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      • 대학기숙사 단위생활공간 가구디자인의 유형분류에 따른 주요 특성 분석

        김윤자(Kim, Yoon-Ja),최지은(Choi, Ji-Eun),최윤영(Choi, Yoon-Young),김은정(Kim, Eun-Jeong),김미경(Kim, Mi-Kyoung) 한국실내디자인학회 2014 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.5

        The study aimed to classify the types of domestic dormitory furniture, and analyze the characteristics of each furniture type based on the empirical research methodology. The study consisted of literature review and field visit followed by survey and in-depth interview. The researchers collected 140 images of furniture from the web sites of 87 universities. Using affinity diagram, it was found that there were four types of dormitory furniture: single fixed type, single semi-fixed type, multi fixed type, and multi semi-fixed type. And the researchers visited eight dormitories for the observation and user interviews. The finding showed that the use of single fixed type was dominant in the domestic dormitory room, which had competitive price and easy maintenance. Both single fixed type and multi fixed type turned out to be lack of storage space. Meanwhile, both single semi-fixed type and multi semi-fixed type got the high value on the space efficiency due to the multi function. However, these two types could only be applied to a wide space enough for the furniture to be transformed and extended. The study analyzed the main characteristics of the dormitory furniture according to the type classification, and it is expected that this empirical study could work as a medium and database for the upcoming dormitory furniture design studies.

      • KCI등재후보

        미국 경제: 달러 헤게모니와 군사주의적 축적구조의 모순

        김윤자 ( Yoon Ja Kim ) 민주사회정책연구원 2004 민주사회와 정책연구 Vol.5 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 이라크 전쟁을 전후하여 미국경제의 군사화경향에 대한 우려가 더욱 확대되고 있는 정세 속에서 미국의 축적전략과 거기서 비롯된 구체적인 정치외교-군사전략이 어떤 구조적 연관을 맺고 있는지 살펴보고자 하는 것이다. 우리는 먼저 달러 헤게모니의 모순을 설명할 수 있는 이론적 전제로서 현대 자본주의의 생산력 팽창과 이러한 생산력 ``사회화``를 감당하지 못하는 자본주의적 생산관계의 갈등을 현대화폐의 제도적 한계를 중심으로 고찰한다. 이를 통해 우리는 달러 헤게모니의 등장과 전개가 실인즉, 미국 자본주의, 나아가 현대 자본주의 일반이 봉착한 축적모순의 발현과정임을 주장한다. 아울러 우리는 그러한 모순을 군사주의와 패권주의가 미국의 축적구조에서 맺는 연관구조를 중심으로 확인하고자 하는데, 그 하나의 예시로서 우리는 이라크 전쟁을 조명하고 있다. 우리는 비록 초보적인 수준에서나마 이라크 전쟁이 현대화 화폐제도의 불완전성과 불가분인 달러 헤게모니의 한계, 그리고 거기서 비롯되는 미국의 자본축적의 불안정성 등과 맺고 있는 구조적 연관을 개괄적으로 조명한다. 우리는 이상의 문제들을 돌파하는 국제연대의 실천적 게기로서 국민국가를 상정하는데 그것은 세계화 및 그것과 상호확대의 관계에 있는 금융불안정에도 불구 하고 계급권력의 결절점으로서 국민국가가 갖는 전략적 의의에 주목하기 때문이다. 따라서 우리는 세계화폐 및 그것의 신인도를 최종책임지는 세계정부가 아직은 부재한 역사발전의 현단계에서 국민국가의 최종심급적 의의를 강조하는 것으로 맺음말을 대신한다. The contradiction of the dollar hegemony is basically brought up by the asymetry between the gigantic social productive forces of the modern capitalism and the private relations of production under the modern capitalism. We think that the asymetry is pressed deeply in the present monetary system which combines the fiat money and the administrative monetary system. The limits of the dollar hegemony as a world accumulation system are related with the military tendency of the American capitalism, and the Iraq War could be an example which shows the co-relation between them. Those co-relating contradictions of the American hegemony are threatening seriously todays world peace and democrasy. And we propose the nation-states as the starting point of the democratic international solidarity which could fight against that threats. Because the nation-states are the strategic places where the class struggles of each coutries develop fiercely in the present historical stage when the world government and world money as the axis of world capital accumulation do not exist.

      • KCI등재

        한국 사회의 법과 인권, 민주주의: 이명박 정부 5년에 대한 평가 ; 인권과 경제민주화

        김윤자 ( Yoon Ja Kim ) 민주주의법학연구회 2012 민주법학 Vol.0 No.50

        이 글의 목적은 성장동력으로써의 역할 한계를 드러낸 시장근본주의 이후의 경제민주화의 전도와 그 대안을 살펴보고자 함에 있다. 1930년 이후 반세기를 지속해온 케인즈주의의 실패에 대한 반작용으로 등장한 시장근본주의는 1980년대 이후 극소전자혁명에 힘입어 한 세대 동안 세계화를 이끄는 동력으로 작용하면서 인터넷 기반의 소통과 직접민주주의를 확대하고 다양한 신경제를 전파해 왔다. 그러나 사회적 규제가 시장원리를 극복하지 못해 부의 양극화가 심화되면서 대중적 수요기반이 위축되자 세계적인 장기 경제침체를 야기하게 되었고 그 결과 경제민주화에 대한 논의가 활발하게 일고 있다. 본 논문은 경제민주화가 그 자체로 새로운 성장동력이라는 문제의식을 전제로 하며, 경제민주화가 재벌개혁으로 과도하게 집중될 경우의 공과에 대한 논의와 함께 노동권과 교육권, 토지공개념 등을 중심으로 경제민주화 논의의 구도를 정리하고 시장근본주의의 대안을 제시하고자 한다. Purpose of this study is to search for prospects and its alternatives after Market fundamentalism expires its growth-impetus. Market fundamentalism were resulted from reaction against failure of Keynesianism that had lasted a half century since the depression in 1930`s. Over a generation, it has played a role as and engine for globalization and has spreaded various types of new economics while expanding internet-based communication and direct democracy since 1980`s. However, it has come to cause prolonged economic recession world-widely as social regulation failed in copping with market principles followed by increased polarization. As a result, active discussions about economic democracy have been in process all over the world. This study is based on the concept that the economic democracy is a new engine of growth itself. It firstly discusses the pros and cons (right and wrong) in case that economic democracy excessively focuses on reforming Chaebols. Also it frames structure to discuss economic democracy focused on labor rights, education rights and public concept of land ownership, and finally it proposes to establish labor right, education right and public concept of land ownership as alternatives for Market fundamentalism.

      • KCI등재후보

        일반논문 : 에너지 공기업의 부채문제와 한국의 에너지시스템

        김윤자 ( Yoon Ja Kim ) 민주사회정책연구원 2015 민주사회와 정책연구 Vol.27 No.-

        이 글은 에너지 공기업을 중심으로 최근 쟁점이 되고 있는 공공기관 부채의 성격과 원인을 살펴보고 아울러 이러한 부채증가가 에너지 공기업의 재무구조 및 한국의 에너지 시스템과 어떤 관련이 있는지를 살펴보려는 것이다. 먼저 박근혜 정부가 중점관리대상으로 지목한 12개 기관 중 한국가스공사, 한국석유공사, 한국전력공사 등 3개 에너지 공기업을 중심으로 정부의 ‘공공기관 정상화’ 방안을 검토하고 정부의 부채감축 방안이 가진 문제점을 살펴본다. 이어서 이들 3개 에너지 공기업의 지배구조를 한국 에너지시스템의 특징과 함께 검토하고 에너지공기업을 비롯한 공공부문의 부채문제는 정부(기획재정부 및 주무부서)와해당 공공기관의 의사결정 구조의 비합리성에서 비롯된 부분이 상당하므로 지배구조 개선을 중심으로 우리의 제안을 정리한다. 그리고 에너지 공기업의 역할과 과제를 맺음말로 제시한다. This study is trying to analyse the character and the cause of debt of Korea`s Three Energy SOEs(State-Owned-Enterprise), KOGAS, KNOC and KEOCO. We think the rapid increase of their debt especially since 2008 is related deeply with their financial structure and the price policy of government trying to keep the public service prices down in general. We suggest the governance of these SOEs should be changed regarding the characteristics of Korea`s energy system to solve their debt problem.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        청소년기 학생의 학교 근린환경 이용과 불건전 행동 유형

        김윤자,박선희 한국 가정과 교육 학회 2000 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlations between the school neighborhood environment and adolescents' behaviors. A questionnare was distributed to 221 high school students from June 27, 1997 to July 16, 1997 in chonju. In this study SAS package was used. The statistical methods such as frequency, mean, analysis of variance, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and T-Test were applied. The result of this study were as follows. 1) The school neighborhood environment of B high school included much more problematic places than A high school in 20 minutes distance on foot. So B high school students visited problematic places more frequently than A high school students(p<.05). 2) Both of A high school students and B high school students didn't be satisfied about the school neighborhood environment. The degree of satisfacton for school environment of A high school student was higher than that of B.(p<.001). The number of benefit facilities, the degree of cleanness, and the safety from automobiles positively influenced the satisfation for school neighbor envirionment, while the number and visiting of harm facilities negatively satisfation. 3) The problematic behaviors of B high school students was higher than A high school students(p<.05).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        비 낭종성 양성 갑상선 결절의 Tetracycline 경화 요법

        김종순,김옥,김종호,김윤자,이병두,문병천,김광회,문재환 대한내분비학회 1991 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.6 No.1

        Percutaneous tetracycline injection (PTI) is a sclerosing method for the treatment of the pure thyroid cyst. PTI of 23 cases of benign thyroid nodules (solid echopattern-six, mixed echopattern-nine, cystic echopattern-six, resected nodules-two cases) were done with 23-G needle under the guidance of ultrasonography. After then, we followed up ultrasonographical size and volume of nodules, thyroid function test, cytology, histopathological examination and complications of treatment. The results were as follows: 1) with 0.5-2ml tetracycline injection, the mean volume of thyroid nodules were reduced after PTI at 6 months.In the solid nodules, (4.70 1.20 4.44 2.67)(ml)(p$gt;0.05) In the mixed nodules, (13.59 7.85 4.34 6.73)(ml)(p$lt;0.05) In the cystic nodules, (20.33 21.66 6.79 8.32)(ml)(p$lt;0.05) 2) The echogenicity was decreased of unchanged in the most solid and mixed nodules but increased in the cystic nodules. 3) There were no significant changes at 6 months follow-up of TFT after PTI in all cases as compared with the base line studies. 4) Aspiration cytologic finding shows the decreased number of thyroid follicular cells, the increased number of macrophages, a few foam cells and the cytoplasm containing the pale brown foreign body. (Tetracycline phagocytosis).Histopathologic finding shows the destruction and sclerotic changes of the cystic degenerated follicles with infiltration of the lymphocytes and macrophages. 5) The complication such as burning sensation, pain and tenderness developed in the two cases but disappeared within several days. In conclusion, sclerotherapy using tetracycline is a safe and effective adjunctive treatment of the benign mixed of cystic thyroid nodules and Percutaneous Alcohol Injection (PAI) is recommendable for solid nodules. (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 6:58 67, 1991)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        우측 부신선종에 의한 원발성 Aldosterone 증의 치험 3예

        김정은,정창호,권용준,한승수,김윤자,김광회,류영준,전배완,김윤권 대한내분비학회 1991 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.6 No.4

        Three patients with hypertension and hypokalemia demonstrated the low level plasma renin activity and elevated aldosterone level. Plasma renin activity did not increase during volume depletion and aldosterone level did not suppress during salt loading. Computerized tomography of abdomen showed well-defined oval mass of low density in right adrenal gland in all 3 cases. Right adrenalectomy was done and pathologic finding showed adrenal adenoma. Postoperatively there were reversal of hypertension and hypokalemia. We present three cases of primary aldosteronism which were all located in right adrenal gland, with brief review of literatures (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 6:377~383, 1991)

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