on the necessities of the life of Zainich Korean. The Korean villages in Japan of pre-liberation era, which were mainly formed in places with inconvenient traffic and poor environment, lasted similar aspects even after liberation. On the other hand, Higashi Ueno was a place where land was purchased in a legal manner, and here, commercial and living rights of the people were guaranteed. It means that the Zainich Korean could lead a stable life in a guaranteed place and also reflected the change of life style after liberation. Higashi Ueno has been the representative Koreatown of Tokyo over 70 years, however, as generations change, the region is also undergoing changes. Since the 2000s, exchanges between Korea and Japan have expanded further, and a new Koreatown has been formed around Shin- Okubo near Shinjuku. Thus, the uniqueness of the Higashi Ueno has been much smaller than before. Higashi Ueno reflects more than 100 years of Zainich Korean history, which could be called a barometer for predicting the future of Korean society in Japan.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        해방 직후 재일조선인의 암시장 활동

        박미아(Park, Mi-A) 한일민족문제학회 2018 한일민족문제연구 Vol.34 No.-

        戦後、在日朝鮮人は全面的な失業に直面し、闇市などで生計の手段を求 めた。闇市は戦後の日本史で一時的な現象だったが、在日朝鮮人には以降 の経済活動を決定する重要な場所だった。大阪の鶴橋は戦後の在日朝鮮人 に最も核心的な商工業活動の場所で浮上したが、関西最高の要衝地である 梅田も同様の場になった。梅田は鶴橋とは違って公権力の監視と日本人の商 人たちの牽制が激しくて、在日朝鮮人は市場の運営に参加するための組合を 結成した。朴漢植は梅田の闇市で成功した商人として朝鮮人組合の結成と市 場の民族的な対立に対して先頭に立っていた人物だった。 しかし闇市の伝統は長く持続されにくいのだった。大阪市は都市の中心地域 である梅田の開発に向けて長い間事業を展開してきたが、闇市の存在は開発 を妨げる要素になった。法廷訴訟、協議などの過程を経て商人たちと市当 局、土地所有者は一致した意見を導出し、1969年に繊維問屋を中心に大規 模な移転が行われた。このような過程の中で朴漢植を中心とした在日朝鮮人組 合も一定部分その役割を遂行した。ところで、闇市の時期の跡をなくし、梅田 が新たに開発された以降鶴橋とは違って在日朝鮮人の歴史さえ消えた場所に なった。明らかなことは闇市の時、在日朝鮮人は梅田にも活発な活動をし、そ の活動の歴史は現在の在日産業に反映されているということだ。 The Koreans residing in Japan(Zainichi) after liberation had to settle their livelihood through the black market. The black market was a temporary economic phenomenon that emerged from a transition period between 1945 and 1950. In Osaka, Tsuruhashi market became the center of Zainchi community. Meanwhile, Umeda, the central station and the core of Kansai region, also known as the biggest black market equal to Tsuruhashi. However, the scale and fame of Umeda caused harsh struggle in the market. And Zainichi tended to be excluded from the Japanese-focused market. The black market caused frequent conflicts with the Japanese. The struggle in the market sparked social problems and racial sentiment which causes serious physical conflicts and casualties. Therefore, Zainichi came up with self-rescue measures and formed Korean Union. Park, Han-sik, the central force of the Union, tried to make up shopping district not only for Zainichi but also for international members. However, Umeda was a symbolic place for Osaka city development. The convention of the black market couldn’t last for long time, therefore the city government and the textile merchant union held consultations on the relocation. In 1969, a large-scale of textile shopping mal1 relocation was carried out and the traces of commercial activities of Zainichi in Umeda area disappeared in the long run.

      • KCI등재

        해방 후 재일조선인의 생활공간 변용 : 오사카 츠루하시(大阪 鶴橋) 일대 ‘시장화’를 중심으로

        박미아(Park, Mi-A) 한일민족문제학회 2020 한일민족문제연구 Vol.39 No.-

        大阪は戦前と戦後、そして今日に至るまで在日コリアンの人口が最も多い所 だ。その中でも現在の生野区に属する旧猪飼野には初めて朝鮮村が形成さ れ、「日本の中の朝鮮」と呼ばれるほど多くの朝鮮人が集まり、故国での生活 風習が延長された。在日朝鮮人を相手に旧猪飼野に存在した「朝鮮市場」は 戦後、幸通り商店街に再編され、100年余りの連続性を保っている。 一方、鶴橋駅には大規模な闇市ができるようになり、戦後大阪の主要商圏 として成長することになる。日本の敗戦と同時に大挙失業状態に陥った在日朝 鮮人は鶴橋の闇市でも日常の食糧を求めて仕事を探した。闇市は日本人や在 日朝鮮人、そして台湾·中国系など国籍を持つ人々が戦後の実存的競争を 見せる場所だった。 1940年代後半から幸通りと鶴橋は商圏の規模は異なるが、在日コリアンが 圧倒的な存在感を示し並行発展していく。そして在日コリアンの戦後史で重要 な位置を占めるようになる。この地域での活動は経済活動を通じて在日コリアン の生活圏がより拡大したことを意味する。 解放以前の在日朝鮮人の住居地域は主に鉱山、工場、工事現場の周辺 であったり、都市のスラム街など劣悪な環境に集中していた。しかし、植民地支 配からの解放後、大規模な失業と大挙帰国によってコミュニティの分離と解体が起こり、このような環境にもある程度変化が起きた。御幸通り商店街があった猪 飼野は同一地域の中で内部構造の再編が行われ、鶴橋は新しい職場や住居 地に組み込まれる。 既存の在日コミュニティがこのような外的変数によって瓦解したり弱体化したの に対し、旧猪飼野と鶴橋は「市場」を求心点として、むしろ在日コリアンの集中 範囲が拡大した結果を示している。徒歩20分以内に位置する両地域が別の点 として存在したが、最近は両地域が続く大通りと地域の裏通りも韓国色の強い 店舗として増え、線で繋がる傾向がある。この線の上には既存の「オールド·カ マー」たちが構築しておいた土台の上に新しく移住してきた「ニュー·カマー」たち の参加も加わっている。これらの地域が在日コリアンの中心地域として連続性を 維持したのは市場という機能があったからだ。鶴橋市場や御幸通り商店街は、 在日コリアンの歴史を時間的、空間的に多様に綴っている実態的な場所と言え る。 日本国内の都市開発の議論と通常商圏の急激な変化により、その影響を受 けてきたこれらの地域は存廃の可否まで苦心しなければならなかったが、両国交 流の拡大と韓流ブームのおかげで独特の魅力があるショッピングスポットとして文 化交流の現場となった。だし、過去の事例から今後の展望まで予測することは 難しい。韓日両国の重い歴史的現実が依然として厳存しており、脚光を浴びる 裏にはいつでも葛藤の対象になり得るという「両面の刃」という不安定性も作用す るためだ。 Since early 1920’s, Osaka has been the most populous place of Koreans in Japan(Zainich, 在日). The former Ikaino area, which is now part of Ikuno-ku, is considered the first place to be formed as Korean community. Once it was made, the Koreans in Japan would like to gather here and the community had expanded further. The Koreans tended to extend their lifestyle of homeland and the ‘Chosun Market’ which existed in the region for Korean residents explained the daily life of the age. However, the market was not located in the main commercial area because Koreans were not accepted in the area in those days. After the World WarⅡ, the Korean shops and stores could move forward to busy business district which had been evacuated during the war. The area was reorganized and the proportion of Koreans had increased which known as Miyuki-dori shopping district. It is still an active commercial area and it represents its continuity of Koreans in Japan for nearly 100 years. On the other hand, Tsuruhashi market, which adjacent to this area, grew into a major commercial district under the influence of the black market after the war. The black market was a place of existential competition. Many Koreans in Japan who suddenly lost their jobs also had to fight with it. Koreans who sought daily food and income had gathered here and shown overwhelming presence. Due to convenient transportation, the market had expanded and developed further. After the war, many Korean communities all over Japan were dismantled and reorganized, however the former Ikaino and Tsuruhashi remained in the process of transformation. Since these two areas contain important ‘market’ which means center point for Koreans in Japan. Commercial districts of Miyuki-dori and Tsuruhashi are different in size. In the present day, Tsuruhashi is a lot bigger than Miyuki-dori and The Japanese as general public have less information about Miyuki-dori. The two areas are located within 20 minutes of walking distance, the back alleys of the two areas along the boulevard are also filled with Korean color, so they seem to be connected by lines. The drastic change is taking place in conventional commercial districts and these places are no exception. Once reached a recession, soon they became unique shopping attractions after the Korean Wave boom. However, it is still difficult to predict future prospects of these areas. The historical reality between Korea and Japan still exists and behind the spotlight is the instability of a double-sided blade that could be a subject of conflict at any time.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국인의 식품 및 영양섭취상태 추이(1969~1989) - 제 2보, 국민영양보고서에 의한 식품섭취상태를 중심으로 -

        박미아(Mi-A Park),김을상(Eul-Sang Kim),이규한(Kyu-Han Lee),문현경(Hyun-Kyung Moon),송인정(In-Jung Song),채범석(Bum-Suk Tchai) 한국식품영양과학회 1992 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.21 No.5

        국민의 식품섭취상황의 변화추이를 파악하기 위하여 1969년부터 1989년까지 21년간의 국민영양조사보고서 내용을 토대로 살펴본 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 총식품 섭취량은 1,000g정도를 유지하고 있으며, 식물성 식품의 섭취량은 감소하는 반면 동물성 식품의 섭취량은 증가하는 경향이다. 식품성 식품 중 곡류의 섭취량 감소는 매우 현저하여 전체 식물성 식품의 섭취량 감소를 주도하였고, 감자류의 섭취량 역시 점차적으로 감소하고 있다. 채소류의 섭취량은 소폭의 증감을 계속하고 있으나 가공류의 섭취량은 증가하는 경향이다. 콩류는 매년 섭취량이 상당한 폭으로 증가하고 있으며 과실류도 꾸준히 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 해조류의 섭취량 또한 매년 증가하고 있으며, 특히 80년대 후반에 커다란 증가 양상을 보이고 있다. 한편, 동물성 식품에서 육류, 난류, 어패류는 해마다 섭취량이 증가하고 있어 단백질 섭취에 도움을 주고 있으며 유류와 동물성 유지도 섭취량이 증가하고 있다. With the annual report of National Nutrition Survey, the trend of food intake of Korean is analyzed from 1969 to 1989. Total food intake is about 1,000g. The amount of plant foods intake is decreased but the amount of animal food intake is increased. Among plant foods, the consumption of cereals and grain product and starch and starch roots is decreased gradually. The degree of decreasing are evident in the amount of cereal and grain product intake. The amount of vegetable intake is kept fluctuating, but the amount of processed vegetable products intake shows an upward trend. The amount of legumes and their products, vegetables, fruits and seaweeds intake is increased each year. In addition, among animal foods, the amount of meat and products, eggs, fish and shellfish and milk and milk products intake is increased greatly.

      • 실제 수업을 통해 본 초등영화교육 방안 연구

        박미아 ( Mi A Park ) 한국영화교육학회 2009 영화교육연구 Vol.11 No.-

        After the birth of film took a long time to be recognized as art. It was the same with film education. Since the birth of film in 1895 until the 1950s the educational value of education to break down the film has been regarded as harmful media. However, the introduction of audio-visual educational film was gradually recognized the educational value. In other words, the film as a valuable educational tool, it began to admit the transition of thinking and is slowly starting to appear. By default, film education, media education is an organic relationship. All film education to all visual media consumption ``critical mass`` is the primary goal is to grow into. In this paper, is located in Chuncheon, I for one semester in a school curriculum and report on the actual phone class in elementary school curriculum that can be applied to film education was presented. Visual culture and visual aesthetics, educational approach to the ``frame understanding`` was studied. Through this understanding beyond the frame itself is simple to configure the inside of the frame to develop an understanding of mise en scene could be. Also, ``making promotional videos at my school`` was the practice sessions. Through this visual representation of the property, the ability to experience visual improvement. Despite various efforts, yet the lack of film education in our country has some disadvantages. Film education continued to grow in a variety of teaching - learning how to recognize changes in the development and film education is needed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국인의 식품 및 영양섭취상태 추이(1969~1989) - 제 3보, 국민영양조사보고서에 의한 영양섭취상태를 중심으로 -

        박미아(Mi-A Park),김을상(Eul-Sang Kim),이규한(Kyu-Han Lee),문현경(Hyun-Kyung Moon),송인정(In-Jung Song),채범석(Bum-Suk Tchai) 한국식품영양과학회 1993 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.21 No.6

        1969년부터 1989년까지 국민영양조사보고서를 중심으로 한 영양소의 섭취상태를 살펴 본 결과는 다음과 같다. 에너지 섭취량은 점차로 감소하고 있으며 곡류에너지비 또한 69년에 85.9%에서 89년에는 66.5%까지 감소하였다. 전체 에너지 섭취량 중 동물성식품의 에너지비는 점차로 증가 추세를 보이고 있다. 단백질은 그 섭취량이 점차로 증가하고 있으며 동물성단백질비 역시 국민영양조사실시 초기이래 꾸준한 증가경향을 보이고 있으며, 지방의 섭취량도 계속 증가하고 있다. 또한 열량영양소의 에너지 구성비를 보면 단백질과 지방이 차지하는 에너지비가 점차로 증가 추세에 있다. 칼슘과 철분은 섭취량이 꾸준히 증가하고 있으나, 칼슘은 여전히 권장량에 부족되게 섭취하고 있으며 티아민은 전반적으로 권장량 정도를 섭취하는 등 균형을 보이고 있으나 리보플라빈은 그 섭취량이 80년대 중반부터 증가하고 있기는 하나 권장량에 부족되는 실정이다. 나이아신은 그 섭취량에 기복이 있기는 하나 권장량 정도를 섭취하고 있으며 비타민 C도 섭취량에 변동이 있었으나 대체적으로 양호한 것으로 나타났다. From reports of the Korean National Nutrition Survey from 1969 to 1989, trends of nutrients intakes are reported as follows. The amount of energy intakes are decreased gradually. The proportion of energy from cereals to total energy are decreased from 85.9 percent at 1969 to 66.5 percent at 1989. There are increasing trend for the proportion of energy from animal foods to the total energy. The amount of protein intakes are increasing gradually. The ratio of animal protein to the plant protein have been increasing since the survey has been started. The amount of fat intakes are also increasing. The proportion of energy from the fat and protein to total energy had been shown increasing trends. Gradually, the calcium and iron intakes are increasing over the years. But the intakes of calcium is less than the average dietary allowance of subject examined until recently. The intakes of thiamin, showing adequate intake, are almost equal to the average dietary allowance. For the riboflavin, the amount of intakes are increasing from the mid nineteen-eighty. But the intake of riboflavin is less than the average dietary allowance. For the niacin and ascorbic acid, the amount of intakes are showing variations. But the amount of intakes are not inadequate.

      • KCI등재

        구멍갈파래 및 톳에 대한 Cd(II), Pb(II) 이온의 흡착속도에 관한 연구

        박광하,박미아,김기홍,김영하,Park, Kwang-Ha,Park, Mi-A,Kim, Ki-Hong,Kim, Young-Ha 한국분석과학회 1999 분석과학 Vol.12 No.5

        In this research, a study of adsorption kinetics of heavy metal ions on the Ulva pertusa and Hizakia fusiformis which is aiming at removing metal ions from water or every kind has been carried out. During the process of this research. Adsorption kinetics of Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions by the Ulva pertusa and Hizakia fusiformis, within five minutes reached at the maximum adsorption amount. The adsorption amoum by Ulva pertusa was more than the other. Adsorption ratio by Ulva pertusa were 15.0~100% of Cd(II) and 39.2~82.5% of Pb(II). Adsorption ratio by the Hizakia fusiformis were 18.3~100% of Cd(II) and 56.4~94.7% of Pb(II). Additionally, recovery ratio or Cd(II) from the Ulva pertusa presents 75.0~83.6% and that of Pb(II) ions presents 79.1~85.5%. Also, recovery ratio of Cd(II) from Hizakia fusiformis fusiformis were 66.7~85.0% of Cd(II) ions and 77.6~83.9% of Pb(II) ions respectively. As a result of this research. adsorption amount of Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions by Ulva pertusa was more than it by Hizakia fusiformis. 본 연구에서는 각종 수중 중금속을 제거할 목적으로 구멍갈파래와 톳에 대한 중금속이온의 흡착속도에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 실험결과 구멍갈파래와 톳에 대한 Cd(II) 및 Pb(II) 이온의 흡착속도는 5분이내로 최대흡착량에 도달하였으며 구멍갈파래에 대한 흡착량이 더 많았다. 구멍갈파래에 대한 흡착율은 pH에 따라 Cd(II) 이온이 15.0~100%, Pb(II) 이온이 39.2~82.5%로 나타났다. 톳은 Cd(II) 이온이 18.3~100%, Pb(II) 이온이 56.4~94.7%로 나타났다. 한편 구멍갈파래에 대한 회수율은 pH에 따라 Cd(II) 이온이 75.0~83.6%, Pb(II) 이온이 79.1~85.5%로 나타났으며, 톳은 Cd(II) 이온이 66.7~85.0%, Pb(II) 이온이 77.6~83.9로 나타났다. 구멍갈파래에 대한 Cd(II) 및 Pb(II) 이온의 흡착량이 톳보다 더 많았다.

      • KCI등재

        실리카고정 구멍갈파래에 대한 중금속 Cd(II), Pb(II)이온의 흡착 특성

        박광하,박미아,김영하,최봉종,Park, Kwang-Ha,Park, Mi-A,Kim, Young-Ha,Choi, Bong-Jong 한국분석과학회 1999 분석과학 Vol.12 No.2

        본 실험에서는 동해안산 해조류인 구멍갈파래에 대한 중금속 Cd(II), Pb(II)이온의 흡착 특성에 대해 연구하였다. 구멍갈파래 1 g에 대한 Cd(II) 및 Pb(II)이온의 최대흡착량은 알카리성에서 2.3 mg, 3.1 mg, 산성용액속에서 2.0 mg, 2.8 mg으로 나타났다. Si-고정구멍갈파래는 알카리성에서 3.4 mg, 7.3 mg, 산성용액 속에서 3.1 mg, 6.5 mg으로 나타났다. 따라서 Si로 고정된 구멍갈파래가 더 많은 중금속 Cd(II), Pb(II) 이온을 흡착하였으며, 산성보다는 알카리성에서 흡착량이 더 크게 나타났다. 또한 Pb(II)이온의 흡착량이 Cd(II)이온보다 더 많게 나타났다. Cd(II) 및 Pb(II)이온의 회수율은 구멍갈파래의 경우 55.0~61.0%, 59.7~66.8%로 나타났고, Si-고정구멍갈파래는 87.6~97.5%, 83.5~99.3%로 나타났다. 따라서 구멍 갈파래보다 Si-고정구멍갈파래가 Cd(II), Pb(II) 이온 모두 회수율이 더 높게 나타났다. Adsorption characteristics of heavy metal ions, Cd(II) and Pb(II), on eastcoast-living algae, ulva pertusa, has been studied in our experiment. The Maximum adsorption amount of Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions on 1 g of the ulva pertusa were 2.3 mg, 3.1 mg in alkaline and 2.0 mg, 2.8 mg in acidic solution. However 3.4 mg, 7.3 mg in alkaline and 3.1 mg, 6.5 mg in acidic solution were shown on the Si-immobilized ulva pertusa in the same condition. Thus, Si-immobilized ulva pertusa adsorbs more amount of heavy metals, Cd(II), Pb(II), than the ulva pertusa, and more effective absorbent in alkaline. Furthermore, more amounts of Pb(II) ion were absorbed compare to Cd(II) ion in our work. Recovery ratio of Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions on the ulva pertusa were 55.0~61.0%, 59.7~66.8% respectively and 87.6~97.5%, 83.5~99.3% on the Si-immobilized ulva pertusa.

      • KCI등재

        괭생이 모자반에 의한 수중 중금속 Cd(II), Pb(II) 이온의 제거

        박광하,박미아,장훈,김은경,김영하,Park, Kwang-Ha,Park, Mi-A,Jang, Hoon,Kim, Eun-Kyung,Kim, Young-Ha 한국분석과학회 1999 분석과학 Vol.12 No.3

        갈조류인 Sargassum horneri를 중금속 흡착제로 사용하여 중금속 Cd(II) 및 Pb(II)이온을 제거하였다. Sargassum horneri는 동해안에서 채취하였고, 풍건 건조시켜 40~60 mesh의 입자 크기로 흡착제를 만들어 사용하였다. batch법은 진탕 시간에 따른 흡착량을 측정함으로써 흡착속도를 조사하였고, column법은 해조 분말을 충진 시킨후 일정농도의 중금속용액을 1 mL/min의 속도로 흘려보내면서 흡착시키고 흡착량을 알아 보았다. 중금석 흡착에 미치는 pH의 영향은 batch법과 column법 모두, pH 10.5>7.0>3.5순으로 나타났다. Pb(II)이온이 Cd(II)이온보다 높은 흡착량을 보였다. 특히 batch법에서는 모든 pH의 조건하에서 5분이내에 최대 흡착량에 도달하였다. 회수율은 batch법에 의해 흡착된 중금속의 회수율이 column법에 의해 흡착된 중금속의 회수율 보다 조금 높게 나타났다. Brown algae, Sargassum horneri, was used as an adsorbent to remove heavy metal Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions. Sargassum horneri picked in East Coast was formulated into the grain with the size of 40-60 mesh after wind dry. Batch method was used in order to investigate the adsorption rate by measuring the adsorption amounts with shaking time. In the column method, the adsorption amounts were measured by flowing metal solutions into the algae-packed column at the rate of 1 ml/min. Adsorption amounts in both batch method and column method were in the following order : pH 10.5>7.0>3.5. It was found that Pb(II) was more adsorbed on the algae grain than Cd(II). It was also revealed that the adsorption amounts reached the maximum within 5 minutes irrespective of pH condition in the batch method. It was concluded that the batch method was more effective than the column method in terms of recovery rate.

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