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        참굴의 난(卵)에 기생(寄生)하는 Marteilioids chungmuensis Comps et al., 1986에 관하여

        박미선,전세규,Park, Mi-Seon,Chun, Seh-Kyu 한국어병학회 1989 한국어병학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        1986년(年) 1월(月)부터 1988년(年) 12월(月)까지 3개년(個年)에 걸쳐 남해안(南海岸) 굴 수하식(垂下式) 양식장(養殖腸)인 충무 화도, 서해안(棲海岸) 투석식(投石式) 양식장(養殖腸)인 오천, 그리고 자연(自然) 서식장(棲息腸)인 동해안(東海岸) 신창의 참굴을 대상으로 Marteilioides chungmuensis의 생태학적(生態學的) 및 형태학적(形態學的) 조사(調査)를 실시(實施)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 1986년 화도 양식장(養殖腸)에서 채집(採集), 조사(調査)된 총(總) 360개체(個體)의 참굴 중(中) M. chungmuensis가 발견(發見)된 개체(個體)는 19개체(個體)로 5.3%의 출현율(出現率)을 나타내었으며, 오천 양식장(養殖腸)에서 360개체중(個體中) 15개체(個體)로 4.2%, 그리고 1987년(年) 화도 양식장(養殖腸)에서는 총(總) 360개체(個體) 중(中) 24개체(個體)가 발견(發見)되어 6.7%, 오천 양식장(養殖腸)에서는 360(個體) 중(中) 10개체(個體)로 2.8%의 출현율(出現率)을 나타내었다. 그러나 1986년(年)과 1987년(年) 동해안(東海岸)의 신창에서 채집(採集)된 총(總) 720개체(個體)의 참굴 중(中) M. chungmuensis가 발견(發見)된 참굴은 없었다. 2. 1988년(年) 3월(月)에서 12월(月)까지 M. chungmuensis가 전혀 발견(發見)되지 않은 동해안(東海岸) 신창산(産) 참굴을 남해안(南海岸)의 화도로 이식(移植)하여와 감염율(感染率)을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果), 이식(移植)된 신창산(産) 참굴에 있어서는 5월(月)부터 M. chungmuensis에 감염(感染)된 개체(個體)가 나타나기 시작하였으며, 총(總) 300개체(個體)의 조사(調査) 굴 중(中) 25개체(個體)가 M. chungmuensis에 감염(感染)된 것으로 나타났다. 3. M. chungmuensis의 출현(出現) 시기(時期)는 화도의 경우 6월(月)부터 11월(月), 오천의 경우 6~10월(月)사이로 참굴의 산란(産卵)이 시작되는 시기(時期)부터 완전히 종료(終了)된 후 2개월까지의 시기(時期)였으며, 산란(産卵)이 진행됨에 따라 M. chungmuensis의 출현율(出現率)은 점점 감소(減少)하는 경향(傾向)이었다. 4. M. chungmuensis에 감염(感染)된 성숙란(成熟卵)은 산란(産卵)이 진행됨에 따라 일부는 정상적(正常的)인 난(卵)과 함께 아가미를 통하여 배출되고, 나머지 생식소(生殖巢)에 남아있는 M. chungmuensis에 감염(感染)된 난(卵)은 생식소내(生殖巢內)에서 붕괴, 사멸되는 것으로 나타났으며, 이 기생충(寄生蟲)에 감염(感染)된 참굴에서는 생식소(生殖巢)의 여포(濾胞)주위에 강한 혈구성(血球性) 침윤(浸潤)이 나타나는 것을 관찰할 수 있었다. 5. 이 기생충(寄生蟲)의 난소내(卵巢內) 성숙과정(成熟過程)의 관찰결과(觀察結果) M. chungmuensis는 성숙(成熟)한 난모세포(卵母細胞)의 세포질내(細胞質內)에 근세포(根細胞), 즉 1 차(次) 세포(細胞)로 자리잡게 되며, 이 기생충(寄生蟲)은 포자형성(胞子形成) 기간(期間)동안 외생발아(外生發芽)에 의해 2 개 또는 3 개의 2 차(次) 세포(細胞)를 형성하며, 내생발아(內生發芽)에 의해 1 개의 3 차(次) 세포(細胞)를 형성하고, 2 차(次) 세포(細胞)는 성장하여 포자모세포(胞子母細胞)로 되는 phylum Ascetospora, class Paramyxea에 속하는 종(種)들 중 가장 단순한 성숙과정(成熟過程)을 거치는 것으로 나타났다. An ovarian parasite, Marteilioides chungmuensis of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas has been observed on several occasions in the Pacific sector of production of this oyster species(Matsuzato et al., 1977 ; Chun, 1979). This study was carried out on the specimens collected at Hwado, Och'$\check{o}$n, and Sinchang respectively located the southern, western, and eastern coasts of Korean Peninsula from 1986 through 1988 to investigate M. chungmuensis to the Pacific oyster. Uitrastructural studies were also carried out on infected oysters, to allow detailed examination of the structure and consepuently the systematic position of this parasite. Infection rates of M. chungmuensis at Hwado and Och'$\check{o}$n oyster farms were 5.3% and 4.2% each in 1986, 6.7% and 2.8% each in 1987, but they were not found at Sinchang oyster habitat. M,. chungmuensis-infected oysters were found from June to November at Hwado and from June to October at Och'$\check{o}$n. Twenty five of three hundred oysters transplanted from Sinchang to Hwado were found infected with M. chungmuensis. Some abnormal eggs infected with M. chungmuensis are liberated through the gill together with normal mature eggs on the spawning and the rest remain necrotized after spawning season. The earliest known stages consist of a stem cell or primary cell, including a secondary cell in which ovoid haplosporosomes are found. During sporulation, 2 or 3 secondary are produced by exogenous budding from the first secondary cell and, each secondary cell evolves into a sporont upon the tertiary cell differentiation (enodogenous budding) ; then, haplosporosomes are formed in the young sporont. Internal cleavages involve the differentiation of one tricellular spore per sporont. The outermost spore cell contains membrane-bounded osmiophilic bodies : the middle and the inner, most spore cells contain high density cytoplasmic ribosomes. The mechanism of spore formation from the stem cell of M. chungmuensis is the simplest of the class Paramyxea known up to now.

      • 일방적 ㆍ 비현실적 재건축 규제 재정비해야

        박미선,Park, Mi-Seon 한국주택협회 2006 주택과 사람들 Vol.199 No.-

        참여정부는 강남의 재건축 시장을 전국의 집값을 올리는 주범으로 몰아 개발이익환수, 임대아파트 건립 중 각종 규제책을 쏟아냈다. 결국 집값 안정을 위한 명목으로 수많은 정책을 내놓았지만, 정작 집값은 잡히지 않고 도시 관리 등 부동산 시장의 총체적인 문제점이 생겨나고 있다. 또 일방적인 재건축 규제책으로 각종 부작용마저 생겨 법률안이 제대로 시행되는 데는 많은 어려움이 있을 것으로 보인다. 2006년 한 해 재건축 · 재개발 시장 동향과 정부의 정책적 대응은 어떠했는지 알아본다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803으로부터 광활성 종속영양 생장결핍 돌연변이체의 분리 및 특성

        박미선,이영숙,김영창,Park, Mi-Seon,Lee, Young-Sook,Kim, Young-Chang 한국미생물학회 1994 미생물학회지 Vol.32 No.3

        A mutant strain PRM1 defective in light-activated heterotrophic growth was isolated from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. PRM1 could be grown at growth rate equivalent to Synechocystis 6803 under mixotrophic growth conditions. However, PRM1 could not be grown under light-activated heterotrophic conditions, in which a daily pulse of light for 5 min was given. These results suggest that PRM1 is not defective in heterotrophic metabolism, but in the transduction pathway of light signal essential to the growth. Plasmid patterns, absorption spectra of whole cells, and the exterior and interior structures of PRM1 were similar to those of Synechocystis 6803, except that PRM1 could not produce amorphous slime holding cells together. Bacillus megaterium ATCC 14945의 penicillin G acylase 유전자의 염기배열을 결정하였다. 이 유전자에는 2,406 염기쌍으로 이루어진 하나의 open reading frame이 존재하는데, 개시코돈의 5' 위쪽에서 Shine-Dalgarno 배열과 promoter로 여겨지는 부분을 발견하였으며, 종결코돈의 3' Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803으로부터 광활성종속영양으로 생장할 수 없는 돌연변이체 PRM1을 분리하였다. PRM1을 혼합영양으로 배양하였을 경우에는 생장속도가 Synechocystis 6803과 거의 같았다. 그러나 PRM1을 하루에 5 분만 빛을 조사하면서 광활성종속영양으로 배양하였을 경우에는 전혀 생장하지 못하였다. 이러한 결과는 PRM1이 종속영양으로 생장하는데 필요한 대사능력에 이상이 있는 것이 아니라 생장에 필요한 광신호 전이 체계에 이상이 있음을 시사한다. PRM1의 plasmid 양상, 균체의 absorption spectra, 세포 내부와 외부의 형태 등은 Synechocystis 6803과 유사하였으나 여러 세포들을 함께 얽어매는 부정형 점액성 물질을 형성하지 않는 점이 달랐다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        4배체 참굴( Crassostrea gigas )의 정자 동결보존

        박미선 ( Mi Seon Park ),민병화 ( Byung Hwa Min ),임현정 ( Hyun Jeong Lim ),허영백 ( Young Baek Hur ),도용현 ( Yong Hyun Do ),명정인 ( Jeong In Myeong ) 한국수산과학회 2014 한국수산과학회지 Vol.47 No.6

        The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of cryoprotectants [dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), methanol, polyethylene glycol, and propylene glycol], cryoprotectant concentrations (10% and 20%), equilibration time (3, 10, and 30 min), cooling rate (3°, 5°, 7°, and 10°/min), and straw size (0.25 and 0.5 mL) for sperm cryopreservation of tetraploid Pacific oysters. There was a significant difference among the four cryoprotectants, with 10% DMSO yielding the highest post-thaw survival and activity index of sperm. A significant relationship was observed between the cryoprotectant and its concentration. The sperm with equilibration times of 30 min yielded higher post-thaw survival and activity indices than those with 3 and 10 min equilibration times. The sperm cooled at a rate of 5°/min yielded the highest post-thaw survival and activity index, and the results were significantly different from those observed for cooling at 7° and 10°/min. Post-thaw survival and activity indices of sperm using a 0.25-mL straw were significantly higher than those using a 0.5-mL straw.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        회화 복원용 교의 적용이 종이 특성에 미치는 영향

        박미선(Mi Seon Park),김형진(Hyoung-Jin Kim) 한국펄프·종이공학회 2015 펄프.종이기술 Vol.47 No.4

        Artists have been used animal glues for a long time as binding and sizing materials of paintings in many countries including Korea. Since animal glues as a binding material lose their own adhesive strength by aging, pigment particles or pigment layers are easily detached from painting surface. Restaurators prefer to use animal glues for consolidation of pigment particles or pigment layers because artists use animal glues as a binder for their painting works. It is widely known that animal glues have different characteristics such as viscosity, stability on water etc. But there are still a few requirements to consider their stabilities for the restoration of paintings. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate of stability and efficiency of animal glue applications. The efficiency of animal glue application was decreased with increasing the concentration of animal glue solution. This result means the simple tendency, but does not representative data for other animal glues made from same raw materials. In most cases, the surface and mechanical characteristics of animal glues are dependent on some factors, like viscosity and concentration of animal glue solution.

      • KCI등재

        서식환경에 따른 피조개 Scapharca broughtonii 의 성장과 글리코겐 및 헤모글로빈량의 변화

        박미선(Mi Seon Park),임현정(Hyun Jeong Lim),김평중(Pyoung Joong Kim) 한국수산과학회 1998 한국수산과학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        For the sustainable production of cultured arkshell Scapharca broughtonii and pre-estimation of the harvest of it, we investigated the relationship between the habitat environmental factors and the physiological conditions of the arkshell in the two experiment sites near the Chinhae Bay, Korea. For the analysis of habitat environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, DIP(dissolved inorganic phosphate), DIN(dissolved inorganic nitrogen), suspended solids and chlorophyll a of bottom water and T-S(total sulfide) and COD(chemical oxygen demand) of surface sediment were measured. To determine physiolosical condition of cultured arkshell, shell length, fatness, glycogen, hemoglobin content and gametogenesis were examined. Water temperature were higher in Woongchon than in Songdo in 1992, and were higher in Songdo in 1993. Salinity were higher in Songdo than in Woongchon except from January to May in 1992. COD, suspended solids and chlorophyll a content were higher in Songdo than in Woongchon, while the contents of sediment sulfide, DO, DIP and DIN were higher in Woongchon. Based on the environmental assessment, significant factors affecting the growth and physiological condition of arkshell were quantity of food and total sulfide content in the bottom sediment.

      • 18,19세기 왕실유모의 범위와 위상 -『탁지정례(度支定例)』와 『예식통고(例式通考)』를 중심으로-

        박미선 ( Mi Seon Park ) 고려대학교 역사연구소(구 역사학연구회) 2011 사총 Vol.73 No.-

        A royal nanny was the woman who took charge of nurturing in the royal family by being selected through a special procedure without regard to the blood-mother`s of breast-feeding ability. One royal nanny was assigned per royal family that was invested with the titles of nobility regardless of sex and age. Royal nannies were classified as two types according to the two situations of family formation like "marriage" and "childbirth". For the royal children, there were a chief lady called Sanggoong and a nurse who educate them about royal manners and rules. Royal nannies received various goods from the royal financial organization on a certain day and had their own attendants. Considering the treatment they got, their status in the royal family seems to have secured the position which was the rank under the King`s concubine and upper chief ladies (Sanggoong) and court ladies in comparison with other ladies in the royal family. In addition, their status and treatment were classified according to the court rank of the subject whom they served. This hierarchy shows official characteristics of the royal nanny in the Chosun Dynasty. That is, the royal nanny system was not the one operated temporarily and privately by a royal family member, but the official position for women through an official route in the royal structure emphasizing official characteristics and excluding private ones.

      • KCI등재

        참굴 채묘 부진 원인 구명에 관한 연구 - 병리 발생학적 조사를 통한 참굴 모패의 건강도와 난 및유생의 생존율과의 상관관계 구명 -

        박미선(Mi Seon Park),류호영(Ho Young Lyu),이태식(Tae Seek Lee) 한국수산과학회 1999 한국수산과학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        Infectioa rates of oyster ovariaa parasite, Marteiliodes chungmuemsis and prodactivity of the oyster shellstock infected with the parasite were investigated at the main seed collection areas in the soathern coast of Korea where the extreme bad seed collection of oyster occurred in 1992 and 1993 to evaluate the cause of the bad seed collection. Additionally, the bacterial flora of the sea water sud oyster larva were examined to identify the shellfish larva pathogenic bacteria like Vibrio sp. and Pseudomonas sp. In August 1992 to September 1993, infection rate of oyster ovarian parasite, M. chungmuensis at Tongyong, Kyongsangnam province, and Yosu, Chollanam proviace where the bad seed collection occurred, were 11.8∼100% and 14.3∼100%, respectively. Bat the parasite was not detected in the shellstock collected at Daechon, Chungchongnam province. While a virus-like particle was identified in the cytoplasm of the egg infected by the parasite. The parasite infected egg was not able to fertilize completely. Uninfected egg in the gonad contaminated by the parasite could be able to fertilize but showed an abnormal development till D-shaped larva and then, died of necrosis after D-shaped larva. And some larva developed from low lipid content egg could not develop to the spat and died after the early umbo stage. The predominant bacteria in the oyster larva collected at bad seed collection areas were Pseudomonas sp. and Pseudomonas like bacteria and the occupancy rates were 53.3∼87.1%.

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