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        오셀로와 이야고 : 추리소설 작가 아가서 크리스티의 눈을 통하여

        김미예(Miye Kim) 한국셰익스피어학회 2003 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.39 No.4

        Agatha Christie, a famous mystery writer suggests that X and Iago, the secret murderers have the common pattern of act. X and Iago destroy the people by playing a role of 'gentle-natured loving friends', who understand all and are considerate of other people's feelings. By taking advantage of the positive value of 'honesty', they cause the negative one of 'chaos' and 'hate'. Nevertheless, no one believes that they are hateful plotters ensnaring the victims they have chosen. Their pattern of act reminds us that though a cause itself has the name of great value, its effect depends on the will of the doer. According to Agatha Christie's opinion, the theory of catalysis explains the characteristics of a Iago. This theory perhaps may tell us the whole of Othello. A man who carries the function of catalyst in life remains as he is, while other people around him are changed. Iago remains honest and unchanged almost till the end, though he has been centering on the process of negative change in the relationship between Othello and Desdemona. X, another Iago, would have kept on living as the gentle-natured loving man and always two persons among his friends should have proved to be a murderee and a murderer. The people around Iago or X always change toward negative direction. This theory proves to us not that without Iago Othello would have not murdered Desdemona but that Iago can intrude into some fatal breaches between Othello and Desdemona that cannot be curable. Some necessary elements between Othello and Desdemona causing the breach lie hidden in the subconscious world of desire. Those elements leading to ruin cannot work without Iago. Othello and Desdemona, however, have in themselves the weakness causing alienation and breach so strong that they are likely to meet a Iago for a Iago is a man of talent to alienate a person from others. In other words, it must be an inevitable consequence that Othello should meet Iago and fall to self-destruction by murdering or destroying his innocent wife, Desdemona, for he has the potential quality of destruction. Therefore Othello is not just a victim of Iago. The essential qualities of Othello and Iago are on the same board, though in the pattern of their action, the one react passively and the other actively. The sense of inferiority of Iago and Othello causes the sadistic violence and destruction and finally self-destruction.

      • KCI등재

        셰익스피어 극을 통한 인간이해 - 비극을 중심으로

        김미예(Miye Kim) 한국셰익스피어학회 2006 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.42 No.2

        Every man that searches for spiritual evolution cannot get to the highest state of wisdom without facing the inner-self. Shakespeare's tragedies, King Lear, Macbeth, Hamlet show that tragic heroes should live lives of suffering and ignorance because of the failure of seeing through into the self wrapped with every kind of illusion. They also show how much more a hard job it is that a man should make a ethical choice via self-awareness. Nevertheless, they teach that the hardship is the crucial key to keep man from falling into the state of beast as well. In King Lear, seemingly trivial faults in the relationship between Lear and Cordelia prove to get to the fatal catastrophe, for actions are taken without the knowledge of true self. Lear's tragedy is brought about by the failure of finding the true cause of his wrath in himself, which energy is uncontrollable to him. Cordelia's hatred towards her sisters who talkatively pay lip services to their father-king in order to 'draw' their fortunes provokes her habit of teaching, which has Lear possessed with the storm of wrath. Lear refuses to be taught. The sense of 'being taught' drives him to madness. Lear must have felt the sense of inferiority for he thinks a king should not be taught. The dragon's wrath is touched by the teaching daughter Cordelia who would not acknowledge that her hatred is caused by refusing the inner desire to take an action the same as her sisters do. So she takes herself for an angel. This is the story of persons who fail in achieving self-knowledge and about a king whose mind is so empty as to deny the whole being as a king. We can find in Macbeth another king who has never thought of what a king is. When he murders Duncan, Macbeth hesitates because of lack of just cause. His act of bloody slaughter in the battle is applauded as a brave deed to save the state just because it wins the good cause. Finally Macbeth becomes the victim of an illusion that he qualified himself to be a king. To achieve a goal, Macbeth doesn't tell good from bad and takes a shortcut to the gold crown. But once he has won the goal, he cannot live a happy life for he is not ready for being a king. Malcom says that he has no qualities of good king in himself and so if he were to be a king, he will be of great danger to the peace of the state. Malcom's clear insight into his own nature will make him a good king and at least tell to himself that he should make a transcendental choice for he has found out a wide gap between his nature and what a true king is. Macbeth has no choice but to get to the self-destruction for he has never faced into his true nature, which is full of bloody-mindedness and cowardice. We can find three persons, in Hamlet, who are placed in an similar situation and show different responses in their act. Fortinbras, Laertes, Hamlet have the good cause of revenge. Laertes has gathered a mob of rioters and invaded to the Elsinore under the just cause of revenge for his father. He, however, chooses to plot against Hamlet, for he has to hide his desire to make the best of an opportunity and become a king. Fortinbras, taking advantage of the given cause, never hesitates to satisfy his desire. He never hides what he wants like Hamlet and Laertes do. Hamlet always covers up his desire and his way of doing with many excuses and gets pale with ethical agony: 'whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or take arms against sea of trouble, and by opposing end them'. Hamlet must have felt charms at Fortinbras' resolute action totally different from his own one. Hamlet sometimes does something rashly and unexpectedly and makes every effort to take his revenge, which causes fatal catastrophe for he does not face what he really wants in himself. After he returns to Denmark from the way to England, he finally finds out the real cause of his action. Hamlet realizes that he wants to kill his uncle who has 'kill'd his king and

      • KCI등재

        뮤지컬, 영화화된 셰익스피어 극과 원작과의 비교연구

        김미예(Miye Kim) 한국셰익스피어학회 2014 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.50 No.4

        Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare has been made into a musical piece, West Side Story and two pieces of movies, Romeo and Juliet directed by Franco Zeffirelli(1968) and Shakespeare”s Romeo+Juliet by Baz Luhrmann, all of which have gained great popular success. Analyzing how each of the popular works deals with the last scene of death and reconciliation and comparing them with that of its original work by William Shakespeare, I was to find the answer to what Shakespeare tries to tell through the senses and sensibilities of the 14 or 15-year-old boy and girl. Romeo+Juliet by Baz Luhrmann, tries to show that time error or fortune is the decisive factor to cause young lovers’ death. The intensity of the moment of death makes us forget the importance of the entrance of Friar Laurence in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence enters between the death of Romeo and that of Juliet in Shakespeare’s play, which makes us somewhat yawn. Nevertheless, Franco Zeffirelli intentionally cross-cuts by inserting the Friar Laurence scene between the two deaths. Friar Laurence presses her to leave the tomb, when Juliet sees Romeo’s death and firmly refuses to go out and remains with dead Romeo. Shakespeare shifted the focus from death to choice behavior by inserting the scene of the entrance of Friar Laurence and by showing a strong-willed 14-year-old girl. Zeffirelli read delicately Shakespeare’s intention and never missed its core that gave their love “mythic intensity”(Fisher 21). In West Side Story, Maria lives after the death of Tony and makes the ancient grudge of two immigrant gangster groups in 50’s be resolved. By putting stress on resolving the national and racial problem of America, this musical piece has lost the original intensity and meaning of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet which shifts the focus from death to the choice behavior.

      • KCI등재후보

        『로미오와 줄리엣』: 기쁨의 속성과 그 인과관계

        김미예(Miye Kim) 한국셰익스피어학회 2002 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.38 No.1

        Romeo and Juliet is a play about the romantic death of 'a pair of star-cross'd lovers'. As Charles William argues that Shakespeare enjoys very luxurious grief in this play, we can find here, a pair of lovers overcome by their joyful exuberance falling into care and grief. These negative feeling leads them to death in the end. They struggle to be together and lament the loss of the other's presence. When we get frustrated at the failure of getting the stuff we eagerly desire, we come to realize the sense of fate. In the play, the more Romeo and Juliet try to help the things that they cannot help, the more they come to confusion, because they would not see in themselves the habit of causing 'love-devouring death' the very moment of joy called love. The more they feel joy and delight to each other, the more strongly they feel the sense of fate. This essay tries to show that our future opens depending on how we react to the situation the moment we meet with it. Romeo and Juliet's despair reminds us of the death-oriented omen consistently haunted in their love and their rhetoric rich with the imagination of death. Their death is caused by their habit of action when they seek the agony felt by imagining the absence of the other even without knowing. The didactic phrase, "the sweetest honey is loathsome in his own deliciousness' by Friar Lawrence tells the nature of the human that cannot but fall when they are not able to taste delight and joy fully. And the love story of Romeo and Juliet best illustrates the rule of such nature.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠 분야의 종합순위 산정방식 비교

        김미예 ( Miye Kim ) 중앙대학교 학교체육연구소 2022 Asian Journal of Physical Education of Sport Scien Vol.10 No.3

        스포츠 분야에서 종합순위는 단순히 메달 결과뿐만 아니라 다양한 요인을 종합하여 결정하기 때문에 산정방법에 따라 결과가 달라질 수 있다. 이 연구에서는 종합스포츠대회인 올림픽과 전국체육대회의 순위 산정방식에 따라 종합순위가 어떻게 달라지는지 확인하였다. 또한 세계랭킹을 발표하는 테니스와 종합우승자를 선발하는 쇼트트랙 스피드 스케이팅 대회에서 채택하고 있는 종합순위 산정방법을 알아보았다. 올림픽은 금메달 집계와 총 메달 집계 그리고 메달에 가중점수를 부여하는 방식이 사용되고 있는데, 각 방법에 따라 종합순위가 모두 달라지는 것으로 나타났다. 전국체육대회는 메달 점수와 종목별 점수를 합산하여 종합득점을 산출한 후 순위를 결정하는 종합채점제를 사용하고 있다. 테니스와 쇼트트랙은 경기별 포인트 획득 방식으로 세계랭킹과 종합우승자를 선발하고 있다. 총평의 성격을 띠는 종합순위는 선정된 요인 및 방법에 따라 결과가 달라지기 때문에 순위 산정에 세심한 주의가 요구된다. 향후 연구에서는 다양한 스포츠 종목에서 채택하고 있는 종합순위 방식을 비교하여 최적의 순위산정 방안이 제시되어야 할 것이다. In the sports field, the overall ranking is determined by not only the medal results but also various factors, the results may vary depending on the calculation method. In this study, it was confirmed how the overall ranking differs according to the ranking method of the Olympic and National Sports Festival. In addition, we investigated the overall ranking calculation method used in tennis, which announces world rankings, and in short track speed skating, which selects the overall winner. In the Olympics, the methods of counting gold medals, counting total medals, and assigning weighted points to medals are used, and it was found that the overall ranking varies according to each method. The National Sports Festival uses a comprehensive scoring system that determines the ranking after calculating the overall score by adding up the medal score and the score for each event. In tennis and short track, the world ranking and overall winner are selected by the point acquisition method for each game. In future research, the optimal ranking calculation method should be suggested by comparing the method adopted in various sports events.

      • KCI등재

        가짐과 누림, 두 가지의 장난감

        김미예(Miye Kim) 한국셰익스피어학회 2000 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.36 No.4

        Taking and enjoying is very serious playthings in life. When a person eagerly wants to take something, his or her quality of life depends on the ethical problem caused by how he or she takes it. It is a great task for man to manage to deal with the fulfillment of desire and the enjoyment of life after fulfilling the desire. Macbeth is the perfect example of showing how he takes crown and how he enjoys the royal life after he has taken it. He has fulfilled his desire by way of killing because he cannot think of any other means to be a king except killing. He cannot endure the sense that he can get it by fate without stirring. We, however, see him hesitate and fall in agony till he does the deed. He has to show himself that he is deeply troubled by his moral sense. He has to convince himself that he is morally good by nature but to fulfill the fate given to him, he cannot but kill Duncan the king. We can see in Macbeth that he hesitates and withdraws the plan and finally is driven by his eager wife to do the deed and we get to know that his long soliloquies with fine reasoning of why he has to stop are just 'seems', for the act he finally chooses is killing. His moral confusion gets to be nothing but self-deception for action is more important and higher standard of judging the value of one's spirit than emotion and thoughts. Nevertheless, we like to be deceived by his vivid sense of agony and fear presented in his soliloquies because we too get the feeling that we can atone for the crime or the wrong deeds by long hesitation or deep agony. He is the aptest killer on the battlefield because he is honored as a brave man for his deed of killing, that is, he has got the justified cause there. In the deed of murdering Duncan, he finds no justified cause but the fulfillment of desire. So he hides himself in his inner self and is only to be controlled by his external drives he meets: witches and 'fiend-like' Lady Macbeth. We should not be deceived by his self-deception. After Macbeth has taken what he desires, he uses his newly taken power only to keep his crown. The method of keeping his crown is the same as the one used in taking the crown, that is, killing. What he first does after he has become a king is to hire the murderers and murder Banquo because he threats Macbeth's promising future and then kills all the family of Macduff's and then visit witches to know his future. All the deeds are caused by his impotence of enjoying the present as a king. He continuously sticks to the worst result in the future because he cannot forget his deeds in the past. He has never thought of or is ignorant of using his royal power for good causes but has the vague hope of being a good king. So he is not entitled to be a king. He has the desire to take the crown only. Taking was his whole goal of life. That is one of the reasons that he is unable to enjoy his royal life once he has got his goal. Macbeth is the man that eagerly has wanted to be a king and finally ends with mental impotence. This sense of impotence leads him to choose to become evil. Macbeth wearing his crown shows the example of the man with the sword of power without knowing what he is.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        지역사회 연계형 교양체육 모형 개발을 위한 기초연구

        김미예 ( Miye Kim ) 중앙대학교 학교체육연구소 2016 Asian Journal of Physical Education of Sport Scien Vol.4 No.2

        이 연구는 지역사회의 생태학적 특성을 반영한 교양체육 모형을 개발하기 위한 기초 연구로서 교양체육에 대한 인식 및 실태를 확인하고 지역과 연계된 교양체육에 대한 학생들의 요구를 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 제주도 소재 J대학교 재학생 170명을 대상으로 교양체육에 대한 인식, 참여실태, 그리고 지역 연계형 교양체육의 가능성을 탐색하였다. 대부분의 학생들은 교양체육이 필요하다고 생각하였고, 교양체육의 효과로써 건강 및 체력관리 능력 습득과 여가생활에 필요한 기술 습득에 대한 응답이 높게 나타났다. 교양체육을 수강한 동기는 운동을 좋아해서, 새로운 운동을 배우고 싶어서가 가장 높이 나타났고, 시설의 질과 평가 방식에 대한 만족도가 가장 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 향후 개설되기 희망하는 종목 중, 지역형 종목인 해양스포츠, 승마, 등산, 오름 과목에 대한 응답이 두 번째로 높게 나타났고, 응답자들의 62%는 지역사회 연계형 교양체육 과목을 수강할 의향이 있다고 응답하였다. 이 연구 결과는 교양체육 발전방안의 하나로서 지역사회 연계형 모형을 개발하는데 근거가 될 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this preliminary study is to understand the student`s preference and satisfaction for general physical education for developing community-linked general physical education model. 170 male and female college students in Jeju province were recruited for the survey. Students were responded that the general physical education is needed as a liberal education and quite satisfied the current courses. Also, they already aware the possible general physical education subject which related their environment and have mind to take the course if community-linked class are provided in the future. This finding can be a evidence for designing community-linked general physical education programs.

      • KCI등재

        연극적 방식을 이용한 영어습득훈련 방법론 및 매뉴얼 개발

        김미예(Kim, Miye),박혜경(Park, Haikyong),김소정(Kim, Sojeong) 한국초등영어교육학회 2008 초등영어교육 Vol.14 No.3

        The effectiveness of using drama in education, especially in teaching second/foreign languages, has been proven by many researchers, educators, and theorists. There are, however, few studies that focus on providing 'how' to use drama effectively. The purpose of this study was to suggest 'how'. The idea that learners will be successful when they are exposed to 'culture' in which meaningful contexts exist was the starting point of this study. Drama was used as a method to incorporate linguistic learning opportunities with the cultural aspects found in drama. A dramatized text was developed by the researchers: Rhythm, repetition, and organic plot were mostly considered with its theatrical effect. The preliminary assumption in using drama as an effective teaching method was to employ high quality literary texts that are appropriate for learners. Fifteen elementary students participated in the study for approximately three months. Throughout the study, the participants showed great interest and were highly motivated in both acting and learning English. Computer-assisted language learning aided the subjects' learning processes after regular classes. The findings indicate that the use of drama was an effective method in increasing learner motivation and autonomym improving appropriate language usage, and constructing cognitive development.

      • KCI등재

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