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        프랑스 정치학의 연구동향 및 특징

        김민정(Kim Min-jeoung) 한국정치정보학회 2010 정치정보연구 Vol.13 No.2

        이 논문은 1951년부터 2002년까지 51년에 걸친 프랑스 정치학회보지의 첫호에 실린 논문들을 분석하여 프랑스 정치학의 특징과 주요 연구동향을 찾아내고자 하였다. 프랑스 정치학회보에 실린 논문을 통하여 보았을 때 프랑스 정치학의 가장 큰 특징은 첫째 자국에 관한 연구가 가장 많다는 것이다. 다른 국가들의 정치학에서도 그러하지만 프랑스 정치학의 경우에도 예외는 아니어서 가장 많은 논문들이 연구대상으로 하고 있는 국가는 프랑스였다. 두번째의 특징으로 프랑스 정치학에서 가장 많은 연구영역은 비교정치라는 것이다. 이것은 프랑스 정치학의 역사가 헌법으로부터 출발하여, 제도간의 비교가 그 시발점이었기 때문이기도 하고 프랑스 정치학의 영역은 프랑스 정치에 대한 이해이기 때문에 이를 비교정치적 시각에서 분석하고 있기 때문이기도 하다. 세번째 프랑스 정치학의 특징은 역시 방법론적인 특징이다. 경험적인 연구보다는 비경험적인 연구를 주로 하여서 통계적 방법론의 사용이 적으며 단순기술 혹은 서술분석, 인과관계의 분석에 치중하고 있다는 것이다. This article analyses articles of every first number of each year from 1951 to 2002 of Revue fran?aise de Science poolitique in order to find out the characteristics of French political science and its research trend. From this anaylsis, one of the most prominent characteristics of French political science is the object of the research. The most analysed country that the French political science is interested in is France as well as other countries' political science. Secondly, French political science has a big interest in studying compartive politics. The proportion of article in the field of comparative politics is about 80%. This is because French political science began from the division of the study of consitutional law and from the begining, it has dealt a lot the comparasion of institutions. Thirdly, French political science is done not with the empirical method but with the non statistical method. French political scientists mostly use qualitative data with the non empirical analysis.

      • KCI등재후보

        뇌간 해면 기형의 수술적 전략과 신경학적 결과

        김민정(Min Jeoung Kim),이상헌(Sanghun Lee),김의현(Eui Hyun Kim),장종희(Jong Hee Chang),이규성(Kyu-Sung Lee),홍창기(Chang-Ki Hong) 대한두개저학회 2019 대한두개저학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Background : Brainstem cavernous malformation (BSCM) is a rare pathology that causes repeated bleeding in the brainstem. The anatomical complexity of the brainstem and high surgical morbidity and mortality rates make surgery difficult. Several authors have shared their experience of surgical removal of BSCM. Methods : Patients diagnosed with BSCM in single institution from 2006 to 2017 were investigated retrospectively. A modified Rankin scale (mRS) was used to assess patients’ neurological status. During surgery, neuronavigation and neuromonitoring were used. Results : The total number of 16 patients were reviewed. The telovelar approach was used most frequently (7 times). mRS on admission versus mRS at last follow up (p = 0.008) and mRS at immediate postoperative versus mRS at last follow-up showed significant difference (p = 0.001). Postoperative neurological deteriorations were noticed in 8 of 16 patients. Neurological outcomes were improved after more than 6 months later during follow up periods. Conclusions : In this study, neurological status may be deteriorated in immediate postoperative but neurological status will be better when followed up for more than 6 months. Surgical techniques and equipment such as high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion tensor imaging, 3-dimensional modeling, neuronavigation, and neuromonitoring help surgery of BSCM. So BSCM should be surgically treated in active stance.

      • KCI등재

        한국 국회의원의 정책우선순위에 나타난 젠더 차이

        김민정 ( Min Jeoung Kim ) 서울대학교 한국정치연구소 2011 韓國 政治 硏究 Vol.20 No.3

        이 논문은 남녀국회의원이 입법안 제출에 있어서 정책적 우선순위가 다른지 알아본 연구이다. 더 구체적으로 여성할당제가 적용되어서 최초로 구성된 17대 국회와 여성할당제 적용 이전의 16대 국회에서 제출된 모든 법안을 분석하여서 법안 발의자의 성이 법안의 내용에 영향을 주었는지를 연구한 것이다. 이와 더불어 여성의원수의 변화가 여성의원들의 입법안 발의에 영향을 주었는지 분석하였다. 16대와 17대에 발의된 모든 법안의 내용을 모두 10개로 나누고 이에 영향을 주었으리라고 생각되는 발의자의 정당, 발의자의 성, 발의자의 지역구 혹은 비례대표, 발의자의 선수, 발의자의 나이를 변수로 넣어서 분석해 본 결과 발의자의 성과 발의자의 지역구(혹은 비례대표)가 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 입법안의 내용이 발의자의 성에 따라 상이하여 남성이면 경제문제, 외교문제에 주로 치우쳐 있었고 여성일 경우에는 사회복지 관련, 교육 관련 문제가 많았다. 발의자가 지역구 국회의원인지 비례대표 국회의원인지도 발의한 내용에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 한편 16대에서 17대로 가면서 여성의원의 비율이 2배 증가하였는데 여성의원이 증가하면서 여성들은 의회 내에서 보다 활발하게 법안발의를 하였고 16대에는 한 건도 없었던 경제문제와 같이 여성의 분야가 아닌 것으로 인식되는 분야에서도 법안발의를 하는 것으로 나타났다. 기존의 연구에서 여성이 30%에 이를 때까지는 여성적인 특성이 나타나지 않는다고 하였지만, 한국 국회에서는 30%에는 미치지 않았지만 2배로 증가된 여성의원 비율은 여성을 보다 활동적으로 만들었다고 할 수 있다. This article analyzes the different policy priorities between male and female legislators in initiating bills in the 16th and 17th National Assemblies in South Korea. In both Assemblies, female legislators are more likely to initiate bills concerning the traditional interests to women such as family, child-rearing, education, women`s rights, and welfare issues. In regression analysis, the most important factor which differentiates the themes of bills is the gender of initiator. In addition, the increase of female legislators has made them more active in their legislative activities such as the number of bills per person.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 가버넌스의 여성정책

        김민정(Kim Min Jeoung) 한국유럽학회 2003 유럽연구 Vol.18 No.-

        Women`s policy of European community has been more developed than those of European- member states and has a position of leading the gender-equality policy in Europe by proposing new agendas and arousing interests of member states on this subject. European community has a tendency of non-political involvement in deciding social policies in European union and has various structural funds. These facts enable to execute advanced polices compared with European-member states. In this aspect, Europe has a circumstance of performing more advanced policies than an individual member state where the conflicts among various interest groups influence the decision- making processes in domestic politics. However, Women`s police of European community has substantial problems. The polices have been based on women only as laborers, not on social issues. In addition, the decision making is from top to bottom not reflecting the opinions of majority of women.

      • KCI등재

        영유아교사 교육프로그램 관련연구 동향 분석

        김민정(Min-Jeoung Kim),김현주(Hyun-Joo Kim) 중앙대학교 한국교육문제연구소 2015 한국교육문제연구 Vol.33 No.4

        본 연구는 영유아교사 교육프로그램과 관련된 학위논문 및 학술지 수록 논문들을 연구방법, 교육실시대상, 연구주제, 교수학습방법 유형에 따라 분석하여 영유아교사 교육프로그램과 관련된 논문의 동향을 파악하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 1993년부터 2014년까지 발표된 영유아교사 교육프로그램과 관련된 학위논문 51편과 학술지 수록 논문 39편을 대상으로 분석하였다. 분석한 결과 양적연구가 77.8%로 대부분을 차지하였고, 다음으로 질적연구가 21.1%를 차지하였으며, 복합연구는 1.1%로 나타났다. 영유아교사 교육프로그램 관련 논문의 교육실시대상 동향을 파악하기 위하여 교육실시대상을 예비교사와 현직교사로 나누어 분석한 결과 예비교사를 위한 교사교육프로그램 연구가 21.1%, 현직교사를 위한 교사교육프로그램 연구가 78.9%로 나타났다. 영유아교사 교육프로그램 관련 논문의 연구주제 동향을 파악하기 위하여 교과교육영역과 교사의 역량으로 나누어 분석한 결과 교과교육영역과 교사의 역량이 각각 55.6%와 44.4%로 나타나 교과교육영역의 비중이 다소 높게 나타났으나 그 차이는 크지 않았다. 영유아교사 교육프로그램 관련 논문의 교수학습방법 동향을 파악한 결과 강의, 저널쓰기, 토의, 사례발표, 토론, 실습, 동영상시청, 시연, 현장관찰의 순으로 빈도수가 높게 나타나 영유아교사 교육이 주로 이론 강의와 저널쓰기, 그리고 발표 및 토의위주로 진행되었음을 알 수 있었다. The purpose of this research is to understand trends in dissertations and research papers related to topics of nursery and preschool teacher education programs by classifying and analyzing dissertations and papers in academic journals by research method, education program target, research topic, and instruction method. For this research, 51 dissertations and 39 papers published in academic journals about education programs for nursery and preschool teachers from 1993 to 2014 were analyzed. These dissertations were found using Research Information Sharing Service (RISS) and internet sites provided by the National Assembly Library. Based on categories, 77.8% of research papers were considered quantitative while 22.1% were qualitative. Only 1.1% of papers had used mixed method. Current teachers were by far the most often studied subjects with 78.9% of research papers including current teachers while 21.1% included prospective teachers. In terms of research topics, papers were categorized into topics related to curriculum and topics related to teacher competence. The following instruction methods, listed in the order of frequency, were mentioned in dissertations related to preschool teacher education programs: lecture, journal writing, discussion, case study presentation, debate, practical training, watching video clips, demonstration, and field observation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        EU의 성평등정책이 회원국의 국내정책에 미친 영향

        김민정(Min jeoung Kim) 21세기정치학회 2004 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.14 No.1

        France is a exclusive state of women's participation in the field of the politics. But in 1999, they modified the constitution in order to facilitate to adapt the quota system to the electoral law. And in 2000, as presumed, the electoral law adapted the women quota system which is called the loi parité. This article aims to answer the question how France suddenly transformed his attitude toward women in the field of the politics. We point out that the EU's policy pushes France to go toward the parity. The European Union's policy to facilitate the gender balance in the decision making process is to provide a kind of model that the member states can adapt. Besides, The EU also makes the member states sensitive to the gender imbalance demanding to submit annually the report about the participation of women in the decision making process. The EU supports financially projects of the member states related this problem. Finally The EU provides the action plan demonstrating the possible strategy for the gender balance in the decision making. Throughout these efforts, French people change their mind about the women in the decision making and French politicians recognize the mass opinion. So even if they don't want to change the constitution, they are obliged to vote for the modification of the constitution.

      • KCI등재

        여성할당제의 정치적 효과

        김민정(Min jeoung Kim) 21세기정치학회 2006 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.16 No.1

        1975-1985, we called these years World Women’s Years and then in Nairobi in 1985 the Forward Looking Strategies was chosen by the Commission on the Status of Women deciding to consider the subject of equality in political decision making. In 1990’s, many countries tried to enhance the women representation in national assemblies. There are two methods, one is a change of Election system i.e. Proportional system and the other is an adoption of Quota system. However the election system is hard to change because of its importance in national politics as a crucial rule of political game, therefore many countries consider to adopt the quota system. The Quota brings out a prompt result and it can be temporary, so it is easy to persuade opposed and have good effects. But there are discourses against quota i.e. undemocratic, violation of the principle of equality of opportunities, conflict with democratic decision making process of political party, unqualified women, lowering of quality of activities in council. So we want to investigate the political effects of gender quota on the french municipal council. At the result, we found out that the quota brought out the increasing the number of women in elections with the parity law and also in positions without the parity law, and counillors become younger. Political Parties recruited women from non-political profession such as housewives, private company employee. People are far from unsatisfied with their female councillors’ activities. Feminization of city council brings the change of decision making process and the way of making contact to people.

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