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        두만강 하류의 지역구조 연구 : 경제특구입지를 중심으로

        이기석,이옥희,류충걸 서울대학교 국제지역원 1994 국제지역연구 Vol.3 No.3

        본 연구는 최근 논의되고 있는 두만강 개발계획에 포함된 중국 길림성 훈춘시 중심의 두만강 하류지역의 지역구조에 대한 분석연구이다. 특히 구체적인 연구좌제에서 제기한 문제점은 이 지역에 설치하려는 경제특구와 관련하여 입지적 여건이 지역구조에 얼마나 타당한가에 초점을 두고, 역사적 발전과정을 포함하여 기후와 하천연안지형의 특색, 경제기반과 인구 및 교통망에 대한 자료분석과 현장답사를 통하여 지역분석을 하였다. 두만강 하류의 훈춘지역은 인구 20만 이하의 변경지역으로 조선족이 과반수에 이르며 농업과 채탄관련 산업이 주종을 이루고 있어 대체로 낙후된 지역이다. 강 유역지역의 낮은 저지대는 범람원과 고기 사구가 넓게 분포하고 있다. 지역간 교통망의 발달이 미약하고 20세기 전후하여 국경 분쟁지역의 특성을 지니고 있다. 두만강 개발 계획에서 설치하고자 하는 경제특구의 입지적 타당성과 관련하여 볼 때, 이 지역 자연환경의 제약점이나 노동시장의 제한점, 기반시설의 부족과 대도시 산업기반의 취약점 등이 경제특구 혹은 유사한 지역개발계획에 불리한 지역구조를 이루고 있다. 앞으로 이 지역에 산업시설 유치를 위해서는 이들 입지장애 요소를 극복할 수 있는 방안과 이 지역구조에 적응할 수 있는 개발형식을 채택하도록 하여야 할 것이다. The lower Tumen river area is located in the international boundary zone between North Korea, China, and Russia. This study region is a triangle shaped territory defined by the Chinese side of the river tributary and including Hunchon city. Since the United Nations Develpoment Program(UNDP) launched an investigation for three development projects in Northeast Asia in 1991, this area has become a major designated area for the Special Economic Zone(SEZ) or the Export Processing Zone(EPZ) as well as and ideal key area to promote international cooperation among bordering countries. Also the Chinese local government is trying to develop this area as a gateway to the East Sea(Sea of Japan) together with the development of the HUnchun Border Economic Cooperation Zone. In relation to both the UNDP's plan and the Chinese efforts, this study questions whether this project is feasible in terms of current regional structure which is spatially characterized by historical development of the region, physical conditions, population distribution and potential labor mobility, economic base and industrial structure, and network systems. To analyze this region, this study primarily relied on two field trips conducted in 1992 and 1994, as well as data collected from government publications. The lower Tumen rever area can be described as a region of consisting of both flood plain nad a hilly mountainous zone. The fool plain is a low-lying area along the river side and frequently suffers from irregular glooding. The wide developments of the old-sand dunes on both sides of the river implies many complicated and unknown geomorogological processes. Severe winter and seasonal strong wings influence the way of life including the agricultural system, housing type, and customs. Developed 200years ago, one of the regio's major characteristics is that a mojority of the population is composed of Chinese-Koreans. Chinese-Koreans are a major source for the labor market and will play an important role for future development. Hunchun city's population is approximately 200,000. The economic base of the city largely relies on the primary sector such as agriculture, mining, forest, and their related industries. The manufacturing sector is still not fully developed. Network systems such as roads, railways, and airports are not ready to support full scale development. Recently new railways extended to the city and continued to extend toward the Russian border region. The development of the Tumen river water way is potentially important for this region. However, since the rever was blocked by japanese in 1938 and still remains unopened, progress on this area has been slow. Prgress is further bampered during a four month period in the winter when the river navigation is impossible. In addition, disputes in neighboring countries and annual sand deposition in the lower part of the river, further handicaps the deverlopment of the water way. According to the analysis, the Tumen rever area's regional structure remains predominantly primary industry oriented due to the spatial pattern of land use and pccupation composition. Low density population and a remote location from major urban and industrial areas influence the marginal character of the country. In spite of these unique regional characteristics, plentiful resources and the potential deposition of many kinds of resources increase the likeligood futere deverlopment. Unlike the South China coastal area, where an SEZ was established 15 years ago, many of the Tumen river region's structural characteristics (including frequent flooding, strong winds and sand dunes, wevere winter weather, and rugged moutains) are unsuitable for the establishment of a large scale of SEZ or EPZ. The existing poplation age structure may not be adequate to support the labor market on an SEZ. Because many firms would need to hire migrant labour forces from other parts of the region, various problems in terms of wage and quality will be created. Also, the number of Chinese-Koreans is decreasing in this region depite of the booming of the economy since 1991. In addition, the existing industries and raw resources in this region could not support the development of an SEZ system. In other words, the operation of an SEZ requires many kinds of semi-product materials from local markets. However, availability of supplies, and the operation of out-processing or subcontracting with local firms is unpredictable. The production facility and technology of local firms may not have reached the level of subcontracting stage. Generally, the lack of infrastructures creates another problem ofr the debelopment of an SEZ. A final consideration is the instability and complexity of the international boundary zone. The lower Tumen rever area has been known as a territorially disputed area and a militarily strategic area for all three nations. Conflicts have also arisen among the divers races living in the this region. Through total evaluation of the region, it may be concluded that location factors of the lower Tumen river area are not always feasible for the establishment of and SEZ or EPZ. If the government is willing to invest on the industrial infrastructure in this wide region, a more detailed follow-up investigation should be conducted in the future.

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