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        레진 인퓨전 성형을 통한 현대장신구 개발에 관한 연구 -바살트 섬유를 중심으로-

        권인혜,황선욱,Kwon, In-Hye,Hwang, Sun-Wook 한국디지털정책학회 2022 디지털융복합연구 Vol.20 No.4

        본 연구는 스튜디오에서 제작되는 현대장신구의 표현 범위를 넓히기 위해 바살트 섬유와 레진 인퓨전 성형을 통해 새로운 제작방법을 모색하고자 했다. 이를 위해 섬유의 소개 및 인퓨전 성형에 대한 개념을 살펴보고 활용된 사례의 분석을 통해 제반사항을 살피고 이를 토대로 실제 평판가공샘플을 제작, 색채표현실험을 진행한 후, 실제 현대장신구 샘플을 제작하여 현대장신구에서의 직접적인 활용가능성을 가늠했다. 연구결과, 인퓨전 성형공정은 스튜디오에서도 제작공정으로 사용할 수 있을 정도로 균일한 결과를 제시했고, 바살트 섬유는 유성도료도장과 포슬린의 다양한 색감표현이 가능하였는데 특히 포슬린이 도포된 섬유의 경우 강도가 높고 작가의 의도적인 표현이 가능하여 현대 장신구재료로서 그 가치가 매우 높은바, 현대장신구의 현실적인 제작방법 및 표현범위를 넓힐 수 있는 계기가 될 것으로 기대한다. This study attempted to find a new manufacturing method through Basalt fiber and resin infusion method to expand the range of expressions of Contemporary jewelry produced in studios. To this end, the concept of fiber introduction and infusion method was examined through analysis of used cases, and based on this, flat plates and color samples were produced, and then the samples were made to estimate the possibility of direct use in jewelry. As a result, the infusion method process presented certain results that could be used as a production process in the studio, and Basalt fibers were able to express various colors of spray and porselin, especially fiber its painted with porselin, which have high strength and they can be expressed intentionally, it are very valuable as jewelry's material, it is expected to be an opportunity to expand the practical production methods and expressions of Contemporary jewelry.

      • 농어촌 다문화가족의 사회적응 실태와 정책과제

        박대식(Dae-Shik Park),마상진(Sang-Jin Ma),권인혜(In-Hye Kwon) 한국농촌경제연구원 2011 한국농촌경제연구원 기본연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        The purposes of this study are 1) to investigate the current situation and problems of rural multi-cultural families multi-dimensionally centering on social adaptation, 2) to investigate the influence of related variables on social adaptation of rural multi-cultural families, 3) to identify the current conditions and problems of related policies, and 4) to suggest policy tasks to improve the social adaptation level of rural multi-cultural families. The research methods were the field survey, mail survey, in-depth interview, collection and analysis of existing data, and so on. The field survey was conducted among 400 rural multi-cultural families. The Mail survey was conducted among 809 farmers. The in-depth interview was conducted among 15 rural multi-cultural families. Existing related data were collected by searching the data of related research institutes and governmental organizations. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentage, means and F-test tables were used to organize and summarize the data. Multiple regression analysis was used to investigate the influence of related variables on social adaptation of rural multi-cultural families. According to the field survey, most of the female respondents answered that they were participating in farming or fishing. Only a small percentage of the female respondents answered that they were participating non-farm economic activities. 54.8 percent of rural multi-cultural families had the annual household income of 20 million won or less. Major short-term policy tasks to improve the social adaptation level of rural multi-cultural families are as follows: 1) improvement of agricultural education for married immigrant women, 2) improvement of Korean education and reinforcement of after-school assistance, and 3) construction assistance of agricultural foundation. Major mid and long-term policy tasks to improve the social adaptation level of rural multi-cultural families are as follows: 1) improvement of rural multi-cultural family related service delivery system, 2) activation of social enterprises networks and fostering middle assistance organizations, 3) support of agribusiness and related activities, and 4) improvement of social welfare system and expansion of social welfare services.

      • 포괄보조금 제도 운영의 실태와 개선 방향

        송미령(Mi-Ryung Song),권인혜(In-Hye Kwon),오세익 한국농촌경제연구원 2011 한국농촌경제연구원 정책연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the problems of the Korean Block Grant System which has been recently implemented and to suggest improvement directions for the institution. The investigation of problems was focused especially on the actual conditions in managing the system in rural municipalities in order to figure out the practical improvement assignments. Through this work, we suggest improvement directions for the institution and mid- and long-term assignments so that the "Special Account for Regional and Local Development" may be operated more effectively and efficiently. Firstly, we reviewed the meaning and objective of "Basic Settlement Area Policy" and main contents and characteristics of the Korean block grant institution. Secondly, we identified issues related to successful operation of the institution by means of studying relevant references and foreign cases. Thirdly, we investigated the actual conditions in managing the block grant system and pieced together the problems relating to the each tier of the governments (central - regional - local) at each stage of operation (planning - budgetting and execution - monitoring and evaluation). In conclusion, we proposed improvement directions for the Korean block grant institution and mid- and long-term assignments to be solved. It is required to reestablish basic directions of the institution in consideration of regional conditions. It is important to present clear principles and standards for reorganization of the institution.

      • 농촌관광의 새로운 방향과 정책과제

        박시현(Si-Hyun Park),김용렬(Yong-Ryul Kim),권인혜(In-Hye Kwon),류경선(Kyeong-Seon Ryu) 한국농촌경제연구원 2012 한국농촌경제연구원 기본연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        연구의 배경 1984년 관광농원조성사업이 시작된 지 30년, 2002년 농촌관광 마을사업이 시작된 이래 10년의 세월이 흘렀다. 농촌관광 시장은 확대되었으며 농촌관광 공급주체도 다양해졌다. 도시민의 농촌관광 경험자가 24%를 넘을 만큼 농촌관광은 관광의 한 분야로 자리를 잡았다. 농촌관광 시장이 성숙하게 된 것은 정부의 농촌관광 정책 추진의 성과라 할 수 있다. 하지만 정부의 지나친 개입은 농촌관광의 지속성 유지와 산업화라는 관점에서 바람직하지 않다. 이러한 관점에서 이 연구에서는 농촌관광 수요 동향과 농촌관광 경영체의 경영 실태를 파악하고 정책 방향을 제시하였다. 연구방법 이 연구는 크게 문헌조사, 현장 직접 조사, 설문조사, 전문가 의견 청취 등을 통해 이루어졌다. 농촌관광 개념, 선진국의 농촌관광 특징은 주로 국내외문헌조사를 통해 수행하였다. 농촌관광 수요 동향은 선행 연구에서 수행한 기존의 결과를 참고하되 도시민과 외국인에 대한 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 농촌관광 운영 실태 파악을 위해 문헌조사와 함께 마을조사, 개별경영체 조사를 수행하였다. 전문가 의견 청취는 농촌관광 마을 지도자, 개별경영체 경영자, 관련 단체 종사자, 학교나 연구소의 전문가, 담당공무원을 통해 이루어졌다. 연구결과 및 시사점 농촌관광 시장규모는 2011년 2,884억 원가량 하던 것이 2012년 2,953억 원 수준으로 약간 증가하였다. 이는 국내 관광 시장 규모의 1.4% 수준이다. 한국의 농촌관광 마을을 찾는 외국인은 주로 아시아계로 여행사를 통해 농촌관광을 단체로 경험하고 있다. 이들의 재방문 의사는 상대적으로 낮게 나타났다. 농촌관광 마을에 대한 최근 3년간 방문객과 매출액이 증가하고 있는 마을이 과반수를 차지하고 있어 정부 지원의 마을단위 농촌관광 사업이 어느 정도 정착되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 농촌관광 마을의 80% 이상이 공동시설을 보유하고 있지만 1년 내내 시설물이 가동되는 마을이 있는가 하면 1년에 2~3일 시설물을 사용하고 나머지는 유휴화되는 마을도 상당수 있다. 50% 마을에서 체험 활동 수익으로 시설물 유지 및 관리비를 충당하지 못해 마을기금에서 충당하거나 시·군에서 일부 지원받는 경우도 있다. 관광마을 사업 분위기와 수익금의 주민 배당이 상관관계가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 농어촌민박시장의 경쟁이 악화되고 있어 대부분의 민박 가구에서 매출액과 방문객이 전반적으로 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 시설과 경영 능력이 뛰어난 소수의 전문 펜션과 그렇지 못한 상당수의 농어촌민박 가구 간의 양극화가 심화되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 농어촌민박은 예약 시스템 및 리스크관리가 불충분하며 조직 및 연계 활동도 미흡한 것으로 나타났다. 우리나라의 농촌관광 정책은 일본의 지역 경영형과 유럽의 개별 경영형을 모두 포함하되 양자가 서로 공생하는 전략을 추구해야 한다. 농촌관광 정책은 농촌관광의 지속가능성과 산업화를 지향해야 한다. 이를 위해 농촌관광마을 선정 기준 강화, 농촌관광 마을 운영 조직 개선, 사무장 및 전문 인력지원 제도 개선, 체험마을 평가의 지속적 추진과 인증제 실시, 농어촌민박 가구의 육성, 보험, 온라인 예약 및 결제 시스템 충실, 농촌관광 사업자 단체육성, 외국인 농촌관광 수요 확대 등이 이루어져야 한다. Background of Research This study aims to identify the demand and supply for rural tourism, and make suggestions concerning the policy direction of rural tourism. This study are based on a number of major policy issues, like "What is the market size of rural tourism?" "What is the rural tourism consumers want?" "What should be the policy for rural tourism at the village level?" and "Should individual enterprises be the target of policy support?" Method of Research The chapters in this study cover the following contents: Chapter 1 is the introduction to the study; Chapter 2 provides the definition and scope of rural tourism and examines Korea"s policy trends of rural tourism; Chapter 3 identifies the market size of rural tourism, rural tourism trends of urban residents, and foreign tourists" demand for rural tourism in Korea; Chapter 4 examines the supply side of rural tourism and investigates the management state and problems of rural tourism driven by the government at the village level and the rural tourism driven by individual enterprises; in Chapter 5, the policy direction and tasks needed to reinvigorate rural tourism are set out; and finally in Chapter 6, the summary and conclusion are given. Research Results and Implications In this study rural tourism is defined as a basic concept that is based on the rurality of tourism fulfilled in the bountiful nature. In order to investigate the demand for rural tourism, this study conducted a survey of residents in the six metropolitan cities. According to the survey results, it was found that the total length and times of travel for rural tourism increased sharply in stark contrast to the total length of domestic travel which has declined. The foreigners who visit rural tourism villages are mostly Asians and the Chinese comprise a big portion of the visitors, and these people are group tourists who travel through travel agencies. As for the policy direction of rural tourism, the following suggestions are made: tightening of the criteria for selection of rural tourism villages; improvement of the operating organization; improvement of the manager and expert support system; continued evaluation of tourism villages and implementation of accreditation system; development of rural homes for home stay; implementation of reliable insurance and online reservation-payment system; development of enterprises for rural tourism; overhaul of other support systems; expansion of foreign rural tourists; and development of tour packages and products.

      • 지방 농정 거버넌스 활성화 방안

        마상진(Ma Sang-Jin),권인혜(Kwon In-hye) 한국농촌경제연구원 2014 한국농촌경제연구원 기본연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        이 연구는 기초 지방자치단체의 농정 거버넌스 활성화와 관련한 실태를 진단하고 활성화 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 구체적인 연구 목표는 ① 지방 농정 거버넌스 관련 이론 및 선행 연구 고찰을 바탕으로 한 분석 모형도출, ② 지방 농정 거버넌스 관련 사례지역 조사를 통한 거버넌스의 형성 · 운영 과정 분석 및 성과와 해결과제 도출, ③ 지방 농정 거버넌스를 구성하는 관련 주체들의 거버넌스 실태에 대한 인식 조사 · 분석, ④ 지방 농정거버넌스 활성화 방안 도출 등이었다. 이 연구에서는 문헌 연구, 사례 조사, 설문 조사, 전문가 자문 등의 연구방법을 사용하였다. 문헌 연구를 통해 거버넌스의 개념과 의의 등 거버넌스 관련 이론을 고찰하고, 농정 거버넌스 관련 역사, 농정 거버넌스 관련 문제점 등 한국 농정 거버넌스 실태를 살펴보았다. 사례 조사를 통해 기초지자체 단위 농정 거버넌스 추진의 주요 사례를 분석하고 성과와 해결과제를 파악하였다. 설문 조사를 통해 지방 농정 거버넌스 및 그 영향요인의 활성화 정도, 그리고 관련 주체들의 농정 참여 관련 실태를 분석하였다. 이밖에 연구 과정에서 전문가 회의, 간담회 등을 개최하여 사례 조사 및 설문 조사 진행, 지방 농정 거버넌스 활성화를 위한 기본 방향 설정 및 과제도출 등과 관련하여 자문을 받았다. 연구 결과를 토대로 지방 농정 거버넌스 활성화를 위한 기본 방향과 추진 방안을 제시하였다. 지방 농정 거버넌스는 소수의 농업 관련 전문가나 농업인단체장을 중심으로 정책 설계 과정을 위주로 단편적으로 이루어지는 위원회 중심의 소극적인 방식에서 벗어나, 정책의 설계 · 집행 · 평가의 전과정에서 투명한 자료 공개와 더불어 다양한 계층의 농업인 의견이 반영되도록 하는 적극적인 방식으로 추진하여야 한다. 이를 위한 구체적인 방안으로 지방 농정의 민간 주체 육성, 지자체의 농정 거버넌스 기본체제 구축, 중앙정부의 지방 농정 거버넌스 지원 등이 필요하다. 지방 농정의 민간 주체 육성과 관련하여, 농업인의 정치 참여 의식 및 참여 경험과 농업인단체의 거버넌스 역량을 제고해야 하고, 농업 관련 주체 간 협력 강화 및 타 분야 거버넌스 활동과의 연대가 추진되어야 한다. 지자체의 농정 거버넌스 기본체제 구축과 관련해서는, 주민의 농정 참여 기회 확대와 참여 관련 법적 기반을 마련하고, 공무원에 대한 거버넌스 교육을 강화하고, 거버넌스 전담 조직을 운영하며, 지방 농정 관련 심의기구를 활성화해야 한다. 중앙정부는 지방 농정 거버넌스에 대한 지원과 관련하여 농어업회의소에 대한 홍보를 강화하고 시범사업을 확대 추진하며, 농어업회의소 사무국의 농정관련 전문성 강화를 지원하고, 장기적으로 농어업회의소의 전국 단위 법제화를 추진해야 한다. Research Purpose & Method The purpose of this study was to investigate local agricultural governance and to suggest the activation measures. For the purpose, this study reviewed local governance literature on its constructing and affecting factors and related laws and history in terms of agricultural policy making. This study also carried out case studies of several basic local governments (Shi Gun) where there have been special efforts to organize and operate local governance in pursuit of development of the region, in which the process of the local agricultural governance formation and operation was investigated, and the positive results and challenges were derived. Furthermore, this study conducted a survey of 2,433 local agricultural governance related individuals including farmers, farmer organization members, and local agricultural officials to inquire into their perception of local agricultural governance and their governance participation. Research Result As results of this study, the measures to activate local agricultural governance were suggested. In terms of fostering private actors in local agricultural policy, farmers’ perception of local governance participation and their participation experiences should be elevated, while the farmer groups’ governance capacity, their integral unity and the solidarity with local governance in other sectors should be enhanced. As for basic local government’s fundamental system for operating agricultural governance, the civil participation opportunities should increase and the related legal system needs to be organized. Governance education for local public officials, arrangement of an exclusive organization (or officials) responsible forgovernance related tasks, and activation of a current local agricultural governance-related committee are necessary. Finally, central government should support local agricultural governance activation by means of the chamber of agriculture pilot project expansion as well as the chamber’s executive offices and their staff’s capacity building. In the long term, the chamber of agriculture should be legalized nationwide.

      • KCI등재

        농촌개발사업 참여 주체의 역량 강화 방안

        김정섭 ( Jeong Seop Kim ),권인혜 ( In Hye Kwon ) 한국농촌지도학회 2010 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.17 No.3

        This study aimed to find the way to help participants build capacity in rural development projects, through some case studies and Q-methodology. Decentralization and diffusion of bottom-up approach in rural development projects are the main contextual factors in this study. With the ethos of bottom-up approach in rural development, the human and financial inputs for capacity building increased drastically in the area of rural development policy. Four types of capacity building methods were identified in this study; training, consulting, learning organization, and forum. Theses methods were used more at planning step than implementation step in rural development projects. The government`s effort to strengthen leadership in rural areas should be continued. The existing government`s training program for capacity building had better include more diverse clients. Actions for capacity building should be centered on the needs of the participants in fields. Especially, organizing learning units is very important. Governments` rural development policy should establish the proper process which can help local actors plan their projects with enough time span.

      • 농업 · 농촌정책의 연속성 제고를 위한 농정 추진체계 정비의 방향과 과제

        송미령(Mi-Ryung Song),박준기(Joon-Kee Park),김광선(Kwang-Sun Kim),권인혜(In-Hye Kwon) 한국농촌경제연구원 2013 한국농촌경제연구원 기본연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        There exist some criticisms of agricultural and rural policy in terms of policy continuity that include unexpected policy changes according to replacement of government or minister, discordance among policy factors causing inconsistency, and lack of consistency between central government and local government occurring in the process of policy delivery. The purpose of this study is to find the problems concerning the discontinuity of policy implementation system and to suggest organization directions to improve reliability, efficiency and rationality of the agricultural and rural policy in the view of policy continuity. For this research, we examined relevant laws and policies and performed a literature review concerning the policy implementation conditions with respect to policy continuity or policy consistency. We also carried out interviews with several mayors and local government officials in search of local conditions and problems pertaining to continuity of policy implementation. Analysis about a particular policy case(Agricultural policy) and a project case(New-vitality project) was performed as well. In order to evaluate the present policy conditions and to find clues to seek the improvement directions, we conducted first and second round delphi surveys constituting a professional panel of thirty persons in the agricultural and rural policy field. Lastly, using Q-methodology, we tried to draw several important discourses among the professionals and utilized the analytical result to obtain useful perspectives and to check the research direction. From the results of this study, we suggested organization directions and challenges of agricultural and rural policy for the improvement of policy continuity. The organization directions we propose include; (ⅰ) to simplify the planning system, (ⅱ) to establish a medium or long-term integrated plan which has binding power by means of strengthening the linkage between planning and the budget, (ⅲ) practical constitution and management of committees at each level of government, (ⅳ) to assure that national and local government organizations in charge of agricultural and rural policy maintain responsibilities for a certain period of time, (ⅴ) management of special account, (ⅵ) to expand grants tailored to the particularities of different cases, (ⅶ) to amend the implementation guidelines for agricultural and forestry programs, (ⅷ) to reinforce the evaluation of the outcomes of agricultural and rural policies and the feedback process based on the evaluation results. Policy continuity doesn"t necessarily mean that a certain policy should continue unconditionally. A policy that is out of social and economic validity or that has uncertain outcomes must be revised or terminated. But if a policy is determined based on the right demand and consensus, it is important to organize the implementation system assuring effective and efficient implementation of the policy for a certain period of time. The organization of the system includes modifying the system of laws and plans, reorganizing the organizations responsible for agricultural and rural policy, carrying out budget projects, and allocating effective roles among central government, local government, and private-sector bodies, etc. As the result of those efforts, it would be possible to enhance the policy outcomes and establish policy credibility.

      • 신규모델링 기법 제일원리전산을 이용한 고성능 에너지소재설계

        한병찬 ( Byung Chan Han ),노승효 ( Seung Hyo Noh ),서준교 ( Joon Kyo Seo ),권인혜 ( In Hye Kwon ),서민호 ( Min Ho Seo ) 한국공업화학회 2012 공업화학전망 Vol.15 No.3

        현대 컴퓨터산업의 진보는 제일원리 전산법이 여러 연구개발 분야에 널리 사용되는 길을 열었다. 이 논문에 서는 제일원리 전산법을 이용한 신 재생에너지의 고성능 나노 소재개발 및 디자인 연구사례를 통해 그 기초 원리와 다양한 응용분야 및 실험과의 효율적인 연계성 둥을 소개하고자 한다.

      • 지역개발 의사결정 지원을 위한 지역경제 모형(KREI-REMO) 구축 연구

        박시현(Si-Hyun Park),한석호(Suk-Ho Han),이정민(Jeong-Min Lee),권인혜(In-Hye Kwon) 한국농촌경제연구원 2010 한국농촌경제연구원 기본연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        As local self-governments" authority have been expanded, they have needed policy simulation model on rational decision-making to achieve their goals. To match local self-governments"s rational decision, The main purpose of this study is to build a regional economic model for supporting the decision-making process of local self-governments. In order to build the regional economic model, we first divided local district into 3 sectors, namely urban, urban-rural, and rural district. Each sectors are classified by population, employment, industrial production and local government finance, and each parts are estimated by single behavior equations with panel analysis. To reduce the prediction errors and secure realistic forecasting, KREI regional economic model(KREI-REMO) is constructed in such a way as Dynamic Panel analysis, and also is made up with MS-Excel for easy operation. by so doing, KREI-REMO can perform economic and policy simulation under various conditions. However, this KREI-REMO is the first stage project as a part of local self-governments" decision-making supporting system. For the sake of continued and wide utilization of this model, it is necessary to update model structure, policy simulation tools, and correct parameter"s estimation methods continuously.

      • 지역경쟁력 강화를 위한 기초생활권 종합진단지표 개발과 활용

        송미령(Mi-Ryung Song),김광선(Kwang-Sun Kim),권인혜(In-Hye Kwon),윤병석(Byeong-Seok Yoon) 한국농촌경제연구원 2011 한국농촌경제연구원 정책연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        The purpose of this study is to develop regional indices useful for diagnosing and evaluating conditions and characteristics of 163 Basic Settlement Areas nationwide. These indices are supposed to be utilized as basis for reasonable decision-making in the process of aim-setting of regional development policy, monitoring of policy implementation and evaluation of policy accomplishments. The indices are largely composed of two categories; one is comprehensive index named as ‘Regional Development Index(RDI)’, the other sectoral index such as ‘Living Service Index’, ‘Regional Economy Index’, ‘Space for Relaxation Index’ and ‘Residents’ Vitality Index’. The comprehensive index, namely RDI is drawn from the synthesis of the 4 sectoral indices. Besides the 5 indices mentioned above, we also developed special indices such as ‘Creative Region Index’, ‘Living Convenience Index’ and ‘Green Growth Base Index’ in order to reflect the diagnosis of particular sectors which are expected to gain more importance in the future. To develop regional indices, we constructed databases using official data including 20 variables concerning the sectors of ‘living place’, ‘working place’, ‘relaxing place’ and ‘community place’, which represent primary characteristics of Basic Settlement Areas. As a result of the analysis of distribution of regions according to their RDI ranks, 5 rural municipalities, 28 urban-rural mixed municipalities, 16 urban municipalities fall under the top 30% municipalities. There is tendency to give higher RDI values for the municipalities located adjacent to big cities and municipalities functioning as regional cities or situated near regional cities.

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