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        사회적 교환, 수용자의 능력, 그리고 성과

        김상표(Sang-Pyo Kim),전수욱(Su-Wook Jeon),태열(Tae-Yeol Kim) 한국인사조직학회 2011 인사조직연구 Vol.19 No.1

        이 논문은 조직에서 사회적 교환이 계속적으로 유지되기 위해서 수용자의 능력이 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 가정하고, 이를 증명하기 위해 연구하였다. 구체적으로, 사회적 교환이 수용자의 능력인 행동의 자주관리에 미치는 영향과 행동의 자주관리가 성과에 미치는 영향, 그리고 행동의 자주관리가 매개효과를 발생시키는지 연구한 것이다. 연구 자료는 경상북도와 경상남도에 위치한 기업을 대상으로 최고경영자의 양해를 구해 각 부서의 부서장이 부하와 직속상관에 대한 목록을 작성하여 수집했다. 총 배부된 설문지는 800부이고, 분석에 사용된 설문지는 610부이다. 구조방정식 모형을 사용하여 자료를 분석한 결과, 사회적 교환이 수용자의 능력인 행동의 자주관리에 정(+)의 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 행동의 자주관리가 조직의 성과변수인 직무만족, 조직몰입, 조직시민행동, 직무성과에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 사회적 교환은 대체로 조직의 성과에 직접적인 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 나타났으며, 행동의 자주관리를 매개로 하여 간접적으로 조직의 성과에 영향을 미치는 것으로 검증되었다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 연구의 시사점, 한계 및 추후연구 과제에 대해 논의하였다. Social exchange theory suggests that employees and their supervisors and organizations build social exchange relationships(i.e., supervisory and organizational social exchange, respectively) within which parties continuously exchange socio-emotional benefits such as recognition and esteem(Cropanzano and Mitchell, 2005; Rupp and Cropanzano, 2002). Social exchange relationships are different from pure economic exchange relationships in that the obligations of parties in social exchange are unspecified. An open-ended obligations strengthen bonds of indebtedness and trust which trigger one exchange party to become committed to the other(Blau, 1964). As a result, employees in social exchange relationships tend to form a high degree of trust, a high level of investment and obligation, and a long-term orientation relationship with their supervisors and organizations(Rupp and Cropanzano, 2002; Shore, Tetrick, Lynch, and Barksdale, 2006). In addition, employees who enjoy a goodwill and a caring of an organization will feel obligated to reciprocate with positive behaviors toward supervisors and organizations. Current social exchange studies have contributed to enhance our understanding about the effects of social exchange relationships on employee outcomes. However, they paid little attention to examining how social exchange relationships influence employees’ intentions or abilities to reciprocate with behaviors and attitudes that benefit supervisors and organizations. Supervisory and organizational social exchange can be maintained if the receiver, who gets the benefits(e.g., employees), can provide some intangible socio-emotional resources to the giver(e.g., supervisors or organizations). On the other hand, if the receiver harms the giver, the social exchange relationship can be broken(Gouldner, 1960). In general, receivers in social exchange relationship are willing to improve their ability to benefit the giver and maintain the trust. In this study, we examined how supervisory and organizational social exchange influence receiver’s(i.e., employees) behavioral self-management(i.e., ability) and how employees’ behavioral selfmanagement affect their work attitudes and behaviors. We collected the data from three organizations in Republic of Korea(i.e., one air manu-facturing, one hotel, and one telecommunication company). In the survey we provided, employees assessed supervisory and organizational social exchange, their behavioral self-management, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Supervisors reported their subordinates’ job performance and organizational citizenship behavior. We distributed the survery to 500 employee-supervisor pair. Of 351 surveys collected(i.e., response rate = 70.2 %), we deleted 34 due to errors and missing values. All measures had high reliabilities. The average of supervisory and organizational social exchange was 4.43 and 4.53, respectively, which are not high based on a 7-point Likerttype scale. As expected, correlations between supervisory and organizational social exchange and employees’ behavioral self-management were statistically significant. To test the research hypotheses, we used structural equation modeling and tested the mediation effects using Sobel’s(1982) test. Results revealed positive effects of supervisory and organizational social exchange on employee’s behavioral self-management. Employee’s behavioral self-management was also significantly associated with their job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job performance. In addition, supervisory and organizational social exchange indirectly influenced employee outcomes(i. e., job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job performance) through employees’ behavioral selfmanagement. This study provides several theoretical and practical implications.

      • KCI등재

        조직의 사회화 전략과 신입사원의 선도적 행위가 사회화 결과들에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구

        김상표(Sangpyo Kim),태열(Taeyeol Kim) 한국인사조직학회 2004 인사조직연구 Vol.12 No.1

        이 연구의 주요한 목적은 제도화된 사회화 전략이 신입사원의 사회화 결과(조직몰입, 직무만족, 역할명확성)에 미치는 효과와 이러한 효과를 신입사원의 선도적행위가 조절하는 방식을 탐색하는 것이다. 우리나라의 9개 조직을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 347명의 신입사원들로부터 자료를 수집하여 분석한 결과는 다음과 같은 세 가지로 요약된다. 첫째, 제도화된 사회화 전략은 사회화 결과들에 正(+)의 영향을 미치고 있었다. 둘째, 제도화된 사회화 전략의 효과는 신입사원들이 환경에 대한 통제력을 획득하기 위해 사용하는 몇 가지의 선도적 행위에 의해 강화되는 것으로 나타났다. 예를 들어, 신입사원이 갖고 있는 긍정적 틀은 제도화된 사회화 전략과 상호 보완적으로 역할명확성에 영향을 미치고 있었다. 또한 신입사원들의 관계증진(일반적 사회화와 네트워킹) 노력이 조직몰입과 직무만족에 대한 제도화된 사회화 전략의 효과를 강화하고 있었다. 셋째, 신입사원의 의미형성(정보추구와 피드백 추구) 노력은 제도화된 사회화 전략과 전혀 상호작용하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 요컨대, 이 연구에서 선도적 행위의 조절효과에 대한 강력한 증거가 출현한 것은 아니지만, 제한적으로나마 긍정적 틀을 적용하고 우호적인 사회적 네트워크를 형성하려는 신입사원들의 노력이 사회화 결과에 대한 제도화된 사회화 전략의 효과를 강화시키고 있었다. 경험연구의 결과는 우리에게 다음과 같은 실천적 시사점을 던져준다. 신입사원들이 새로운 조직에 진입하는 초기단계의 불확실성을 줄이면서 조직 내에서 제자리를 잡고 성숙한 조직구성원으로 성장해나가는 데는 제도화된 사회화 전략은 물론이고 개인들의 선도적 행위 또한 도움이 되므로, 조직은 경영자(혹은 관리자)와 신입사원들 양자 모두가 사회화 과정에서 적극적인 역할을 수행할 수 있도록 하는 구체적이고 실질적인 수단들을 마련할 필요가 있다. This study examined the effects of institutionalized socialization tactics on newcomers' socialization outcomes (e.g., organization commitment, job satisfaction, role clarity), and the moderating influence of newcomers' proactivity behaviors. Based on sample of 347 newcomers from 9 organizations in Korea, results revealed positive relationships between institutionalized socialization tactics and socialization outcomes. However, the effects of institutionalized socialization tactics were facilitated by several proactive behaviors that newcomers used to gain control over their environment. Newcomers' positive framing and relationship building(e.g., general socializing, networking) harmonized with institutional tactics to socialization outcomes. But there was no significant interaction effect of sensemaking on the relationships between institutionalized tactics and socialization outcomes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 사회적 교환, 수용자의 능력, 그리고 성과

        김상표(Sang-Pyo Kim),전수욱(Su-Wook Jeon),태열(Tae-Yeol Kim) 한국인사조직학회 2010 한국인사ㆍ조직학회 발표논문집 Vol.2010 No.2

        본 논문은 조직에서 사회적 교환이 계속적으로 유지되기 위해서, 수용자의 능력이 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 가정하고, 이를 증명하기 위해 연구하였다. 구체적으로, 사회적 교환이 수용자의 능력인 행동의 자주관리에 미치는 영향과 행동의 자주관리가 성과에 미치는 영향, 그리고 행동의 자주관리가 매개효과를 발생시키는지 연구한 것이다. 연구자료는 경상북도와 경상남도에 위치한 기업을 대상으로 최고경영자의 양해를 구해 각 부서의 부서장이 부하와 직속상관에 대한 목록을 작성하여 수집했다. 총 배부된 설문지는 800부이고, 분석에 사용된 설문지는 610부이다. 구조방정식 모형을 사용하여 자료를 분석한 결과, 사회적 교환이 수용자의 능력인 행동의 자주관리에 정(+)의 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 행동의 자주관리가 조직의 성과변수인 직무만족, 조직몰입, 조직시민행동, 직무성과에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 사회적 교환은 대체로 조직의 성과에 직접적인 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 나타났으며, 행동의 자주관리를 매개로 하여 간접적으로 조직의 성과에 영향을 미치는 것으로 검증되었다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 연구의 시사점, 한계 및 추후연구 과제에 대해 논의하였다. Social exchange theory suggests that employees and their supervisors and organizations build social exchange relationships (i.e., supervisory and organizational social exchange, respectively) within which both parties continuously exchange socio-emotional benefits such as recognition and esteem (Cropanzano & Mitchell, 2005; Rupp & Cropanzano, 2002). Social exchange relationships are different from purely economic exchange relationships in that the obligations of the both parties in social exchange are unspecified. The open-ended obligations strengthen bonds of indebtedness and trust which trigger one exchange party to become committed to the other (Blau, 1964). As a result, employees in social exchange relationships tend to form a high degree of trust, a high level of investment and obligation, and a long-term orientation relationship with their supervisors and organizations (Rupp & Cropanzano, 2002; Shore, Tetrick, Lynch, & Barksdale, 2006). In addition, employees who enjoy the goodwill and caring of an organization will feel obligated to reciprocate with positive behaviors toward the supervisors and organizations. Current social exchange studies have contributed to enhance our understanding about the effects of social exchange relationships on employee outcomes. However, they paid little attention to examining how social exchange relationships influence employees’ intentions or abilities to reciprocate with behaviors and attitudes that benefit the supervisors and organization. Supervisory and organizational social exchange can be maintained if the receiver who gets the benefits (e.g., employees) can provide some intangible socio-emotional resources to the giver (e.g., supervisors or organizations), if the receiver harms the giver, the social exchange relationship can be broken (Gouldner, 1960). In general, the receivers in social exchange relationship are willing to improve their ability to benefit the giver because they would not like to break the trust with the giver and feel obligation to benefit the giver. In this study, we examined how supervisory and organizational social exchange influenced the receivers (i.e., employees)' behavioral self-management (i.e., ability) and how employees’ behavioral self-management affected their work attitudes and behaviors. We collected the data from three organizations in Republic of Korea (i.e., one air manufacturing, one hotel, and one telecommunication company). In the survey, employees assessed supervisory and organizational social exchange, their behavioral self-management, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Supervisors reported their subordinates’ job performance and organizational citizenship behavior. We distributed 500 employee-supervisor pair surveys. Of 351 surveys collected (i.e., response rate = 70.2 %), we deleted 34 ones due to errors and missing values. The reliabilities of all the measures are great. The average of supervisory and organizational social exchange was 4.43 and 4.53, respectively, which is not high on a 7-point Likert-type scale. As expected supervisory and organizational social exchange significantly correlated with employees’ behavioral self-management. To test the research hypotheses, we used structural equation modeling and tested the mediation effects using Sobel (1982)’s test. Results revealed the positive effects of supervisory and organizational social exchange on employee’s behavioral self-management. Employees’ behavioral self-management was also significantly associated with their job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job performance. In addition, supervisory and organizational social exchange influenced employee outcomes (i. e., job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job performance) indirectly through employees’ behavioral self-management.

      • 과정 철학과 프로네시스 -조직의 창조적 전진을 위한 길찾기-

        김상표 ( Sang Pyo Kim ),영진 ( Young Jin Kim ) 한국화이트헤드학회 2011 화이트헤드 연구 Vol.22 No.-

        화이트헤드는 초월성보다는 내재성을 통해서 실재에 대한 이해를 탐구하였다. 내재성은 과정을 실재로서 이해하는 것이다. 과정을 지성으로써 이해한다는 것은 베르그손의 말대로 ``공간화``에 머물 수도 있다. 과정은 오직 직관을 통해서만 이해할 수 있다는 것이 베르그손의 관점이다. 화이트헤드는 베르그손과는 달리 지성과 직관은 모두 인간 경험의 중요한 측면이라고 보며, 이 양자의 결합을 통해 과정을 더욱 정합적이고 논리적으로 포착할 수 있다고 본다. 이 글은 화이트헤드의 과정철학에서 궁극자의 범주에 해당하는 창조성, 일자, 다자를 보다 쉽게 이해할 수 있게 설명하였으며, 이를 조직이론에 어떻게 적용가능하지를 살펴보았다. 오늘날 조직이론에서 다양한 변화의 물결이 일어나고 있다. 우리는 이런 변화가 전체적으로 과정철학, 특히 화이트헤드의 개념들과 밀접한 관련이 있음을 밝혀보고자 하였다. How Whitehead`s ultimate category and foresight can contribute to organization theory? This paper tried to show how Whitehead`s work on process paradigm has contributed significantly towards efforts in organization theory to explore organization as process. For a long time, management scholars have been trying to exclude subjectivity from management in order to build an "objective" theory that can be universally applied to any situation that managers face. Despite this rational effort, it is impossible to completely exclude subjectivity from management. As Whitehead points out, science or knowledge cannot be freed from subjective factors, because it is about issues of subjectivity, such as values, intensity. Creativity plays a important role in the relationship between human beings and the world. Process philosophy has been incorporated into the works of a few management scholars. Among them, Nonaka(2007) propose concrescence model of organizational change based on the philosophy of Whitehead. According to Nonaka, to understand management, we have to understand the process in which humans are interrelated. In the substance thinking of conventional economical theory, where the person is viewed as homo economicus, individual relationships are defined in contracts for satisfying people`s desires only in terms of the possession and consumption of goods and the accumulation of wealth. There, there is no community, only individuals who exist apart from others. A contract-based view of external relationships cannot grasp the process of ultimate category (creativity, Th, many). Nonaka also asserts that what defines the firm and the knowledge it creates is its practical ability to make value judgements in each particular situation to realize its vision of the future. This ability was described by Aristotle as an essential habit of mind that grasps the truth. It is the intellectual virtue he called phronesis, roughly translated as prudence, practical wisdom, and practical rationality. Whitehead translated it as foresight, seasonable truth. Therefore, The aim of this paper is to discuss the notion of Whitehead`s process philosophy as being a unifying label for theoretical models that together emphasize innovation and stability, foresight(phronesis), concrete relationship and community.

      • 악성 체강삼출액의 세포학적 분석

        김상표,배지연,박관규,권건영,이상숙,장은숙,정숙,Kim, Sang-Pyo,Bae, Ji-Yeon,Park, Kwan-Kyu,Kwon, Kun-Young,Lee, Sang-Sook,Chang, Eun-Sook,Kim, Chung-Sook 대한세포병리학회 1995 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        Eighty cases of malignant effusion were cytologically studied to elucidate the incidence of primary tumor site and cytologic characteristics of each tumor types. Eighty fluid specimens were composed of 43 ascitic, 35 pleural, and 2 pericardial effusion and primary tumor site had been confirmed by histology. The frequent primary sites were stomach(22 cases, 28%), lung(21 cases, 26%), ovary(11 cases, 14%), liver(7 cases, 9%), and breast (4 cases, 5%). The principal malignant tumors were adenocarcinoma (56 cases, 70%), squamous cell carcinoma (7 cases, 9%), liver cell carcinoma (7 cases, 9%), small cell carcinoma (4 cases, 5%), and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (4 cases, 5%). The distinctive cytologic findings according to primary tumor types were as follows; the gastric adenocarcinomas were mainly characterized by isolated cells and irregular clusters sometimes with signet ring cells. Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma of ovary showed frequently papillary clusters and occasional psammoma bodies. Breast carcinoma of ductal type showed cell balls with smooth margins. Colonic adenocarcinoma showed rather irregular clusters or palisading pattern of cylindrical cells. Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma, liver cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, and non-Hodgkln's lymphoma showed also characteristic features. These findings Indicate that the cytological features observed in the great majority of malignant effusion are similar to those of primary tumor types, which are very helpful to indentify the primary tumor site.

      • KCI등재
      • 화이트헤드 철학과 조직이론의 만남 -실체철학을 넘어서-

        김상표 ( Sang Pyo Kim ),영진 ( Young Jin Kim ) 한국화이트헤드학회 2010 화이트헤드 연구 Vol.20 No.-

        이 논문은 화이트헤드의 유기체 철학이 조직이론에 어떤 기여를 할 수 있는지를 검토한다. 조직의 패러다임이 실체 관점에서 과정 관점으로 이동하고 있음을 반증하는 증거들이 제시되고 있다. 이러한 문제의식 하에서 우리는 다음과 같은 순서로 논의를 전개한다. 먼저 화이트헤드의 유기체 철학에 기대어 실체 철학의 근본 전제들을 비판적으로 검토하고, 다음으로 실체 철학이 근대 과학에서 기계주의 형태로 변형되고 이것이 현대 조직이론에 어떻게 침투되었는지를 구체적으로 설명한다. 이 과정에서 우리는 조직 내 제도적 메카니즘을 설계하는 데 기본 전제로 작용하는 자유주의와 공동체주의의 존재론 및 인식론이 공통적으로 실체 철학의 범주를 벗어나고 있지 못함을 보여준다. 마지막으로 유기체 철학 혹은 과정철학을 조직이론에 불러들임으로써 조직이론가들이나 경영자들이 이론적, 실천적 측면에서 어떠한 도움을 받을 수 있는지를 개략적으로 살펴본다. This paper tried to show how Whitehead`s work on process paradigm has contributed significantly towards efforts in organization theory to explore organization as process. Whitehead`s discussion of the relationship between organism and substance in particular served to highlight central dynamic features of process. The Western tradition of thinking, the metaphysics of substance, based upon the binary separation between transcendental ideas and appearances in the real world, challenged by process philosophy through contemporary philosophy and modern physics. Process philosophy is increasingly relevant for organization theory as everyday organization`s institution and practice has to deal with fluid, changing and complex realities. But organization also must need to conserve stability, uniformity. Therefore, The aim of this paper is to discuss the notion of Whitehead`s process philosophy as being a unifying label for theoretical models that together emphasize change and stability, novelty and uniformity, becoming and being, and individuals and community.


        원발성 중추신경계 림프종의 치료전략

        일만,이창영,손은익,동원,임만빈,김상표,Kim, Il-Man,Lee, Chang Young,Son, Eun Ik,Kim, Dong Won,Yim, Man Bin,Kim, Sang Pyo 대한신경외과학회 2001 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.30 No.3

        Objective : We have currently changed treatment strategies to methotrexate(MTX)-based preirradiation chemotherapy with subsequent planned radiation for the initial therapy of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL). The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of treating PCNSL with chemotherapy plus radiotherapy (CRT) or radiotherapy(RT) alone. Method and Material : This study involved 10 females and 3 males patients with a mean age of 54.2 years. All patients underwent surgery, open(8 cases) or stereotactic biopsy(5 cases) for histological diagnosis. Eleven tumors were diffuse large B-cell lymphomas. Tumor volume change in the follow-up images and survival time were evaluated in patients treated with CRT and RT alone. In the beginning, two patients received ProMACE-Cytabom chemotherapeutic regimen, but did not complete the course and died of progressive tumor 8 and 9 months after diagnosis, respectively. One patient died at 6 months before chemotherapy. These three were excluded from the survival analysis. Five patients(RT group) completed full courses of cranial irradiation with or without boost. For the current combined modality treatment, high-dose MTXbased chemotherapy(systemic and intrathecal MTX, IV vincristine, and oral procarbazine) followed by whole brain irrdiation to 45Gy to tumor was introduced in 5 patients of CRT group. Result : A complete response was achieved in three of five who received RT only and in all of five who received CRT. All patients in CRT groups are in disease free status at a mean 23 months following therapy. The RT group patients refused any additional salvage therapy at tumor relapse and survived at mean 20 months from diagnosis. The Karnofsky performance status improved in eight of ten patients with treatment. The treatment toxicity included leukoencephalopathy in RT group and severe leukopenia, transient hepatitis, avascular necrosis of femoral head, hearing loss, and amenorrhea in CRT group, respectively. Conclusion : The combined modality therapy of MTX-based chemotherapy plus radiotherapy for PCNSL may enhance tumor response and improve patient survival. The patients who received CRT should be carefully followed up because of the higher risk of treatment-induced late neurotoxicity.

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