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        정부의 규제개혁정책과 토지거래 규제법제 위반의 법률관계

        김상명(Kim Sangmyeong) 한국법학회 2016 법학연구 Vol.62 No.-

        토지거래규제는 토지의 취득과정에서 일정한 경우에 그 취득하려는 자를 선별하거나 토지의 이용에 있어서 그 토지의 사용목적에 국가나 지방자치단체의 공적인 통제를 통하여 토지의 취득 및 이용의 합리성을 제고하고, 투기적 거래의 통제와 지가의 급격한 상승의 억제를 통한 순기능을 가지고 있지만 국가나 지방자치단체의 세수확보나 부동산 경기 활성화로 인한 내수경제를 위해서는 기존의 토지거래규제를 완화하거나 개혁할 필요성이 대두된다. 특히, 토지거래허가구역 내에서의 거래계약을 체결할 경우에 관할청의 토지거래허가를 받지 않는 경우, 사립대학교의 기본재산을 처분할 경우에 주무관청의 허가를 받지 않는 경우, 농지취득의 경우에 농지취득자격증명을 받지 않고 농지를 거래한 경우, 부동산거래의 경우에 검인계약서를 받지 않은 경우, 중간생략등기 및 명의신탁의 금지를 위반한 경우, 외국인이 토지를 취득할 경우에 토지취득신고를 위반한 경우, 전통사찰 등을 허가를 받지 않고 처분하거나 대여 또는 담보를 제공하는 경우, 향교 부동산을 처분하거나 담보로 제공하는 때에 허가를 받지 않은 경우 등 부동산거래시에 제한적으로 규제되는 규정을 위반하여 거래한 경우에 그 법적효과에 대하여 판례를 중심으로 검토하였다. As Land has different properties compared to regular products and government intervention is inevitable for its acquisition and use, there have to be laws and regulations for Land transaction restrictions that require authorization and permission of local government offices when acquiring and using Land. Some of the legislations for Land transaction restrictions include requiring the permission of the Minister Education to sell or to set as security the Land property owned by private colleges under the Private School Act, the permission of the Minister of Ministry of Culture and Sports to dispose of a temple that is registered as a traditional temple under the Act on Preservation and Support of Traditional Temples, the permission of the minister of responsible ministry to dispose of or to set as security the properties of a village school under the Village School Property Act, the permission of local governor when Land transfer agreement has been signed within the zone where land transaction is permitted under the Act on National Territory Planning and Use, the certificate of qualification to acquire farms from the local governor to acquire farms under the Farmland Act, and the application for the registration of ownership transfer with the verification of local mayor or governor when signing a Land transfer agreement under the Special Land Registration Act. In order to reform these restrictions, the administrative activities of the government and the National Assembly members are more important than anything and the legislators should select the method that is most valid for active legislation. Therefore, the government and the National Assembly should make active efforts to reform the restrictive laws and regulations for national economy and the economic activities of citizens.

      • KCI등재

        환기 유무에 따른 CIGS BIPV 커튼월 유닛의 성능 비교 분석

        김상명(Kim Sang-Myung),진희(Kim Jin-Hee),준태(Kim Jun-Tae) 한국태양에너지학회 2017 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.37 No.2

        CIGS thin film solar cells are technically suitable for BIPV applications than regularly used crystalline silicon solar cells. Particularly, CIGS PV has lower temperature coefficient than crystalline silicon PV, thus decrease in power generation is lowered in CIGS PV. Moreover, CIGS PV can decrease shading loss when applied to the BIPV system, and the total annual power generation is higher than crystalline silicon. However, there are few studies on the installation factors affecting the performance of BIPV system with CIGS module. In this study, BIPV curtain wall unit with CIGS PV module was designed. To prevent increase of temperature of CIGS PV module by solar radiation, ventilation was considered at the backside of the unit. The thermal specification and electrical performance of CIGS PV of the ventilated unit was analyzed experimentally. Non-ventilated unit was also investigated and compared with ventilated unit. The results showed that the average CIGS temperature of the ventilated curtain wall unit as 6.8°C lower than non-ventilated type and the efficiency and power generation performance of ventilated CIGS PV on average was, respectively, about 6% and 5.8% higher than the non-ventilated type.

      • KCI등재

        심재에 따른 진공단열패널의 특성 및 장기성능 평가

        김상명(Kim, Sang-Myung),프레드 에드먼드 보아포(Fred Edmond Boafo),진희(Kim, Jin-Hee),준태(Kim, Jun-Tae) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2020 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        Recently to reduce energy consumption in the building sector, insulation regulation of the building envelope has been strengthened more and more. The strengthened regulation on insulation results in thicker building envelope and the thicker envelope makes inner space become narrow. One of the solutions to meet strengthened insulation regulation is using high efficient insulation for the building envelope. Vacuum Insulation Panel (VIP) is one of high efficient insulation which has 8~10 time lower thermal conductivity than existing insulations. By installing VIPs for building insulation, meeting the strict insulation regulation and maintaining large inner space are both possible. Generally, the lifetime of buildings is more than 50 years. However, the study on the long-term performance of VIPs is insufficient. In this paper, the performance and durability of VIPs were investigated. For the performance evaluation, VIPs from 5 companies were investigated. 4 types of VIPs based on fumed silica and 2 types of VIPs based on the glass fiber were tested. To analyze the performance of VIPs the thermal conductivity and inner pressure of VIPs were measured. For the analysis of the long-term performance for VIP, the accelerated aged test based on ISO standard was conducted. The accelerated test was done for 180 days and the test condition was kept at temperature of 50℃ and relative humidity of 70%. This paper compared the performance of VIP depending on the core material. Also, it showed the performance changed according to time and the estimated long-term performance of VIPs based on the accelerated aging test result was discussed. This paper would be a foundational research to help apply VIPs for the building industry.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        점유취득시효완성자의 대상청구권

        김상명(Kim Sang-Myeong) 한국법학회 2007 법학연구 Vol.27 No.-

        우리 민법에서는 대상청구권에 대하여 아무런 규정을 두고 있지 않음으로 인해 판례가 인정하게 됨으로써 그 인정범위와 권리의 내용에 대해 학설상 다툼이 발생할 수밖에 없다. 이에 대하여 대법원은 공평의 원리에 따라 구체적인 사안에서 구체적 타당성을 도출하는 방향으로 대상청구권을 활용하고 있다. 특히 부동산 점유취득시효로 인한 소유권이전등기청구권이 이행불능이 되었을 경우에 대상청구권에 대하여도, 이행불능 전에 등기명의인에 대하여 취득시효의 완성을 주장하거나, 또는 그것을 원인으로 한 등기청구권을 행사하였을 경우에만 그 대상청구권을 행사할 수 있는 것으로 요건을 제한함으로써 취득시효완성 후 목적물을 처분한 소유자의 책임을 제한적으로 인정하여 온 기존 판례와 조화를 맞추고 있다. 이러한 판례의 태도는 공평의 이념에 따른 것으로 기본적으로는 타당한 것으로 볼 수 있으나 대상청구권의 인정범위나 구체적인 권리내용이 명확하지 않아 법적 안정성을 해칠 우려가 있다. 따라서 대상청구권에 관한 충분한 논의를 거쳐 그 인정범위와 권리의 내용에 대하여 민법에 명문으로 규정을 둠으로써 입법론적으로 해결하는 것이 다툼을 방지할 수 있는 방안이 될 것으로 생각한다. The claim rights of vicarious compensation mean the creditors' right of recourse on the profit against the obligors when debtors make profits on vicarious compensation of the object to be fulfilled by the same causes which raised the insolvency. The Korean civil law has no provision on the claim rights of vicarious compensation. The claim rights of vicarious compensation in legal schemes and the harmonizations of the laws with the other civil law systems are different due to the differences in the ways of the transfer of a real right and the principles of risk bearing etc. of the countries. The results of breaking the fairness between both parties concerned like this appear continuously in that only the proportional decrease of a consideration obligation would be admitted. the effect come up to fruit, even a guarantor necessarily bears a responsibility when the rights are exercised. In conclusion, due to the problems in itself as well as possible conflict with existing system and fairness breaking result of the acknowledging the claim right of vicarious compensation, it is reasonable that the Korean civil law should not acknowledge the claim rights of vicarious compensation. In a word. it is necessary to provide an express provision admitting the claim rights of vicarious compensation and regulating essential contents rationally to solve the problems.

      • KCI등재

        不勳産去來事故의 防止方案에 관한 硏究

        金相明(Kim Sang-Myeong),金祥燦(Kim Sang-Chan) 한국법학회 2005 법학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        It is true that incidents which happen within real estate transactions nowadays have become various and bigger in scale. These kinds of real estate transactional incidents have emerged as a social issue whereby the losses incurred as a result of a real estate transaction incident is not only an individual property loss but a psychological loss as well in its adroitness of scale or method. Furthermore, once a real estate transaction incident occurs, there is a problem in that it is impossible to recover the original state or that the damage is excessive. Therefore, the outcry for the necessity of seeking out a legislative and policy measure which will prevent this happening on a national level has been raised. However, in the present state of the national law, in the event of a real estate transactional incident, the problem lies in that there is no preventive measure for this kind of event, only a criminal punishment ex post facto. Therefore, the following legislative and policy measures which might prevent such incidents before its actual occurrence in the real estate transactions are suggested. First, a claiming ground insurance system which will preserve the true rightful person's loss as well as the changes in the social conditions should be introduced in Korea as well. The public servant working at the real estate registration office should be endowed with a substantial power of inspection so that there is further support in the real estate registration system. Further efforts should be made to prevent any real estate transaction incidents beforehand by endowing the power of public confidence under the agreement of the people to the real estate registration. Second, the registration department and the account department should be unified so that it may be supervised and inspected uniformly. The real estate rights analysis system should be officialized so that real estate transaction incidents may be prevented beforehand by introducing a real estate transaction execution guarantee system regarding the bill of sales through an appropriate legislation that is realistic. Third, in introducing the real estate rights analyst system, it is advisable to carry it out as an individual legislative form and it is reasonable to assume that it is the best possible alternative which will prevent real estate transaction incidents but it should be noted that it is low in effectiveness. As mentioned earlier, many obstacles are foreseen in order to make the real estate rights analysis system into an official system. Most importantly, in order to introduce the notarization system to the real estate rights analyst, there is a need to first establish the relationship with the middlemen about the boundaries of business dealings as well as the rights and duties according to the real estate brokerage law, and with the judicial scrivener about the boundaries of business dealings as well as the rights and duties according to the laws of judicial law.

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