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        중국관내지역 韓人의 국적 문제 일고찰

        김광재(Kim, Kwang Jae) 한국사학회 2013 史學硏究 Vol.- No.110

        1933년 10월 12일 중국 廣州福音村에서 광동 일본영사관 경찰이 朴義一이라는 중국에 귀화한 韓人을 체포한 사건은 中日佛삼국 간에 적지 않은 외교적 파장을 던졌다. 이로부터 5개월 가까운 시간 동안 중일불 삼국은 박의일이라는 한인의 국적 귀속 및 인도 문제를 둘러싸고 외교 공방전을 벌였다. 원래 박의일은 上海에서 일본 밀정을 처단한 후 상해 일본영사관 경찰의 추적으로 광주로 피해 있었다. 상해 일본영사관의 통보를 받은 광동 일본영사관은 중국 당국에 통보하지 않고 불법적인 방법으로 중국 영토내에서 중국에 귀화한 한인을 체포하였다. 광주의 한인들은 광동정부에 이 사실을 알리고 일본측의 중국 주권 침해 행위를 성토하고 박의일의 즉각적인 석방을 요구하였다. 중국측도 이 사건을 일본의 자국에 대한 주권 침해 행위로 간주하고 일본측에 대해 강경하게 항의하였다. 일본측은 중국이나 프랑스측에 대해 박의일을 ‘체포’한 것은 아니고 ‘임의동행’에 불과한 것이며 이는 그동안의 관행에 지나지 않는다고 하였다. 프랑스측은 일본에 대해 중국 영토 내에서 중국에 귀화한 한인을 체포한 것은 국제관습을 무시하는 것으로 공박하였다. 이후 중일 양국은 5개월 가까이 박의일의 국적에 대해 결론을 내리지 못하고 기존의 주장만 되풀이하였다. 중국측은 박의일이 합법적으로 중국에 귀화하였기 때문에 이전의 일본 국적은 자연스럽게 소멸된다고 하였다. 이에 반해 일본측은 박의일이 국적 이탈을 허가받지 못하였기 때문에 중국에 귀화한 것은 무효이며 그는 여전히 ‘일본국민’이라는 주장을 반복하였다. 사건의 캐스팅보트는 프랑스측이 쥐고 있었다. 중일 양국이 박의일의 국적을 확정짓지 못하였으며 프랑스측으로서도 ‘불법적으로 체포된’ 박의일을 무한정 구금할 수 없는 상황이었다. 여기에 프랑스측의 결단을 재촉한 것은 구금되어 추이를 관망하던 박의일이 사태 해결의 돌파구를 찾기 위해 단식에 돌입하였던 사실이다. 막다른 골목에 쫓긴 프랑스측은 일본측의 항의에도 불구하고 체포된 지 5개월 가까이 된 박의일을 프랑스 조계에서 추방하는 형식으로 석방하였다. 그럼으로써 중일 양국의 양보없는 모순 속에서 ‘중국국민’이면서 동시에 ‘일본국민’이기도 했던 이중 국적자 한인 박의일은 완전한 자유의 몸이 될 수 있었던 것이다. On Oct. 12, 1933, as the police at Guangdong Japanese consulate arrested a naturalized Korean named Park Ui-il in Guangzhou Fuyincun, China, there was some diplomatic uproar between China, Japan, and France. Since then, for some 5 months, the three nations had done intense diplomatic severe battle with the issue of nationality of the Korean people and surrender. After Park Ui-il punished a Japanese spy in Shanghai, he was hidden in Gwangzhou due to chase of Japanese consulate police in Shanghai. Guangdong Japanese consulate advised from Japanese consulate in Shanghai arrested the Korean naturalized to China in the Chinese territory in illegal way without notice to Chinese authority. Korean people in Gwangzhou informed the fact to Guangdong government, censured Japanese activity to invade sovereignty of China, and requested immediate release of Park Ui-il. China also considered this accident as invasion of their sovereignty and posed hard attitude against Japan. Japan argued that they did not ‘arrest’ Park Ui-il but simply ‘voluntarily went with’ him, this had been practice. France denounced Japan that to arrest Korean naturalized to China in the Chinese territory is to neglect international practice. Since then, both nations of China and Japan could not decide nationality of Park Ui-il for some 5 months and repeated existing assertion. China insisted that as Park Ui-il naturalized to China legally, previous nationality of Japan naturally disappeared. On the contrary, Japan repeated that as Park Ui-il was not allowed for renunciation of his nationality, to naturalize to China is not effective so that he was still ‘Japanese people’. France gripped casting vote of the accident. Both countries of China and Japan could not decide nationality of Park Ui-il and France could not detain Park Ui-il arrested illegally continuously. What urged France to decide was that Park Ui-il went on a fast to find breakthrough for solving the accident. France driven into a corner released him in the form of banishment from French Concession 5 months later after he was arrested. Korean Park Ui-il with dual nationality - he was ‘Chinese people’ and at the same time was ‘Japanese people’ - could be completely free in the midst of conflict without compromise of China and Japan.

      • KCI등재

        韓國光復軍의 한미합작훈련에 대한 임정 내부 및 각국의 반응

        김광재(Kim Kwang-Jae) 한국사학회 2004 史學硏究 Vol.- No.73

        The Korean Independence Army(KIA, 韓國光復軍) was founded on September 17, 1940 at Chungking(重慶), at that time, where located the Chinese Provisional Capital during Japanese Invasion at the World War Ⅱ. The KIA attached to the Korean Provisional Government(KPG; 大韓民國 臨時政府). The KIA's top objective was tried to participate the Allied armies' military operations against the Japanese Imperialism.<br/> Finally, the OSS(Office of Stretegic Service)' agenda was selected instead of the KIA's and could not help accepting its agenda. The OSS and KIA's military exercise at the KIA's Second Detachment finally was accepted at the upper American Military Commander in China. In May, 1945, the KPG had started so-called "the Eagle Project" at Xian(西安) in China, which aimed at educating the military intelligence personnels. Also, the KIA and OSS founded the Korean-American Joint Command at the KIA's Second Detachment.<br/> On the while, this project engulfed many different reactions within the KPG. A section of the KPG, the Korean Independence Party(KIP; 韓國獨立黨), which is main supporting groups in this project within the KPG and such others section as the Korean National Revoultionary Party(KNRP; 朝鮮民族革命黨) and the New Korean Democratic Party(NKDP; 新韓民主黨) had struggled another to obtain their dominating power in the US and the KPG's military intelligence project. In the neighboured leading power nation, China, never accepted the KPG's approaching into the US. They had to leave the KPG's military section into the Chinese military system. Another power which had approached and inspected this contact very delicately was the British. Their objective was to obtain the KPG's personnels to despatch the Burma-India Theater, where they had combated against the Japanese.

      • KCI등재

        韓國光復軍의 韓ㆍ美 合作訓練

        金光載 ( Kim Kwang Jae ) 한국민족운동사학회 2000 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.25 No.-

        The Korean Independence Army(KIA ; 韓國光復軍) was founded on September 17, 1940 at Chungking(重慶). The KIA attached to the Korean Provisional Government(KPG ; 大韓民國臨時政府). The KIA’s top objective was to participate the Allied armies’ military operations against the Japanese Imperialism. Meanwhile, the US administration more and more had been interesting “the Korean problem”. In the past, the US never had consideration about “the Korean problem” at all but at that time, when the Pacific War was breaking, the US attitude about Korea transformed. Specially, the US administration had planed after the War to start implement of the Trust Administration from at the start of thinking “die Korean Problem”. Headquarters of Commander-in-Chiefs of China Theater of US recognized “the Korean Project” and implemented anti-Japanese intelligence system using the Koreans within China through the OSS which had been chasing anti-Japanese intelligence war. In fact, the OSS had began this project at the starting of the Pacific War and had dispatched its agents to China’s main provinces such as North China, Manchuria, and Korean Peninsular. This project finally was tried to penetrate its agents into the territories of Japan. The Koreans, who could go anywhere without any intervention and interruption because two peoples now had became “one people and one nation by Japanese coercive annexation, were regarded as the very important active agents to be used by the OSS.” The OSS and KIA’s military exercise at the KIA’s Second Detachment finally was accepted at the the KPG’s leader and upper American Military Commander in China. In May, 1945, the KPG had started so-called “the Eagle Project” at Xian(西安) in China, which aimed at educating the military intelligence personnels. Also, the KIA and OSS founded the Korean-American Joint Command at the KIAv’s Second Detachment.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 일제시기 상해 인성학교(仁成學校)의 설립과 운영

        김광재 ( Kwang Jae Kim ) 동국사학회 2011 동국사학 Vol.50 No.-

        한국이 일제의 식민지로 전락하던 1910년대 초부터 상해에는 소규모의 한인사회가 형성되기 시작하였다. 상해에 거주하는 한인들이 늘어나면서 자녀 교육 문제가 현안으로 떠올랐다. 당시 상해 한인 자제들은 한인 교육기관이 없었기 때문에 외국학교에서 교육받을 수밖에 없는 처지였다. 일제에 의해 조국이 강제병탄되고 국외에서 유랑생활을 경험한 한인들은 "교육은 우리 민족의 생명이다"는 신조를 갖고 있었다. 상해로 이주한 한인들은 날로 늘어나는 자제들에 대한 교육을 더 이상 미룰 수 없게 되었다. 인성학교는 이러한 요구를 수용하여 설립되었다. 인성학교는 1916년 9월 1일 상해 공공조계에서 ``상해한인기독교소학``이라는 교명으로 개교하였다. 인성학교는 소학교로 출발하였지만 그 목표는 상해뿐만 아니라 해외 한인들의 가장 완비된 모범교육기관으로서 초등·중등·전문과정을 교육하는 종합학교를 지향하였다. 인성학교의 교육목표나 내용은 민족교육을 통해 민족정신과 민족역량을 배양하고 자활능력을 양성하여 완전한 민주시민 육성과 신민주국가를 건설하는 데 있었다. ``德智體``의 삼육을 바탕으로 건전한 육체와 인격을 갖춘 인재 양성을 중시하였다. 여기에 더하여 인성학교는 학생들에게 투철한 ``한국혼``을 주입하여 장차 독립운동인재로 양성하고자 하였다. 인성학교의 교과내용은 민족의식을 고취하는 내용이 위주였다. 교과목도 한글, 한국의 역사와 지리 등에 치중하였다. 수업은 한국어로 하고 일본어는 절대로 사용하지 못하도록 금지시켰다. 교과서는 인성학교에서 직접 등사로 밀어 제본한 교본을 사용하였다. 인성학교의 교장을 비롯한 교원들은 대한민국임시정부와 관계있는 독립운동가들로 구성되었다. 선우혁, 여운형, 김태연, 김두봉 등이 교장으로 역임하였다. 학생수는 1916년 개교 당시 4명이었지만 1920년도 신학기에는 학급수가 4개로 늘어나고 유치원급이 증설되면서 학생수는 30명으로 늘어났다. 1920년대 후반 이후에는 매년 50~70명 선의 학생수를 유지하였다. From the early 1910 when Korea became a colony of Japan, a small Korean community began forming in Shanghai. As the number of Koreans living in Shanghai increased, the children`s education issue arose as a pending matter. At the time, there was no Korean educational institution for the Korean children in Shanghai, so they had to study at foreign schools. Koreans, as their country has been forcefully merged by the Japanese and they have experienced wandering around, had the firm belief that "education is the life of our people."Koreans who moved to Shanghai could not postpone the education for the increasing number of children any longer. Inseong School accepted such demand and thus was established. Inseong School was founded under the name of ``Shanghai Korean Christian Elementary School`` in the Shanghai International Settlement on September 1st, 1916. Inseong School started as an elementary school, but its objective aimed for a complex school spanning elementary/middle/professional course as the most prepared model education institution for Koreans abroad. The educational objective or content of Inseong School was in raising the ethnic capabilities and training self-support to develop complete democratic citizens and establish new democratic nation. Based on the three educational aspects of ``virtue, knowledge, body,``the training of people with healthy body and personality was emphasized. In addition, the thorough ``Korean spirit``was put into the students to train them for the independent movements. The curriculum of Inseong School was centered around ethnic spirit.The curriculum focused on Hangeul, Korean history and geography. All classes were in Korean and Japanese was strictly prohibited from use. The textbooks used were directly mimeographed and bound at Inseong School. The teaching staff including the principal were composed of independent movement personnel related to the Korean Provisional Government. Woo-Hyuk Sun, Woon-Hyung Yeo, Tae-Yeon Kim, Doo-Bong Kim and such served as principals. The number of students were only 4 when it was founded in 1916, but for the new term in 1920, the number of classes increased to 4 and preschool grade was expanded and the number of students increased to 30. Since late 1920s, the number of students maintained 50-70 every year.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일제시기 上海 고려인삼 상인들의 활동

        김광재(Kim Kwang-Jae) 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 2011 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.40

        조선후기 이래 한국의 대표적인 특산품인 고려인삼은 일제시기 해외한인들의 생계와 활동에서도 빼놓을 수 없는 중요한 존재였다. 고려인삼은 중국에서 靈藥, 不老草 등으로 알려져 대단한 환영을 받았다. 인삼은 조선 사람이 팔아야 진짜 인삼이라는 말이 있을 정도였다. 때문에 큰 자본이나 특별한 기술이 없던 한인들은 고려인삼 판매와 관련된 일에 종사하는 경우가 적지 않았다. 일제시기 중국, 특히 상해에 이주한 한인들은 생계를 위해 인삼 상점을 차리거나 혹은 인삼 행상을 하는 경우가 적지 않게 발견된다. 부피가 작아 휴대하기 편리한 인삼은 단순한 토산품이 아니라 국제적으로 통용되는 화폐나 마찬가지였다. 그러기에 상해에 오는 한인 가운데 소지금이 넉넉지 않은 이들은 으레 인삼 몇 근을 들고 와서 현지에서 판매하여 여비나 생활비, 학비로 충당하였다. 그렇지만 인삼 영업이 늘 잘 되었던 것은 아니다. 중국에서 일본상품 배척운동이 일어날 때마다 인삼이 일본 물건으로 오인되어 배척을 받았다. 인삼 행상도 결코 쉬운 일이 아니었다. 물론 돈을 많이 버는 경우도 있었지만 그렇지 못하고 호구하는데 만족해야 하는 경우도 적지 않았다. 또한 오지를 전전하는 관계로 현지인으로부터 핍박을 당하거나 쫓겨나는 경우도 있었다. 이와 같이 일제시기 해외, 특히 재중 한인들의 애환이 서린 것이 바로 인삼이었다. 요컨대 고려인삼은 일제시기 중국 상해 한인들의 중요한 생계 수단 가운데 하나였다. 고려인삼 판매자금의 일부는 독립운동진영으로도 흘러들어갔을 것으로 말해지고 있다. 해송양행이나 김문공사, 원창공사의 경우와 같이, 인상 상점은 단순한 영업점이 아니라 한인사회의 연락처나 독립운동의 거점 역할을 했다. 뿐만 아니라 중국 전역, 남양, 미주 등지를 전전했던 인삼 행상들은 해외 한인사회를 연결하고 각지의 소식을 전달해주는 역할도 했다. 이와 같이 인삼은 재중 한인사회의 경제적 기반 형성에 빼놓을 수 없는 중요한 역할을 수행했던 것이다. Korea's native Goryeo ginseng was a crucial product for overseas Koreans'livelihoods and activities during the Japanese colonial of the country since the second half of the Joseon period. Goryeo ginseng was known as a spiritual medicine or elixir plant, endearing itself to the general public. Ginseng, only when sold by Koreans, was believed to be authentic. Thus, many Koreans without vast capital or special technology engaged inselling Goryeo ginseng. During the Japanese colonial rule, many Koreans, who moved to China, especially, Shanghai, ran ginseng shops or engaged in peddling ginseng. Ginseng, which was small in bulky, making it easy to carry, was considered an international currency beyond a mere Korean native product. Thus, poor Koreans who visited Shanghai used to carry dozens of grams of ginseng, sold them locally to cover their travel, living and schooling expenses. However, ginseng business was not necessarily successful. Whenever Chinese people campaigned to boycott Japanese products in China, ginseng was misconceived as a Japanese product and boycotted. The business of peddling ginseng was not easy, either. By selling ginseng, Koreans could make money but just made their livelihood in many cases. Koreans were sometimes persecuted or expelled by local people. As such, during the Japanese colonial rule, ginseng was an item which preserved the joy and sorrow of Koreans who lived overseas, especially, in China. In short, Goryeo ginseng was an important livelihood means for Koreans living in Shanghai, China, during the Japanese colonial rule. Some of money from Goryeo ginseng sales was channeled into Korea's independence movement organizations. Ginseng shops such as Haesong, Kimun and Wonchang were not simply stores but also contact points or independence movement hubs for Koreans'societies. In addition, ginseng merchants, who conducted their business across China, South Sea islands, Americas, etc., were contact points of overseas Koreans'societies and information sources. As such, ginseng was an important product to buttressing the economic ground for Koreans' societies in China.

      • KCI등재

        유배시기 沈魯崇의 蘇東坡 지향과 『一日百省集(南遷日錄)』

        김광재(Kim, Kwang Jae) 한국사학회 2018 史學硏究 Vol.0 No.132

        흔히 인간은 고난이나 절망적인 상황에 처할 경우 역사 속의 인물을 전범으로 삼고 이를 극복하는 동력을 얻는다. 조선 후기 정파 간의 갈등으로 절망적인 유배생활을 할 수 밖에 없었던 심노숭도 그랬다. 경상도 기장으로 유배를 가야했던 심노숭은 중국 북송의 소동파를 유배생활의 전범으로 하여 정신적인 힘을 얻었다. 유배지에 도착한 심노숭은 동파의 문장을 정독하면서 울분을 해소하고 마음을 가라앉히기 위해 노력했다. 그 중에서도 유배시기 동파가 章惇에게 보내는 편지를 유난히 절실하게 읽었다. 심노숭은 소동파의 이른바 ‘一日百省’이라는 표현을 절실히 수용하여 반성과 근신의 마음으로 지냈다. ‘날마다 백번 반성한다(一日百省)’라는 것이다. 그런 의미에서 자신의 일기에 『一日百省集』이라는 제목을 붙였다. 그로서는 동생, 노모와 딸 등 파주에 남아 있는 가족을 위해서라도 반성과 근신을 내세우지 않을 수 있었다. 유배시기 심노숭은 동파의 근신하고 반성하는 태도와 정신을 모방하고 내면화했다. 그리하여 심노숭에게 동파는 유배생활의 전범에서 더 나아가 인생의 전범이었다. People, in their despairing situations, embrace historical exemplary figures as models to overcome such difficulties. Sim No-sung, while forced to be exiled due to conflicts between political factions, embraced a model. Sim No-sung, while being exiled as an official of Gyeongsang-do, embraced the exiled life of Su Dong Po of Northern Song of China as his model to gain spiritual power. In his exile, Sim No-sung read Dong Po’s writings carefully in an attempt to appease his retaliatory feelings and to calm down his mind. Particularly, his favorite reading was the letter that Dong Po, in his exile, sent to Zhang Don. Sim No-sung positively embraced Su Dong Po’s so-called ‘Ililbaekseong(一日百省)’, meaning one-hundred-time self-reflection a day to practice self-reflection and discipline. He sincerely practiced the said motto. He thus named his diary as such 『Ililbaekseongjip (一日百省集)』 meaning a Collection of One-Hundred-Time Self Reflection A Day. He was thus be able to practice self reflection and discipline even by not citing his brother, his old mother, and his daughter in Paju. Sim No-sung, in his exile, imitated and internalized the attitude and spirit of Dong Po who practiced discipline and self reflection. To Sim No-sung, Dong Po was his model in his exile and further in his life.

      • KCI등재

        전후 上海한인사회의 전시 대일협력 인식

        김광재(Kim, Kwang-Jae) 한국사학회 2014 史學硏究 Vol.- No.115

        1945년 8월 15일 上海한인사회가 맞이한 광복은 감격적이었음에 틀림없지만 동시에 매우 갑작스럽고 당황스러운 것이었다. 1932년 尹奉吉의 虹口公園義擧이후 일제의 추격에 쫓긴 대한민국 임시정부가 상해를 떠나면서 대다수의 상해 한인들은 일본세력의 통제 하에 들어가게 되었다. 특히 1937년 중일전쟁 및 1941년 태평양전쟁에 즈음하여 상해 한인들은 국내로부터 밀려들어온 내선일체 및 황국신민화운동에 포섭되고 동원되면서 광복 직후 대일협력 시비에서 자유로울 수 없게 되었다. 광복 직후 상해 교민신문인 『大韓日報』에는 대일협력행위를 처단하자는 목소리가 드높았다. 먼저 안다그라운드라는 필자는 韓奸즉 대일협력자를 처단해야 한다는 청산론을 제기하였다. 이에 대해 상해한인사회의 또다른 교민신문인 ?新韓日報?에는 대일협력자에 대해 ‘理智的仁政’을 베풀어야 한다는 이른바 관용론이 등장하였다. 이러한 청산론과 관용론의 논쟁에 南晶鎬라는 인사는 청산론과 관용론을 넘어선 일종의 현실론을 주장하였다. 그는 상해한인사회가 직면하고 있는 여러 가지 어려운 형편상 대일협력자 처단 논쟁을 더 이상 하는 것보다는 절박한 상황에 있는 상해 교민들의 생활 보호를 우선할 것을 역설하였다. 이후 이 논쟁은 어떻게 되었을까. 이 논쟁은 더 이상 계속되지 않고 종료된 것으로 보인다. 논쟁이 갑자기 종식된 배경에는 임시정부나 교민단 등의 중재나 조정이 있었을 것으로 보인다. 1945년 11월 5일 상해에 왔던 임시정부 요인들은 11월 23일 귀국을 앞두고 있었다. 당초 대일협력자 처리에 적극적이었던 임시정부의 입장에서도 논쟁이 더 이상 진행되어봐야 외국 영토인 상해에서 한인 대일협력자를 처리하는 것이 쉽지 않다는 현실적인 입장으로 돌아섰을 것으로 보인다. 이국땅에서 경제적 기반을 잃고 곤궁한 형편에 처한 상해 한인들의 현실적인 문제를 해결하는 것이 더 급선무였을 것이라는 판단도 작용하였을 것으로 보인다. The Liberation on August 15, 1945 was certainly dramatic to Korean community in Shanghai, but at the same time, it was very abrupt and embarrassing. After Yun Bong-gil’s patriotic deed at the Hongkou Park in 1932, the Korean Provisional Government in Shanghai was chased by Japanese imperialism and left Shanghai, and most of the Koreans in Shanghai were under the control of Japanese power. Particularly, at the time of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937 and the Pacific War in 1941, they were taken into, and mobilized for, “Korea and Japan Are One” and “Subjecting to Japan” movements, and after the Liberation, they could not be free from the criticism of their being collaborators of Japan. Right after the Liberation, in the Shanghai overseas Korean newspaper Daehan Ilbo, the outcry to punish the treachery was high. First, a person named “Underground” raised the settlement theory that “Hangan” i.e. Korean collaborators for Japan should be punished. As opposed to this, in another overseas Korean newspaper in Shanghai Korean community, Sinhan Ilbo, there appeared so-called tolerance theory that “intellectual benign policy” should be given to the collaborators for Japan. Against these settlement and tolerance controversies, a person named Nam Jeong-ho asserted a kind of “reality theory” that goes beyond the settlement theory and the tolerance theory. Considering various difficult situations that Shanghai Korean community faced, he emphasized that the livelihood protection of Shanghai overseas Koreans should take precedence over any further controversies about the punishment of the collaborators for Japan Afterwards, what became of the controversies? The controversies appear to have ended without continuing any further. Against the backdrop of the abrupt cessation of the controversies, there appears to have been arbitration and mediation of the Korean Provisional Government or the overseas Korean organizations. The key figures of the Korean Provisional Government who had come to Shanghai on November 5 were about to return home on November 23. It seems that the Korean Provisional Government also appears to have turned around to realistic position, realizing that it is not easy to punish Korean collaborators for Japan in Shanghai, a foreign territory, by continuing the controversies any further. They appear to have judged that it is more urgent to resolve the realistic problems of Shanghai overseas Koreans who lost their economic base and were in difficulties in a foreign land.

      • KCI우수등재

        1910~20년대 상해 한인과 조계 공간

        김광재(Kim, Kwang Jae) 역사학회 2015 역사학보 Vol.0 No.228

        A small-scale Korean society began to be created in Shanghai in 1910 as Koreans exiled to one of the then largest international city. Speaking of before 1919, Shanghai Korean society was centered in the International Settlement. After Korean Provisional Government was established in the French Concession in 1919, Korean society in Shanghai moved its main area from the International Settlement to the French Concession, but the International Settlement was still closely connected with Koreans. Korean Provisional Government or Koreans in the French Concession were routinely exposed in the busy Inetrnational Settlement due to their daily routines, memorial events, independence movements, or jobs. No barriers and boundaroes existed between the French Concession and the International Settlement, and if any, they were just psychological boundaries which were formed later. Koreans, who conducted independence movements or businesses in the French Concession, perhaps forgot about freely entering and leaving the International Settlement as they emphasized their pure activities, but selectively remembered only their experience of hard uphill struggles in the French Concession. As a result, the International Settlement was regarded as a thing of others and mystified as a negative target. As a result, the history of Koreans in the Shanghai Concession space and their activities was divided into the dichotomic aspects.

      • KCI등재

        韓國光復軍 第1支隊 第3區隊의 성립과 변천 -‘飛虎隊’ 문제와 관련하여

        金光載 ( Kim Kwang Jae ) 한국민족운동사학회 2000 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.26 No.-

        They were the Korean Soldiers who had been forced draftees and endlessly escaped from combat and military fields during Japanese Imperialism and specially final time(1944~1945, 8) of the Second World War. They were mainly combat men deployed focibly into the Province of Anhui(安徽省), Hunan(湖南省), Jiangsi(江西省), Zhejiang(浙江省). In the territory including all Hunam province and a part of Jiansi, many koreans had escaped the Japanese camps and went to the 9th War Area which, at that time, deployed there. Of them, some was imprisoned as the POW, others taken chage of the surveliance about the Japanese military informations. At YiChun(宜春) of Jiangsi, escaped Koreans had formed an combat unit called “Flying Tigers”(飛虎隊) and actually perfomed anti-Japanese struggle before they finally went to the Korean Independence Army(韓國光復軍, KIA). On the while, In 1943, the Headquater of KIA and China National Military Council(中國軍事委員會) dispatched KIA's agents into the 9th War Area to implement their anti-Japanese activities and check about the movement and deployment of enemy. Therefore, through these activities, the KJA could obtain their status in the field of anti-Japanese activities. Finally they could found the Third Company of the 1st Detachment in the KIA at the 9th War Area under the auspice of China on May, 1945. It could founded from the Agreement of Assistance (援助辦法) as military cooperation pact between the KIA and China Military Council, this combat company was captained by Li Beoung Gon(李炳坤) and guarded by Kim Kui Seon(金貴先). The formation of Third Company was consisted of three squards the first squard was consisted mainly of being esccaped koreans who was controlled by Chinese military under the 9th War Area at Guidong(桂東) and the second and third squard was formed manily from an combat unit called “Flying Tigers”(飛虎隊) at Yichun(宜春) of Jiangsi Province(江西省). But the Korean Provisional Goverment(KPG) and KIA could not grapsed the full story about the Third Company because of poor transpotation and infomation systems until on August 15, 1945. Nevertheless, on the while, the KPG had strived to obtain the information about the Koreans deserters under the 9th War Area and they sruggled to transfer the Koreans into troops in the rear bases. After Liberation from the Japanese Imperialism on August 15, 1945, the Third Company was tranformed into Hankou(漢口) under leadeship of Li Beoung-Gon. And this company also was controlled by the 1st Detachment Commander Chae Won-gae(蔡元凱). After that time, people of the company went to Nanjing(南京), and Shanghai(上海) to land their deposed Chosen territory. But American Military Goverment which had controlled after the Liberantion in the Korean Peninsular never accepted them as in the name of representing and part of KIA. Therefore, they could not but arrive their home nation as an individual.

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