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        There-존재구문의 의미ㆍ화용적 분석 ―특정성 효과를 중심으로―

        박기태 ( Park Kee-tae ) 대한영어영문학회 2015 영어영문학연구 Vol.41 No.3

        There are some issues on inconsistent phenomena between practical language use and grammatical theory within the existential there-construction in English. Therefore, in this study, the aim is to point out the unsettled issues of "the definiteness effect" claiming that all associate NPs must be as indefinite expressions in many studies so far, and to prove that, as an alternative to settle down the issues, the theoretical adequacy of "the specificity effect" in Enç(1991) is more acceptable than that of the definiteness effect within the existential there-construction in English. In various comments, it has been broadly known that the definiteness effect prevents definite expressions from being as associate NPs after the predicative verb. In order to review several previous issues with the above remark from semantic-pragmatic perspectives, the fact that the definiteness effect may have the pragmatic nature will be discussed. With respect to this point, introducing “the specificity effect” which is counter to the definiteness effect, I discuss that all associate NPs must be interpreted as new information regardless of their definiteness. Thereby, I also discuss that the definite associates are reinterpreted, which is an inherent function different from that of the indefinite associates. In other words, the definite associates have the dual meanings (the dual functions) at the time of utterance. Thus, as one way to settle down the previous issues suggested in the existential construction with the definiteness effect, the role of "the specificity effect" must be very important to prove its theoretical pragmatic adequacy in the existential there-construction which asserts the existence of the postverbal entity of NP. (Konyang University)

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        영어교육에서 글쓰기 지도방안

        박기태 ( Kee Tae Park ) 한국현대언어학회 2010 언어연구 Vol.26 No.3

        There are four skills in learning a foreign language; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The four skills are further divided into two modes; receptive (listening, reading) and productive (speaking, writing) skills. Among them, writing is very important for students to learn the way on "How to Write Things Down." In fact, writing is likely one of their most crucial tools in communicating their thoughts to others both in and out of school. Thus, in the purpose of this study, the importances of writing is deeply considered and emphasized in the context of the four skills of a language. Taking into consideration the characteristics of poor writers, developmental steps with controlled writing or guided writing in production are presented as teaching proposals. Also, some issues concerning `common error` are discussed in relation with the erroneous use of native language and analogy. These can be used to help students organize and develop their writing ability in English education.

      • KCI등재

        문화적 요소를 고려한 영한 번역 교육 방법

        박기태(Park, Kee-Tae) 새한영어영문학회 2018 새한영어영문학 Vol.60 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to try to find the effective method for English-Korean translation education at the undergraduate level. When a Korean translator transfers a source language, English, into a target language, Korean, she/he has to analyze English and then reconstruct or furthermore recontextualize Korean applicable to the conventions of the use of Korean syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and socio-cultural backgrounds. In this communicative translation process suggested by Wilss(1982), translators, as well as target readers like Korean readers, activate the contextual connections between Korean and English and the background knowledge of each language. In other words, translators are required to use the concept of reconstruction and recontextualization when they try to translate English into Korean. Therefore, the communicative translation and the consideration of the way to be a good translator can make translation education successful in Korean universities.

      • KCI등재

        제2차 세계대전과 그레이엄 그린의 종교 소설의 주제:『권력과 영광』, 『사건의 핵심』, 『애정의 종말』을 중심으로

        박기태(Kee-Tae Park) 한국세계문화사학회 2021 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.- No.60

        그레이엄 그린(Graham Greene, 1304-1991)은 영국의 가톨릭교 작가이다. 제2차 세계대전이 종식된 후, 전쟁으로 황폐화된 사회에서 항상 쫓기는 자의 불안과 공포 그리고 악의 세계를 작품에 묘사함으로써, 인간 운명론과 인간 영혼의 영원성에 관련된 문제들을 신의 사랑을 통해서 찾으려고 노력했다. 그의 본격소설인 종교소설은 종교 심리학적 견해를 극적으로 표현함으로써, 인간생존의 견해를 작품 속에 전개하고 있다. 그린은 작품의 개발보다 독자들로 하여금 제2차 세계대전으로 황폐화된 사회에서 자기 자신의 숙명을 깊이 깨닫게 하며, 고통당하는 인간의 고뇌를 제시하고 있다. 『권력과 영광』에서는 사회주의자들의 적색혁명으로부터 종교박해를 당하며 인간의 존엄성마저 박탈당하는 사제 위스키(Whiskey)를 통해 공포의 속박에서 그 굴레를 헤어나지 못하는 인간들의 갈등을 묘사했다. 그리고 『사건의 핵심』에서는 순수한 신앙을 위해서 파멸하는 경위 스코비(Scobie)를 그리고 있으며, 『애정의 종말』은 막다른 골목에서 신의 존재를 발견하게 되는 여인 사라(Sarah)를 묘사하고 있다. 그래서 위의 작품들을 중심으로 그의 종교적 신념과 작품에 묘사된 ‘구원’과 ‘연민’ 그리고 ‘은총’이 가톨릭 신앙에서 어떠한 영향을 받았는지 알아본다. Graham Greene (1904-1991) is a British Catholic writer, and he experienced two World Wars. After World WarⅡ ended, Greene described people who were always chased by anxiety and fear in the society devastated through that war, and he tried to find the problems which have to do with the eternity of human fate and soul. Greene dramatized religious psychological problems and expressed a religious view of life in his novels. Although those novels are explicitly Catholic, they are in no sense narrow, cozy, complacent, and moralistic. Greene, by presenting the mystery of suffering people and by inviting the reader to meditate on his own destiny, also fulfilled the role of a Catholic novelist. In The Power and The Glory, at the point of describing the Religious Persecution encountered by Marxist Red Scare, Greene also suggested the human conflict and dignity that were not easily broken up in the bondage of fear with the eyes of priest Whiskey. The Heart of the Matter depicted a deputy commissioner, Scobie, who was ruined for Pure Religion, and The End of the Affair(1951) represented a woman, Sarah, who discovers God Existing in the dead end street. Thus, to see what kind of religious vision influences the Greene’s novels with regard to World WarⅡ, in Chapter 2, we deeply consider the social background of Catholic novels. As a way to search for the Themes of Catholic novels in Chapter3, by studying and proving Religious Beliefs, Salvation, Pity, and God’s Grace which stem from Catholicism with the above three novels, we conclude this paper.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        만성 C형간염 환자에서 인터페론 알파와 리바비린 병합요법의 치료 효과와 합병증

        황상연 ( Sang Youn Hwang ),이혜정 ( Hae Jung Lee ),박기태 ( Kee Tae Park ),김경엽 ( Kyung Yup Kim ),이선미 ( Sun Mi Lee ),박찬원 ( Chan Won Park ),김태오 ( Tae Oh Kim ),김광하 ( Gwang Ha Kim ),허정 ( Jeong Heo ),강대환 ( Dae Hwan 대한소화기학회 2007 대한소화기학회지 Vol.49 No.3

        목적: 만성 C형간염 환자의 인터페론 혹은 페그인터페론과 리바비린 병합요법의 치료 효과는 잘 알려져 있다. 그러나 치료에 따른 합병증을 중점으로 다룬 연구는 많지 않다. 이번 연구는 다양한 범주의 만성 C형간염 환자를 대상으로 인터페론과 리바비린 병합요법의 효용성과 합병증을 연구하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 2001년 1월부터 2005년 1월까지 부산대학교병원에서 인터페론과 리바비린을 투여 받은 240명의 만성 C형간염 환자를 대상으로 치료 합병증을 평가하였고, 그중 치료를 종결한 154명의 환자를 대상으로 이들의 치료종결반응(end of treatment resoponse, ETR)과 지속바이러스반응(sustained virologic response, SVR)을 후향으로 평가하였다. 투여기간은 유전자 1형은 12개월, 비 1형은 6개월로 하였고, 인터페론 알파 300만 단위를 주 3회 피하주사로, 리바비린 800-1,200 mg을 매일 경구로 투여하였다. 결과: 총 240명의 환자의 남녀비는 143:97였고, 유전자 1형은 111명, 비 1형은 106명, 검사하지 않았거나 분석할 수 없었던 경우가 23명이었다. 치료를 완료한 154명의 ETR, SVR은 각각 79.2%, 61.0%였고, ETR을 보인 환자 중 SVR에 관한 추적관찰을 하지 못한 13명을 제외하였을 때 SVR은 66.7%였다. 치료를 조기에 중단한 환자는 35.8%로 순수 치료 부작용으로 인한 경우가 15.4%, 추적방문 실패로 인한 경우가 7.9%, 치료 경과 중 바이러스 음전실패 및 돌파현상으로 인한 경우가 11.3%, 그 외 원발 복막염, 간세포암종, 심근경색의 경우가 1.2%였다. 부작용으로 치료를 중단했던 경우는 간기능 악화가 8명, 우울증과 관련된 증상이 10명 (식욕부진 5명, 무력감 및 피곤함 2명, 자살충동 2명, 불면증 1명), 체질증상이 7명, 탈모 4명, 피부발진 2명, 혈소판 감소 2명, 그 외 피부 소양증, 설사, 흉통, 체중 감소가 각각 1명이었다. 빈혈로 인해 리바비린을 감량한 경우는 37명(15.4%), 백혈구 감소와 혈소판 감소로 인터페론을 감량한 경우는 각각 21명(8.8%)과 11명(4.6%)이었다. 결론: 치료를 완료한 환자들의 SVR은 61.0%였고, 환자의 약 3분의 1이 치료반응 부족, 부작용 및 순응도 부족으로 치료를 조기 중단하였다. Background/Aims: The effectiveness of combination therapy with conventional or pegylated interferon alpha and ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C is well understood. However, the profound investigation about complications of the treatment has been rarely reported in Korea, where patients have broader spectrum of disease manifestations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and complications of the combination therapy of interferon alpha and ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Methods: Two hundred and forty patients with chronic hepatitis C were included. All patients were treated with interferon alpha (3 million units thrice a week) in combination with ribavirin (800-1,200 mg, depending on body weight). Patients were treated for 6 or 12 months according to the genotypes (genotype 1; 12 months, non-1; 6 months). We retrospectively evaluated ETR (end of treatment response) and SVR (sustained virologic response) on the basis of intent-to-treat in patients completing the therapy. Results: In 154 patients who had completed the therapy, ETR was 79.2% and SVR was 61.0%. Multivariate analysis showed that genotype and early virologic response at 3 months of treatment were indepedent predictive factors of SVR. Due to insufficient response, 11.3% of the patients discontinued the therapy. In addition, 24.5% of the patients prematurely discontinued the therapy due to adverse events including aggravated liver function (15.4%), failure to return (7.9%), and others (1.2%). Dose modifications of interferon alpha or ribavirin were required due to anemia (15.4%), neutropenia (8.8%), or thrombocytopenia (4.6%). Conclusions: The overall SVR of patients who had completed the combination therapy with interferon alpha and ribavirin was 61.0%. However, about one third of the patients discontinued the therapy prematurely due to insufficient response, adverse events and/or noncompliance. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2007;49:166-172)

      • AgO와 NiO₂에 의한 벤질아민의 酸化에 關한 硏究

        朴基泰 충주대학교 1983 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.16 No.1

        Oxidations of benzylamine by AgO and NiO₂ in benzene and acetionitrile were Carried out. The Product analysis by gas chromatography indicated that benzonitrile is the major product and benzaldehyde was the minor one in the range of 1∼7%. The same oxidation in the presence of a small amount of pyridine or triethylamine revealed that no catalytic effects to product distribution and to reaction time was present. Reaction mixtures taken out at every 30 minutes were gas Chromatographed, and the analysis showed that benzonitrile is the sole product at the earlier stage, while benzaldehyde is formed at the later part of the oxidation.

      • 工業專門大學 敎育의 效率을 높이기 爲한 硏究 : 食品工業科를 中心으로 mainly on the Department of Food Engineering

        朴基泰 忠州大學校 1982 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.15 No.1

        This study was undertaken to investigate various problems on the effective education of students who are taking up Food Engineering Technical Junior College. The results obtained from the questionnaires of 132 students are as follows: For the purpose taking up the course of food Engineering in college, it is more desirable to admit the students who have mastered general Chemistry of high school level. The system for the entrance examination should be reformed for the effective education at the Technical Junior College.

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